单词 | all the best |
释义 | all the best [英 [?:l e? best] 美 [?l ei b?st] ] all the best的意思、解释 all the best 基本解释 万事吉利,一路平安,一帆风顺; all the best 网络解释 1. 一切顺利,万事如意:all right 行了,好吧,病好了 | all the best 一切顺利,万事如意 | answer for 对. . . 负责 2. 一切顺利:69. do ones best 尽最大努力 | 70. all the best 一切顺利 | 71. make the best of尽量利用;善用 3. 祝你万事如意:18、一般祝愿Wishes | All the best!祝你万事如意! | Every success in your business.祝你在事业上一切成功. 4. 万事如意:all kinds of 各种各样的 | all the best 万事如意 | all the more 更加 all the best 双语例句 1. Why have the dream life, even the best Mengxing to all air, leaving behind only the beating heart. 晕死,第一次听到这样的谬论,遗了才是美梦,什么思想,怎么迎接奥运啊。 2. She had tried them all, from Alziari in Nice to the United Producers of Nyons, and in her expert and considered view the oil produced in the valley of Les Baux was the best. 当妻子把安莉送来的一只野兔蘸着香料和芥末烤熟的时候,我的自尊和良知早已经不知跑到哪里去了。 3. 3. Melanosporum, T. magnatum and T. pseudoexcavatum. The best temperature was 20℃ and 25℃ and the worst temperature was 33℃. Different pH treatments showed no significant difference on the colony growth of T. melanosporum and T. pseudoexcavatum, however, it showed very significant differences on the colony growth of T. magnatum, and the best pH for the colony growth was at pH 5.0. The interactive effects of temperature and pH showed very significant difference on the colony growth of T. melanosporum and T. pseudoexcavatum, but showed no significant difference on that of T. magnatum. The interspecific average colony growth of three truffle species showed significant difference on all the temperatures and pH treatments, which was the best for T. melanosporum and T. magnatum, and the worst for T. pseudoexcavatum. There was significant difference on all the pH average colony growth at different temperatures except at 10℃, which only showed significant difference on all the temperature average colony growth in different pH treatment. 结果显示:不同温度对法国黑孢块菌、义大利白块菌与拟外孔块菌之菌落生长皆呈极显著差异,且最佳生长之温度皆为20℃及25℃,最差者皆为33℃;不同pH值对法国黑孢块菌及拟外孔块菌菌落之生长不呈显著差异,但对义大利白块菌之生长则呈极显著差异,然以pH5.0者生长最佳;温度及pH值之交感效应,对法国黑孢块菌及拟外孔块菌菌落之生长呈极显著差异,但对义大利白块菌则不呈显著差异。3菌种於各温度及pH值总平均之菌落生长,菌种间互呈显著差异,且以义大利白块菌生长最佳,拟外孔块菌最差;菌种间各温度在所有pH值之平均菌落生长,除10℃不呈显著差异外,其余温度皆呈显著差异,而各pH 值在所有温度之平均菌落生长皆呈显著差异。 4. Transactions, is my career, in order to do transactions, to maintain optimal physical fitness and the best state of mind; I lived a different life with ordinary people, I would like for the transaction of Health, a very regular life, apart from eating every day and the rest, that is active in training and focus on land transactions, I will not indulge, not all tobacco and alcohol, do not abuse sexuality, not seeking Wen-da, not by fame and fortune...... transactions, 13, 128, 971, 889 in brokering a deal! 交易,是我的事业,为了做好交易,保持最佳体能和最好的精神状态;我过着与普通人不同的生活,我仿佛为交易而生,日常生活极有规律,每天除了饮食与休息,就是积极地训练与专注地交易,我不会放纵、不皆烟酒、不近美色、不求闻达、不逐名利……交易,13128971889促成交易! 5. 5. The object of such exercise is evident; for the Greek authors excel in copiousness of matter, and have introduced a vast deal of art into the study of eloquence; and, in translating them, we may use the very best words, for all that we use may be our own. 这类实践的目标显而易见;因为希腊作者在描写事物的丰富性方面见长,曾将大量的艺术引入修辞研究领域;因而,在翻译他们的作品时,我们要用最最出色的词汇,因为我们使用的所有的语句都是我们自己的。 6. The academic circles all over the world speak highly of Sons and Lovers, and the novel is believed to be D. H. Lawrence`s best novel of his earlier period. 世界各地的学术界对《儿子与情人》的评价普遍都比较高,同时这篇小说也被认为是劳伦斯早期作品中最好的一部。 7. You know what would be the best way to wipe out all of humankind? 你知道消灭人类最好的方式是什么吗? 8. all the best是什么意思 8. Let us do the work and best of all, this is a FREE service. 让我们做这项工作,而且最重要的是,这是一项免费服务。 9. David Aldridge: His serious dunks, to me, are the best of all time. 大卫·阿尔德里奇:他每一个认真的灌篮,对于我来说,都是史上最强的。 10. He is the best of all teachers. 他是最好的老师。。。。 11. 11. In the end, allow me to send my best, best regards to your business onTaobao. com; In the meantime, I DO apologized here and begged for all your excuse and forgive... 最后请允许我把自己最美好的祝福送给您的淘宝店,同时,我在这里向您致以最深刻的歉意,并作最深刻的检讨,肯求得到您的谅解和原谅。。。 12. In the end, allow me to send my best, best regards to your business on Taobao. com; In the meantime, I DO apologized here and begged for all your excuse and forgive... 最后请允许我把自己最美好的祝福送给您的淘宝店,同时,我在这里向您致以最深刻的歉意,并作最深刻的检讨,肯求得到您的谅解和原谅。。。 13. all the best 13. Phrase bloods are all very well, but listening is the best way to learn. 各种短评词汇书是必要的,但学习语言的最好方法是听。 14. How to read a lot of brush chains of the article, I feel kind of approach does not apply to funds or not more than enough players, first of all need to get so many perfect equipment, a set of 10-11 cases are expected to get down more than a hundred pieces of equipment perfect If more than the need to do more, now most of the equipment if they want to get the box open, according to the present situation, several hundred pieces of equipment to how many boxes, but most of all its made by the end of the wage-opened box, let us not refer to how much equipment together, even to the Hopewell, a chain of six, including by injuries, such as 10-12, injured by 7-8, 8-9 reflex, neglect 4-5, individuals of different requirements for Some people who are injured by All reflection is garbage, it is not white All of you, or equipment is the best choice for businessmen, because they are all gamers. 看了好多如何刷锁链的文章,我感觉那种方法还是不适用于资金不是多足的玩家,首先需要弄那么多完美的装备,一套10-11件,弄下来估计要上百件完美装备,如果做多套需要的更多,现在的装备如果自己弄大部分要自己开箱子,照现在的情况,几百件装备要开多少箱子,可是大部分号都是靠月底发的工资开箱子,先不说需要多少装备去合,就算去合了,合出的六等锁链包括减伤10-12,增伤7-8,反射8-9,忽视4-5,个人所需不同,对有些人来说增伤合反射就是垃圾,那不是白合了么,合装备是商人的最佳选择,因为他们是针对所有游戏玩家的。 15. all the best的翻译 15. When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the Heat; and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the Bargain; for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and Puddings; indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。 16. all the best 16. Of all the positions I played, catching was the best. 所有职位,我打,捕的是最好的。 17. 17. After this discovery, all they had to do was to find the best kinds of materials for carrying the human voice over wires. 这一发现后,他们所要做的就是要找到一种最好的能在导线上传递人类声音的材料。 18. You are all wonderful people and deserve the very best that life has to offer. 你们都是非常棒的人,最应得到生活的给与。 19. 19. I wish all the young people here the very best for your studies and for your future careers. 在座的年轻一代,我希望你们的学业和未来的事业都有美好的前景。 20. all the best 20. I've got an ego and all that, but i know i need help. So i go and hire the very best people. 我也有自大之心,但我知道我需要帮助,所以我雇用最优秀的人。 all the best 单语例句all the best的解释 1. Considered by many to be the best NBA player of all time, the highly marketed sports figure is a savvy businessman as well. 2. The Cayenne S and Turbo are not only the best in class, but also the most impressive of all Cayenne models produced by Porsche to date. 3. All these parks are financed by the government and free of charge, providing best destinations for both citizens and tourists to run away from the hustle life. 4. All Asian tourists who come to my town have always acted with the best manners and have always been proper and well mannered. 5. All four films competed for best picture, with the pregnancy comedy " Juno " earning the fifth slot for the top prize. 6. All the user has to do is select the most appropriate Scene mode best for the scene and compose the shot. 7. Cooper is in her best season since 2000 when she notched up eight titles in all on the World Cup circuit. 8. So first of all I wish to convey through The Washington Post my cordial greetings and best wishes to the great American people. 9. A total of 50 dogs from all over China will compete for the best Image and best costume award druing the competition. 10. These little creatures will be crawling all over the menus and you can take your pick at the best. |
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