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单词 discrepancy
    discrepancy [英 [d?s?krep?nsi] 美 [d??skr?p?nsi] ]
    discrepancy 基本解释
    名词矛盾; 不符合(之处)
    discrepancy 相关例句
    1. There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.
    discrepancy 网络解释
    1. 差异:能力差异(discrepancy) 一种个体内的差异. 指个体发展的不平衡现象. 包括两种情形:(1)完成不同活动所需的能力不一致,比如视觉记忆很强,听觉记忆很差;或者记忆能力正常,推理能力却不及一般水准. 当某项能力成分发展的水平大大低于平均水平并妨碍日常活动时才会引人注意.
    2. 差距:(1971)对于工作满足所作的定义,主要从差距(discrepancy)的观点,来看员工对于其所处工作环境之整体看法中所认知的「期望获得的满足」与「实际获得的满足」差距的总办公信息系统(Office Information System)是由办公人员和办公设备构成,
    3. discrepancy的近义词
    3. 不符合:(2)不符合(discrepancy) 这种不一致常常发生在次系统的行为和目标之间,是一种无法达到预期目标的行为. (3)不和谐(incompatibility) 在同一情境中,两个次系统的目标和行为互相冲突以致对个体不利. (4)优势(dominance) 不论当时是什么情境或是否对其他次系统有害,
    4. 偏差:文章摘要:该文根据王元,方开泰^[2]的近似偏差(discrepancy)的均匀性准则,定义了理想布点情况下的标准半径,定义了m维单位子空间C^m=[0,1]中两点间的f距离和g距离,由此定义了最大空穴半径和最小空穴半径,提出了均匀性度量的密集性偏差与稀疏性偏差,
    discrepancy 双语例句
    1. The discrepancy, which is about a quarter of a semitone and is known as the Pythagorean comma,
    2. discrepancy的翻译
    2. There is great discrepancy in the management control system condition of the businesses in our country.
    3. It shows that depth-weighted optical signal is different from the signal only on the top layer of tissue in velocity of upstroke, duration and amplitude and the discrepancy are enhanced with the increase of the probing depth especially in the spiral wave activity.
    4. discrepancy在线翻译
    4. When mixed into the same carbon fiber quantity is 1.0%, differ age material's AC impedance chart is discrepancy very much, along with to hydrate age's add, C-S-H gel isa great deal of form, the solution resistance at the concrete is gradually aggrandizement, the carbon fibre of here qua transmit electricity quality disperse would leading effect of conductance, along with the add of exterior load, the transmit electricity quality of concrete is almost nothing change, till breakage, resistance change rate tempestuousness add, and that the resistance change rate along with inside stress linearity add of corbon fibre concrete in elasticity phase, when near peak value load, resistance rate just gradually add, indicate the test sample would be about to breakage.
    5. The lattice relaxation in the CVD diamond thick films were detected by the X-ray diffraction attachments. It is associated with self-annealing of diamond thick films in the process of long time deposition. The wearing discrepancy of diamond coated cuttings and diamond thick films brazed cuttings is well illustrated by means of lattice relaxation.
    6. In contrast, Professor John Merryman, Sweitzer Professor of Law and also Professor of Art at StanfordUniversity, putting aside the discrepancy presented by Rudenstine, argues that since the Ottomans had controlled Athens since 1460, their claims to the artifacts were legal and recognizable.
    7. The chief calendric problemwas a gradually increasing discrepancy between the trueastronomical year and the Julian calendar then in use.
    8. BACKGROUND: It is very important to appreciate the Sagittal discrepancy during the diagnosis and therapy in orthodontics patients.
    9. discrepancy的意思
    9. A state-space model is used to describe the dynamic properties of the multi-link network flow, and the discrepancy between available link bandwidth and nominal link bandwidth is considered as a disturbance. Then, the network congestion problem is solved by using the H(subscript ∞) control approach.
    10. And write the great discrepancy originally in this.
    11. And contrast group was 0? 32(11/34), P? 01? ③The cases number of CPCR in the various time phase of PLS were obviously discrepancy between 2 groups P?
    63(22/35),对照组为0?32(11/34),P 0?01;③试验组和对照组在各个时间段的心肺脑复苏成功病例数进行比较差异性显著,P 0?
    12. Supervise annualy stock take, analysis and find reasons for discrepancy.
    13. discrepancy的翻译
    13. If the Seller is liable he should send the reply together with the proposal for settlement within 20 days after receiving the said discrepancy.
    14. It is understood that the Sellers shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping company, other transportation, organization/or Post Office are liable.
    品质数量异议:如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目口岸之日起3个月内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目口岸之日起15 内提出,对所装运物所提任何异议属于保险公司、轮船公司及其他关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,售方负任何责任。
    15. discrepancy的翻译
    15. For any discrepancy between these Measures and other provisions on the replication administration, these Measures shall prevail.
    16. Responsibility: In case of quality /quantity discrepancy of goods to the conditions of the present contract the call of the Seller`s authorized representative and his arrival are necessary for account of the Seller cost in the course of 10 days.
    17. discrepancy什么意思
    17. Inventory cycle count everyweek and dear with discrepancy, make full analysis on anydiscrepancy and take necessary measures for improvement.
    18. Their discrepancy could have reflected the transformation of ocean consciousness of Hakka Confucian gentry in late Qing Taiwan.
    19. The non-coupling property of geology factors such as size and shape of sand and inter seepage discrepancy to the engineering factors such as well deployment led to the combination of multi-operating mechanism such as injection-production well pattern imperfect, non-controlled well pattern, injection-production relation inefficiency.
    20. Parameters in the prediction model are worked out, as well as the connection of iron loss and modulation index or carring index, and there is hardly any discrepancy between the measured and the computed results.
    discrepancy 词典解释
    1. 差异;不符;不一致;出入
    If there is a discrepancy between two things that ought to be the same, there is a noticeable difference between them.
    e.g. ...the discrepancy between press and radio reports.
    e.g. ...major discrepancies in payments made to claimants in similar circumstances.
    discrepancy 单语例句
    1. It was not possible to explain the discrepancy with the numbers provided by police sources.
    2. Also, family members would need to prove their identity in case of any discrepancy.
    3. Administration officials say they use conservative estimates and attribute the discrepancy with the congressional budget analysts to technical factors.
    4. One of such problems is that there is a large discrepancy between the cost of producing a drug and the price hospitals charge patients.
    5. High school graduates from the impoverished counties are given preferential treatment, a move interpreted by many to counterbalance the country's regional discrepancy in education quality.
    6. Some physicians stress uniformity and disallow discrepancy, approving only one prescription for treating millions of people.
    7. " There is absolutely no discrepancy over our philosophy, " Low said.
    8. The discrepancy caused 200 billion yuan of losses in refining operations for China's petroleum giants while major power grids and generators lost 66 billion yuan.
    9. But falling stock prices only reconfirm time and time again the increasing discrepancy between the performance of the national economy and the domestic stock market.
    10. Cui said the discrepancy in He's age occurred when she was representing a different city to compete in China's city games.
    discrepancy 英英释义
    1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
    e.g. a growing divergence of opinion
    Synonym: disagreementdivergencevariance
    2. an event that departs from expectations
    Synonym: variancevariant




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