单词 | put out |
释义 | put out [英 [put aut] 美 [p?t a?t] ] put out的意思、解释 put out 基本解释 put out的反义词 扑灭; 伸出; 生产; 出版 put out 相关例句 ph. 1. It's dangerous to put out your hand now. 现在你把手伸出去是危险的。 2. put out 2. Put out the fire before going to bed. 睡觉之前先熄掉炉火。 3. We felt put out by the guest's incessant requests. 客人不断的要求令我们觉得受打扰。 4. Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over. 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。 put out 情景对话 在旅馆 A:Good morning, sir. Sorry to disturb you. May I make up the room now? 早晨好,先生。对不起打搅您了,我可以收拾房间吗? B:Yes, please. We’re on our way out so we put the “make up” sign on. Could you bring us some towels and hangers? 可以。我们快要外出了,所以才挂上“请勿打搅”的牌子。你能多拿些毛巾和和衣架上来给我们吗? A:No problem, sir. Everything will be ready when you come back. 没问题,先生。您回来的时候,一切会准备好。 Making a list-(购物清单) B:Let’s try to get out of the supemp3arket quickly. 我们快点离开超市吧。 A:Yeah. I hate spending all day in there, too. 是呀,我也讨厌一整天呆在里面。 B:What do we need? Let’s make a list. 我们需要什么? 列一张单据吧。 A:We need milk, eggs, butter, coffee, vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese, and some snacks. 要买牛奶、鸡蛋、黄油、咖啡、蔬菜、水果、面包、奶酪和一些零食。 B:I want some pickles, oh, and we’re out of flour. Put that on the list, too. 我要买一些泡菜。噢,没有面粉了,把这个也加上。 A:Anything else? 还要其他的吗? B:Not that I can think of. Wait a second, we’re out of breakfast cereal. I think corn flakes are on sale. Get those. 还没有想到。等等,早餐的麦片也没有了。玉米片正打折出售,你去买那种吧。 put out的近义词 A:No, you get those. I’ll go and get the fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, and eggs, you get the rest. 不了,你去买吧。我去买水果、蔬菜、牛奶、黄油和鸡蛋,其他的你买。 put out 网络解释 1. put out的解释 1. 扑灭:势必扑灭(put out)与艺术毫不相干的没完没了的彼此怨恨(resent)、白活(orate)和责骂. ... 2. put out是什么意思 2. 伸出:put on 穿; 戴上;上演 | put out 伸出 | put up 举起; 挂起 3. put out:po.; 杀出局 put out 双语例句 1. If I put you at a later spot, would that work out? 如果我把时间往后推点呢? 2. The telephone station was put out of commission by the storm. 暴风雨使电话局的工作中断了。 3. Suddenly he put on the brake and jumped out. 猛然间他停住了,跳了下来。 4. The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember. Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis. 音乐会那天晚上,妈妈戴上了亮闪闪的耳环,精心打扮一番;爸爸也早早下班回家,穿上西装,系上领带,头上抹了瓦特里斯,油亮亮的。 5. Boxer saw them coming and put out his great hoof, caught a dog in mid-air, and pinned him to t he ground. 鲍克瑟看到他们来了,就伸出巨掌,在半空中逮住一条狗,把他踩在地上。 6. put out 6. Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here? 的是因为这么多茶叶,东西放在这里? 7. put out的解释 7. So many tea-things are put out here. 这里放了那么多茶具。 8. put out的反义词 8. Careless people foeget to put out their barbecues fier. Thoughtless people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere. 粗心的人总会忘了扑灭他们的烧烤的火,做实欠考虑的人把向烟头扔得到处都是。。 9. 9. On the basis of analyzing and studying on the former test results of hoist load of reverse tainter valve which is the main type of valves for navigation locks, a large scale (1:16) physical model for YinPan lock culvert valve has been built. Through the steady and unsteady flow experiments, structure of the acting flow on the valve has...更多been observed and analyzed in detail. It has been found that the valve's net hydrodynamic hoist load can be composed of two parts, one is the acting force result from water in culvert and the other result from the descending and rising flow in valve well. Furtherly the formula of the net hydrodynamic hoist load has been put forward by theoretic analysis, and the calculation results has been proved to be agreed well with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the factors affecting the net hydrodynamic hoist load and their changing laws have been further studied. The further research direction is also been pointed out. 在大量分析研究前人有关船闸主要门型—反向弧形门启闭力试验成果的基础上,建立了大比尺的输水阀门物理模型,通过恒定流和非恒定流试验,对作用在阀门上的水流结构形态进行了详细的观察和分析,认为阀门的净动水启闭力构成可以分为两大部分,即廊道水流对门体的作用力和门井下降或上升水流的作用力,并通过理论分析得到了由这两部分作用力构成的净动水启闭力计算公式,与试验结果吻合较好,同时还对影响阀门净动水启闭力的各种因素及其变化规律进行了进一步探讨,并指出了需深入研究的方向。 10. put out 10. Be aimed at above problem, national fishery management department put forward those who build fisher to discard as useless the basic conception with buy out system. 针对以上问题,国家渔业治理部门提出了建立渔船的报废与赎买制度的基本构想。 11. Placing a cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke hurriedly and put out the light. 他叼起一支烟,划了根火柴,匆匆吸了一口,掐灭了火。 12. put out 12. Placing a cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhale d the smoke hurriedly and put out the light. 他叼起一支烟,划了根火柴,匆匆吸了一口,掐灭了火。 13. put out 13. The next time you go to ride, put a peppermint in water. Take it out and rub the peppermint on their bit. 当你下次准备骑马的时候,先将一块儿胡椒薄荷泡湿,然后涂在嚼子上。 14. I'm going to put the horse out to stud. 我打算把这匹马用来配种。 15. Far from fleeing a tyrant, MacDonald had in fact had to plead with a concerned captain of the Plymouth, a whaler out of Sag Harbour, New York, to be put down in the waters near Japan. 所有的人都了解其中的风险,但船长不打算去迁就他们。250年来,自从江户幕府赶走了天主教士、断绝了贸易,唯一与荷兰和中国的贸易也被严格控制并限制在南方的港口长崎,另外仅是朝鲜人得到另一个地方的许可。 16. Somebody ever asked me: Laojiang, you look can help me give put sb out of the way the first website. 有人曾问我:老姜,你看看能不能帮我把第一名的网站给干掉。 17. For job capability problem, check yourself if you put him in a right place and what you have done to support him....before discuss with him to come out a development plan.... 三是,如果他真的什么都不会,你又不想培养他的话,叫他去人事部报到好了。 18. He is put in a certain place, has to carry out a certain task, but does not participate in the organization or management of the work. 他被安置在一个固定的岗位上,去完成一定的工作任务,而对生产的组织与管理则概不参与。 19. And more than this, he put out Zedekiahs eyes, and had him put in chains to take him away to Babylon. 39:7 并且剜西底家的眼睛,用铜链锁着他,要带到巴比伦去。 20. When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the Heat; and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the Bargain; for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and Puddings; indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。 put out 词典解释 1. 恼怒的;烦乱的 If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset. put out的近义词 e.g. I did not blame him for feeling put out... 我没有因为心烦而责备他。 e.g. He was plainly very put out at finding her there. 发现她在那里他明显很不安。 put out 单语例句 1. But counterfeiters can put scores of domestic suppliers out of business by flooding the market with pirated copies of software these companies developed. 2. Trapping lamps were put out for insects, and farmers killed weeds by hand. 3. She said it was almost by instinct that she took the battery out of her phone and put it aside. 4. Fiji's Ministry of Information confirmed that once it is approved by the Fiji government they will put it out for tender in China. 5. Half an hour after getting a call from a Milan Station salesman, she had put her paraphernalia into the handbag and paraded out of the store. 6. Barea that put Dallas up by 17 and prompted the Blazers to call time out. 7. After the candle light put out on the masts, people set off various fireworks at the farmland treasure. 8. The country that created the world's first cloned canine plans to put duplicated dogs on patrol to sniff out drugs and explosives. 9. The Chinese Central Meteorological Station has forecast rain in Heilongjiang and experts believe the rainfall can help put out the fire. 10. Dong put the plaintiff's name on the death list of the Dong family tree and printed it out without a detailed check early this year. put out的近义词put out 英英释义 verb 1. administer an anesthetic drug to e.g. The patient must be anesthetized before the operation anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth Synonym: anesthetizeanaesthetizeanesthetiseanaesthetiseput under 2. thrust or extend out e.g. He held out his hand point a finger extend a hand the bee exserted its sting Synonym: exsertstretch outextendhold outstretch forth 3. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale e.g. publish a magazine or newspaper Synonym: publishbring outissuerelease 4. retire e.g. he was put out at third base on a long throw from left field 5. deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion e.g. smother fires Synonym: smother 6. cause to be out on a fielding play Synonym: retire 7. put out considerable effort e.g. He put out the same for seven managers 8. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to e.g. Sorry to trouble you, but... Synonym: troubleinconveniencedisobligediscommodeincommodebother 9. be sexually active e.g. She is supposed to put out 10. put out, as of a candle or a light e.g. Douse the lights Synonym: douse |
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