单词 | dimension |
释义 | dimension [英 [da??men?n] 美 [d??m?n??n, da?-] ] dimension的意思、解释 复数形式:dimensions; dimension 基本解释 名词尺寸; [复]面积,范围; [物]量纲; [数]次元,度,维 形容词(石料,木材)切成特定尺寸的 及物动词把…刨成(或削成)所需尺寸; 标出尺寸 dimension dimension 相关例句 名词 1. Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时候被称作第四维。 2. dimension的解释 2. A line has one dimension and a square has two. 线是一度空间,平面是两度空间。 3. dimension是什么意思 3. They have bought a house of generous dimensions. 他们买了一所宽敞的房屋。 4. No one realized the dimensions of his problems. 没有人意识到他的问题有多么严重。 5. dimension的解释 5. What are the dimensions of this language laboratory? 这个语言实验室的容积是多少? dimension 网络解释 1. 规格:强大的承接工程队伍能力,能配合大型工程的急切需要,优良的施工安装技术 类型:塑胶地板 规格(Dimension): 23m~27m(L)×2.0m(w)×2.0㎜ 耐磨层:0.4㎜~0.55㎜ 适用范围:医院、办公室、宾馆、专卖店、展厅、健身房、疗养院、制药厂、家庭等. 2. 范围:换言之,他们能够习得经济斗争的程序与范围(dimension)以赢得更好的生活状况;他们颇为熟悉那些用于追求自身阶级利益的手段,譬如罢工、工会组织及宣传活动等等. 3. 3. dimension:dim; 尺寸,维 dimension 双语例句 1. 1. The dimension of the element model is put forword by the real dimension in the practice. 该模型的几何尺寸和材料类型以现有的工程实际结构尺寸为参考,通过选取合理的本构关系和单元类型,模拟真实的约束和荷载进行求解。 2. Week 15 Wave function, Schrodingger equation, infinite deep potential well in one dimension. Spin of electron, forth quantum number, description of hydrogen atom with quantum mechanics, Pauli exclusion principle, shell distribution of electrons out of atomic nucleus. 第15周波函数;薛定谔方程;一维无限深势阱;氢原子的定态薛定谔方程和求解的主要步骤;解的物理意义;电子的自旋-第四个量子数;氢原子的量子力学描述;泡利不相容原理;元素原子核外电子的壳层分布。 3. dimension是什么意思 3. For the wedge fracture and elliptic fracture, the dimension of influence region by fracture creation increased with th... 在井眼周围5m以内区域,渗透率受动态造缝影响明显,且距井眼越近,渗透率变化越剧烈;在近井致密带内渗流速度明显降低,且造缝长度越小动态造缝对压裂井产能的影响相对越明显。 4. dimension什么意思 4. Simulation shows that the dimension variation of long and short bending axes are independent, and the circumference simply increases with bending curvature. 仿真结果显示,钻杆弯曲时其截面的长、短轴的变化是独立的;截面周长随曲率增大呈线性增加。 5. dimension是什么意思 5. This is why is the time of one element four-dimension space 这就是时间为什么是四维空间的要素之一的原因 6. Time is the forth dimension and can be measured and analysed but how time is viewed depends on the perspective. 时间是能够被测量、分析的第四维空间,但对它的定义它有赖于人们的观察角度。 7. You can actually enter a fourth dimension. 你实际上进入了第四维空间。 8. The key to understanding the third dimension lies in the fourth dimension. 第四维空间是了解第三维空间的关键。 9. dimension 9. Remain an exceeding and usual day today, I am however today in space of this 4 dimension perplexed. 今天仍然是一个极度平常的日子,我今天却在这四维空间里迷惘了一次。 10. No one likes to make a direct admission but, secretly, shaving one`s legs has an 9 aesthetic dimension: it is simply how the racing cyclist should look. 没有人愿意坦白承认,但是,私下里,大家都知道剃光腿毛包含了审美因素:职业自行车选手就应该是这个样子。 11. dimension的解释 11. It is through the act of restoration that Earth will one day enter the next dimension of thought form. 通过恢复的行为,地球将有一天进入下一个维度的思想形态。 12. dimension 12. Two dimension mathematical model of the tube reactor for dimethyl ether synthesis from methanol was established The temperature and concentration profiles in axial and radial direction for this tube reactor with change of operating condition were obtained with finite difference method, so as to provide design data for developing largescale plant of synthesizing dimethyl ether from methano 通过对甲醇气相脱水制二甲醚反应特点的研究,提出了使用拟等温管式反应器的概念;并用二维数学模型进行了数学模拟;在该模型上进行了操作条件对催化床温度分布影响的模拟研究,从而提出了该反应器的结构尺寸,为甲醇气相脱水制二甲醚的大型化开发提供了设计依据。 13. The dissertation advances and clarifies the theory of dimension analysis that is regarded as a metatheoretical frame. By applying the theory, it comes to the conclusion that the methodological individualism is of restricted rationality. 在具体分析方法论个体主义所受整体主义等各类批评的基础上,本文在方法论元理论的层面上发展了维度分析的框架理论,并运用这一理论对方法论个体主义作出了局域合理性的评价。 14. Ngai and Wang [9] introduced the notion of finite type and described a scheme for computation of the Hausdorff, Box dimension when the finite type occurs, which, however, forces the ratios to be exponentially commensurable. Ngai和Wang[9]提出了有限型的定义并给出了当迭代函数系统是有限型时计算系统吸引子Hausdorff,Box维数的方法,但有限型的定义要求相似变换的压缩比必须满足对数值可公度。 15. Linear Reference System is a one dimension system and it can join directly the multiattribute and linear objects. 线性参考系统(LRS,Linear Reference System)是一维的系统,这是一种直接的方法将多套属性与线性物体的多个组成部分联系起来。 16. On the basis of study on the theory of dynamic compaction, the specific property of soil and the working mechanism of dynamic compaction was studied and also studied was the dynamic compaction method design and the construction technology. Chiefly studied are design principle, computation theory and influence factor etc and studied in detail were the design parameters and construction technology; The on-the-spot test and the quality checking method were introduced; By analyzing the influence factors of reinforced depth and on the basis of dimension comparison, the reinforced depth is calculated by applying the square of the energy on the bottom of the hammer and also, the energy could be decided by the required reinforced depth and the weight of the hammer; On the basis of the diagram of the dynamic compaction method, the method for computing the reinforced range, which is suit for unitary soil layer, is deduced. By combining neural network with the requirement for stopping compaction, the deformation module is calculated, based on which, the capability of the soil after compaction is calculated as the reference for design and construction; With the influence during compaction procedure on the environment studied, the vibration principle is analyzed to work out the safety distance in construction and rational vibration resistance measures. 本文通过对动力固结理论的探讨,分析了强夯加固软土地基时土的特性,研究了非饱和土和饱和土的强夯加固机理及强夯置换加固机理,并在此基础上,研究了强夯法的设计原则、原理、影响因素及设计计算方法,并详细研究了强夯参数选择、强夯加固地基施工工艺;介绍了当前强夯地基现场试验及质量检测方法;通过对强夯加固深度的影响因素进行分析,从量纲对比入手,近似用单位夯锤底面积上的单击夯能的算术平方根值来估算加固深度,或根据要求的加固深度和已有夯锤来初步确定所使用的单击夯能;通过填土或其他松软土体的强夯加固模式图,推导出主要适应性质较单一的土层加固范围的计算公式;在以往研究工作的基础上,通过运用神经网络算法,利用强夯时停止夯击的标准(即达到夯实效果时单击夯沉量)来计算强夯后地基土的变形模量,定量地预测强夯后地基土的容许承载力大小,为强夯设计和施工提供参考;通过研究强夯对环境的振动效应,分析掌握其振动衰减规律,为工程施工确定最小的施工安全距离,以及合理布置减振和隔振措施。 17. dimension 17. To increase user cardinal number, if adjacent is at the beginning of 2006, attracted dimension numerous with sea accept Asia the venture capital investment of 10 million dollar, after crossing financing, the bottleneck of user amount did not get a breakthrough, this namely the matter that Zou Ling leaves locally from CEO again. 为了增大用户基数,若邻在2006年初吸引了维众和海纳亚洲1000万美元的风险投资,不过融资后,用户数量的瓶颈并没有得到突破,这也就是邹岭再一次从CEO位置上离开的原因。 18. dimension 18. When we talk about visual patterns we consider only spatial dimensions, disregarding the dimension of time. 当我们讨论到视觉的模式,我们所考虑到的只有空间的范围,而不讨论时间。 19. dimension在线翻译 19. In the following chapters, from the culture and history dimension, the author analyzes the varied influences on human resources management, marketing management, operational management and technological innovation in China and Japan, case studies are offered at the end of each chapter listed above. 在接下来的四部分比较中,从文化对比点入手,将历史穿插其中,通过对比这两因素对人力资源、市场营销、运营管理、技术创新四个主要方面对中日企业产生的不同影响分别展开探讨,并在每章末穿插案例给予支持。 20. In this world, time is a visible dimension. 在这个世界里,时间是一个看得到的维度。 dimension 词典解释 1. 方面;部分 A particular dimension of something is a particular aspect of it. e.g. There is a political dimension to the accusations... 这些指控含有政治方面的因素。 e.g. This adds a new dimension to our work. 这给我们的工作增添了新的内容。 2. (情况或问题的)范围,规模,程度 If you talk about the dimensions of a situation or problem, you are talking about its extent and size. e.g. He considers the dimensions of the problem... 他考虑了问题的严重程度。 e.g. The dimensions of the market collapse were certainly not anticipated. 股市崩盘的严重程度的确是没有预料到的。 3. (长、宽、高等的)量度;尺寸;大小;面积 A dimension is a measurement such as length, width, or height. If you talk about the dimensions of an object or place, you are referring to its size and proportions. e.g. Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield... 该处的钻探工作将继续下去,以便估测新油田的面积。 e.g. I don't think it would spoil the dimensions of the room. 我不认为它会破坏房间的大小。 4. (数学和科学中的)维(度) In mathematics and science, dimension is used in describing spatial concepts such as points, lines, and solids. dimension是什么意思 5. see also: fourth dimension dimension 单语例句 1. He added that globalization had " skidded out of control " and there is a necessity for rebuilding capitalism by restoring its moral dimension. 2. Practically all manufacturing activities and many service industries today are characterized by supply chain production, and nearly all supply chains embody an international dimension. 3. The robust color palette and carefully constructed compositions do their parts to tell the story in any dimension. 4. " China's financial clout will spill into every conceivable dimension of international relations, " he writes. 5. Diamond jewelry before was usually made of single stones of one dimension and usually round cut. 6. Feng says he believes the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games could change a lot in this dimension. 7. Our readers are familiar with the world's leading news sources, and seek additional insights from us to add depth and dimension to their bigger picture. 8. The long wheelbase 5 Series brings a new dimension to the Joy of Business and is a masterpiece of engineering and design. 9. " I believe CEPA gives a new dimension to our competitiveness, " Leung says. 10. It's the number of yuan you'll need to shell out to get married, according to some savant in that eerie dimension we call the online world. dimension 英英释义 noun 1. magnitude or extent e.g. a building of vast proportions Synonym: proportion 2. the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height) 3. a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished e.g. self-confidence is not an endearing property Synonym: propertyattribute 4. one of three Cartesian coordinates that determine a position in space dimension在线翻译 verb 1. shape or form to required dimensions 2. indicate the dimensions on e.g. These techniques permit us to dimension the human heart |
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