单词 | zenith |
释义 | zenith [英 [?zen?θ] 美 [?zi:n?θ] ] zenith的意思、解释 复数形式:zeniths; zenith 基本解释 顶点, 极点; zenith 相关例句 名词 1. zenith 1. Being elected class president was the zenith of my years in high school. 当选级长是我中学时代最辉煌的时刻。 2. She has passed her zenith. 她最得意的时候已成过去。 3. The sun reaches its zenith at midday. 太阳在中午升到天顶。 4. Michael felt that he had already passed the zenith of his power. 麦克觉得自己的权力已过了顶盛期。 5. It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith. 感觉上我们好象已从天底走到了天顶。 zenith 网络解释 1. zenith的近义词 1. 天顶:这设想的在正上方天空的点被认作天顶(zenith). 知道目标在不同时间的高度将有助于安排你的观测活动. 观测的最佳时机是当目标的高度在20°到60°之间. 这是因为目标(尤其是行星)在地平线附近时会被空气对流干扰得模糊不清, 2. 顶峰:美国顶峰(Zenith)公司的总裁尤其痛恨电视节目频频被广告打断的现象. 在他的领导下,顶峰公司在1950年开发出了世界上第一个有线遥控器,在1955年又研制了世界上第一个使用光学传感器的无线遥控器,后来又发明了超声波遥控器以及红 zenith 双语例句 1. 1. The zenith of love is that it can stad up fade time. 爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年。 2. zenith的反义词 2. At his zenith, he will rule over seventy million people ▼and transform the face of Europe. 他在巅峰期统治过七千万人,使整个欧洲风云变色。 3. So these two beings lived in this manner, high aloft, with all that improbability which is in nature; neither at the nadir nor at the zenith, between man and seraphim, above the mire, below the ether, in the clouds; hardly flesh and blood, soul and ecstasy from head to foot; already too sublime to walk the earth, still too heavily charged with humanity to disappear in the blue, suspended like atoms which are waiting to be precipitated; apparently beyond the bounds of destiny; ignorant of that rut; yesterday, to-day, to-morrow; amazed, rapturous, floating, soaring; at times so light that they could take their flight out into the infinite; almost prepared to soar away to all eternity. 那两个人便是这样过活的,高洁绝伦,世上少有,他们既不在天底点,也不在天顶点,是在人与高级天使之间,在污泥之上,清霄之下,云雾之中;几乎没有了骨和肉,从头到脚全是灵魂和憧憬;着地已感固体太少,升空又嫌人味太重,仿佛是在原子将落未落的悬浮状态中;看来已超越于生死之外,不知有昨日、今日、明日这样乏味的轮转,陶陶然,醺醺然,飘飘然,有时,轻盈得可以一举升入太虚,几乎能够一去不复返。 4. 4. Modern and practical astronomy was developed in the 18th century, and successively from the theoretical and practical solution to the Sino-satellite instrument measuring time, too Seoul Scott multi-satellite measurements such as latitude, as well as simultaneous determination of longitude and latitude Supreme Court means the emergence of theodolite, contour instrument, the satellite instrument, zenith instrument, photographic zenith tube, sextant and other useful astronomical instruments, the most commonly used is the optical theodolite.20 century, all-round practical field of astronomy 60 years after the emergence of new technologies, such as satellite Dhoop Le observation and satellite laser ranging, not only the accuracy of more than optical observations, but also greatly improved operating speed, and can provide direct point of geocentric coordinates of the ground. 现代实用天文学是18世纪发展起来的,先后从理论和实践上解决了中星仪测时、太尔各特测纬以及多星等高法同时测定经度和纬度的方法,出现了经纬仪、等高仪、中星仪、天顶仪、照相天顶筒、六分仪等实用天文学仪器,最常用的是光学全能经纬仪。20世纪60年代以后实用天文学领域出现了崭新的技术,如人造卫星多普勒观测和人卫激光测距,不但精度超过光学观测,而且作业速度大大提高,并能直接提供地面点的地心坐标。 5. Angleton was at the zenith of his power, although the strain was beginning to tell on him. 当时安格尔顿正是仕途得意的时候,虽然他已开始感到办事的艰难。 6. D, a man`s life should be one like a piece of pine nut, even if it happened to drop into the gap of a huge rock, where neither the fertilizer nor the soil is available; yet, through nasty stormy weather and blistering hot sun, it would manage to grow out into a stout pine tree, proudly standing on the zenith of zhu-mu-lang-ma, over looking and benefiting the people of the whole world! 人的一生,像一颗小小的松树种子那样,即便不幸而飘落在巨岩的细缝里,尽管那里的土壤和水分都是很差的,然而,历经冉冉烈日之暴晒和狂风暴雨之袭击,它终于破土而出,长成一棵根深叶茂的傲然屹立于珠穆朗玛峰至高点的劲松,俯瞰着造福于全人类。 7. My little bit of progress is just like a piece of pine nut, which might be dropped into the gap of a huge rock, where neither the fertilizer nor the soil is available; Yet, through nasty stormy weather and blistering hot sun, under his coach, I would manage to grow out into a stout pine tree, proudly standing on the zenith of ZHU MU LANG MA, over looking and benefiting the people of the whole world. 为了成名成家,我的前程遥远而漫长,困难重重,恰似一粒小小的松树种子那样,或许飘落在一个巨大岩石的隙缝里,那里找不到肥沃的土壤和水分,然而我坚信在杨光老师的正确指导下,我一定会破土而出,成长为一棵茁壮的劲松,傲然屹立于珠穆朗玛峰的至高点,俯瞰着全球,造福于己于全人类。 8. In many fields elite performers need 20 or 30 years'experience before hitting their zenith. 在许多领域,精英们需要二三十年的经验才能到达他们的顶峰。 9. zenith的近义词 9. Starting from the Spring and Autumn Period, a state of Yue emerged in northern Zhejiang that was heavily influenced by Chinese civilization further north, and under King Goujian of Yue it reached its zenith and was able to wipe out, in 473 BC, the state of Wu further north, a major power at the time. 从春秋,一个国家越浙江北部出现了严重影响中华文明进一步北移,并根据国王Goujian越它达到了顶峰,并能够消除,在473年,该国的吴再向北,一个大国的时候。 10. The gamma rays hit Earth on its nightside, with the source in the zenith over the mid-Pacific Ocean. 射线击中地球的夜侧,这个γ射线源此时正位于中太平洋上空的天顶。 11. zenith在线翻译 11. Each zenith extremely hot sun, is riding the motorcycle, strives for the order form, to paste the playbill, to make the exhibition, did not carry on the back to the noon already could see to a perspiration salt India. 我在1992年底从英国回到台湾,加入了英商德记洋行的销售团队,一个人负责台北东区和南区的58家超级市场,每天顶着酷热的太阳,骑着摩托车,一家一家去争取订单、贴海报、做陈列,不到中午背上已经能看到一条条的汗盐印。 12. Zenith of his career, but admits in life is a boring man. 事业如日中天的他,却坦言在生活中是一个无趣的男人。 13. With hindsight, the release of Vista may mark the moment when Microsoft's Windows and Office are seen as having reached the zenith of their supremacy. 也许事后看来,Vista的发布将成为微软Windows和Office至高地位的绝唱。 14. In the end, however, the political unrest had led the decadency of Confucianism which passed its zenith and was being on the wane. 很多士人与政治渐渐疏离,尽管表现方式各有不同,但总体上呈现出一股道家思想回归的潮流。 15. Like many other watch brands, there was a time when Zenith's future was questionable, it appears as though Mr, Nataf has been instrumental in changing all that, despite is uncanny fantasy character resemblance. 如同许多其他手表品牌,有一个时候Zenith的未来是有疑问的,看来好像主席,纳塔夫一直在改变着这一切的工具,尽管是不可思议的幻想性质的相似性。 16. Nataf has been highly successful revitalizing Zenith. 纳塔夫是十分成功的振兴最高境界。 17. I wanted to create the desert at noon so the sun had to be in zenith. 我想要创造一个中午的沙漠,所以太阳一定是在顶点。 18. At its pre-war zenith, the movement often pursued pseudoscientific notions of racial supremacy and purity. 在战前优生学达到其顶峰时,这项运动经常奉行种族优越和纯洁的伪科学观念。 19. By the same method we also obtain the distribution of the lunar zenith distance versus the occurring probability of earthquakes. 同样的方法,可得地震的月球天顶距地震频度分布。 20. The difference between the observation atmospheric refraction and Pulkovo table is about 15 arc second at the zenith distance of 84 degree. 在天顶距84°时,与普尔科沃大气折射表的差值约为15。 zenith 单语例句zenith的解释 1. Ad expenditures will drop from their 2008 peak after economies contracted around the world, forcing Zenith to cut its estimates for the third time in about six months. 2. Ru ceramics reached a zenith when emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty ruled some one thousand years ago. 3. Drinks consultancy Zenith International said in a recent report that global consumption of bottled water increased by 6 percent last year to 206 billion liters. 4. On Saturday, workers were seen demolishing an outdated coking furnace at the Zenith group company. 5. China is now at the zenith of human rights development in its history. 6. Liu's enthusiasm for language learning came to the zenith after Beijing successfully won bid to host the 2008 Olympics. 7. At midnight, fireworks will light up the whole sky as people's excitement reach its zenith. 8. The IT industry seems to be heading towards the zenith of the trade cycle. 9. It started with Puccini, graduated to Verdi and has finally reached Wagner - arguably the zenith of romantic opera. 10. The nation's medal pursuit reached its zenith when it finished atop the medal tally at the 2008 Beijing Olympics with 51 gold medals. zenith的意思zenith 英英释义 noun 1. the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected |
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