单词 | dip into |
释义 | dip into [英 [dip ??ntu?] 美 [d?p ??ntu] ] dip into的意思、解释 dip into 基本解释 动用; 浏览; (使)浸入(某容器); 把…浸入…中 dip into 相关例句 ph. 1. He dipped into medicine a few years ago. 他在几年前曾涉猎过一阵医学。 2. 2. The sun is dipping swiftly into the sea. 太阳正迅速沉下海面。 dip into 网络解释 1. dip into 1. 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下:dig up 掘起;挖出 | dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下 | disagree with 与...意见不一致 2. 看一看,浏览:advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 | dip into 看一看,浏览 | subject n. 问题;主题;题目 3. 蘸,浏览:72.go back to追溯到; | 73.dip into蘸,浏览; | 74.come to 碰到; 4. 把...浸入(液体)中:dip vt. 浸;蘸 | dip...into... 把...浸入(液体)中 | suck vt. 吮吸 dip into 双语例句 1. Another would be to increase egg powder paste Jiaocheng Euryale ferox, even dip into the chicken, fried yellow fish into the tray, put around the film Zhaxia mold. 另将鸡蛋清加粉芡搅成糊,把鸡放入蘸匀、炸黄,捞入盘内,周围摆上炸虾片即成。 2. Dip each slice of panettone into the custard and pile into a buttered baking dish. 烤炉加热到160度。每片蛋糕都沾上刚做好的蛋奶羹,放入焙盘。 3. How robust is the recovery they have used astronomical government debt to build? How many hidden landmines would go off when the world is quite optimistic about the future? Would the Dubai debt crisis push the global economy into double-dip recession? These questions need to be pondered. 公帑编织的喘定局面,天文数字的公债以天文数字的公债余波未了公帑筑起的复苏路有多牢固有多少隐藏的地雷牢固,地雷会在大家未来充满乐观情绪时突然引引牢固地雷陷入双底衰退(double-dip recession),这爆,迪拜的债务危机会否触发全球经济陷入双底衰退陷入双底衰退些问题都需要深思。 4. Vegetarian Greek food relies upon feta cheese (often taken from goat or sheep milk), hummos (garbanzo beans, lemon and garlic blended into a spread), white or lima beans (cooked with tomato sauce and served cold), baba ghanouj (eggplant, garlic, lemon and olive oil blended as a dip), and pita bread. 希腊素食依赖于羊乳酪、芝麻酱鹰嘴豆蓉(鹰嘴豆、柠檬和大蒜,混制成涂抹食品)、白豆或菜豆、茄泥芝麻糊(茄子、大蒜、柠檬和橄榄油混合成一种蘸料)、皮塔饼而产生。 5. However, when the tide was out, I got most of the pieces of cable ashore, and some of the iron, tho'with infinite labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the water, a work which fatigu'd me very much. 不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。 6. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder`d the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser* on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unweildy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter`d the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargoe into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargoe, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho` with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu`d me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get. 第二天,我又到船上去了一趟。这时,我看到船上凡是我拿得动而又易于搬运的东西,已被我掠取一空。于是我就动手搬取船上的锚索。我把锚索截成许多小段,以便于搬运。我把船上两根锚索和一根铁缆以及其他能搬动的铁器都取下来,又把船上的前帆杠和后帆杠,以及所有能找到的其他木料也都砍下来,扎成一个大木排,再把那些东西装上去运回岸。但这次运气不佳。因为木排做得太笨重,载货又多,当木排驶进卸货的小湾后,失去控制。结果木排一翻,连货带人,通通掉进水里去了。人倒没有受伤,因木排离岸已近;可是,我的货物却大部分都损失了。尤其是那些铁器,我本来指望将来会有用处的。不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。后来,我照样每天到船上去一次,把能够搬下来的东西都搬下来。 7. 7. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder'd the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unwieldy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter'd the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargo into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargo, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho'with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu'd me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get. 第二天,我又到船上去了一趟。这时,我看到船上凡是我拿得动而又易于搬运的东西,已被我掠取一空。于是我就动手搬取船上的锚索。我把锚索截成许多小段,以便于搬运。我把船上两根锚索和一根铁缆以及其他能搬动的铁器都取下来,又把船上的前帆杠和后帆杠,以及所有能找到的其他木料也都砍下来,扎成一个大木排,再把那些东西装上去运回岸。但这次运气不佳。因为木排做得太笨重,载货又多,当木排驶进卸货的小湾后,失去控制。结果木排一翻,连货带人,通通掉进水里去了。人倒没有受伤,因木排离岸已近;可是,我的货物却大部分都损失了。尤其是那些铁器,我本来指望将来会有用处的。不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。后来,我照样每天到船上去一次,把能够搬下来的东西都搬下来。 8. Immersion period of time, the sprinkler nozzle part of the dip to clean washing liquid, the syringe into the ink from the nozzle hole slightly Daochou will find some ink crystals, or called grease. 浸泡一段时间后,把喷头的喷嘴部分浸至干净的清洗液内,用注射器从喷头进墨孔轻微倒抽(会发现有一些墨水结晶,或者叫油垢。 9. It basically operates the main point as follows: The left hand holds the ticket, the palm is downward, the thumb is pinned in the middle of the left end of the front of the bank note, the forefinger and middle finger are on the back of the bank note, pinch the bank note together with thumb; Left hand the third finger naturally curly, pinch, get up bank note little finger stretch to bank note front push down bank note below the Left deviation; The middle finger of left hand is exerted oneself slightly, the bank note of tight card together with the third finger, little finger; The left hand forefinger is stretched, the thumb is moved upwards, pin the side of the bank note, keep the bank note into the tile shape; Left hand wipe from tabletop bank note, bank note turn, thumb strength wiped from tabletop to borrow prop up bank note covering of a fan and oblique to oneself of WeiKai Cheng; Three fingers of right hand dip in water, rotate and move the lower right corner of the bank note downwards sharp with the thumb, the forefinger cooperates with the thumb to rotate and move on the back of the bank note; Play in one`s arms, count while ordering with right hand the third finger bank note got up to rotate; Pay attention to the posture at the some paper money, the health is straight and upright, the eyes It must keep eyeball and bank note from, put dual tactics elbow at tabletop. 其基本操作要领如下:左手持票,手心向下,拇指按住钞票正面的左端中央,食指和中指在钞票背面,与拇指一起捏住钞票;左手无名指自然卷曲,捏起钞票后小拇指伸向钞票正面压住钞票左下方;左手中指稍用力,与无名指、小拇指一起紧卡钞票;左手食指伸直,拇指向上移动,按住钞票的侧面,将钞票压成瓦形;左手将钞票从桌面上擦过,钞票翻转,拇指借从桌面上擦过的力量将钞票撑成微开的扇面并斜对自己面前;右手三个指头沾水,用拇指尖向下捻动钞票右下角,食指在钞票背面配合拇指捻动;用右手无名指将捻起的钞票往怀里弹,边点边记数;点钞时注意姿式,身体挺直,眼睛和钞票保持一定距离,两手肘部放在桌面上。 10. Remove chicken from water, and dip it into the flour mixture coat well. 从水里将鸡肉拿出来,放进搅拌好的面糊里,裹均匀。 11. Dip into eggs, to stick the flour covering it, and deep fry...after frying must clean the oil using the filter, then fry again...for normal dish, you need to fry it twice, once with hot oil and once with warm oil, so that the chicken will be totally cooked...but here we just fry once with hot oil, because after that we will cook them again... 炸了过后,把油捞干净,再炸。。。正常来说是要热油炸一次,温油炸一次,这样才会全熟透。。。但是这里只需要热油炸过就好,因为之后还会再焖一阵子。。。 12. When you get ready to dip your toe into the dating waters after having been married for a while, you may be wondering what the rules are. 当你准备你的脚趾浸入水后约会结婚了一会儿,你可能很想知道规则还有::有人说are.while 13. The latter half of your academic career is a good time to dip your toe into business because there's less pressure to fulfill stringent research, teaching and publication requirements. 你学术生涯的后半段是涉足企业的好时机,因为这时候你的压力较小,不必完成艰巨的研究、教学和发表论文的要求。 14. And for those of you who haven`t jumped in with both feet yet, I hope that I can help you make the leap into full-time freelancing (or dip your toe in as a moonlighter) if you decide it`s the right move for you. 对那些还没有两只脚都跳进来的人,如果你正准备踏出这一步,我希望我可以帮助你跃进这个圈子,做全职的自由职业者。 15. 15. If you can devote 10 years to waiting patiently, you may well be happy if you dip your toe into the financial services index, the XLF, right now. 如果你有十年的耐性等待,也许现在就涉足。。会让你高兴。 16. dip into的反义词 16. Combination of domestic demand, and integration into the mainstream of contemporary European technology, the company has developed a series of intelligent Immunity testing equipment, such as: electrostatic discharge generator, burst generator, lightning surge generator, voltage dip generator, modular generator, motor vehicle interference simulator and so on. 结合国内需求,融入了当代欧洲主流技术,公司开发了一系列智能型抗扰度测试设备,如:静电放电发生器,脉冲群发生器,雷击浪涌发生器,电压跌落发生器,组合式发生器,汽车干扰模拟器等等。 17. I cut up boneless chicken into small pieces and dip them into an egg and milk mixture and then put the chicken pieces into a breading and then I fry the chicken pieces in corn oil. 我把没有骨头的鸡肉切成小块,把它们放到鸡蛋和牛奶里,然后把鸡块放到面包屑里,然后我再用菜油炸欢块。 18. dip into的翻译 18. Oil, then dip the buns Into salty water then put into the hot oil immediately, deep-fry until golden brown on both sides, then serve. 冷馒头切厚片,锅内放油2杯先烧热,再将馒头片一一沾盐水后,立刻放入热油中,炸至两面金黄即可盛出。 19. Hey yo jim man why don't ya, you don't you kick some of that you know you know how you do it man it's a trip people don't even believe were together right now but tell your story you know the one i like say it for me riders on the storm riders on the storm into this house we're born (into this house we're born) into this world we're thrown (into this world we're thrown) like a dog without a bone an actor out on loan riders on the storm there's a killer on the road his brain is squirmin'like a toad take a long holiday let your children play if ya give this man a ride sweet family will die killer on the road, yeah goin'off of this off of that with the lizard king bumpin'in the back how bout that driftin', liftin', swiftin', coastin', testaroastin'but the wheels won't stop 200 on the highway fresh up off the block he's a rider, na he's a killer dresses in all black but his hat says stealla pedal to the metal i gotta go hard drive by and say hello hey fredwreck you my mello now let me here what i sound like acapella wow ride dip swish now bring it back just like this like a dog with out his bone unlike a g with out his chrome it's hard to imagine the homey dog in a jag and he's checkin'for the checkered flag comin'in first never in last cause my car to fast i neva eva run out of gas cause i just to clean i do it upper class so fasten your seat belts its so hot it will even make heat melt so get a bowl and roll and ride slip through the slip and slide like a dog without a bone an actor out on loan riders on the storm there's a killer on the road his brain is squirmin'like a toad take a long holiday let your children play if ya give this man a ride sweet family will die killer on the road, yeah need for speed i'm trying to take the lead hold on little homey before you run into the trees i've seen thinks that i would have never saw before hey yo jim let'em in, let'em in open up my back tire smokin'the whole street and now the police wanna flash there lights and chase the dogg all night but i won't pull over nor give up cause i just don't give a fuck yeah from the side boy where we was born and raised straight up to ride boy continuously, we get to an expeditiously keep the light on east side on snoop dogg and the doors and yeah we bout to ride on riders on the storm riders on the storm into this house we're born into this world we're thrown were thrown 嘿摇摇弯轨机人为什么不唉,你不你踢一些那你知道你知道如何你这样做人这是一次旅行人们甚至不相信是在一起此时但告诉你的故事你知道那个我像为我说它骑士在暴风雨上骑士在暴风雨上入这房子我们是出生入这世界我们是扔像个狗没有一根骨头一个演员那儿有一个杀手在路上他的大脑是squirmin'像个癞蛤蟆采取一个长的假期让你的孩子们玩如果唉给这人一个乘甜家将死凶手在路上,是呀去'离开对于这离开关于那和蜥蜴国王 bumpin'在后面如何拳击比赛那 driftin',liftin',swiftin',coastin',testaroastin'但是这个车轮不会停止两百在公路上新鲜向上远离块他的一个骑士,娜他的一个杀手衣服在纯黑但他的帽子说stealla 踩踏板金属我有去难驶过和问好嘿fredwreck 你我的梅洛现在让我这里什么我听起来像acapella 哇骑现在倾斜豪华带来它回来只是这样像个狗与出来像个狗没有一根骨头一演员借出的骑士在暴风雨上那儿有一个杀手在路上他的大脑是squirmin'像个癞蛤蟆采取一个长的假期让你的孩子们玩如果唉给这人一个乘甜家将死凶手在路上,是呀需要速度我是试图着先鞭继续小像家一样在你未碰撞树木我已经看到想那我从来不锯在以前嘿摇摇弯轨机让'em 在,让'em 在开发我的后面疲劳smokin'一街一巷那么警察要闪光那儿灯光和追逐道格整夜但我不会拦截也不放弃造成我只是不给一个性交是呀自边男孩我们在那里出生和提升直直至骑男孩骑士在暴风雨上骑士在暴风雨上入这房子我们是出生入这世界我们是扔我的翻译不太标准别见怪 20. After entering such a parlor, a foot bath worker will come and dip your feet into a solution of warm diluted herbal medicine. 当你进入足浴城的,洗脚工会主动将您的脚浸泡到一种稀释的中药里面。 dip into 单语例句 1. When it is completed, parts will dip deep into the West Bank. 2. Craftsmen dip into the color needed for certain places using burettes and carefully put the liquid in position. 3. But for me, there's no better way than taking a dip into the crystal clear water. 4. For several years large international consulting firms have helped Western companies dip their toes into the complex waters of the Chinese business market. 5. This was his first dip into the " sea " of mainland business. 6. But companies are reluctant to dip into their pockets amid the economic crisis. 7. A dip into the hot spring removes your fatigue in just a moment. 8. Iran is also being forced to dip into reserves meant for use when oil prices tumble. 9. High university officials have been found to dip into their purses to speculate in the stock market. 10. Analysts warn that if the global economy weakens further, export growth might dip into negative territory next year. dip into 英英释义 verb 1. read selectively read only certain passages from a text |
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