单词 | push for |
释义 | push for [英 [pu? f?:] 美 [p?? f?r] ] push for的意思、解释 push for 基本解释 急切、强烈地要求, 为…奋力争取 push for的解释 push for 情景对话 销售商务会谈 push for A:Im sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. 很遗憾你们报的价格太高,如果按这种价格买进,我方实在难以推销。 B:well, if you take quality into consideration, you wont think our price is too high. 如果你考虑一下质量,你就不会觉得我们的价格太高了。 push for的意思 A:Lets meet each other half way. 那咱们就各让一步吧。 push for 双语例句 1. It is a big advantage for us and that`s where we`ll find our push. 这对我们来说是很大的优势,这就是我们动力的来源。 2. Auxiliary products: HSY-512-升column, HH1-2吨-back with, HH2-2吨-back with, YT4-6 manually push running device, YT4-8 manually push running device, YQ-100 liquid Pressure pushing for all kinds of fuel tanks and wandering all kinds of coal Accessories. 辅机产品有:HSY-512升柱器、HH1-2吨回柱器、HH2-2吨回柱器、YT4-6手动推溜器、YT4-8手动推溜器、YQ-100液压推溜器各种油缸及各种煤机配件。 3. push for 3. Originally, he had planned to begin selling the Eclipse 500 in 2004, but the Michigan-based company Eclipse had contracted with to provide the engines for the aircraft failed to deliver as promised. the engines the company supplied failed safety and durability standards in short test flights, forcing Raburn to cancal the contract and to push back the delivery date of the company`s first jets by two years. 最初,他计划在2004年开始销售Eclipse 500根据上下文应该是喷气式飞机的型号),但是位于密歇根州的飞机发动机制造商Eclipse未能按照合同的约定标准进行送货。在短距离飞行测试中,他们提供的发动机在安全性和耐久性方面都达不到要求,这迫使Raburn取消了与这家公司的合同并将公司喷气式飞机面市的时间推迟了两年。 4. This is the call button, if you need us for anything, please push it. 这是呼唤铃,如果需要我们帮忙,请按一下。 5. St. Petersburg, Fla., for example, has installed motion detectors at some crossings where there are no traffic signals; when a pedestrian approaches, a squawkbox urges him or her to push a button before crossing, triggering high-intensity flashing lights that drivers can see some distance from the intersection. 例如,佛罗里达州St。Petersburg市在一些没有交通信号灯的交叉路口安装了动作感应器;当有行人接近;喇叭会提醒人们在穿越前先按一个按钮;从而会触发高亮度的闪光灯;司机在离交叉口距离处便能看见。 6. Experiment result proved, relative to complicated structure and high request for laying wiring of ZVS series resonant full-bridges, push-pull class-E amplifier is expected more suited for high frequency high-power output ability relatively, which is suitable for popularizing. 实验证明,相对于结构复杂,布线要求较高的全桥串联谐振逆变器,推挽式双E类放大器具有更高频率和较大功率的输出能力,适于推广一。 7. It is necessary for us to sundy and draw in experiences of other countries and push Chinese vocational edueation forward. 而学习和借鉴国外的先进经验,对推动我国职业教育是十分必要的 8. push for的翻译 8. Education laws for The United States college increasing of finance about the student aid, diversification of the student aid, extending student education access opportunity to college scholarship system to push an academic construction and development. 从教育法规对美国高校学生资助的教育经费投入增添、资助方式多元化,扩铺不同阶层学生接受教育的机遇、奖学金轨制推入学科的建设和发铺几个方面加以阐述学生资助教育法规的实行后果。 9. For powder product, set the tester for 300 taps and push the start key. 对于粉末状产品,将测试器振动频率调至300,并且开动 5。 10. Therefore, it`s very important to generalize the new GINA (The Global Initiative for Asthma)strategy on carrying out the management and prevention of asthma, which should help to push the normalization of the management and prevention of asthma in our country. 因此,分析支气管哮喘在社会经济等方面的影响因素,为推广GINA贯彻哮喘防治新策略,推动我国哮喘防治的规范化具有十分重要的作用。关键词:支气管哮喘;经济;社会;防治作者简介:杜爱萍,女,主任医师,研究员,襄樊职业技术学院工作质量督察处处长 11. Some people push weaning early so they can get the mom back in shape for the show ring. 一些人倾向早点断奶——这样的话,可以有利于母犬体形的恢复,达到犬展的要求。 12. These phenomenon formed some hinderance in the construction of the world free trade frame and the successful push of trade liberalization, especially not good for the developing countries development in the world economy. 这些现象的出现,对全球自由贸易框架的构建和贸易自由化的顺利推进构成了一定的阻碍,尤其不利于发展中国家在全球经济一体化下经济的发展。 13. This paper proposes a Zero-Voltage-Switching Dual Switch Push-Pull DC/DC Transformer for high input voltage applications. 提出了一种适用于高压输入的零电压开关双管推挽直流变压器。 14. Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide. 饥不择食的我们点了综合火锅,作怀不乱的爸爸当头棒喝先发制人,请求为虎作伥拿着刀子班门弄斧的女服务生,快点将狡兔死走狗烹,因为尸位素餐的我们一家子早就添油加醋完毕,就等着火锅赶快沈鱼落雁好问鼎中原,可惜锅盖太小,有点欲盖弥汤料沸腾后,热得乐不思蜀的我们赶紧解衣推食好大义灭亲上下其手,一网打尽捞个水落石出。 15. With traditional C. P. R. CPR, you push hard on the chest thirty times, then stop to give two breath for forth * breaths to force air into the lungs. 用传统的CPR,你用力推30下胸部,然后停下来,将空气吹入肺部。 16. Responsible to manage all the quality compaints and push internal Depts to take improvement actions, negotiate with customer about the major quality issues and compensation, responsible for the customer visit/audit. 负责统筹各项客诉工作,推动厂内进行品质改善,针对重大品质问题及赔款与客恰谈,负责客户访厂,稽查。 17. push for的反义词 17. Push-button switch located on the front panel for 1 second. 第一种是按动前面板按钮1 秒钟。 18. 18. Calibration gas values can be changed without opening the SEC 2000 housing, using the magnetic push-button switch for calibration. 校准气值是可以改变的,没有开放证券交易委员会2000年的房屋,用磁性按键式开关校准。 19. Thank you for your efforts to push the sale of our product in your country. 谢谢您尽心为我们在您的国家推销我们的货物。 20. TRUMP`s solemn expression_r, the door of the bordroom is closed, there are two elevators there, one is upward for the survivers weho are going to enjoy their luxurious life and the other one for the eliminated one who is gonna say goodbye to this place and go back home, the later one push his luggage case into the elevater and go downstair, there a yellow taxi is waiting, then the car goes, with one of the competiters, the brown door upstairs is open, then shut down, that`s the things that happened, tommorrow it gonna be go on and who is going to get out? 然后就是 TRUMP 严肃的表情,以及会议室的门被关上,然后,有两个电梯,没有出局的人,推着自己的行李箱走进向上的电梯,客气的话会跟出局的那个打个招呼,然后门关上,出局者等着其他人上去后,拉着自己的行李箱走进向下的电梯,然后镜头切换到楼下的门,门打开,街上的纽约公司的 TAXI 开走,带走了一个竞争者,楼上的棕色的门被拉开,然后关上,这就是这一天的事情,明天还要重复,明天谁将会被淘汰? push for 单语例句 1. Gains have been mainly due to Nokia's push into the rural market, where many people buy handsets for the first time. 2. Teachers push students to master technical showpieces by rote to impress judges at nationwide competitions that serve as entrance exams for top schools. 3. Bernanke said rising oil prices presented a " very tough call " for central bankers, because energy price gains not only slow growth but push up inflation. 4. She called for China's support to push forward the Doha process. 5. The central bank said another factor for inflation is rising salaries, which will push up overall price levels. 6. The MOC will also push for an investment promotion organization in Germany and support establishing a chamber of commerce for Chinese enterprises in Germany. 7. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Wednesday for international bodies to develop common standards in social and environmental policy and push ahead with trade liberalisation. 8. It is not in China's interest to push too hard or quickly for a change from the dollar as a global reserve currency. 9. This trend is expected to fundamentally change mankind's way of life, as well as push for world economic development. 10. There's no way she could push children that hard, for one. |
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