单词 | whoever |
释义 | whoever [英 [hu:?ev?(r)] 美 [hu??v?] ] whoever的意思、解释 whoever 基本解释 whoever在线翻译 代词(引导名词性从句)谁; 无论谁,任何人; 不管谁… whoever的解释 whoever 相关例句 代词 1. Whoever else goes hungry, he won't. 不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。 2. Whoever can that be? 那究竟会是谁呢? 3. The business would be a success, whoever owned it. 不论什么人经营,这生意都会成功。 4. I'll take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁。 5. 5. Give these tickets to John, or Cathy, or whoever. 把这些票子给约翰,或凯西,或随便谁。 whoever 网络解释 1. whoever什么意思 1. 无论何人:无论何人(Whoever)在任何时候(Whenever)和任何地方(Wherever)都能自由地与世界上其他任何人(Whomever)进行任何形式(Whatever)的通信. 最早由美国信息产业协会主席波尔(Paul Zurkowski)于1974年提出, 2. 谁:现在无法想象的科技产品会飞快的出现在人们身边,那时,手机不仅仅是个人的通讯的工具;它将成为可靠的工作助手(上网、记事、制定工作计划、照相、录音)和有趣的娱乐伙伴(游戏、听MP3、收音机、看电影、读小说)让各媒体融合,真正的做到不管是是谁(whoever),不论何时(whe 3. [引出定语从句]谁,无论谁,不管谁:whistle 吹口哨,汽笛声,哨子 | whoever [引出定语从句]谁,无论谁,不管谁 | whose [引出定语从句]那个(人)的,那些(人)的 whoever 双语例句 1. Whoever robs ancient human fossils and ancient vertebrate fossils that have scientific value is to be punished according to the provisions of the preceding article. 盗掘国家保护的具有科学价值的古人类化石和古脊椎动物化石的,依照前款的规定处罚。 2. Do not stop him, ` Jesus said, `for whoever is not against you is for you. 耶稣说,不要禁止他。因为不敌挡你们的,就是帮助你们的。 3. 3. Whoever approaches the Olympians with a different religion in his heart, seeking moral elevation, sanctity, spirituality, loving kindness, will presently be forced to turn away from them in ill-humored disappointment. 若是有人怀着别种宗教信念去接近奥林匹斯诸神,想从他们那里寻找道德的高尚,神圣的虔洁,超肉体的灵性,慈祥的秋波,他势必怅然失望,立刻掉首而去了。 4. That's why God, or whoever, makes new days. 操那一天,这可能就是上帝或者管它什么创造新的一天的原因。 5. Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is toobig for him. 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他不能从事他从事的工作。 6. So I said to them, Whoever has any gold, let them tear it off; so they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and this calf came out. 32:24 所以我对他们说,凡有金环的,可以摘下来,他们就给了我。我把金环扔在火中,这牛犊便出来了。 7. 7. He is dead now, and his power nests in whoever fights hard enough to get it. 他现在死了,而他的力量归於努力战斗而够格去得到它的人。 8. Bring your daddy mommy uncle auntie brother sister son daughter grandson grandma and whoever you can think of and go! 去吃吧,带你老豆老母阿姨阿姑阿叔阿舅哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹去吃吧! 9. It`s you and your loved ones, whoever they are. 家就是你和你爱的人。 10. Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed. 不论你是谁,无论你在哪里,不论你是年老还是年少,成功都伴随你在每天早晨醒来,起床。 11. Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you are good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today! 无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年纪有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所热爱的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事! 12. Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed. because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today! 成功就是:无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年纪有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所热爱的、你所相信的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事 13. Success is waking up in morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed becausethere's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at--something that's bigger thenyou are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today. 成功就是:无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年级有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所爱的、你所相信的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事。 14. Success is waking up in the moring, whoever you are, wherever you are, how old and young, and bounding out of the bed. 加油,中国的大学生们。 15. God is so gluttonous that he will bite whoever he meets. 上帝是挑食的以至于他咬他符合他的。 16. Whoever tries to avoid the supervision and control of the Customs shall, if his act constitutes a crime, be subject to criminal liabilities. 逃避海关监管将中华人民共和国境外的固体废物运输进境,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 17. For the love of humanity, someone has got to get it into his head that if he tears whoever`s guarding him a new one by clawing to the hoop and slamming it in, the refs will honor it--it`ll bring the inner fan out of the Black-and-white Striped Agent Smiths. 对于所谓的仁慈,一些人应该时刻记住以下的游戏规则:不管谁对他进行防守,如果他以冲向篮筐凶猛扣篮的方式来撕裂对他的防守,裁判们会肃然起敬的——这会将那些穿黑白条制服的家伙变成他最忠诚的球迷。 18. whoever的近义词 18. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 他有远像—就是对世界的远像,并努力的去扩阔别人的视野。 19. whoever在线翻译 19. The State of the Union was a great forum for Reagan`s speaking skills, and whoever gave our brief response had a hard time making any impression. 国情咨文是里根总统展现他口才的极佳讲坛,而宣读简短的回应的人,不论是谁,都很难给人留下什么印象。 20. The shedder, whoever he is, he's so virulent, he must have been symptomatic. 散播者,不管他是谁他身体里的病毒非常强,所以他一定会有症状 whoever 词典解释 1. (表示身份不确定)无论是谁 You use whoever to refer to someone when their identity is not yet known. e.g. Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished... 不管是谁干的这事,早晚要被抓住并受到惩罚。 e.g. Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet... 不管是谁赢得了大选,都将面临恢复经济的严峻任务。 2. (指与人的身份无关)无论是谁 You use whoever to indicate that the actual identity of the person who does something will not affect a situation. whoever e.g. You can have whoever you like to visit you... 你想要谁来拜访你都可以。 e.g. Everybody who goes into this region, whoever they are, is at risk of being taken hostage. 进入这个地区的人,不管是谁,都有被劫为人质的危险。 3. (用在疑问句中代替who作为强调,通常表示惊讶)究竟是谁 You use whoever in questions as an emphatic way of saying 'who', usually when you are surprised about something. whoever e.g. Whoever thought up that joke?... 到底是谁想出的这个笑话? e.g. Ridiculous! Whoever suggested such a thing? 荒唐!究竟是谁提出了这样的建议? 4. (表示不确定)或是别的什么人(或组织) You say or whoever to refer vaguely to another person or organization, especially when you are not sure if you have mentioned the right person or organization. e.g. We're not just some big business like Mobil or IBM or whoever... 我们并不仅仅是某个像美孚、IBM或别的什么公司一样的大公司。 e.g. The police, or whoever, would not think of looking for him here. 无论是警方还是其他什么人都不会想到来这里找他。 whoever 单语例句 1. Whoever decided to give the name narcissus to a flower that many of us call a daffodil obviously did not have a marketing degree. 2. It is necessary to call to account whoever goes against orders to ease air pollution. 3. An old Chinese adage says that whoever conquers the central plain will take all the land under the sun. 4. Whoever ultimately fills the huge chair Sharon leaves empty should not veer from the path of peace mapped out by his predecessors. 5. The zoo said whoever comes up with the penguin chick's name will become its honorary parent for life. 6. Whoever wins the most votes in each district gets the seat, and the party that gains the most Commons seats forms the government. 7. But I conjecture whoever stays here probably has a budget for storage and moving. 8. And whoever the Republican nominee is, he will then engage in another round of crossfire with President Barack Obama. 9. He has also ordered relevant agencies of government to track down whoever has done wrong and bringing whoever found culpable to book. 10. Whoever gets the job is unlikely to be a debutant, however. whoever |
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