单词 | across the board |
释义 | across the board [英 [??kr?s e? b?:d] 美 [??kr?s ei b?rd] ] across the board的意思、解释 across the board 基本解释 全体人员都包括在内 across the board 双语例句 1. across the board在线翻译 1. In 2004 druba, 15 minutes as printed on the three live, each of which live India 2000 per living across the Board for not more than 400 of Commerce shows everybody Chinese commerce operators from infinite. 在2004年德鲁巴上,15不合钟印3种不板,每种不板印2000弛,每种不板的功版纸不超功400弛的商轮示范令在场的华夏商轮筹办者生不入无穷感慨。 2. In 1987, SunTour introduced indexed shifting across the board with five road bike and four mountain bike gruppos. 1987年,山图介绍了索引,全面转向有五公路自行车和山地自行车gruppos 4。 3. Yen strength creeps up across the board despite. 日元悄然走强。 4. So maybe it has to work across the board. 所以,或许在所有情况下都起作用。 5. And, as a matter of fact, we're going to have to cut Social Security across the board. 我们借的实在是太多了,全世界妇孺皆知。 6. We are indeed perfectly oriented towards all requirement areas today across the board in the field of fragrances and personal care, says Burkhard Lingenberg, Director of Marketing and Communication for the Gerresheimer Group. 我们确实非常需要面向所有领域的全面今天在香水和个人护理领域,布克哈德林根贝格说,市场营销和通信主任的Gerresheimer集团。 7. With the financial section of the afternoon fell across the board, lower than the wave of large waves, an inferior race, the last low of 2074 points. 随着下午的财务部分全面下跌,低于大浪关系,一个劣等种族的浪潮中,去年的2074点低。 8. Benoit Duteurtre, a musical journalist, says the unchallenged dominance of Boulez and his disciples is typical of what has afflicted the French creative spirit, not just in music but across the board. 音乐评论家别诺依·杜脱尔特说,布列及其弟子们无人挑战的统治使法国的创造精神(不仅在音乐方面,还包括其它方方面面)受到了伤害。 9. As a result of obstruction by the warlords and destruction, the General Assembly decided in February 4, held a general strike across the board. February 7 warlords吴佩孚, 肖耀南at the instigation of imperialism, of Zhengzhou, Jiang'an, Changxindian of the striking workers were brutally crushed. 由于遭到封建军阀的阻挠和破坏,大会决定在2月4日举行全线总罢工。2月7日军阀吴佩孚、肖耀南在帝国主义的指使下,对郑州、江岸、长辛店的罢工工人进行了残酷镇压。 10. 10. They all went across and stood by the notice-board in front of the veranda. 他们都站在游廊前那揭示牌旁边。 11. across the board是什么意思 11. Across the board to adopt standards for the construction of the highway, including the main line to the starting point for interoperability城厢hub paragraph, 官桥hub Longmen exchange to exchange paragraph, using the four lanes and a designed speed of 100 kilometers, roadbed width of 26 meters; 城厢hub hub官桥share exchange to adopt paragraph six lanes and a designed speed of 100 kilometers, roadbed width of 33.5 meters; Lung Yun Po exchange to exchange the use of the highway above standards, the design speed of 80 kilometers, roadbed width of 24.5 meters. 全线采用高速公路标准建设,其中,主线起点至城厢枢纽互通段,官桥枢纽互通至龙门互通段,采用四车道,设计时速100公里,路基宽度26米;城厢枢纽互通至官桥枢纽互通段采用六车道,设计时速100公里,路基宽度33.5米;龙门互通至云埔互通段采用高速公路标准,设计时速80公里,路基宽度24.5米。 12. Jia Lei uniforms factory is dedicated to the modern enterprise to mention Professional dress for the perfect service, I would like line of professional uniforms, on-site service, credit management, quality assurance principles, over the years with high-quality service across the board, and win customer trust and cooperation. 佳蕾制服厂致力于为现代企业提供尽善尽美的专业服饰服务,谨行专业制服,上门服务,诚信经营,品质保证的原则,多年来以优质的服务遍及各行各业并赢得客户的信任及合作。 13. 13. And then switch on the offset printing presses, and tweak the adjustment nut, rubber plastic knife blade slowly to the oscillating roller surface contact, left and right extremes of adjusting screw contact pressure requires uniform, rubber knife and oscillating roll each part can even contact curettement innovativeink across the Board. 然后启不静胶印机,并且拧不静调度螺母,使橡皮胶刀的刀刃迟缓不天向串不朱辊的暗不天隔绝,把握两头的调度螺丝隔绝不张力给求平均,橡皮刀与串不朱辊每一个部位平均隔绝,不妨片面不天刮不兴油不朱。 14. across the board 14. Meanwhile, for those department stores, landlords who have widely employed turnover-based rental collection methods should enjoy an increase in rentals, echoing the buoyant retail sales across the board. 同时,对于一些按流水抽成收取租金的百货商场业主,将随着本地的社会消费品零售额的增加而获取上升的租金。 15. Across the board is difficult to answer, look at the specific situation and your personal capacity. 很難一刀切的回答的,要看回具體情況和你的個人能力。 16. In government policy across the board, the land costs, financing costs and financial costs caused by the increase in house prices rising, and consumer loans from the rigorous review and control to further declines in demand caused by the formation of a pair between the contradictions, if it the further development of the contradictions, it is highly possible development of these lagging real estate market return to silence, which triggered the crisis in the industry as a whole. 政府政策的全面,土地成本,融资成本和财务费用的增加所造成的房价上升,消费贷款,从严格的审查和控制,以进一步下降所造成的需求形成了一对之间的矛盾,如果它进一步发展的矛盾,但是它极有可能发展这些落后的房地产市场恢复沉默,由此引发的危机,整个行业的发展。 17. Don't cut across the board. 第六点,不要削减必要的开支。 18. Projects ceased to operate state-owned land use right transfer agreement is cut across the board or not? 项目停止经营国有土地使用权转让协议,是跨越董事会或没有? 19. Therefore, the new housing policy is prohibited, there are restrictions, more encouragement, there is no real estate development funds across the board cut the chain. 因此,新房贷政策既有禁止,也有限制,更有鼓励,并不存在一刀切断房地产开发的资金链条的问题。 20. 20. I do not want to cut hair too short, just went to the ear shenzhen escort following here, but do not cut across the board the kind of law, do you understand? 我头发不想剪得太短,刚好就到耳朵下面这里,但也不要一刀切的那种剪法,你明白吗? across the board 单语例句across the board是什么意思 1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118. 2. The country's domestic funds also fell across the board in the first three quarters. 3. A recent rally in the Chinese stock market has fueled passions across the board, from individual investors to large institutions. 4. All major Asian stock markets in the region tumbled across the board, succumbing to heightened fears of a broader global financial crisis. 5. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board. 6. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board. 7. Steep drops were across the board as all 42 components of the benchmark Hang Seng Index were under selling pressure. 8. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II. 9. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board. 10. The winner is the first player who moves all the runners across the board, like Chinese Checkers. across the board 英英释义 adv 1. including all e.g. we got a pay raise across the board |
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