单词 | put into effect |
释义 | put into effect [英 [put ??ntu? i?fekt] 美 [p?t ??ntu ??f?kt] ] put into effect的意思、解释 put into effect 基本解释 put into effect什么意思 实施; 实行; 使生效; 实现 put into effect 网络解释 1. 实施;使生效:piece together拼合 | put into effect实施;使生效 | put into operation实施;使生效 2. put into effect 2. 生效:put into effect生效 | get out of control失控 | come to a conclusion得出结论 3. 实施:24.put in 花费,付出 | 25.put into effect 实施 | 26.put into operation实施 put into effect 双语例句 1. Finally they put the policy of land to the tillers into effect. 最后他们实行了耕者有其田的政策。 2. Abolish the system of feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers 一旦获得了满意的润滑系统,相互作用的元件的硬度就成为紧要之事。 3. 3. And he emphasize project management is not done once for all, but alse needs contionous improvement and promotion. The help of the colleagues from departments of our company contributes to the succes of project. The result with their help can be put into effect, rather than superficia success. 同时也指出,软件项目管理是一个不断实践不断提高的过程,不可能一蹴而就,需要来自公司自上而下的全力配合,共同提高,才能使项目管理不停留在表面,达到应用实效。 4. 4. Article 14 The State put into effect a system guaranteeing the complete purchase of electricity generated from renewable energies. 第十四条国家实行可再生能源发电全额保障性收购制度。 5. If a planeswalker's loyalty is 0, it's put into its owner's graveyard as a state-based effect. 若某个旅法师的忠诚度为0,它会因依状态而生效应而被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。 6. 6. On the base of theory research, the writer have make wide and deep practice, directed and completed a realization of OIS which has part characters of MOIS, and now this system has been put into using in China Academy of Railway Science, and the effect is very well. 依据上述理论研究的成果,作者进行了广泛、深入的系统实践,主持完成了具有部分MOIS特征的办公信息系统的研制工作,该系统已在中国铁道科学研究院全面实施,并取得较好的应用效果。 7. 7. How would you suggest to the prisident that your recommendations be put into effect? 你将如何向总裁说明你的建议是有效的? 8. The policy of land to the tillers was finally put into effect. 最后实行了耕者有其田的政策。 9. So as to be given the respect by their family, and then keep and put the respect of the first person who responses for the family education into effect. 的确,许多子女受家庭影响,子承父业、光前裕后,成为父母一样的人或父母期望的人,而也有相当多的子女没有实现父母的梦想,没有到达父母的期望值,甚至走向父母愿望的反面。 10. Regarding the environment facility, the implement and teaching of resource recycling can be put into effect. Water Permeable pavement benefit can be strengthened to meet schools` need, zoological pool can be the best place for students and teachers, leaves compost has got effect in solving rubbish and teaching, frowziness, glare, echo have been improved to satisfactory result in inside environment. 环境设施面」部分,资源回收再利用实施执行过程及教学可达具体成效、透水性铺面效益显著既有校园需求大可加强辅导推广、生态景观水池成为教学及学生课余最佳场所、落叶堆肥设施在解决垃圾量及教学上已有具体成效、室内环境方面在实施闷热、眩光、回音改善可达满意效果。 11. put into effect的意思 11. Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind. 天才是将想法付诸实践的能力。 12. Waldes immediately put into effect the counsel of the Divine Master. waldes立即付诸实施,律师的神圣的主人。 13. 13. From the analysis of the crux of the multi-partism of capitalist countries in this paper, the grounds that the parties-cooperation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, instead of multi-partism, must be put into effect has been discussed, in order to raise our capacity to resi... 本文试从分析资本主义国家多党制的实质出发,探讨在中国不能搞多党制而必须实行共产党领导下的多党合作制的缘由,以期增强我们抵制资产阶级自由化思想影响的能力,并提高维护共产党领导下的多党合作政治制度的自觉性。 14. This thesis mainly presents portfolio and task-based learning projects, and how to put them into effect. 然后,本章对近一年来的实验结果进行了统计与分析,证明了在中学英语课堂教学中实施形成性评价很有成效。 15. put into effect的意思 15. Aimed at the complexity of fluvial strata, such measures as well cyclical comparison, step control and geological analysis of reference beds have been applied. Moreover the paper has developed a set of methods the techniques to extract the parameters controlling the formation of intra-sandbody thin interbeds. The present study has examined how thin interbeds affect the frame property and heterogeneity of individual sandbodies; revealed the permeability space distribution mode of meandering distributary channel`s single side lithosomic body and straight distributary channel`s aggrading lithosomic body. Through applying the distributary channel sandbody structural unit classifying and identifying method achievement, some horizontal wells have been deployed to dig the residual oil in the top of hick pay zone in the xing8-9 area, which shows better effect after they have been put into production. 针对分流河流砂体沉积特点采用了旋回对比、分级控制、不同相带区别对待的单油层对比方法;利用取心井、对子井等资料研究形成了分流河道砂体内部结构单元的倾角、倾向、规模等参数的提取方法;搞清了内部结构单元对单一砂体内非均质性的控制作用,建立了分流平原相单一点坝侧积体及顺直型分流河道单一加积体层内渗透率分布模式及剩余油分布模式,应用分流河道砂体结构单元划分方法识别研究成果,在杏树岗油田杏八九区纯油区部署了水平井,投产后见到了较好的厚油层顶部剩余油挖潜效果。 16. put into effect的近义词 16. The following work is completed in this paper. Analyzing the types and affecting factors of the floor water invasion, this paper makes certain of the reason of the water invasion in the floor. This paper applies the fracture mechanics theory, the elastic-plasticity theory and the finite element method to resolve the damage depth, the transferring character of the stress and the utmost pressure of water invasion in the floor of the water-resisting layer in the coal seam with the complex effect of the mining pressure and the water pressure in the floor water-resisting layers. In addition, the resolution is put into the extract project of the 3629 working face in Zhu zhuang Coal mine forecasting the water invasion in the floor which plays an important guiding role in mining this working face safely. 本文主要开展了如下几个方面的工作:分析底板突水类型及影响因素,确定底板突水的原因;运用断裂力学理论、弹塑性理论及有限元方法解析煤层底板隔水层在采动矿压及底板含水层水压的复合作用下的破坏深度、应力传播特征、底板突水极限压力,并将解析解应用于朱庄煤矿3629工作面底板突水预测的实际工程中,对该面实现安全回采起到了重要指导作用;利用相似材料模型及大型有限元软件对煤层底板岩层应力分布规律和底板移动破坏特征进行了模拟,分析了煤层底板突水的机理及底板岩层的突水破坏规律。 17. Whether or not the Lender shall have made such entry or taken possession as aforesaid) sell, assign, call in, collect and convert into money the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein subject to any prior estates, interest and rights to which the Property is subject, but free from this Legal Charge/Mortgage and all other estates, interests, tenancies and rights to which this Legal Charge/Mortgage has priority with full power to sell the same either together or in parcels and either by public auction or tender or private contract or partly by public auction or tender and partly by private contract and with such stipulations as to title or evidence of commencement of title or otherwise as the Lender shall think expedient and either for a lump sum or for a sum to be paid by instalments or for a sum on account and subject to a mortgage or other security for the balance and with full power to give any option to purchase the same or to buy in or rescind or vary any contract of sale of the same and to re-sell the same without being responsible for any loss which may be occasioned thereby with power for the Lender to enter into a Deed of Mutual Covenant or Sub-Deed of Mutual Covenant or Supplemental Deed of Mutual Covenant and/or Management Agreement and/or any other documents of a similar nature or grant any rights easements or privileges as the Lender shall in its absolute discretion think fit and with full power to compromise and effect compositions, and for the purposes aforesaid or any of them to execute and do all such assurances and things as the Lender shall think fit, PROVIDED HOWEVER that where the event of default relates to the payment of any moneys payable hereunder no such sale, assignment, calling in, collection or conversion into money shall be put into effect until the Lender shall first have made a demand for payment of such moneys to the Borrower and default shall have been made in payment thereof for a period of one calendar month 8.2.7 (不论贷款人已否如前述般进入物业或取得物业管有权)在下述条件下将物业或其任何部份出售、转让、收回、收取及折现:受限於物业原先已受其限制的产业权,权益及权利,但不受本法律押记/按揭影响,亦不受所有其他排在本法律押记/按揭之后的产业权、权益、租约及权利影响。全权以公开拍卖、投标或私人合约,或部份以公开拍卖或投标、部份以私人合约的形式,并根据贷款人就业权、业权开始的证据或其他事项认为适当的规定出售物业或其任何部份,而售价可整笔付款或分期付款,或部份款额入账而余额以按揭或其他抵押支付;全权给予认购权或买入、撤销或更改有关物业或其任何部份的售卖合约,并将物业或其任何部份再出售而无须为因此而引致的任何损失负责。贷款人并有权订立公契、公契分契或补充公契及/或管理协议及/或任何其他性质相若的文件,或授予任何按贷款人的绝对酌情权认为合适的权利、地役权或特权;全权作出妥协与达成债务重整协议,并为上述所有或任何目的签立及作出贷款人认为适当的转易与事情。但如失责事件涉及本契据须付的任何付款,则不得进行上述出售、转让、收回、收取或折现,直至贷款人先向借款人提出付款要求而上述款项欠付达一个公历月为止。 18. The main body of a book is introduced mainly commonness that the file is aware of being people strengthens, a most notable reformation rack cabinet of archives work warehouse broad is put into use, have the effect making use of broadly and keep secret working as well as the file data in Song Dynasty. 本文主要介绍的就是人们档案意识的普遍增强;宋代档案工作的一个最显著的改革——架阁库的广泛使用;以及档案资料得到的广泛有效的利用及保密工作。 19. put into effect的翻译 19. Detail one: On a few plants are put beside computer, fabulous cacti absorbs radiation effectively, but can plunge into a person, and have do not have the effect to also do not have scientific basis, recommending; to want only actually is greenery OK, the plant can make you much nod oxygen, retain have one's head screwed on the right way. 细节一:在电脑旁放上几盆植物,传说仙人掌可以有效地吸收辐射,但是会扎到人,而且有没效果也没科学根据,不推荐;其实只要是绿色植物就可以,植物可以让你多点氧气,保持头脑清醒。 20. Usage: Be to reach much better effect. may close 3 drop of tea tree, put into use disappear essnece. 使用方法:为达到更好效果,可合3滴茶树,消失精华液使用。 put into effect 单语例句put into effect 1. The administration has officially issued a notice to a restaurant in southwestern China, which put the order into effect. 2. To solve the difficulties of all poor students, a new comprehensive aid policy is gradually being put into effect. 3. A big problem with Beijing's previous ban on firecrackers was that there was little meaningful consultation with the public before it was put into effect. 4. The strategy is to be published and put into effect early next year, according to the sources. 5. If put into effect, this would rule out any chance for them to return home for family reunion. 6. BEIJING - China's landmark Property Law that provides equal protection to both state and private properties was put into effect on Monday. 7. China's landmark Property Law that provides equal protection to both State and private properties was put into effect on Monday. 8. If the revised bills were put into effect, grey zones in the existent legislations would be made clear. 9. Good policies can be formulated and put into effect only if these theories take real life into account. 10. Despite the proven effect of green tea polyphenols to fight cancer, he said EGCG could not be put into drugs yet. |
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