单词 | worldly |
释义 | worldly [英 [?w?:ldli] 美 [?w?:rldli] ] worldly的意思、解释 worldly 基本解释 worldly 形容词尘世的; 世间的,世上的; 追逐名利的,鄙俗的 副词世俗地; 世故地 worldly 反义词 形容词spiritualheavenly worldly的解释 worldly 相关例句 形容词 1. He made a will leaving all his worldly goods to his daughter. 他立了份遗嘱把他全部财产留给了他女儿。 worldly 网络解释 1. 世间的:worldling 俗物 | worldly 世间的 | worldly-minded 营求名利的 2. worldly什么意思 2. 世俗的 追逐名利的:profane 亵渎宗教的 | worldly 世俗的 追逐名利的 | pagan 异教的 邪教的 异教徒 3. 世间的,老练的, 见闻广大的:2. affluence: n. 富裕,富足 | 3. worldly: 世间的,老练的, 见闻广大的 | Womens Murder Club (美女专案组) worldly 双语例句 1. Emperor is a post that all respect, but Zizhou Zhifu refused it because he wanted to keep fit, avoiding over tiredness. It is reasonable that a man should not hurt himself for worldly affairs. 天子是大家都敬重的职位,可是为了保养身子,使身体不要过份劳累,所以子州支父拒而不受;一个人应该不会为了俗事来伤害自己的身体吧! 2. They can come out of the cocoon of their worldly life if they wish. But they can't bear to; for they themselves have built the cocoon with great love and care. 如果他们愿意,就能从世俗生活的束缚中破茧而出,但他们不能忍受;因为他们已经用极大的爱与烦恼来筑起了茧,所以他们死在那里。 3. worldly的反义词 3. In analogous fashion, the Tathagata-garbha (the immanent Buddha-Self) is perfect, of gold-like radiance and value, and complete within every being - but is hidden deep inside, removed from worldly sight. 因为相似的时尚,如来藏是很完美的,是金子一样散光和有价值,对每个生命都完美-但是在里面隐藏了很深,从世俗的视角移开。 4. worldly 4. He lived among hunters, mingling with worldly people. 在猎人队里,韬光晦迹,藏器待时。 5. The eldest granddaughter-in-law get everybody of favorable comment among firmly Jia, she masters worldly wisdom, and the crisis to the family is known and considered deeply far, have different ordinary persons suffering consciousness, intelligently competently has like Xue Baochai. 在贾府中是深得众人好评的长重媳妇,她精通人情世故,并对家族的危机识深虑远,有着不同常人的忧患意识,聪慧能干有如薛宝钗。 6. We get caught up in materialistic pursuits and worldly ways of doing God`s work. 我们被夹在物质的追求以及用世界的方法做上帝的工作。 7. They don`t like to bustle in and out for living, worldly trivia, fame and wealth. 他们不喜欢整天为了生计、为了名利,庸庸碌碌地周旋在俗事之间。 8. It was foreign to his plan that his followers should engage in any form of industrial pursuits, lest they might thereby be entangled in worldly cares and desires. 这是外国对他的计划,他的追随者应该从事任何形式的工业追求,否则他们可能因此而纠缠在世俗的关心和期望。 9. As the more close air, sucketh in the more open: and as in confession, the revealing is not for worldly use, but for the ease of a man's heart, so secret men come to the knowledge of many things, in that kind 就好象密闭的空气会吸摄空旷的空气一样;又在忏悔中的暴露既不是为任何实际用处而是为一个人心里痛快的,如斯,隐密的人乃能得知许多的事 10. The reason why they behave so we think is the consideration of losing their reputation, wealth and followers. On the other hand, since starting to spread the dharma, we have never been concerned about any personal reputation, wealth or followers, and have not gotten any worldly benefit either. Without aspiring to personal reputation, wealth or followers, we just elaborate the true dharma against the false ones according to conditions, rescue the misguided learners, and thus of course displease those masters with wrong teachings. After our diligent endeavor for over ten years, what we have obtained is only our selfless contributions, and none of us have gotten any personal benefit from the society. 推究他们如是作为的原因,不外乎名闻、利养、信众可能流失的考量;但我们自从出世弘法以来,不曾在个人的名闻、利养、眷属上面著眼,亦从未在这些世俗法中获得任何利益;我们从来不受供养与求名闻,亦不广求眷属,只是随缘而行地辨正法义破邪显正,得罪诸方大师而救护被误导的学人们;我们十余年勤苦之后所拥有的,除了付出以外,仍然是付出,不曾有一个人是有所得的。 11. He is a worldly wise and cunning man, who can take his cue from changing conditions 他是个顺风转舵的人,世故圆滑得很。 12. Dream suddenly look into the sky like a daytime Choi Wan, and then view the mountains, busy wood, Zen Nai Ho, night dreams go, though, such as spring water gurgling, leisurely around the home without putting too much does not lament the worldly Nan Ke. 梦,有如白日里忽睹天际彩云,再观山中闲木,怎奈何,一夜梦归,虽如春水潺潺,悠悠绕故乡,却无不感叹这世间太多的南柯。 13. 13. The basic Buddhist principles as well as its ethical ideas of equality, mercy relief, protection of living beings, purification of the heart, and so forth, have helped to enrich traditional Chinese ethics, improve the faith of educating ordinary servicemen, and heighten the restraining power of worldly... 强化了中土道德教化的信仰力量,增强了世俗伦理的约束力。作为宗教伦理,中国佛教以其普遍性、超越性特征在中土传统社会中成为一种有效的劝善化俗之道,在现代社会中具有缓解现代危机、增进义务责任等普世意义。 14. And think toward Yan Ye such Apollo compares oneself and source family name rise inferior by comparison, be afraid of him oneself and worldly and general the woman that admires him is equal rise, just stem from consequently formal come and go with him, 5 palace persuade aunt daughter she accepts source family name to also be rejected stoutly. 而朝颜也认为自己与源氏这样的美男子比起来相形见绌,怕他把自己与世间一般仰慕他的女子等同起来,因而只是出于礼仪与他来往,姑姑女五宫劝她接受源氏也被果断拒绝。 15. Blue distant place mountain, blue vicinity sea, blue marine sky, blue vulgar worldly thoughts. 蓝了远处的山,蓝了近处的海,蓝了海上的天,蓝了俗世的尘心。 16. The other worldly Dragon's Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean. 奇特的龙血树以及700种稀有的动、植物物种将人们吸引到了印度洋上的索科特拉岛。 17. The other worldly Dragons Blood Trees and other 700 rarespecies of flora and fauna have drawn people to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean. 奇特的龙血树以及700种稀有的动、植物物种将人们吸引到了印度洋上的索科特拉岛。 18. 18. Had he not treated the Buddha like another child equal to himself, had he been restricted by worldly conventions, how could he have happily placed the filthy dirt into the Buddha's bowl? 倘若他不是将佛看成同我不二的孩子;倘若他在那一刻受了俗世事理的束缚,他怎能快快乐乐地将肮脏的泥土,放进佛的饭钵之中呢? 19. worldly的翻译 19. They are his special life proprioceptive sensibility, jumping-off love-knot and actively-participation in worldly affairs Chapter I mainly disserts Shen Congwen`s special life proprioceptive sensibility. 第一章主要论述了沈从文的生命本体观。作为一个信仰生命的作家,沈从文具有一种以生命为本体的观念,它呈现为一个不断深化的发展过程。 20. Worldly Power Is Not Of Long Duration, And Is Subject To Innumerable Changes. 世俗的权力不会长久持续,它是受支配于数不清的变化。 worldly 词典解释 1. 尘世的;世俗的;现实的 Worldly is used to describe things relating to the ordinary activities of life, rather than to spiritual things. e.g. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters... 我认为是该你清醒过来把思想集中到更为现实的问题上的时候了。 e.g. He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism. 他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。 2. 世故的;老成练达的 Someone who is worldly is experienced and knows about the practical or social aspects of life. worldly的意思 e.g. He was different from anyone I had known, very worldly, everything that Dermot was not... 他不同于我认识的任何一个人,非常老成,与德莫特完全相反。 e.g. He was worldly and sophisticated. 他阅历丰富,老于世故。 worldliness To Betty, Joe had an air of worldliness. 在贝蒂看来,乔有点儿世故。 3. 名利的 Worldly is used to describe things relating to success, wealth, and possessions. e.g. Today the media drive athletes to the view that the important thing is to gain worldly success. 现在,媒体使得运动员认为追名逐利是很重要的。 4. 物质的 You can refer to someone's possessions as their worldly goods or possessions. e.g. ...a man who had given up all his worldly goods... 放弃了所有财产的男子 e.g. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions. 他们愿意签字放弃所有财产。 worldly 单语例句worldly 1. The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion of the Qingming Festival. 2. For quite a number of people, money and other worldly benefits have become the only criterion of judging an action. 3. When it made its first ever journey on July 1, it carried a load of this worldly excitement into Lhasa. 4. Deling is worldly wise and her outgoing personality stands in sharp contrast to the depressing stiffness of the Forbidden City. 5. In line with this social psychology, the woodcarving images and stories display an unusually upbeat attitude toward worldly life. 6. His Holiness is anything but that - for on the surface he is the very embodiment of worldly success. 7. In short order she gets involved with the much older man, smitten with his seemingly glamorous lifestyle and worldly wisdom. 8. Years ago professors were often poor and stood aloof from worldly strife. 9. This is the " humble monk " who forswears worldly goods in favor of living a simple life dressed in maroon robes. 10. New generations of consumers will be more literate, worldly and fashion savvy. worldly 英英释义 adj 1. very sophisticated especially because of surfeit versed in the ways of the world e.g. the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond' the benefits of his worldly wisdom Synonym: blase 2. characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world e.g. worldly goods and advancement temporal possessions of the church Synonym: seculartemporal |
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