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单词 radioactivity
    radioactivity [英 [?re?d????k't?v?t?] 美 [?redio?k?t?v?ti] ]
    radioactivity 基本解释
    名词放射(性); 辐射能
    radioactivity 相关例句
    1. We have to learn to control radioactivity.
    radioactivity 网络解释
    1. 放射性:为了购置1克镭,她又一次通过美国的麦隆内夫人,在美国募集了购置1克镭所需要的款项. 1932年,居里夫人的伟大梦想实了,她到波兰主持了华沙镭研究院的揭幕典礼. ①放射性(radioactivity) 原子核自发地放射出各种射线的现象,如α、β、γ放射性等.
    2. radioactivity
    2. 放射现象:十九世纪末,科学家发现了放射现象(Radioactivity),由此揭开了人类探索原子结构的序幕. 当时一些科学家已提出原子能可以发展出大型武器,但也有科学家认为这只是镜花水月的空想. 一九三八年十二月,德国人汉恩(OttoHahn)在柏林的实验室意外地把铀原子分裂,
    3. 辐射:不知不觉地开启了核物理的时代. 沥青油矿是一种包含铀元素的矿物质,铀的含量越高,放射线就越多,所以铀是一种重要的元素. 波兰物理学家玛丽.居里(MarieCurie,1867-1934)创造出辐射(radioactivity)这个术语用来描述这些射线的发射.
    radioactivity 双语例句
    1. Immunohistofluorescent staining was used to identify the binding specificity of GEBP11 in gastric cancer tissues. 5. GEBP11 was labeled with ~(99)Tc~mO_4~- using direct labeling method, and was labeled with ~(131)I using NBS labeling method. Then the labeled peptides were validated for radiochemical yield, specific activity, and in vitro. stability. 6. The bioactivity of ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 or ~(131)I-GEBP11 was validated by cell receptor autoradiography in cultured HUVECs. 7. Receptor binding assay was performed in vitro. to analyze quantitatively the binding specificity and affinity of GEBP11 to HUVEC, the receptor intensity on HUVEC, and the difference of affinity of GEBP11 binding to Co-HUVEC and HUVEC. 8. The radioactivity of all organs of nude mice injected with ~(131)I-GEBP11 was determined and the radioactivity of all organs per g was calculated to analyze the specific distribution of ~(131)I-GEBP11.9. Gamma camera images of nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric carcinoma injected with ~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11 was obtained 0.5-24 h after being injected to identify the targeting ability of labeled peptide to tumor tissues. 10. MTT assay on HUVECs and antitumor assay in nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of human gastric cancer were performed to evaluate the effects of ~(131)I-GEBP11 on HUVECs and xenografts. 11. Immunohistochemical staining was used for MVD counting in tumor. 12. H. E. staining, blood cells analysis and blood biochemical indicator analysis were performed to investigate the injury of liver and bone marrow. 13. Tube formation assay in matrigel, CAM angiogenesis assay and angionenesis induced by matrigel in mice were performed to identify the effects of GEBP11 on angiogenesis.
    1、通过蓝色噬斑形成实验及GEBP11、IN11噬菌体在荷瘤裸鼠体内的竞争抑制实验检测噬菌体体内归巢的特异性;2、免疫荧光技术检测GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的结合特异性;3、免疫细胞化学或荧光检测GEBP11在Co-HUVECs中的定位及内化;4、免疫组织荧光检测GEBP11在人胃癌组织中的结合特异性;5、采用直接法~(99)Tc~mO_4~-标记GEBP11,采用NBS法~(131)I标记GEBP11,纸层析法测定标记率、放射化学纯度等;6、放射自显影鉴定GEBP11同位素探针的结合活性;7、受体放射配基结合分析实验鉴定受体亲和力及受体细胞密度;8、同位素示踪技术检测~(131)I-GEBP11在荷瘤裸鼠体内的生物学分布;9、SPECT成像技术进行荷人胃癌裸鼠体内~(99)Tc~m-GEBP11显像;10、MTT细胞增殖实验、荷瘤鼠抑瘤实验评价~(131)I-GEBP11对内皮细胞及荷瘤鼠肿瘤的抑制能力;11、免疫组织化学染色计数瘤组织MVD;12、病理学HE染色、血液血细胞分析及生化指标检测观察肝脏损伤及骨髓抑制情况;13、Matrigel管状结构形成实验、鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成抑制实验、小鼠体内Matrigel Plug诱导血管生成实验分析GEBP11对血管生成的影响;14、MTT细胞增殖实验、细胞周期及凋亡分析、细胞侵袭迁移实验、细胞粘附实验探讨GEBP11抑制血管生成的细胞机制;15、基因表达谱芯片技术筛选GEBP11短肽作用Co-HUVECs后的差异表达基因。
    2. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.
    3. The Company shall, subject to these conditions, be liable to indemnify the Insured for any damage to the outside surface of the Nuclear Reactor biological shield or its primary cooling circuit and/or any of the property detailed in the Specification situated outside thereof, due to Radioactive Contaminationoccasioned by or happening through any accidental escape of radioactivity from the said Nuclear Reactor or from any nuclear fuel which is on the site but is not within the Nuclear Reactor.
    4. Their solution is to mop up the radioactivity in the water with plastic.
    5. The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday.
    6. This course includes:(1) Introductions of Chemistry, (2) Periodic Table of Elements and Dalton's Atomic Theory, (3) Solids, Liquids, Gases, Plasma, and Solutions (4) Oxidation-Reduction Reactions, (5) Electrochemistry, (6) Organic Chemistry, (7) Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy, (8) Biochemistry.
    7. radioactivity的意思
    7. The influences of some parameters, such as the distance between the sample and the phosphor screen, the exposure time and the radioactivity in the sample, on the light intensity of the phosphor screen image were studied.
    8. By above research, the following results are obtained.(1)The extracting module of aero-radioactive thematic information is integrated with ENVI, the remote sensing image processing software; (2) Based on the IDL, the computer program modules extracting following uranium thematic information have been developed, including initial uranium contents, active uranium contents, uranium migration coefficient, uranium information strengthen, uranium D-value and variance Ratio etc, al. Some of kalium special information extracting modules are also developed; (3)Based on the IDL, the aero-radioactivity information multi-parameter focus analysis module is developed; (4) It is proposed that a lots of phenomenon of uranium immigrating exist in Keping-Kuche are in the Neocene period. Because of the uranium pre-enrichment, the areas with high uranium content were formed in Neozoic and Quaternary. The above migration uranium are also the abundant source for uranium ore-forming in favorable strata of Mesozoic and Cenozoic system; (5)There are obvious uranium immigrating and enrichment in Eastern Portion of Keping Block Uplift, Yinate-Laolongjiang, and Qidaoban-KuChe.
    9. radioactivity的反义词
    9. The element cadmium with radioactivity in highanalysis phosphate fertilizer is an incident that touches off a dispute.
    入世后 ,TBT协议所形成的技术贸易壁垒将影响我国磷肥进出口贸易,讨论高浓度磷肥中放射性元素镉的分布、除去方法;针对磷肥中潜在镉的污染问题,建议利用 TBT协议建立必要的技术壁垒。
    10. The results of a comprehensive study, in a probabilistic framework, of the variousaspects of relocation after accidents of NPP are presented in the paper. The relationship a-mong the amount of radioactivity released, the intervention level of dose for relocation andthe area affected by relocation is quantified. The issue of using cost/benefit analysis to derivethe optimal intervention level for relocation is discussed.
    11. No abnormality wasfound except that the total beta radioactivity in upstream surface water istwice as high as that in downstream water.
    12. radioactivity的翻译
    12. Uranium; Total Beta Radioactivity; Water; Beijing
    铀; 总β放射性;水;北京
    13. This paper shows the determination results of the uraniumcontent and the total beta radioactivity of surface water, tap water, andground water in area irrigated with municipal waste water and their sea-sonal and annual changes in the radioactivity level.
    14. Radioactivity of 134Cs is concentrated in the surface soil, and there is only 0.1% in the leachate.
    15. Viewing the subject from this angle, it can be said that the task of radioactivity.
    从这一 角度来看这个问题,可以说分离镭的工作是放射性学科这一大厦的基石。
    16. It was quite a shock when 400 square metres of the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity.
    17. The article introduces the parallel grid ionization chamber used to measure the α radioactivity, which has a independent vacuum system.
    18. Factor analysis was employed to reduce the number of parameters deduced from multiple radiometric methods. The derived principal components f1, f2 are undependent with each other and of identified geological means. The trend analysis on f1 and f2 was conducted to extract the remainder anomalies which reflect the radioactivity elements enrichment formed by fracture structures and locate the spatial positions of thermal underground water.
    19. A global network of sensors has found no evidence that China`s complex of nuclear facilities in the earthquake zone let any radioactivity escape, its operator reported Wednesday.
    20. Harvested cells' radioactivity was quantified in a β-scentillation counter and the stimulation index was calculated.
    将取自3个人的rAG1特异性T细胞克隆腹腔注射至8只SCID Beige小鼠,同时在小鼠左膝注射rAG1。
    radioactivity 单语例句radioactivity的近义词
    1. Investment will also be allocated to build national zones for protecting ecological functions, upgrading the management capacity of national nature reserves and harnessing radioactivity.
    2. Nuclear power has been very unpopular in Germany ever since radioactivity from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster drifted across the country.
    3. The most attractive exhibit is the radioactivity measuring device by Nobel Prize winners Pierre and Marie Curie.
    4. The experts fretted that terrorists might gather loose nuclear materials for a " dirty bomb " that could devastate an American city by spreading lethal radioactivity.
    5. TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto said some air may escape through the entrance but that radioactivity is low enough to cause no danger to health.
    6. Workers at the Beijing Radiation Safety Technology Center conduct tests to detect the level of radioactivity in the air on Tuesday.
    7. The level of radioactivity has remained stable and initial assessment indicated the increase was caused by leakage from a fuel rod.
    8. The second team had to abort their mission as radioactivity almost exceeded the limit at midway.
    9. Radioactivity inside the reactor buildings is too high for workers to take measurements there.
    10. Levels of radioactivity have risen sharply in seawater near the plant in northern Japan, signaling the possibility of new leaks at the facility.
    radioactivity 英英释义
    1. the spontaneous emission of a stream of particles or electromagnetic rays in nuclear decay
    Synonym: radiation




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