单词 | rape |
释义 | rape [英 [re?p] 美 [rep] ] rape的意思、解释 过去式:raped; 过去分词:raped; 现在分词:raping; 复数形式:rapes; rape 基本解释 rape的反义词 及物动词强奸; 掠夺,强夺 名词掠夺,强夺; [法]强奸; [植]油菜; 葡萄渣 rape 相关例句 及物动词 1. The center provides counseling service to victims who have been raped. 这个中心为强奸受害者提供咨询服务。 2. It was one of the saddest days in world history when Nanjing was raped. 南京被洗劫的这一天是世界历史上最悲惨的一天。 名词 1. rape的近义词 1. The man who had committed several rapes was arrested. 那个犯了多起强奸案的男人被抓起来了。 2. rape 2. Stop raping the countryside. 不要糟蹋乡村。 3. rape的反义词 3. Yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside. 黄黄的油菜花总使我想起我在农村时的童年。 rape 网络解释 1. 强暴:当时他们在奥地利的电视台上播放了洋子的(电影)(Rape)100--他们委托我们拍这部电影,然后我们去维也纳看试映. 那像是一场在饭店办的记者会. 我们不让他们进房间来,我们把自己套进袋子,坐电梯下楼到会场去,觉得很自在, 2. 强:从旧约圣经可看到同性恋、鸡*(sodomy)、强*(rape)等字, 可见那个时代是很光明正大地描述各种性行为的. 到了中世纪,随着基督教的势力之勃兴,性行为确实受到了很大的压制, 但还是有(Il Decamerone)及(the Canterbury Tales)等书的出版. 3. rape:regression analysis programme for economists; 经济学家使用的回归分析程序〖软件包〗 rape 双语例句 1. She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon; she is sometimes also said to be mother of D椡lus, though others in the running are Alcippe and IphinoSisyphus founded the city of Ephyre and later revealed Zeus's rape of ina to her father Asopus, for which Zeus condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done. 愿这个世界充满阳光、欢乐、爱! 2. rape的翻译 2. Through field observation and analysis of soil samples, effects of the practice were studied on growing environment of rape. 本文通过野外试验观测和土壤样品分析,对不同结构的垄作与平作下油菜生长环境进行了研究。 3. Do these things and you will go a long way toward ending robbery and rape forever. 做这些事,你便对永远结束抢劫和强奸大有贡献了。 4. Xin City Diaomangongzhu sweet, slipped out as usual watch and evil punished outside of a small filling rape. 甘辛城的刁蛮公主甜甜,如常溜出城外小填儆恶惩奸。 5. Because I have a permanent erection it wouldn't be difficult to rape me… Because of this erection I am the vulnerable sissy virgin with big metal balls which click every time I walk 因为我有一个永久性的勃起不会很难强奸我。。。正因为如此,我勃起的脆弱娘娘腔处女与大金属球的按每次我走。。。 6. My point is, I tend to rape and pillage my own life to bring you drama every week. 我想说的是,我试图践踏并掠夺自己的生活,为你们奉上这每周一集。 7. The qualities of main crop varieties of winter wheat, spring wheat, winter highland barley, spring highland barley and spring rape in 5 southern agricultural and postoral regions in Tibet have been analyzed, the results of which show that wheat varieties in Tibet have, compared with wheat varieties in Yellow-Huai region and Weihe Plain subregion, high thousand-grain weight, low natural. weight, low protein and wet glutenin contents, poor stability of rheology and poor quality, and also the differences among... 对西藏藏南农牧区5个地区的主要农作物冬小麦、春小麦、冬青稞、春育稞及春油菜品种的品质分析结果表明,与黄淮麦区渭河川地副区小麦品种相比,西藏小麦品种千粒重高、容重低、蛋白质及湿面筋含量极低,面团的流变学稳定性很差,面粉品质差,且不同品种之间品质差异较小;西藏青棵千粒重高、容重大、蛋白质含量极低,品种之间的差异小于地区差异;西藏春油菜菜籽含油量高,硫代葡萄糖甙含量低,但芥酸含量远超过国家规定标准。 8. In my memory, during the Ching Ming before and after the home is a golden fields of the world, and that the rape bloom Mingyan Museum, attached a piece of one side and then the party has been extended to霭霭smoke, indistinct烟树the horizon indistinct. 在我的记忆中,每逢清明前后,故乡的田野里便是一片金黄的世界,那盛开的油菜花明艳璀灿,一片连着一片,一方接着一方,一直延伸到青烟霭霭、烟树缈缈的天边。 9. Peter's plot consisted of eight raised beds neatly planted with rape leaves, cabbage and corn. 马维提的菜园里有八畦田,整齐种植了油菜、甘蓝和玉米。 10. rape 10. Figures such as the net line, Li Kui brave honest, there are small rough Zhang; Caocao both rape and fraud, rape and Dong Zhuo Yu, windows are see clearly, while thousands of people breaking the old norms. 如净行人物,李逵勇猛憨直,张飞粗中有细;曹操既奸又诈,董卓奸而愚,窗上皆见分明,打破了千人一面的旧规范。 11. 11. Treated with 3 μmol. L-1 Nd(NO3)3 in Ca2+-deficient solution, the symptom of Ca2+ starvation was relieved and the peroxidization process in rape was inhibited. 通过在缺钙条件下对油菜进行水培,探讨了Nd对缺钙油菜膜损伤和过氧化进程的影响。 12. rape的翻译 12. The results show:(1) It is easily synthesized based on the simple industry processes with obtainable substances, low cost and low pollution; (2) it is effective against major grass weed species, as well as broadleaf weeds in oilseed rape, its inhibition is 80-100% at rates of 25 to 45 g ai/hm~2 and its dosage is the same level of highly active herbicides. Oilseed rape exhibits excellent tolerance to compound 103-1; (3) compound 103-1 has favourable toxicological and environmental profiles. 对化合物103-1进行了合成方法、结构分析、除草活性和毒性研究,结果表明该化合物有以下特点:(1)合成工艺简单、原料易得而且成本低,三废少,适宜于工业化生产;(2)活性高、用量低,每公顷用量为25-45克有效成分能有效防除冬油菜田中重要杂草,防效为80-100%,对油菜和后茬作物安全,药效已达到超高效除草剂的水平;(3)低毒、无刺激,具有良好的毒理和环境行为。 13. This was favorable for the complementation of basic nutrition and the growth of fermentation strains. Therefore, the detoxication of rape cake and the crude protein content in the fermented feed were... 2种物料按重量 1∶1混合,经曲霉菌在(30± 2)℃下固态深层通风发酵 2 4h ,菜籽饼粕中的ITC和OZT的总脱毒率可达 89.8%,粗蛋白质提高 16 。9%,粗纤维下降,适口性改善 14. rape的反义词 14. Take this variation fungus into the 40 L plastic cases which carried 12.5 kg rape cake for fermentation, find that the content of the crude protein in rape cake depredated to 8.9%. 把该变异菌株接入到装有12 。5kg菜籽饼粕的4 0L塑料箱内进行固体发酵,发现饼粕中粗蛋白的含量降解到8.9%。 15. rape在线翻译 15. The experiments of different rape cake amounts were carried out in Tonghai, Yunnan province and the microbe quantity changes around fluecured tobacco roots were examined at different growth periods. 在云南省通海县进行了烤烟施用菜籽饼肥不同用量试验;不同生育期检测烤烟根际微生物数量变化,结果显示:施用菜籽饼均增加了烟田土壤的细菌数量。 16. rape什么意思 16. Rape Cake; UV-induced; conditions of cultivation 菜籽饼粕;紫外诱变;培养条件 17. Flue-cured tobacco; rape cake; soil microbe 烤烟;菜籽饼;土壤微生物 18. rape在线翻译 18. The protein feed was produced from the mixture of rape cake and soy sauce residue through solid-state fermentation by excellent strains. This solved the problems of high moisture and solt content in the former fermentation of single soy sauce residue and the lack of some nutritious ingredients in the products. 筛选优良菌株,采用菜籽饼粕与酱油渣混合发酵生产蛋白饲料,克服了酱油渣单独发酵水分和食盐含量过大以及营养不全面的问题,有利于基质营养互补和发酵菌的生长繁殖,提高了菜籽饼粕脱毒率和饼粕、糟渣发酵饲料的粗蛋白增加率。 19. A new type of rap eseed oil base-phosphate compound with extreme pressure element S, P and N is synthesized using rape seed oil as raw material, methanol and multihydroxylate as ester-exchange agent, S and P_2O_5 as modifier. 以菜籽油为原料,甲醇和多羟基化合物为酯交换剂,并以硫粉和P2O5作为改性剂,合成一种带有极压元素S、P和N的菜籽油基多羟基脂肪酸化合物。 20. Are charged with rape and murder, 1 with dereliction of duty. 有4名被指控为强奸和谋杀,1名指控为离岗。 rape 词典解释 1. 强奸;强暴 If someone is raped, they are forced to have sex, usually by violence or threats of violence. e.g. A young woman was brutally raped in her own home... 一名年轻女子在自己家中惨遭强暴。 2. 强奸罪 Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex. e.g. Her party opposes abortion, except in cases of rape or incest... 她的党派反对堕胎,但强奸或乱伦引起的怀孕除外。 e.g. Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported. 几乎90%的强奸案和暴力侵害案都没有报案。 3. 破坏;损坏 The rape of an area or of a country is the destruction or spoiling of it. e.g. As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water. 由于森林遭到破坏,目前该国的部分地区水源短缺。 4. 芸苔;油菜 Rape is a plant with yellow flowers which is grown as a crop. Its seeds are crushed to make cooking oil. rape的翻译 in BRIT, use 英国英语用 oilseed rape 5. see also: date rape;gang rape;oilseed rape rape 单语例句 1. Hubei Provincial Seed Group recently won an auction for the production and business operation rights for a new species of rape plant. 2. The very sight of someone trying to commit a crime - attempt to rob, rape or pilfer - or an act of bullying swings them into action. 3. There's nothing heroic about fighting rape allegations by day and playing basketball by night. 4. The child rape case is the second capital punishment case from Louisiana this term at the Supreme Court. 5. He is charged with raping Huang but voluntarily stopping partway through - a charge that carries a lighter penalty than actual rape. 6. The death certificate makes no mention of rape, a taboo subject in Iraq. 7. Prosecutors dismissed a rape charge against Bryant last September after his alleged victim refused to go ahead with the case. 8. Prosecutors told the court that arguments on the rape charge against Wen would be closed to the public in order to protect the victim's privacy. 9. It would be sensational to say I witnessed a rape scene last weekend while waiting for a health checkup at a Beijing hospital. 10. A chief prosecutor in Stockholm dropped the rape complaint shortly after the case began, and it would most likely have ended there had it not been for Borgstrom. rape 英英释义 noun 1. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will Synonym: violationassaultravishment 2. the act of despoiling a country in warfare Synonym: rapine 3. Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop Synonym: colzaBrassica napus rape的意思 verb 1. destroy and strip of its possession e.g. The soldiers raped the beautiful country Synonym: spoildespoilviolateplunder 2. force (someone) to have sex against their will e.g. The woman was raped on her way home at night Synonym: ravishviolateassaultdishonordishonouroutrage |
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