单词 | watertight |
释义 | watertight [英 [?w?:t?ta?t] 美 [?w?:t?rta?t] ] watertight的意思、解释 watertight 基本解释 watertight 形容词无懈可击的; 水密的; 不漏水的; 防渗的 watertight 相关例句 形容词 1. watertight什么意思 1. I'll have watertight windows fixed. 我要装上不漏水的窗。 2. His arguments are watertight. 他的论据非常严密。 watertight 网络解释 1. 防水:加强的肩部、臀部、肘部和袖口提供了出色的全天候性能,2个大袋和1个胸前拉链口袋,方便的内袋可以存放小件物品,单手操作的收口线,口袋和前襟拉链方便使用,拉开迅速,热压聚酯防水(Watertight)拉链,热压DryCuffsTM干袖口(容易收紧并且柔软), 2. 不漏水的:Watchpoint 检测点 | watertight 不漏水的 | watt 瓦 3. 防水的:waterproofness 不透水性 | watertight 防水的 | waugh hoist 柱架式绞车 watertight 双语例句 1. watertight的意思 1. A smoking compartment 吸烟室 The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments. 船舱建造成许多不漏水的隔间。 2. I don t believe this will have to be watertight because the water level should not rise that far as it is above the waterline... 我不相信这将须水密,因为水位上升,不应该说,到目前为止,因为它是上述的水线。。。 3. watertight的意思 3. Where cables passing through watertight decks or bulkheads, watertight cable glands or deck tube or other appropriate methods shall be employed. 通过水密们地方甲板和防水壁的电缆,水密电缆衬套,甲板管路或者还有其他的合适的方法可以被使用。 4. watertight的意思 4. In the light of the phenomenon such as flowing sand, and sand boil subjected from the flowing sand stratum, in the construction of artificial digging piles, the advanced support with rein- foreement and the chemical churning pile technology can be used to form the watertight curtain, thereby preventing successfully the loss of san. 文章针对挖孔桩施工中遇到流砂层,出现的流砂、涌砂现象,采用钢筋超前支护及旋喷桩技术形成隔水帷幕,成功地阻止了砂层的流失,解决了施工进度慢、不安全的难题,改善了桩周的边界条件,提高了抗滑桩的承载能力。 5. watertight的意思 5. If there is no obvious puncture, watertight test shall be made with device as shown in figure 5.Put a 无明显穿孔时,采用图5 所示的装置对试件进行水密性试验。 6. This extra buoyancy is called reserve buoyancy; or, to be exact, the resever buoyancy which is measured by freeboard refers to the watertight volume of hull above load line. 这些保留的浮力被称为剩余浮力或者精确的说,剩余浮力是就是干舷至船体水线以上的高度。 7. Manholes 人孔 Oil-tight/watertight manholes to be arranged for access to double bottom tanks, peak tanks, deep tanks, wing tanks, cofferdams, chain locker, void paces etc. 应布置有进入双层底尖舱,深舱,边舱,空舱,锚链舱的油密或水密人孔。 8. watertight 8. They stepped through an open watertight door to the tiny wardroom, where Natalie met two more young officers 他们迈过一道敞着的防水门,来到一间小军官室,这里,娜塔丽又见到两位军官。 9. The side shell provides the webs for the main hull girder and is an important part of the watertight envelope. 舷侧壳为主体船身纵桁提供网装结构,并且是水密外壳的一个重要部分。 10. watertight的翻译 10. Beijing Zhongjiaohaishen Rescue Products Co., Ltd, is a professional manufacturer of airtight and watertight inflatable products. 北京Zhongjiaohaishen救援制品有限公司,是一家专业生产和水密气密充气产品。 11. watertight 11. Our tongues slide from their wet caves to test that final, shrivelling light, to probe it for how stories of even a frog might be redeemed, how the sun must sooner or later take pity on us—or how these, our stories, our hymns might sooner or later break into the light as the first eggs laid on land broke into the air and died, over and over, until at last some mutant newt secreted a watertight shell and the air was ours. 我们的舌头从那潮湿的洞穴中滑出,去尝试那最终的,令人束手无策的光,探究那些故事,如何连一只青蛙都可能得到救赎,太阳如何迟早会怜悯我们——或者这些,我们的故事,我们的颂歌迟早会见光,如同第一批产在地上的卵暴露在空气中,死亡,一而再再而三,直到最终某只变异的蝾螈分泌出防水的壳然后空气是我们的了。 12. Made tougher with reinforced arms and a smooth sliding Vislon WaterTight front zip. 增强的和滑动顺畅的防水拉链。 13. B bulkheads should be of steel or other approved material and should be watertight up to at least 23 centimetres above the level of the deck b 隔板应选用钢材或其他认可的材料,至少在甲板以上23厘米水密 14. watertight是什么意思 14. The mucoperiosteal flap is returned to position, and a watertight closure should be accomplished without putting undue pressure on the flap. 该黏骨膜瓣返回到的位置,并应在不关闭水密将在完成皮瓣造成不必要的压力。 15. I thought the plan was fool-proof but, it wasn't as watertight. 我以为这是天衣无缝的计划,没想倒却百密一疏。 16. 16. The ships were made watertight by filling the spaces between the planks with tarred wool or animal hair. 船舶作了填补水密舱与木板之间的感情羊毛或动物毛。 17. Here is the beginning of the watertight container for my pneumatics unit. 这是文章的开头的水密货柜为我的气动单位。 18. watertight 18. It will eventually be housed in my forward watertight container along with the below expansion modules. 它最终将被安置在我提出水密货柜随着下面的扩展单元。 19. watertight的意思 19. I plan to install the ADC-1 into my forward watertight container and connect it to my bow planes servo. 我打算安装ADC - 1到我的前进水密货柜和它连接到我的弓架伺服。 20. I plan to install the AFS into my forward watertight container and connect it to my ballast tank Clippard valves. 我打算安装战地服务团到我的前进水密货柜和它连接到我的压载水舱clippard阀。 watertight 词典解释 1. 不透水的;水密的 Something that is watertight does not allow water to pass through it, for example because it is tightly sealed. e.g. The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side... 即使平放,这个真空水杯也是滴水不漏。 e.g. The batteries are safely enclosed in a watertight compartment. 电池被安全地置于一个防水的隔间里。 2. (事实、论点或协议)严密的,无懈可击的 A watertight case, argument, or agreement is one that has been so carefully put together that nobody will be able to find a fault in it. e.g. The police had a watertight case. They even got his fingerprints from that glass cabinet. 警方找到了确凿的证据。他们甚至在那个玻璃橱柜上提取到了他的指纹。 e.g. ...a legally watertight agreement. 严密规范的协议 watertight 单语例句 1. The freezing weather froze the bags solid, turning them into what townspeople hoped would be a watertight barrier. 2. Adidas is using a gluing and heating process to create a watertight seal as well as a more supple feel. 3. Cofferdams are temporary watertight barriers that allow an area to be pumped dry. 4. The consultant was to work from a plan that included five fully watertight bulkheads. watertight 英英释义 adj 1. without flaws or loopholes e.g. an ironclad contract a watertight alibi a bulletproof argument Synonym: unassailableunshakablebulletproof 2. not allowing water to pass in or out |
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