单词 | wring |
释义 | wring [英 [r??] 美 [r??] ] wring的意思、解释 过去式:wrung; 过去分词:wrung; 现在分词:wringing; wring 基本解释 及物动词绞,拧; 扭干,绞出; 折磨,使苦恼; 曲解 不及物动词扭动; 蠕动; 感到痛苦; 感到苦恼 名词绞,扭; 紧紧握手; 剧痛 wring 相关例句 及物动词 1. wring在线翻译 1. He wrung his old friend's hand. 他紧握他老朋友的手。 2. I'll wring your neck if you don't behave. 你如果不规矩点,我就拧断你的脖子。 3. She wrung the wet towel out. 她把湿毛巾拧干。 4. wring的反义词 4. She wrung the wet clothes. 她把湿衣服拧干。 5. Her sufferings wrung my heart. 她的不幸令我非常心痛。 wring 网络解释 1. 1. 绞:wring bolt 装配螺栓 | wring 绞 | wringing fit 轻迫配合 2. 扭:wither#凋谢 | wring#扭 | yell#号叫 3. 拧:wrestle (與)摔角 | wring 擰 | yacht 遊艇 4. wring是什么意思 4. 扭绞:赖特;彼得 WRIGHT; PETER (1926- ) | 扭绞 WRING | 皱纹 WRINKLE wring 双语例句 1. On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions. 有时,人们看见帕里先生在情绪激动时用力扭自己的手。 2. 2. If you don't listen to me, I'll wring your scrawny little neck. 如果不听我的话,把你的小极瘦的脖子给拧断了。 3. wring在线翻译 3. However, if the word is bad, or if you can't find out anything on the new company, the safest thing is to prepare for the worst. Show up at the meeting loaded for bear, but how much you wring is up to you and your budget. 但若你听说对方挺难缠的,或找不到任何有关这家新公司的资料,那么最保险的做法是:预先想好了最糟的情况,做好万全的准备,严阵以待,但要做多少让步就看你自己和你的预算。 4. If now and then we encounter pages that explode, pages that wound and sear, that wring groans and tears and curses, know that they come from a man with his back up, a man whose only defenses left are his words and his words are always stronger than the lying, crushing weight of the world, stronger than all the racks and wheels which the cowardly invent to crush out the miracle of personality. 如果我们不时读到探究真理的书、刺伤人使人冷酷无情的书、令人叫苦落泪诅咒谩骂的书,我们就知道这些文字是那个被压趴下的人写的,他唯一的抵抗就是诉诸文字了,而他的文字总是比世界上撒谎压人的重量更有力,比胆小鬼们发明的要压垮人格之奇迹的刑台和刑车更有力。 5. 5. Once inflation gets out of control it will be harder to wring out of the system. 一旦通胀失去了控制,将很难摆脱这种困境。 6. And in welcoming the end, surely it is unfair to wring hands at the inevitably bloody means. 在迎接战争结束时,在审视不可避免的血腥方式面前缩手缩脚当然是不公平的。 7. Sure enough, a deterioration environment and population explosion make it increasingly difficult for Men to wring a living out of this land. 可以肯定,环境恶化和人口爆炸使人类在这块土地挣扎生存的困难不断加大。 8. Yet man is not to be too severely censured for his failure to achieve a paradise on earth. It is hard to wring a livelihood from the surface of this planet. 人类不会因为没有实现天堂梦就受到严厉谴责,毕竟在地球上谋求生存是很困难的! 9. They have so little common humanity, these artists of the pins and chalk, that it must be difficult to wring out of nine of them folly and friendliness enough to make an ordinary citizen. 这些和别针粉笔打交道的艺术家与常人相差甚远,九个裁缝的错误和冷漠凑到一起也不及一个普通公民的多。 10. Mordants immersion in syrup 10 minutes, wring dry and then immersed Coloring tea cooked, about 20 minutes to remove the screw after the dry, air-dried can be opened. 浸入媒染剂药水中十分钟,拧干后再浸入煮好的茶汤内染色,约20分钟后取出拧干,打开后风干即可。4。 11. Warm hand wash separately with washing Detergent. Do not bleach. Do not boil. Do not wring. 质地细腻的粉末能保持脸部化妆的清爽,不易掉状并避免油亮感。 12. You tempt Him to wring them, till He forces a cry of humiliation. 你使得上帝来绞扭你的心和神经,一直到他迫使你发出屈服的呼喊为止。 13. 13. Sooner or later, they will wring the truth out of the prisoner. 我们迟早是会从囚犯口里逼出真情的。 14. Try in make clear, hydraulic pressure shovels dredger, grab bucket to shovel dredger construction efficiency instead instead taller, dredge of dredger of grab bucket type shovels type dredger to affect degree small; to wring dredger suction type to water environment than turning over, contain a lot ofas a result of bottom mud sundry, suction inlet jams extremely easily, apply to; of dredge of mud of Suzhou river bottom to undertake to groovy grab bucket environmental protection is transformed hard, the influence of earth of hourglass of leakage of the grab bucket in reducing dredge process significantly to water system water quality, be worth promotion application. 中试表明,液压反铲挖泥船、抓斗反铲挖泥船施工效率较高,抓斗式挖泥船疏浚比反铲式挖泥船对水环境影响程度小;绞吸式挖泥船,由于底泥富含杂物,吸口极易堵塞,难以适用于苏州河底泥疏浚;对常规抓斗进行环保改造,显著减少疏浚过程中抓斗漏水漏土对水体水质的影响,值得推广应用。 15. Fight for it, you dogs, or I'll wring its neck myself. 为它决斗一下,你们两个狗东西,不然我要亲自把它的颈子扭断了! 16. wring 16. I'm going to wring to my teacher. 我想给老师写信。 17. wring什么意思 17. Y I`m going to wring your neck. 我要把你的脖子扭断! 18. He tried to wring a promise from me. 他试图强迫我作出承诺。 19. My socks were so wet that I had to wring them. 我的袜子很湿,我不得不拧干它们。 20. 20. Answer: Wring is to express your thought through language. 回答:写作就是通过语言表达你自己的思想。 wring 词典解释 1. 强行取得;逼取 If you wring something out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you even though they do not want to. e.g. Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers... 买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。 e.g. In this way, he hoped to put pressure on the British and thus to wring concessions from them. 他希望通过这种方式向英国人施压,从而迫使他们让步。 2. (通常因忧愁、焦虑而)绞扭双手(干叹息) If someone wrings their hands, they hold them together and twist and turn them, usually because they are very worried or upset about something. You can also say that someone is wringing their hands when they are expressing sorrow that a situation is so bad but are saying that they are unable to change it. e.g. The Government has got to get a grip. Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn't good enough. 政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。 3. 扭断…的脖子(表示非常生某人的气) If you say that you will wring someone's neck or that you would like to wring their neck, you mean that you are very angry or irritated with them. e.g. That crazy Debbie! He could wring her neck for this!... 黛比那个疯子!他会为这把她的脖子拧断的! e.g. I still love you even though I'd like to wring your neck. 虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。 相关词组:wring out wring 单语例句 1. Put the mixture in a clean dish towel and squeeze to wring out as much liquid as possible. 2. " We're going to wring the towel dry, " he said. 3. The president gave GM 60 days to wring additional concessions from workers, creditors and other stakeholders. 4. Wrap the cucumber discs in the towel and wring any water from the cucumbers. 5. They also believe they could wring the most out of the MGM library. wring 英英释义 noun 1. a twisting squeeze e.g. gave the wet cloth a wring Synonym: squeeze wring的翻译 verb 1. twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish e.g. Wring one's hand Synonym: wrench 2. twist and press out of shape Synonym: contortdeformdistort 3. twist, squeeze, or compress in order to extract liquid e.g. wring the towels 4. obtain by coercion or intimidation e.g. They extorted money from the executive by threatening to reveal his past to the company boss They squeezed money from the owner of the business by threatening him Synonym: extortsqueezerackgouge |
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