单词 | rebellious |
释义 | rebellious [英 [r??belj?s] 美 [r??b?lj?s] ] rebellious的意思、解释 rebellious 基本解释 形容词反叛的; 造反的; 难控制的 rebellious rebellious 网络解释 1. rebellious在线翻译 1. 有反叛精神的:后来宙斯打败了提坦巨人.由宙斯对父亲的反叛衍生出Titanic的第一个含义:富有反叛精神的(rebellious),由宙斯第二次对神祗-巨人的战斗衍生出Titanic的第二个含义:巨大的(colossal). 2. 反叛精神的:后来宙斯打败了提坦巨人.由宙斯对父亲的反叛衍生出Titanic的第一个含义:富有反叛精神的(rebellious),由宙斯第二次对神祗-巨人的战斗衍生出Titanic的第二个含义:巨大的(colossal). 3. rebellious 3. 反叛:至於性格方面,他们多是反叛(Rebellious)、有点反社会(Anti-social)、不太喜欢跟遵守规矩,冲动、好战,社会技巧(Social Skill)较差,缺乏朋友,喜欢挑战事物,打机就成为了极吸引的情绪舒泄渠道. 4. 反叛的:rebellion 造反 | rebellious 反叛的 | rebuff 回绝 rebellious 双语例句 1. I'm glad to f in d another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city 在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。 2. The slightly rebellious touch combined with attractive sharp cuts make OntFront suitable for a wide range of environments: work, travel, going out, meeting friends and family. 稍许的叛逆,配以魅力非凡的剪裁,赋予OntFront适合于多种场合:工作,旅游,户外,会见亲友。 3. I have stretched out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, Who walk in evil paths and follow their own thoughts 我整天向悖逆的民族,即随自己的思念走邪辟路的人,伸出我的手。 4. The rebellious dragon was quite humbled and subdued, and became a most creditable younger brother. 这个当年强头蹶脑的骑兵现在变得低心小胆,成了个很不错的弟弟了。 5. rebellious什么意思 5. When she was a child, she was full of rebellious spirit. 在童年的时候,她充满了反叛的精神。 6. In his memories, he said he was a man full of rebellious character. 在回忆里,他说自己是个充满反叛性格的人。 7. 7. His new work Seven Worthies created in 2007 is a reflection of his rebellious psyche. He does not want to lead a common life and he ascribes to the values of the seven virtuous persons. What he really wants is to escape from this world. 而2007年的新作《七贤》,是他的一种心理反叛,他不喜欢平庸的生活,对竹林七贤价值观的认同,反映了他想逃避这个世界的真实心理状态。 8. rebellious什么意思 8. Winning back a rebellious world to His allegiance and love is to be carried out 教会做为基督的身体,去执行他的赢回这一个背逆的世界向他忠诚 9. And Saul's anger burned against Jonathan, and he said to him, You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! 20:30 扫罗向约拿单发怒,对他说,你这邪僻悖逆之妇人的儿子! 10. The valiant great commander soldier of Qin Dynasty receives the 毅, being subjected to the Qin Shi huang the life, be responsible for the convoy North Korea princess the jade 漱 goes into Qin as imperial concubine, the on the road is accept unexpectedly mutually the rebellious troops that ZHAO4 GAO secretly direct ambuscade. 骁勇善战的秦朝大将军蒙毅,受秦始皇所命,负责护送朝鲜公主玉漱入秦为妃,路上竟遭承相赵高暗中指使的叛军伏击。 11. I'm never rebellious for the hell of it but I'm pretty much just gonna do me. 我从来都不是一个叛逆的人,我只是想做我自己。 12. I`m never rebellious for the hell of it but I`m pretty much just gonna do me. 我从来没有认为我是一个很叛逆的人,我只是在做我自己。 13. rebellious是什么意思 13. Fear them not, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house. 他们虽是叛你的家族,不必害怕他们,在他们面前不必胆怯。 14. rebellious在线翻译 14. And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them and do not be afraid of their words; though thistles and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions, do not be afraid of their words and do not be dismayed at their faces; for they are a rebellious house. 2:6 人子阿,你不要怕他们,也不要怕他们的话;虽有荆棘和蒺藜在你那里,你又住在蝎子中间,不要怕他们的话,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶;他们原是悖逆之家。 15. And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with you, and you do dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. 人子啊,虽有荆棘和蒺藜在你那里,你又住在蝎子中间,总不要怕他们,也不要怕他们的话;他们虽是悖逆之家,还不要怕他们的话,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。 16. 16. I was angry and rebellious, with little regard for anything my parents had to say, particularly if it had to do with me. 我的性格很暴躁很反叛,对父母所说的每一件事都持一种逆反的态度,一点也不尊重他们,尤其是当我不得不照他们的意思去做的时候。 17. Cannot remember when exactly I would like to take charge of my own destiny, which is so rebellious against the virtues of traditional lady according to the points of view from Mencius'book: At the marrying away of a young woman, her mother admonishes her, accompanying her to the door on her leaving, and cautioning her with these words, 'You are going to your home. 一心矢志要当个反骨的自己的主人,若从《孟子·滕文公下》一书的定义来看:「女子之嫁也,母命之,往送之门,戒之曰:`往之女家,必敬必戒,无违夫子! 18. rebellious什么意思 18. Do not be afraid of them or terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house. 他们虽是悖逆之家,你不要怕他们,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。 19. All of them are stubbornly rebellious, Going about as a talebearer. 耶6:28他们都是极悖逆的、往来谗谤人。 20. Whereby you do something so incredibly rebellious that you felt that sweet yet metallic taste of fear and power? 究竟是不是当你行为表现得极为反叛的时候,你会感觉到甜蜜附随著如铁般钢硬和冰冷的恐惧及权力? rebellious 词典解释 1. 叛逆的;不听话的 If you think someone behaves in an unacceptable way and does not do what they are told, you can say they are rebellious . e.g. ...a rebellious teenager... 叛逆少年 e.g. He grew older and more rebellious. 他长大了,也越发叛逆了。 rebelliousness ...the normal rebelliousness of youth. 年轻人常见的叛逆 2. (反对现行政府体制的群体)反叛的,叛乱的 A rebellious group of people is a group involved in taking violent action against the rulers of their own country, usually in order to change the system of government there. e.g. The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy. 叛乱的军官控制了电台,广播宣布推翻君主制的消息。 rebellious 单语例句 1. Kids are by nature rebellious, and too much pressure will only intensify their defiance. 2. The rebellious forces also beat some local officials and the deputy commanding officer of the Tibet Military Area. 3. In a 1989 attempt, rebellious troops also occupied the commercial center. 4. Many kids harbour rebellious mentalities in the face of admonition from their seniors. 5. She said she was struck by the " significant devastation " in the rebellious Homs neighborhood. 6. They have long been criticized and called " the most selfish, rebellious and even lost " generation. 7. The once rebellious rockers are now more serene in person, after experiencing marriage and fatherhood. 8. Fearful of rebellious thoughts, the emperor burnt huge amount of books and buried their authors alive. 9. Their music was experimental and rebellious and the flamboyant pair wore floral shirts and skirts. 10. But some members of Saddam's Sunni minority say an execution may increase alienation among their rebellious community. rebellious的意思rebellious 英英释义 adj 1. discontented as toward authority Synonym: disaffectedill-affectedmalcontent 2. participating in organized resistance to a constituted government e.g. the rebelling confederacy 3. resisting control or authority e.g. temperamentally rebellious a rebellious crew |
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