单词 | ware |
释义 | ware [英 [we?(r)] 美 [wer] ] ware的意思、解释 复数形式:wares; ware 基本解释 ware的解释 名词制品; 商品; 作…用的器皿; …室的物品 动词小心,留意; 避免 形容词谨慎的; 知道的 ware ware 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. Ware wire! 留心铁丝网! 名词 1. 1. Peddlers cried their wares in the streets. 小贩沿街叫卖货物。 2. ware的解释 2. Delft is a blue-and-white ware. 代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。 3. The store displays its wares in the window. 商店把各种物品陈列在橱窗内。 4. ware是什么意思 4. The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware. 这家店铺出售品种繁多的瓷器。 ware 网络解释 1. ware是什么意思 1. 体:我们常提到所谓的硬件(Hardware)和软件(Software),但这里我想谈一种您绝对没听过的ware,因为是我所独创,是用「心(Heart)」和「体(Ware)」所组成的「Heartware」一字,中文可直译为「心体」. 2. 器皿:漆器 lacquer work | 器皿 ware | 秦始皇陵兵马俑 life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb 3. 制品:wardship 监护 | ware 制品 | warehouse 仓库 ware 双语例句 1. The shape and decoration of the lacquer ware carried on as the Three Kingdoms period, nongovernmental production developed greatly, the color painting of the lacquer ware was improved and increased abundant, the appearance more lay emphasis to appreciate beauty the result, and have this at that time period special ages characteristic. 东晋南朝漆器的形制、装饰手法大致沿袭三国时的作风,蜀郡仍在制作精美的漆工艺品,民间的漆器生产更自由,并有发展与创新,如绿沉漆的出现,夹纻工艺被用于佛教造像,彩绘漆器的绘画题材日益丰富,画面更侧重审美效果,具有这一时期独特的时代特征。 2. ware 2. The hard-ware of major lminor arc welding trackingsliced computer control system and soft ware designing are introduced, the system's tracking regulationprocess is also theortically analyzed. 文中介绍了弧焊跟踪主/从式单片机控制系统的硬件及软件设计,并对系统的跟踪调节作用过程进行理论分析。 3. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the collection market in China has seen all-round recovery, both in collector population and auction records. Calligrapy, paintings, porcelain, jade ware, bronze, coins and philately are all hot objects. Collectibles that appreciate more than 10 times in years are not rare. From CCTV to regional TV Stations, programs on finding valuable collectibles and identifying them are welcomed by audience. Collection is all fashion in China almost overnight. 伴随着中国经济的快速发展,中国的收藏市场全面复苏,集藏人数激增,具有悠久历史的字画、瓷器、玉器、青铜器、钱币、邮品走俏市场,拍卖行的拍卖纪录不断刷新,几年间增值十倍的收藏品比比皆是;从央视到地方台的寻宝、鉴宝类电视节目开始热播……收藏,几乎在一夜之间红遍了全国。 4. For example, the Ge Kiln in Zhejiang Province produces a kind of crackle ware, and the Ding Kiln in Hebei Province produces a white glaze one. 例如,浙江哥窑生产一种裂纹釉瓷,河北的定窑生产一种白釉瓷。 5. A: Yes, madam. As far as I know, ceramics can be classified into two categories: one is porcelain which includes celadon, white porcelain, egg-shell porcelain, crackle ware, etc., and the other is pottery, including painted pottery, glazed pottery, brown earth, etc. 是的,夫人。据我所知,陶瓷可分为两大类:一类是瓷器,包括青瓷,白瓷,薄胎瓷,裂纹釉瓷等;另一类是陶器,包括彩陶,釉陶,紫砂陶等。 6. Established in 2002, Tongxiang Trade offer all his effort to sports ware trading and exploitation. 成立于2002年,桐乡市贸易提供他的所有努力,体育瓷器贸易和剥削。 7. Introduction was made to a type of automobile relay control system with CAN bus control module. The hardware and soft-ware design were discussed in detail. 摘 要:介绍了一种带有 CAN 总线控制模块的汽车继电器控制系统的研制,叙述了该系统的硬件与软件设计。 8. ware的解释 8. Tang potteries, the black, white, green, brown, yellow, tea foam, flower WARE, green color and 唐代烧制了黑、白、青、褐、黄、茶叶沫、花釉瓷,及白釉绿彩、白釉褐彩、素胎黑花、青釉下绘白彩等彩绘瓷。 9. According to the development of rubber ware used for vibration damping and noise elimination, the latent applications of aramid fiberin those products are discussed in detail. 论述了橡胶制品用骨架材料芳纶纤维的发展、结构及其性能,并结合橡胶减振消声制品的发展,阐述了芳纶纤维在该类产品中的潜在应用前景 10. Once a year's the boxing day was coming, I got up early and walked with Rhyno at Ringwood lake, we saw the two men who met two days ago were fishing again, after breakfast, we went shopping to Eastland shopping centre, kid's dad promised us that he would go but finally he broke the promise due to he would like to escape from spent all of his money for the 50% off clothing and home ware items. 每 年一次的礼品盒节来临的时候,我起床早,晨运走路rhyno在Ringwood的湖上,我们看到两名男子在会见前两天被捕捞,早餐后,我们去购物,伊斯特兰德购物中心,孩子的父亲答应给我们他将前往,但最后,他打破了承诺,是因为他想逃离花光了所有的钱,为50折,服装和家庭用品的项目。 11. The name in which we will be using on the product is Shabazz Ware and the style and trademark will be sent later. 这句话很混乱,不知道你的客人是哪个国家的?产品上我们公司要打印的名字是Shabazz Ware,至于字体和商标将随后告知。 12. ware是什么意思 12. The company is one of the largest and the most professional manufacturers of sanitary ware in China. 是一家集设计,研发和生产于一体的专业高档浴室家具生产企业。 13. Is a professional manufacturer of sanitary ware products in small and medium enterprises. 是一家专业生产洁具产品的中小型企业。 14. ware什么意思 14. Be it kitchen ware or an electronic personal care product or planners and communicators, all come under this category of gifts. 你可以送给她厨房用具或个人电子产品或通讯工具,这些都属于可以帮助到母亲的礼物。 15. Space databaseiscontrolled with Mapinfo ofdesktopsoftware GISbased on Win95. Attribute data is controlled with software Access. Through integrated soft ware, establishmentand administrationofdatabaseofland useandsurveyinformation of37townsof thecounty underling are achieved. And then a serious ofinformations`inquire, retrieve, statistical analyzation ofattribute data, thematic map Making, dyn... 该系统采用基于Win95 环境的桌面GIS软件Mapinfo 管理空间地图数据库,用ACCESS数据库格式管理属性数据,通过软件集成实现对下属37 个乡镇的土地利用详查资料的建库管理,在此基础上实现了土地利用现状、规划、基本农田保护等一系列信息的查询、检索、属性数据统计分析、专题图制作及土地变更动态管理、统计功能。 16. From then on, esp. after Han dynasty, jade ware turned out the household works of art and ornaments while the main-stream function of ritual value was gradually abandoned 特别是在汉代之后,玉器逐渐丧失其礼仪功能的主流价值,转化成为生活化的艺术品与装饰品。 17. Elodea Sanitary Ware Factory is a professional engaged in the development, design, production and sanitary ware products supporting the professionalization of enterprises. 伊乐卫浴洁具厂是一间专业从事开发、设计、生产卫浴和洁具配套产品的专业化企业。 18. When you enter the lobby of height 9.2 meters, dotted artwork will let you go to the fairyland, All-metal artistic cello sculpture, precious wood artistic device, red copper material front desk artistic background wall, rich Hunan culture's lacquer ware, and bronze treasure, the great work of Chinese artists and world famous paintings handed down from ancient times, let you get drunk and forget tired! 步入挑高9.2米的酒店大堂,星罗棋布的艺术品定会将您引入一个奢华而艺术的人间仙境:全金属低音大提琴抽象雕塑、珍贵名木艺术装置、尊贵紫铜材质前台艺术背景墙、极具湖湘文化的臻品漆器、散发吴越文化的青铜珍品、中国艺术名家巨作及世界传世名画让人沉醉流连,脱俗忘倦! 19. ware 19. We'd like? to cover the porcelain ware against Bll Risks. 我们想为这批瓷器投保综合险。 20. 20. In this highly ornamental ware the flaws of the material don`t show, and you can cover up a blow-hole or the like by wreaths and beadings. 这把银勺精雕细琢,花纹和小珠镶边能遮掩气泡之类的小缺陷,我们就看不出材质的好坏。 ware 单语例句 1. People buy porcelain ware at the trade fair in Turkish capital Ankara. 2. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares. 3. Two permanent exhibitions featuring bronze ware and Buddhist statues opened at the National Museum of China recently. 4. It is generally believed that rhyton ware was influenced by Chinese white spirit culture and drinking cups when it was introduced to China. 5. The combination of rhyton ware and cups gave birth to the Animal Head Agate Vessel. 6. A drawing inscribed on a piece of gold ware shows a man on his knees carrying an elephant tusk on his back. 7. Each picture is of a sculpture, painting or jade ware bearing ancient erotica. 8. With no extra charge, the specially ordered sanitary ware is delivered within 15 days. 9. The fine bronze ware and pottery are evidence of the city's past glory. 10. Zhu said bronze ware objects may have been too rare to be buried as funerary objects. ware 英英释义 noun 1. commodities offered for sale e.g. good business depends on having good merchandise that store offers a variety of products Synonym: merchandiseproduct 2. articles of the same kind or material usually used in combination: `silverware', `software' ware verb 1. spend extravagantly e.g. waste not, want not Synonym: consumesquanderwaste |
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