单词 | digression |
释义 | digression [英 [da?'ɡre?n] 美 [da?'ɡre?n] ] digression的意思、解释 复数形式:digressions; digression 基本解释 名词离题,岔开 digression的反义词 digression 网络解释 1. 枝蔓:Diffusion 扩散 | Digression 枝蔓 | Dilthey 狄尔泰 2. 离题,枝节话:regress 退回,后退,逆行; 回归 | digression 离题,枝节话 | perhaps 也许,可能,多半 3. 离角,极方位距,天文:座标读取头 digitizing head | 离角,极方位距,天文 digression | 两面角 dihedral angle digression 双语例句 1. Or will it prove to be no more than a dazzling digression for its troubled maker? 或者只会是其处于困境中的制造商的一次华丽转身? 2. digression的近义词 2. My digression about carpet salesmen notwithstanding, I wish to return to my previous topic: unlike one`s style, one`s character is not expected to change. 地毯店的故事与前几节似乎有些不搭题,前几节说的是与说话方式不同,角色形象是不宜改变的。 3. digression的反义词 3. Since we are engaged in giving details as to what the convent of the Petit-Picpus was in former times, and since we have ventured to open a window on that discreet retreat, the reader will permit us one other little digression, utterly foreign to this book, but characteristic and useful, since it shows that the cloister even has its original figures. 我们既然在谈小比克布斯修院已往的一些琐事,也敢于把那禁宫的一扇窗子敞了开来,读者谅能允许我们再另生一小小枝节,叙述一件与本书实际无关的故事,这故事不但有它特殊之处,并对帮助我们了解那座修院的一些奇特现象也有好处。 4. I digressed off of my digression. 我过我的题外话题外话。 5. Let me do a dual-purpose digression and explanation to ensure that you have a reasonably decent grasp of what it is I'm trying to portray here... 让我做了双用途题外话和解释,以确保你有一个合理的体面把握的是什么,我试图描绘出在这里 6. digression 6. Before leaving this example, it is also worth a brief digression on a problem related to storage allocators. 在结束该例子之前,我们简单讨论一下有关存储分配程序的问题。 7. 7. A brief digression. Lithium is a weird element. It`s the third lightest after hydrogen and helium, and unlike every other element after it on the periodic table, we don`t think it`s made inside stars. 得出简单的方法解释行星可以影响恒星的含锂量是可能的,可能行星重力的下拽力使恒星的内部混乱,使得锂尽可能地接近恒星的内部而被毁灭。 8. It is perhaps worth a short digression to discuss the possibility of the range of an operator not being closed, and its consequences. 在此值得稍离本题讨论算子的值域非闭的可能性及其推论。 9. digression的反义词 9. If you'll allow a slight digression, ... 请允许我说几句题外话。。。。 10. Our work will benefit in the digression of system's cost and improvement of system's economics. 本文的工作提出服务质量和资源耗费代价之间的折衷的方法,对降低VOD系统费用,提高系统的经济性有重要的意义。 11. digression 11. In saying this I have been running into a digression 我在说这些的时候,已经陷入了循环。 12. 12. After this digression we return now to our original problem. 在这一段插话以后,现在回到原来的问题。 13. But to return from this painful digression. 但是,为了回报这个痛苦的题外话。 14. Please pardon my digression, said Mary. I didnt mean to diminish the importance of our conversation. 请原谅我离题了,玛丽说,我并不想贬低我们谈话的重要性。 15. The study of the structural properties of narratives that experiment with digression, multiple points of view, disruptions of time, space, and of storyline is complemented by theoretical texts about authorship/readership, plot/story, properties of digital media and hypertext. 这一类的叙事文本以叉题、多重观点、时空与故事轴线的断裂作为其叙事手法,在解释其结构特质时,本课程将佐以作者读者关系、剧情故事、数位媒体与超文本的相关理论。 16. digression是什么意思 16. To the extent, then, that man fails to distinguish between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision, the computer could prove a digression. 因此,在人们不能区别电子智能的这种中间运算与人们决策最终需负的责仟的情况下,计算机可能反而是一种节外生枝。 17. 17. Then after that digression then you have this seventh seal which is really kind of anticlimactic. 在这题外话之后,是第七道印,相当虎头蛇尾。 18. Digression here to say a few words, Psytopic this site is really very good, with many faithful reader, very simple interface. 这里说几句题外话,Psytopic 这个网站真是很不错,拥有很多忠实读者,界面简洁得很。 19. The onboard responder antenna drops into or near the rail top which cause the train digression. 车载应答器天线坠入铁轨或其附近,导致列车脱轨。 20. Cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression. 使自己的(或别人的)意识或注意力从幻想或脱轨的状态中回到现实。 digression 单语例句 1. Forgive my digression, but I'm sure you understand my frustration. 2. The amendment also imposes stricter controls over speech times and prevents digression by NPC Standing Committee members at legislative meetings. digression在线翻译digression 英英释义 noun 1. wandering from the main path of a journey Synonym: excursion 2. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern) e.g. a diversion from the main highway a digression into irrelevant details a deflection from his goal Synonym: diversiondeviationdeflectiondeflexiondivagation 3. a message that departs from the main subject Synonym: asideexcursusdivagationparenthesis |
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