单词 | vitriolic |
释义 | vitriolic [英 [?v?tri??l?k] 美 [?v?tri?ɑ:l?k] ] vitriolic的意思、解释 vitriolic 基本解释 形容词硫酸的; 尖刻的,辛辣的 vitriolic 网络解释 1. 1. 刻薄的, 讽刺的:vilify 诽谤, 辱骂, 贬低, 轻视 | vitriolic 刻薄的, 讽刺的 | winkle 好不容易才取得 2. 硫酸的:vitriol-throwing 毁容 | vitriolic 硫酸的 | vitriolize 泼硫酸 3. 3. 硫酸盐的,尖酸刻薄的:Unilateral 一方的,单系的 | Vitriolic 硫酸盐的,尖酸刻薄的 | Pernicious 有害的,致命的 4. 刻薄的:catholic 普遍的 | vitriolic 刻薄的 | academic 学术的,理论的 vitriolic 双语例句 1. By contrast, the public reaction to Mrs. Madoff has been white hot and vitriolic. 相比之下,公众对麦道夫夫人的反应已近白热化并且尖酸刻薄。 2. vitriolic是什么意思 2. When having teacher and student, with the phenomenon with bromine water vitriolic and ferrous oxidation very bright 在进行教学时,用溴水氧化硫酸亚铁的现象很明 3. NOTE: People and nations only rise in vitriolic complaint against Israel when Israel dares to retaliate against murder and destruction! 注:人民和各民族的崛起,只有在硫酸投诉,对以色列的时候,以色列胆敢对打击报复谋杀和破坏! 4. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of good people. 我们这一代人将不能不为坏人的恶语劣行,同时也为好人令人吃惊的沈默感到悔恨。 5. 5. I'm sure it will provoke vitriolic comments from the criminal hacker community. 我相信这只会引起社会的刑事黑客尖刻的评论。 6. Methods: By phenol-vitriolic coloring, determining its content by spectrophotography and analyzing its composition by PC method. 经苯酚-硫酸显色,用分光光度法测定多糖含量;用Pc法检识多糖成分。 7. 7. Based on the analysis and comparison of various methods of mensuration of effective ingredients of indigowoad root, phenol-vitriolic colorimetry has been choosen to be the method of mensuration of amylose in indigowoad root, and standard amylose graph has been made, in which c=22.476A+0.5309, correlation rate r=0.9970; Direct colorimetry has been choosen to be the method of mensuration of indigotin and Indirubin, and based on all above, the maximal absorb wavelenghes of indigotin and Indirubin have been determined through experiment. 在分析比较各种板蓝根有效成分测定方法的基础上,选用苯酚-硫酸比色法作为板蓝根多糖的定量测定方法,作山了多糖的标准曲线:c=22.476A+0.5309,其相关系数r=0.9970;选择直接比色测定法作为靛蓝、靛玉红的测定方法,并在此基础上通过试验确定了靛蓝、靛玉红的最大吸收波长及显色稳定性。 8. Contrast group convention is used local close add use Shi Fu of 50% vitriolic magnesian solution. 对照组常规采用局部封闭加采用50%硫酸镁溶液湿敷。 9. Mao however, is their specialty, and much of their work includes vitriolic visual references to the Chinese leader. 但是毛泽东,是他们的专长,以及他们的许多工作包括对中国领导人尖刻的视觉参考。 10. Largely because people are tired of the kind of angry, vitriolic politics that they see from Washington. 这在很大程度上是因为人们厌倦了他们看到的来自华盛顿的这种愤怒、刻薄的政治。 11. Fortunately for the author, he was soon oblivious of the vitriolic criticism. 幸运的是,就作者而言,他很快就忘了这些辛辣的评论。 12. 12. The debate over climate change is becoming more vitriolic by the week. 有关气候变化的争论正一周周变得更加尖锐。 13. I picked out three of these vitriolic hate mails. 我选出了三封刻薄的 14. vitriolic的近义词 14. He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends. 他对首相发动了强烈的攻击,指控他庇护贪污的朋友。 15. vitriolic 15. Studied sweetgrass aldehyde quite - vitriolic colour developing and sweetgrass aldehyde - perchloric acid colour developing, discovery has good linear concern in the both inside certain limits, with one sample former absorbance is worth bigger, sensitivity is tall. 比较探究了香草醛-硫酸显色和香草醛-高氯酸显色,发现在一定范围内两者都有良好的线性关系,同一样品前者吸光度值较大,灵敏度高。 16. vitriolic是什么意思 16. Some critics take pride in their prejudices, slinging vitriolic barbs at a specific actor or genre with relish. 有些评论家在固执己见的同时还保持着一定的傲慢,挺不是滋味儿地向某个特定的演员或者电影流派亮出他们毒辣的锋芒。 17. Seek a technology, seek fund, do procedure, adjust land, in what press down a government help guiding falls, lie Hu Shan is cindery brickyard, bright and beautiful high mountain a batch of gangue such as brickyard of brickyard, Yun Chuan gangue, waste residue makes bricky item in succession put into production amounts to effect, produce per year gangue brick to make an appointment with 200 million, use up the litter such as gangue more than tons 50, new increase production is worth 5000 more than yuan, managing make a brick use raw coal cement of Donghua of 15 thousand tons of; produces per year 3.1 million tons of cement to produce a course in, use vitriolic broken bits every year 150 thousand tons, gangue 600 thousand tons, fly ash, cindery wait for 580 thousand tons, new increase production is worth on 100 million yuan. 找技术、找资金、办手续、调剂土地,在镇政府的帮助引导下,卧虎山煤渣砖厂、锦岳砖厂、云川煤矸石砖厂等一批煤矸石、废渣制砖项目相继投产达效,年产煤矸石砖约2亿块,消耗煤矸石等废弃物50余万吨,新增产值5 000余万元,节约制砖用原煤1.5万吨;东华水泥年产310万吨水泥生产过程中,每年利用硫酸渣15万吨,煤矸石60万吨,粉煤灰、煤渣等58万吨,新增产值上亿元。 18. Determine of Vitriolic Barium Photometry of Sulfur in Perchloric Sample Containing Low Sulfur 高氯低硫样品中硫的硫酸钡光度法测定重土(氧化钡)一种含钡化合物,如硫酸钡 19. vitriolic 19. The current situation and progress on the applications of vitriolic slag are briefly introduced, some development trends of comprehensive utilization of vitriolic slag such as manufacturing ferric or ferrous salt, ferruginous pigment, magnetic powder are suggested. 简要介绍了硫酸渣的研究现状,提出了利用硫酸渣开发铁盐、铁系颜料、铁基磁粉等,是今后硫酸渣综合利用的发展方向。 20. OBJECTIVE: To establish phenol-vitriolic colorimetry for the assaying of polysaccharides in Torreya yunnanensis. 目的:建立以苯酚-硫酸比色法测定云南榧子中多糖含量的方法。 vitriolic 词典解释 1. (言行)恶意的,刻薄的,尖刻的 If you describe someone's language or behaviour as vitriolic, you disapprove of it because it is full of bitterness and hate, and so causes a lot of distress and pain. vitriolic的意思 e.g. There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago. 两周前一份周日报纸刊登了一篇对他进行尖酸恶毒攻击的文章。 vitriolic 单语例句 1. Some Israeli commentators have compared the current atmosphere to the vitriolic period preceding Rabin's death. 2. That's why I'm having a hard time getting to grips with the vitriolic hatred I see from every Chinese against the national soccer team. 3. While Cheung and Chen seemed to have made amends, vitriolic writer Li Ao appears to be out to make enemies. 4. Mahathir was perhaps at his vitriolic best after currencies and stock prices started tumbling and foreign investors pulled out of Asia in 1997. 5. The sheriff blamed the vitriolic political rhetoric that has consumed the country - much of it occurring in Arizona. 6. For months, the Internet has been filled with vitriolic debate over cultural insensitivity. vitriolic 英英释义 vitriolic什么意思 adj 1. of a substance, especially a strong acid capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action Synonym: causticcorrosiveerosivemordant 2. harsh or corrosive in tone e.g. an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose a barrage of acid comments her acrid remarks make her many enemies bitter words blistering criticism caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics a sulfurous denunciation a vitriolic critique Synonym: acerbacerbicacidacridbitterblisteringcausticsulfuroussulphurousvirulent |
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