单词 | vision |
释义 | vision [英 [?v??n] 美 [?v???n] ] vision的意思、解释 复数形式:visions; vision 基本解释 vision的解释 名词视力,视觉; 美景,绝妙的东西; 幻影; 想像力 及物动词在幻觉中看到; 幻想,想象; 梦见 vision 相关例句 名词 1. vision的反义词 1. She really is a vision. 她真是个美人。 2. He is a man of great vision. 他是位有远见的人。 3. The lady was a lovely vision. 这位贵妇模样儿长得很美。 4. The vision of the table loaded with food made our mouths water. 看见桌上堆满了食物使我们垂涎欲滴。 5. He had a vision of himself as a rich businessman. 他想象自己是一个富有的商人。 vision 网络解释 1. 视力:② (Vision)是美国有物,创刊于l950年11月,主编是美国人巴鲁(William E. Barlow). 有西班牙文版专向拉丁美洲各国销售. 这个刊物是美帝国主义者对拉丁美洲进行新闻侵略的急先锋. 古巴革命胜利后,它对古巴革命攻击不遗余力, 2. vision的意思 2. 影像:我们寻找一个设计,可以体现非洲健康基金会的使命之一就是得到干净的水源是人的基本权利,并且体现Bono的行动主义精神,这个比赛从2006年2月1日到3月1...由8米厘菲林制作到最新的高清科技,ifva与你携手把握概念(Idea),透过画面(Frame)、影像(Vision)和声音(Audio 3. vision:vegf inhibition study in ocular neovascularization; 视力 vision 双语例句 1. But this may be acquired by a vision of today and tomorrow in Shanghai? 但是这可能是后天的一个远景,今天和明天上海怎么办? 2. In order to research on the vision effect of deceleration of road rumble stripes, this thesis reviews the development of road rumble stripes home and abroad, introduces detailedly the varieties, design principles and materials of the general road rumble stripes of domestic and oversears, and does research for the vision effect of road rumble stripes from the aspect of Traffic Psychology and Traffic Engineering. 全文提供:购买充值卡,就可下载本篇论文全文中文摘要:本文为了研究道路减速标线的减速视觉效果,回顾了国内外道路交通标线的发展,详细地介绍了国内外常见的减速标线的种类、设计原则和材料,并从交通心理学和交通工程学的角度对减速标线的视觉效应进行了探讨。 3. 3. If organisms purposely limit their life spans via ageing or semelparous behavior, the associated evolved mechanisms could be very complex just as mechanisms that provide for mentation, vision, digestion, or other biological function are typically very complex. 如果生物体通过老化或终生一胎行为故意地限制其寿命,相关的演化机制可能是非常复杂的;那些规定心理、视力、消化反应过程的机制以及其他的生物学功能通常是非常复杂的。 4. 51AM Our vision is every book, ever printed, in any language... 我们所憧憬的是每一本书,每一份印刷物,每一种语言。。。 5. vision 5. George: I said to Dionne, " Dionne, who is this vision? 乔治∶我问迪翁:迪翁,这个俏影是谁? 6. vision的近义词 6. Quesce c`est vision? 这个俏影是谁? 7. If the cataract is on the outer edge of the lens, no change in vision may be noticeable. 如果白内障长在晶状体的外侧,也许在没有改变视力的时候能发现。 8. Prayer fuels your vision, ignites your vision, and preserves your vision. 祷告可以为你所见之异象添力N激起你的异象N保守你所见的异象。 9. Real estate development on the one hand, brought about by the strategic vision profits, on the other hand, brought about by the development and operation of value-added. 房地产开发一方面,所带来的战略眼光的利润,另一方面,所带来的发展和运作的增值。 10. vision是什么意思 10. When we leave the campus of that a moment, let us look at our path, I believe that we have the feelings. The proud have no to idle away one's time, Have the vision for a bright future! 当我们离开校园的那一刻,再让我们回首看我们走过的路,我相信,我们有的是恋恋不舍的感情;有的是没有虚度年华的自豪;有的是对美好未来的憧憬! 11. vision的意思 11. In our team, our vision is to strive for quality. 在我们的团队中,我们的愿景是为质量而努力。 12. Walking posture from the dust of Yijin, the location of the statue from the design of Block in the end, the old vine on every detail Qingliqingwei Therefore, he Xiaoping Jiongjiongweishen more clearly the vision contained in the expectations. 从行走的姿态到飞扬的衣襟,从雕像的选址到底座的设计,藤老对每一个细节都亲历亲为,因此,他更加清楚小平炯炯有神的目光中包含的期望。 13. Board members with vision and experience can rely on some guideposts to help navigate the way to success. 董事会成员可以利用他们的视野和经验,凭着一些信息,把公司带向通往成功的道路上。 14. Color vision is one of the basic modules of machine vision and color information plays a very important role in the techniques of content-based image retrieve, humancomputer interface, virtual and argument reality. 颜色视觉是机器视觉的基本模块之一,它的重要性随着人机交互、基于内容的图像检索、虚拟及增强现实等领域的兴起而日见呈现。 15. 15. I am not aware of any relationship between vision and FOP. 我还没有观察到视力和FOP有关系。 16. vision的意思 16. When the sun sets, the best removed sunglasses, or we place in low light vision will be affected. 当太阳下山的时候,最好移去太阳眼镜,否则,我们在光线较弱的地方视力都会受到影响。 17. Methods Between October 2003 and July 2008, 12 patients with early bronchial stump fistula were recognized, and underwent CT localization chest drainage and direct vision-assisted thoracoscopic chest drainage techniques. 2003年10月-2008年7月共识别早期支气管残端瘘12例,并应用CT定位置管术和胸腔镜直视置管术进行治疗。 18. Full digital, Chinese vision LCD, Problem diagnose, network control double handle easy open door structure; DSP digital signals processor; CAN general wire technical; RS485 or Device Net communicate connect 特点:全数字化、液晶汉显、故障诊断、网络控制双手把快开门结构;DSP数字信号处理器;CAN现场总线技术;RS485或Device Net通信接口 19. Study on the surface texture is called texture analysis and has important application in the field of computer vision. 对这种表面纹理的研究称为纹理分析。它在计算机视觉领域有着重要的应用。 20. vision的意思 20. It's not the vision Kamen originally had. 这并不是卡门最初的设想。 vision 词典解释 1. 想象;展望 Your vision of a future situation or society is what you imagine or hope it would be like, if things were very different from the way they are now. e.g. I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice... 我希望建立一个没有剥削和不公的社会。 e.g. That's my vision of how the world could be... 那是我对未来世界的想象。 2. 想象;幻想 If you have a vision of someone in a particular situation, you imagine them in that situation, for example because you are worried that it might happen, or hope that it will happen. vision的近义词 e.g. He had a vision of Cheryl, slumped on a plastic chair in the waiting-room... 他想象谢里尔瘫坐在候诊室的一把塑料椅子上。 e.g. Maybe you had visions of being surrounded by happy, smiling children. 也许你曾幻想过被快乐嬉笑的孩子所包围的情景。 3. 幻觉;幻象 A vision is the experience of seeing something that other people cannot see, for example in a religious experience or as a result of madness or taking drugs. e.g. It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision. 1981年6月24日那天,年轻的村民们首次报告说看到了圣母马利亚的幻象。 4. 视力;视觉 Your vision is your ability to see clearly with your eyes. e.g. It causes blindness or serious loss of vision... 这能导致失明或视力严重受损。 e.g. In spite of his otherwise excellent vision, he found he was colour-blind. 尽管他视力很好,他却发现自己是个色盲。 5. 视野 Your vision is everything that you can see from a particular place or position. e.g. Jane blocked Cross's vision and he could see nothing... 简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。 e.g. I saw other indistinct shapes that stayed out of vision. 我看见另有一些模糊的影子晃了一下就不见了。 6. see also: tunnel vision vision 单语例句 1. This is a test on our vision and ability, and it cries out for urgent action. 2. The cultural influence brought about by several thousand years of a feudal land system is still curbing the vision of the Chinese people. 3. World Vision has appealed for help from the public, either by way of direct donations or through the joint campaign with Inventec. 4. So deft were the engineers of the times, and so farsighted was their vision that the canal is in use even today. 5. " The difference in ecclesial vision between Cardinal Mahony and Cardinal George is substantial and broad, " Weigel said. 6. Doctors told Zhang that part of the cataract that had clouded her vision had suddenly disappeared. 7. Perhaps the artist needs a vision of the big tableau and at the same time an acute eye for the snapshots and telling moments. 8. We attribute them to the Party Central Committee's broad vision and correct leadership and to the concerted efforts of the people of all ethnic groups. 9. And the central government promotes the vision of " informationalization boosting industry and vice versa ". 10. Chief Executive Donald Tsang has pledged to develop six new industries, a vision that the Central Government supports. vision 英英释义 noun 1. the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses e.g. popular imagination created a world of demons imagination reveals what the world could be Synonym: imaginationimaginativeness 2. the ability to see the visual faculty Synonym: sightvisual sensevisual modality 3. the perceptual experience of seeing e.g. the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision he had a visual sensation of intense light Synonym: visual sensation 4. a vivid mental image e.g. he had a vision of his own death 5. a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance e.g. he had a vision of the Virgin Mary |
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