单词 | voluntary |
释义 | voluntary [英 [?v?l?ntri] 美 [?vɑ:l?nteri] ] voluntary的意思、解释 复数形式:voluntaries; voluntary 基本解释 形容词志愿的; 自愿的,自发的; 故意的,有意的; [法]无偿的 名词自愿者; 自愿行动; 即兴演奏,自选节目; 自愿地做的工作 voluntary 反义词 voluntary 形容词involuntarycompulsoryaccidental voluntary 相关例句 形容词 1. She was a voluntary helper. 她是自愿帮忙的。 2. She is a voluntary worker at the hospital. 她是在这家医院义务服务的。 3. Mr.Smith did a lot of work for a voluntary organization. 史密斯先生为一民办组织做了很多工作。 4. He made a voluntary statement to the police. 他自动向警方陈述。 voluntary 网络解释 1. voluntary 1. 志愿的:在杨庆堃先生的著述中,佛教既是具有相对独立的组织、义理、仪轨等体系的所谓制度的( institutional)宗教,又是在一定程度上独立于中国传统伦理身份的志愿的( voluntary)宗教(Yang, 1961) . voluntary 双语例句 1. If they can not practice, how the heart to look at other people's wives and daughters were white slavery, even if it is voluntary into prostitution. 如果自己不能身体力行,又怎么忍心看着人家的妻女被逼良为娼,哪怕是自愿为娼。 2. Section 113 further specifies that nothing therein shall diminish the right of any person to bring an action for contribution in the absence of a civil action under section 106 or 107, e. g., after a voluntary settlement. 第113条进一步具体说明,根据第106条或者是107条,在缺少民事诉讼的情况下,例如,在自愿授权之后,不论是谁,只要是为分配提出诉讼,其权力决不许削弱。 3. voluntary 3. According to Obama on his official site, he said: Penny Pritzker was never accused of any wrongdoing nor did she receive compensation in relation to the closing of Superior Bank in 2001, and instead of walking away as millions of homeowners and stockholders suffered, the Pritzker family entered into a voluntary settlement and agreed to pay the government $460 million to defray its losses. 据奥巴马,他官方网站,他说:竹篙普利兹克从来没有被指控任何不法行为,也没有获得补偿,她在有关结束优於银行在2001年,而不是出走,作为以百万计的业主和股东遭受的,普利兹克家族进入了一个自愿性的解决,并同意向政府支付4.6亿美元,以支付其损失。 4. voluntary什么意思 4. Mini-trial: Senior officials of corporate entities in the dispute meet with a neutral advisor and after hearing each party ` s presentation, proceed to develop a voluntary settlement. :初步审理:在纠纷当中,社团法人单位的高级人员与中立的顾问会面,在听取了每一方当事人的陈述后,着手制定一项基于自愿原则的处理办法。 5. The Government has always hoped that the incident early settlement of the debt of Lehman fans, but fans of individual banks and individual debt holders to reach a voluntary settlement is a matter between them, the Government is not involved. 政府一向希望雷曼迷债事件早日解决,但个别银行与个别迷债持有人达成自愿和解,是他们两者之间的事,政府是没有参与其事的。 6. Being a special non—juridical dispute resolution mechanism, administrative ADR is subject to the following fundamental principles:voluntary application, prompt settlement and due process. 作为一种特殊的诉讼外纠纷解决机制,行政性ADR应注意贯彻以下几项基本原则:自愿原则、及时原则、程序公正原则。 7. Client agrees to pay Attorney for his services under this Agreement a sun equal to ——(12)——percent of any monies or property obtained or received by Client as the result of voluntary compromise or other out-of-court settlement; ——(13)—— percent if received after judgment; and ——(14)—— percent if received by Client after a eal. 如结果为自愿或其他形式的庭外调解,客户同意根据本合同规定按客户所获得赔偿款额或财产的——%支付律师服务费;如经判决获赔偿,支付——%;如经上诉后获赔偿,支付——%。 8. However, this will have to be on voluntary basis. 根据具体项目需要,农户可能有资金或劳力的投入,但这需要建立在农户自愿的基础上。 9. voluntary在线翻译 9. What are the objectives by joining the voluntary group of 《Adore Leslie》? 你加入`荣亲家族联盟-Adore Leslie`义工团有什么盼望?? 10. voluntary是什么意思 10. Because restraining competition implies mutually-agreed actions, implicit or explicit, voluntary or involuntary, it implies the existence of contracts. 因为约束竞争含意着互相同意的行为,或暗或明,或自愿或强迫,这就含意着合约的存在。不一定是在市场以市价交易的合约。 11. The voluntary shares are to be paid by those members that choose, and are willing, to pay at least one ton more of standard gold, in addition to the obligated one ton, with no ceiling set as limitation. 义务缴款由所有成员方缴纳,每个成员限缴一吨黄金。自愿缴款由各成员自愿认缴,以一吨黄金为起点,多缴不限。 12. The voluntary shares are to be paid into the account by those members that choose, and are willing, to pay at least one ton more of standard gold, in addition to the obligated one ton, with no ceiling set as limitation. 义务缴款由所有成员方缴纳,每个成员限缴一吨黄金。自愿缴款由各成员自愿认缴,以一吨黄金为起点,多缴不限。 13. The city has established an HIV screening and confirmation centers, three voluntary counseling and testing points, two anti-viral treatment sites, two PMTCT designated hospitals, three women's health center, a group activity with men Center, two needle exchange points, two methadone clinics, an infected child care centers, in addition to mobilizing the community health service centers in 21 AIDS cases as a follow-up unit. 该市建立了1个艾滋病病毒筛查和确证中心、3个自愿咨询检测点、2个抗病毒治疗点、2个母婴阻断定点医院、3个妇康中心、1个男性行为人群活动中心、2个针具交换点、2个美沙酮门诊、1个感染儿童关怀中心,此外还动员了21个社区卫生服务中心作为艾滋病病例随访单位。 14. The leading provider of standards for such offsets, the Voluntary Carbon Standard, based in Washington, DC, is, even now, considering new rules to bring peatland reletting and conservation projects within its ambit. 为这种补偿提供标准的也是其发起者的是总部设在华盛顿的自愿炭信用标准,即使是现在它还在考虑出台新的规则,将泥炭地转租和保护也纳入麾下。 15. voluntary 15. They concluded that mycobacterial infection had occurred in these overly fastidious women due to voluntary suppression of cough. 他们的结论是:分枝杆菌感染总是发生在那些过分讲究的女士,是因为她们总是自主的抑制咳嗽。 16. voluntary的翻译 16. The study finds out that most of the voluntary interpreters are male, with age between 46-60, 90.7% with bachelor degree, and 61.2% are retired workers from public, educational and military sectors. The average time of their participation is between 25 to 36 months. 研究发现,解说志工以男性略多,年龄层以46~60岁为多数,教育程度以专科/大学以上佔90.7%,职业以退休人员和军公教及公民营事业员工为主佔61.2%,参加年资以2年1月? 17. Now, Wang Changkai is at his peak stage of art creation. His persistence and sense of mission made him voluntary in promoting Chinese style oil painting as his unshirkable duty. 目前王昌楷正处于艺术创作高峰期,其执着的艺术追求性格和使命感将使他义不容辞担当起振兴新中国油画的中流砥柱和大旗手。 18. The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance. 小脑脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡注意,注意力集中 19. The tri lobe d structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobe s of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance. 小脑脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡 20. voluntary是什么意思 20. The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemisphere s, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance. 小脑脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡 voluntary 词典解释 1. 自愿的;志愿的;主动的;自发的 Voluntary actions or activities are done because someone chooses to do them and not because they have been forced to do them. e.g. Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French... 一门特别的商务法语选修课引起了大家的关注。 e.g. The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary. 定于下个月开始实施的方案是自愿性质的。 voluntarily I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad. 只有当国外有非常好的工作机会时,我才会主动离开这里。 2. (工作)无偿的,义务性的 Voluntary work is done by people who are not paid for it, but who do it because they want to do it. voluntary的解释 e.g. In her spare time she does voluntary work... 她在业余时间做义工。 e.g. He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis. 他曾在当地的残疾人救助站当过义工。 3. (工作者)志愿的,无偿服务的 A voluntary worker is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. e.g. Apna Arts has achieved more with voluntary workers in three years than most organisations with paid workers have achieved in ten... “我们”艺术中心依靠志愿者在3年内取得的成就超过了大多数雇用受薪员工的机构10年中取得的成绩。 e.g. We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers. 我们完全依靠我们的志愿者。 4. (机构或组织)志愿的,义务性的 A voluntary organization is controlled and organized by the people who have chosen to work for it, often without being paid, rather than receiving help or money from the government. e.g. Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people... 一些当地机构和志愿组织也为残疾人开设了一些工场。 e.g. It has been largely through the voluntary sector that the needs of victims have been met. 受害者的需要主要是通过志愿组织予以满足的。 voluntary 单语例句voluntary的解释 1. The foreign exchange reforms will lead to the establishment of a voluntary system of selling and buying foreign exchange. 2. Charity is a voluntary act arising out of a person's conscience. 3. Canada had already cut down its embassy staff in late January, leaving only core personnel to help a voluntary evacuation of its citizens in Syria. 4. Twelve months of voluntary service may be highly constructive to one's career development in that it enriches experience and enhances resumes. 5. Ling decided to carry on this voluntary work once he realized the difficulties faced by parents with sick children. 6. In order to encourage employees to participate in voluntary blood donation, many work units would give cash compensation as well a short paid holiday to donors. 7. She began her voluntary role in rescuing cats, dogs and other animals from the streets of Beijing a decade ago. 8. Statistics from the Communist Youth League Central Committee recorded 34 million registered volunteers nationwide, who did at least 48 hours of voluntary work by 2011. 9. He was then sent to the city's Baiyun Voluntary Drug Rehabilitation Centre. 10. Yan said the certification and labeling would be voluntary for Chinese manufacturers and the products entitled to certification would be mostly daily necessities. voluntary 英英释义 noun 1. composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance 2. (military) a person who freely enlists for service Synonym: volunteermilitary volunteer adj 1. of your own free will or design done by choice not forced or compelled e.g. man is a voluntary agent participation was voluntary voluntary manslaughter voluntary generosity in times of disaster voluntary social workers a voluntary confession 2. controlled by individual volition e.g. voluntary motions voluntary muscles |
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