单词 | dignified |
释义 | dignified [英 [?d?gn?fa?d] 美 [?d?ɡn??fa?d] ] dignified的意思、解释 现在分词:dignifying; dignified 基本解释 形容词庄严的; 高贵的; 有尊严的; 厚重 dignified 相关例句 形容词 1. He had a dignified way of walking. 他步态庄重。 2. dignified 2. In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified. 他身穿簇新的制服,看上去英俊威严。 dignified 网络解释 1. 尊严的,庄重的:73. inevitable 不可避免的 | 74. dignified 尊严的,庄重的 | 75. indispensable 非常重要的,无可替代的 2. 有威严的:desperation 绝望 | dignified 有威严的 | disabilities 无能力,残废 3. 有品格的:diglucoside 二葡糖苷 | dignified 有品格的 | dignified 端庄 dignified 双语例句 1. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there. 可能它并不起眼或者没有什么新闻价值,但是它是一直都在那里的。 2. This will help them with the transition through the many phases of the aging process. Together with their families, they can live a safe, healthy, comfortable and dignified life. 至於年长成人本身,要使其体认终身学习的重要性在於经由多样化的教育学习活动及早安排老年生活,在不同的老化阶段,扮演不同的角色,使家人与自己都能享有安全、健康、舒适与尊严的生活。 3. After seated, begin to look around carefully, the col本地 indoor is nothing straitlaced but dignified, compact but not blank, shows the outstanding taste of the host freely and directly. 坐定之后,开始细审四周,室内的布置,凝重而不显刻板,淡雅而不至苍白,简明随意中尽显主人不俗的品味。 4. Approach no matter the annular monument of the of great momentum, still stop pines and cypresses of verdant green sets off one another by the Red Army grave in, esteem, dignified and all around solemn and respectful blend together, talk loudly without the person, also be here without the person the pose as of state of mind with travel sight-seer. 不论走近气势磅礴的环形纪念碑,还是驻足苍松翠柏掩映之中的红军坟旁,崇敬、凝重与四面的肃穆交融在一起,没有人高声说话,也没有人在这里以旅游观光者的心态自居。 5. Imagine how noble and dignified a queen would be and how people would keep lauding her to the skies like mad! It is indeed great fun for me to visualize all of this. 一个王后是如何地尊贵呀,会如何地被人们像捧着天上的星星-样捧来捧去呀,假如我能够想象,那一定是一件有趣的事情。 6. dignified 6. Your wise and farsighted words, the light and soft laughter, the dignified body, makes tiny of my heartstring. 你睿智的话语,轻柔的笑声,端庄的身姿,使我心弦微颤。 7. In Sakyamuni palace, the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas make CiyunTemple more dignified and sacred. 大雄殿内的佛菩萨像,为慈云寺增添了不少庄严和神圣。 8. dignified什么意思 8. In Sakyamuni palace, the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas make Ciyun Temple more dignified and sacred. 大雄殿内的佛菩萨像,为慈云寺增添了不少庄严和神圣。 9. dignified什么意思 9. Women over 40 are dignified. 40歲以上的女人穩重自持 10. So we can see that those who`s major star is the Sun will never lose their faith. The Blessing Star is the complement of Leehom`s major star and has allowed him to show a mature, dignified and willing side. 所以我們可以看到,主星為太陽的人,會永不放棄自己的信念,那麼王力宏主星中兼具的天梁星,則讓他展現出成熟穩重,踏實進取的一面。 11. The peaceful and profound, dignified and pure, moderate and upright artistic character make Liqi's poems reach the absoulute pure realm. 宁静深远、凝重纯真、温婉刚正的艺术特色使李琦的诗歌抵达一种至纯至真的境界。 12. Our message is much bigger, better, and more dignified by not using slanderous or vulgar words. 媒体在提及迈克尔的名字的时候会使用不恰当的和伤害性的语言。 13. As one sees a stork, or even a heron, standing motionless in the marshes of some secluded pond, dignified, elegant and white and pure, the scholar wishes that he were a stork himself. 当一个学者看见一头鹤或甚至一头苍鹭,既庄严又纯洁的静立在隐僻的池塘时,他真希望他自己也会化成一头鹤呢。 14. Peaceful people, tenet, magnanimity, pushing Gong, dignified way around, treat people well. 平和的人,厚德载物,雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸,处事方圆得体,待人宽严得宜。 15. 15. Peaceful people, tenet, 容人magnanimity, pushing dignified way around, treat people well. 平和的人,厚德载物,雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸,处事方圆得体,待人宽严得宜。 16. This is a tall to wear gowns Mongolia's young people, Mei Yujian reveal the heroic spirit that he appears to have a dignified appearance. 这是个穿蒙古袍的高大的年青人,眉宇间流露的英气使他显得器宇轩昂。 17. So melodious voice of dignified bearing showed you so cheerful melody youthful interpretation of your mind, so that the brush and colorful beauty of the pride you up. 让悠扬的歌声亮出你们轩昂的气宇,让欢快的旋律演绎你们青春的心绪,让多彩的画笔挥洒你们冲天的豪情。 18. I see the ancient grave, is extremely has the grand king mausoleum, the avenue 石人 stone horse statue, Extremely 魁 macro, in the mausoleum has the slave servants which several thousand is buried along with the dead buries, But also some several thousand stone burial puppet, that king is extremely dignified, makes one be afraid, Does not dare 迫视, is excavated regarding the mausoleum and the opening, he obviously extremely is furious! 我看见的古墓,是一座极具宏伟的帝王陵墓,夹道石人石马石象,十分魁宏,陵墓内有数千陪葬殉葬的奴隶奴婢,还有数千石俑,那位帝王极其威严,令人不寒而栗,不敢迫视,对于陵墓被发掘及开放,他显然十分震怒! 19. dignified的反义词 19. Teachers in the basic principles of instrument specification is: clean, dignified, gentle, generous. 教师仪表规范的基本原则是:整洁、端庄、文雅、大方。 20. The drama cast strong, not only the strength of the domestic first-line stars Xuebing, left Xiaoqing, Liu Wei, Gao Ming to play starring, but also treasure actor Tang Guoqiang, Liu Jinyou situation appeared, old and new 演技派明星 Liu pledge allegiance warfare Weihua, Xiao-Ming Zhao, Zheng Hao, LIU Jia-jia, Wang Yu, Kwok Ka-ming, a battle-ching, Li Jinzhe so Qing Qing join together for the audience demonstrated a gorgeous, ambitious dignified picture of national history. 该剧演员阵容强大,不仅有国内一线实力影星王学兵、左小青、刘威、高明担当主演,而且有国宝级演员唐国强、刘劲友情出演,新老演技派明星刘交心、战卫华、赵晓明、郑昊、刘佳佳、王雨、郭家铭、战菁一、李金哲等倾情加盟,合力为观众展现了一部绚丽多彩、宏大凝重的民族历史画卷。 dignified 词典解释 1. 有尊严的;庄严的;高贵的 If you say that someone or something is dignified, you mean they are calm, impressive and deserve respect. e.g. He seemed a very dignified and charming man... 他看上去很高贵,富有魅力。 e.g. Mr Smith is maintaining a dignified silence. 史密斯先生庄重地保持着沉默。 dignified 单语例句dignified什么意思 1. Seven soldiers and police dogs are dignified with the title of'my loyal comrade in arms'. 2. No matter how many years have passed, defection and trickery will not make Japan a dignified nation. 3. With blue flowers and green leaves, it looks dignified and particularly gorgeous. 4. The Iraqi government had released an official video showing a dignified Saddam refusing a hood as the noose was placed around his neck. 5. There are many patients who are going through intense physical pain caused by incurable diseases and pray for a dignified end to their lives. 6. Even if more people from rural areas become residents in cities they will not enjoy a dignified life there without stable jobs. 7. Her tomb included a dignified picture of her during her later years, and I froze when I read her name. 8. But the paltry amount that employees in the Heze SOE earn is far from being enough to lead a dignified life. 9. Luan took these pictures as portraits in order to make his work dignified and manifest the sanctity of the characters. 10. In the music world it is generally thought that the most dignified response to a poor review is silence. dignified 英英释义 dignified在线翻译 adj 1. having or expressing dignity especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance e.g. her dignified demeanor the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman 2. having or showing self-esteem Synonym: self-respectingself-respectful |
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