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单词 anaerobic
    anaerobic [英 [??ne??r??b?k] 美 [??ne?ro?b?k] ]
    anaerobic 基本解释
    形容词无氧; 厌氧菌的,厌氧菌产生的; (细菌等)能在无空气(或无氧)情况下生活(或成长)的
    anaerobic 网络解释
    1. 厌氧:生物处理主要分为喜气 / 好氧(Aerobic)及厌气 / 厌氧(Anaerobic) 两大类别. 但就普及性、方便性及稳定性而言,喜气处理占有率高达80%以上. 而喜气处理最主要之关键乃在於如何充份有效地将空气中之氧气,
    2. 厌氧性:水中的有机物受到微生物的分解 , 不管是好氧性(Aerobic)或是厌氧性(Anaerobic)之情况下 , 均会分解产生氨(NH3) ,
    3. anaerobic
    3. 无氧:乳酸产生的浓多寡,则与运动过程中有氧(aerobic)和无氧(anaerobic)系统能代谢的百分比有关. 同的能系统输出,对於人体运动时血乳酸值影响其浓的变化. 以磷酸系统为主要供给能源时血乳酸浓较少,一般超过4mmol/l;以醣酵解系统为主要供应能源时,
    4. anaerobic的解释
    4. 厌氧的:anaerobic water 无氧水 | anaerobic 厌氧的 | anaerobion 厌氧菌
    anaerobic 双语例句
    1. Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Chemical Engineering Journal Waste activated sludge hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation in the presence of SDBS in semi-continuous flow reactors: Effect of solids retention time and temperature a b s t r a c t: In the presence of surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, the effects of sludge retention time and temperature on the hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation during waste activated sludge anaerobic fermentation were investigated in semi-continuous flow reactors.
    2. The sludge generated by the municipal sewage plant enters the anaerobic reactor and is heated by the hot water provided by the heat pump which extracts heat from the discharged water to react for generating marsh gas, and the marsh gas is used for drying the sludge or driving the aeration blast engine.
    3. The floc sludge of PFC can be removed 75% organics and the effluent COD is 800mg/L under condition of 1.5 days HRT and treated by thermophilous EGSB anaerobic reactor, and the reactor volume organic load is 2.65kgCOD/m〓.
    投加聚合氯化铁混凝剂得到的絮凝污泥在35℃环境中控制1.5d的水力停留时间,出水有机物含量可以降到800mg/LCOD〓左右,去除率在75%左右,厌氧反应器最大负荷为2.65kgCOD/m〓。d; 5。
    4. The effect of hi-voltage static electronic field and hi-voltage pulse electronic field, and the effect of alternate use of two electronic fields on the survival rate of Penaeus vannamei larvae were studied with different treating time and voltages. The 48 h survival rate under anaerobic condition and the adaptability to sudden saline change of the larvae were studied.
    5. anaerobic的翻译
    5. This is 19 times the energy obtainable under anaerobic circumstances.
    6. We isolated a group of thermophilic, facultative anaerobic or aerobic spore bacillus by investigating contamination of total producing technical flowing and testing.
    7. No.1 Program is the most practical and feasible and RMB¥60000 has been raised. I have to get rid of the different opinions of my family and I plan to do the test in Hainan or Guangdong in the second half of 2003 in the suburbs of small towns or villages close to towns. Due to the limit of capital, most of the work will be done manually or by simple machines. Biogas pools may not be built and big vats or ground pits may be used for anaerobic fermentation. I will try to make an artificial land area of 100-200 m2 within 2 years.
    8. With the increase of Hydraulic loading in anaerobic columns, the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen and COD drop gradually, when the hydraulic loading increase to 20 ml/L. d, the the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen drop to 60%; when the hydraulic loading increase to 21-23 ml/L. d, the rate of exorcize of COD drop to 20%.
    厌氧柱中随着水力负荷的增大,凯氏氮和COD的去除率均呈现逐渐下降,水力负荷增加到约20ml/L·d,凯氏氮的去除率直线下降到60%以下;水力负荷增加到21~23 ml/L·d,COD的去除率直线下降至20%。
    9. These goals can be accomplished by either anaerobic or aerobic digestion.
    10. K. oxytoca could use oxygen as electron acceptor for growth, its further consumption of oxygen would lead to an anaerobic environment suitable for growth of strict anaerobic C.
    11. The isolated aerobic ammonia oxidizers could use nitrite as electron acceptor to carriy out anaerobic ammonia oxidation as well as using oxygen as electron acceptor to oxidise ammonia.
    12. Because these glands expell the puss that is a result of anaerobic bacteria that cause indoxyl.
    13. Glucose was a better carbon surce than acetate. Addition of molybdenum, sulphide and other trace elements did not promote the anaerobic phosphorus removal.
    14. Anaerobic process of pig manure liquid was significantly influenced by temperature.
    15. anaerobic在线翻译
    15. Anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates and aerobic metabolism of fats and proteins yield non-volatile acid s, such as?
    16. Abstractor:In this *****, the development of anaerobic treatment processes are analyzed, the Equalization of the most popularized in application among various kind anaerobic reactors, UASB reactor is trend of technology in abroad and at home.
    17. Abstractor:In this paper, the development of anaerobic treatment processes are analyzed, the Equalization of the most popularized in application among various kind anaerobic reactors, UASB reactor is trend of technology in abroad and at home.
    18. anaerobic
    18. Agriculture test of kailyard soil mixed with paper mill sludge, which had been alternatively treated with aerobic and anaerobic composting for 40 days, was carried out in a basin scale.
    19. Meanwhile, the fastigium of organic pollutants removal was postponed for 2~4 days compared with sulfate removal, which indicated that this wastewater could be treated with two-phase anaerobic process by means of adjusting the conditions and parameters of the reaction.
    20. anaerobic的解释
    20. Result of the 3month stable operation of the system showed that the COD removal was kept over 85% with temperature in th e ra nge of 16~28 ℃, anaerobic organic loading of 5 kgCOD/(m3·d), aerobic organic loading of2kgCOD/(m3·d) and total HRT of 19h.
    anaerobic 词典解释
    1. 厌氧的;由厌氧菌引起的
    Anaerobic creatures or processes do not need oxygen in order to function or survive.
    e.g. Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise.
    2. (锻炼)无氧的
    Anaerobic exercise is exercise such as weight training that improves your strength but does not raise your heart rate.
    e.g. anaerobic workout.
    anaerobic 单语例句
    1. Trainees do two hours'anaerobic exercise and another two of aerobic exercise a day.
    2. The plant will adopt anaerobic digestion treatment to deal with food waste.
    3. The project will use animal waste as fermentation material to produce biogas in an anaerobic digester to produce the electricity.
    4. The plant will introduce advanced rubbish assortment equipment, anaerobic technology and power generation facilities.
    5. Now his company has 22 patents for inventions and technology, especially on anaerobic fermentation.
    anaerobic 英英释义
    1. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
    e.g. anaerobic bacteria
    Synonym: anaerobiotic
    2. not aerobic
    e.g. isometric exercises are anaerobic




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