单词 | watery |
释义 | watery [英 [?w?:t?ri] 美 [?wɑ:t?ri] ] watery的意思、解释 watery 基本解释 形容词含水的,水分多的; 水一般的; 无味的; 有雨意的 watery 相关例句 形容词 1. She gave me a watery smile. 她向我淡淡地一笑。 watery 网络解释 1. 1. 会说话的眼睛真:红润的嘴唇赛过Cherry, | 会说话的眼睛真watery, | 最要命的是她还busty, 2. 水的:waterworn 被水冲蚀的 | watery 水的 | watt 瓦特 3. 水汪汪的:明亮的: starry | 水汪汪的: watery | 分的很开的: wide-spaced 4. watery的反义词 4. 水样的:?loose[稀的] | ?watery[水样的] | ?liquid[液状] watery 双语例句 1. watery的意思 1. The debris flow along the Langkazi-Luozha road in Tibet is inhillside, mud and stone, transition or watery debris flow. 西藏浪卡子-洛扎公路沿线的泥石流多为山坡、粘性、稀性或过渡型泥石流,其危害主要是淤埋公路。 2. The beauty of the watery region. 寂静的南湖,尽显了水乡的明秀 3. A wine without requisite body may seem thin or watery, while a heavy-bodied wine may seem almost viscous. 没有必要结构感的葡萄酒会显得淡弱,而结构感过强的葡萄酒感觉黏重。 4. Recommended Reasons: The Japanese food, like the Japanese pure wine, tastes watery at first. 推荐理由:如同日本清酒一样,初品时平淡,回味后绵长。 5. watery 5. There were no strong correlations between nectary structures and pollinator behavior, although gelatinous or watery nectar was associated with the foraging preference of pollinators. 它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性,但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。 6. watery的反义词 6. On weekends Perth hits its stride: Fine weather and a watery setting bring out thousands of surfers, sailors, and sunbathers. In this sports-mad, fiercely egalitarian city, more than 80 percent of river frontage is public parkland. 周末珀斯了解天气:晴朗的天气,并设置潮湿的底座带领出数以千计的冲浪者,水手,和日光浴者,在这届运动会狂欢,强烈平等主义的城市,百分之八十以上的河流是临街公共绿地。 7. The watery eyes seemed brimming with tears, as if they were thirst to meet their beloved ones, even once. 水汪汪的两只眼睛好像是眼泪扑簌的盼望着能见亲族一面似的。 8. watery是什么意思 8. Oyster porridge: white watery almost Endure, the Add oysters and small celery (cut small, so look very good and tasty), You Yan random. 牡蛎粥:白米粥熬得差不多时,放入牡蛎及小芹菜(切细,这样很好看又好吃),油盐随意。 9. watery的意思 9. Something swooshed and six sprinklers sent up watery bouquets. 有某种东西飕飕作响,於是六个喷嘴喷出了点水。 10. watery在线翻译 10. This soup needs to be thickened up with some flour; it's so watery. 这个汤太清了,需要再加些面粉弄稠一些。 11. He recited jerks of verse with odd glances at the text:-- Weep no more, woful shepherd, weep no more For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor... 在急促而咬字不清的朗诵声中,亚理斯多德的名言自行出现了,飘进圣热内维艾芙图书馆那勤学幽静的气氛中;他曾一夜一夜地隐退在此研读[21],从而躲开了巴黎的罪恶。 12. The Chaoshan mue is very watery with the rice sitting loosely at the bottom of the bowl. 潮州糜比广东粥要稀很多,可以看见糜粒稀稀疏疏地散落在碗底。 13. One idea being explored in Florida right now is to plant the watery equivalent of wind turbines directly in the path of the Gulf Stream. 一个念头在佛罗里达州正在探讨现在是工厂的水相当于风力发电机直接的路径墨西哥湾暖流。 14. watery 14. At that degree of acidity, glargine completely dissolves into the watery solution, which is why the vial is clear. 当时的酸度,甘精完全溶解到水溶液,这就是为什么小瓶是明确的。 15. 15. The fruit of this plant, having a hard green rind and sweet, watery pink or reddish flesh. 西瓜这种植物的果实,有硬而绿的皮和甜的、含大量水分的粉色或红色果肉 16. Tongli is an old town of thousands of years representative of the watery region south of Yangzi River. 镇内街巷逶迤,河道纵潢,街缘水曲,路由桥通,家家临水,户户通舟,河岩错落有致,古桥若隐若现,绿柳迎风拂水,好一派动人的古镇风情。 17. He excels particularly in atmospheric landscapes of his native Jiangnan province, using liquid brush strokes and pale, translucent colours to evoke the beautiful watery environment of lakes, fields, ancient villages and waterways. 后来转学中国画,从事山水画创作。刘懋善的山水画酣厚绵邈,写江南风光,清新朴茂,恬静抒情,别具一格,并吸收了西洋画的光、色处理方法,增强了国画的现代感。 18. The carbon tool steel was quenched into the different concentration of calcium chloride watery solution. 对碳素工具钢采用不同浓度的氯化钙水溶液进行淬火。 19. This is because they collide with the watery molecules and are pushed this way and that. 这是因为它们与水分子相撞后,被弹向各个方向。 20. Watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing are symptoms you may be all too familiar with. 流泪,流鼻涕,打喷嚏的症状和您可能会十分熟悉。 watery 词典解释 1. 微弱的;淡薄的;无力的 Something that is watery is weak or pale. watery的近义词 e.g. A watery light began to show through the branches... 一缕微弱的光线透过树枝。 e.g. Martha managed to produce a dim, watery smile. 玛莎勉强挤出一丝笑容。 2. 水分过多;(味)太淡的 If you describe food or drink as watery, you dislike it because it contains too much water, or has no flavour. e.g. ...a plateful of watery soup. 一盘寡淡无味的汤 e.g. ...watery beer. 味道很淡的啤酒 3. 含水的;似水的;由水组成的 Something that is watery contains, resembles, or consists of water. e.g. There was a watery discharge from her ear... 她耳朵里流出水样分泌物。 e.g. Emma's eyes went red and watery. 埃玛双眼发红,泪水盈盈。 watery 单语例句 1. Since it was 33 C on that summer day, our group of visitors loved the watery freshness of this fruit as we strolled. 2. Many governments prefer to report outbreaks under the heading of acute watery diarrheal diseases rather than admit the existence of cholera in their country. 3. According to current research, the region might have been a watery area with abundant grass. 4. But as you catch a glance of his watery eyes, it's obvious he would rather be somewhere else. 5. Melodious folk songs enhance the experience for the guests when boating across the beautiful watery alley. 6. A stuffy and watery nose is also a sign of hay fever. 7. The landscape possesses both tremendous magnificence like Greater Khingan Mountains and quiet, elegant beauty such as Jiangnan watery town. 8. He said children were often thrown alive to their watery graves to please the Mayan rain god Chaac. 9. A cruise on the Pacific Ocean gives visitors a view of Taiwan in its watery setting. 10. Under the slogan of " Diving is a lifestyle, " this event is designed as a window into the watery world of scuba diving. watery 英英释义 adj 1. overly diluted thin and insipid e.g. washy coffee watery milk weak tea Synonym: washyweak 2. relating to or resembling or consisting of water e.g. a watery substance a watery color 3. wet with secreted or exuded moisture such as sweat or tears e.g. wiped his reeking neck Synonym: reeking 4. filled with water e.g. watery soil |
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