单词 | analog |
释义 | analog [英 ['?n?l?:g] 美 ['?n?l?:g] ] analog的意思、解释 analog 基本解释 名词类似物,同源语; 模拟 形容词(钟表)有长短针的; 模拟的 analog analog 网络解释 1. 类似物:坎贝尔长期担任(Astounding, 即)和(Analog)的编辑,影响深远. 他最初是一位太空史诗作家,后转向写作收入这部选集的、更为精致的心理学和哲学故事. (R.U.R., 1921). 2. analog的意思 2. 模拟的:申请了专利的神经网络(Nervous Net)连接起来后,就赋予了这个12个类的思维决不是数字化的,不是线性的装置,而是一种模拟的(Analog)和逻辑(Manhattan Logic)和曼哈顿结构(Manhattan structures),那就哈顿宾馆内, analog 双语例句 1. Therefore, reality and analog, illusionary passion, visual right, sense automation and other problems are imposed on photography. 正因为如此,真实与拟像、幻想的快感、视觉权利、感知自动化等诸多问题,也都同样一并加诸于摄影。 2. Make the magnitude of the magnetic field and AC Frequency Visualization, An electrical current in a wire produces a weak magnetic field H around the wire, We use magnetic sensors to Acquisition the Weak signal, then, input sound card, the analog signals have been transformed into digital signals by the sound card and been displayed by the personal computer. 交流电线周围存在一个很弱的交变磁场,通电螺线也会产生一个较强的交变磁场,我们通过磁感应器采集信号,再输入声卡,声卡对信号进行模数转换,将采集模拟信号转换成数字信号输入电脑并显示出来,通过对测的数据,图形进行比较和分析,得出磁场的变换频率和相对大小。 3. The digital analog hybrid real-time simulation system and the application to the study on ultra-high voltage AC/DC grid. 数模混合实时仿真系统及其在特高压交直流电网仿真研究中的应用。 4. By using the difference frequency Analog Phase Locked Loop KD080H, a crystal frequency-division APLL was designed, whose loop noise bandwidth was less than 1Hz, and was successfully applied in the phase ranging system whose phase measuring frequency was 1.5KHz. 应用差频模拟锁相环专用集成电路KD080H,作者设计制作出一种环路噪声带宽小于1Hz的晶体分频APLL,并成功用于相位检测频率1.5kHz的相位测距系统。 5. Meanwhile, pertinent suggestions concerning high fluctuation tolerance subthreshold analog circuit design are also made and discussed. 同时,还针对高工艺稳定性的亚阈值模拟电路设计方法进行了相关的讨论。 6. In order to adapt the signal to that range, there is an analog gain stage prior to digitizing. 为了将信号调到那个范围,在数字化之前有一个模拟增益过程。 7. Variable gain amplifier is an analog circuit, which varies gain, adjusts signal dynamic range and stabilizes signal power. 可变增益放大器是模拟单元电路之一,起着变化增益、调整信号动态范围、稳定信号功率的作用。 8. The LTC.6412 is a fully differential variable gain amplifier with linear-in-dB analog gain control. Linear 公司的LTC6412是800MHz模拟控制全差分可变增益放大器,增益控制是线性dB的。 9. First of all, the circuit output waveform in the case of losing it by measuring the input voltage and output voltage in order to detect amplification of analog circuits, and then by adjusting the frequency of AC voltage source to reduce the output gain make 3db analog circuits in order to measure the maximum cut-off frequency, pass band can be obtained. 本电路首先在输出波形不失真的情况下通过测量输入电压和输出电压从而测出模拟电路的放大倍数,然后通过调节交流电压源的频率使得输出增益减少3db从而测量出模拟电路的上限截止频率,即可求出通频带。 10. Wadia contends that using only a single analog gain stage and then handling all signals in the digital domain yields superior results by avoiding the noise and distortion elements present in even very high quality analog preamps. 瓦迪亚说,只用一个单一的模拟增益的阶段,然后处理所有信号数字域产量优异的业绩,避免噪声和失真分子甚至质量非常高的模拟功放。 11. AD96685BR/2/6/8 are analog Programmable Gain Amplifiers. Microchip的科技公司AD96685BR/2/6/8是模拟可编程增益放大器的。 12. Precise control of both the analog gain as well as the level feeding the digital section means that the mic signal can be maintained super-clean if desired, or driven harder on the analog side for that whallop and impact that can only be achieved by driving the transformer into saturation for that historic API sound! 精确地控制双方的模拟增益以及饲养水平数字部分意味着麦克风信号可以保持超净如果需要,或推动关于该whallop和影响只能由驾驶模拟方所取得的困难进入饱和变压器这一历史性API的声音! 13. The card used external triggering signals and impulses or internal triggering signals to initialize card behaviors. Two pieces of 142bitA /D converter chipsADS5547 enabled a crossing sampling rate of 420MSPS to a single analog input signal or a non2crossing sampling rate of 210MSPS to two signals from the two channels. The digitalized data, afterDSP, were cached on the card memory to be analyzed further through digital storage oscilloscope designed in software, otherwise stored into the high2speed hard disk through HSHD interfaces. 该数据采集卡采用外部或者内部2种触发方式,利用2片14位模数转换芯片ADS5547,对一路模拟信号进行双通道交叉采集可获得420MSPS的采集速率或以210MSPS速率对2路不同的信号交叉采集;采集到的数字信号经过数字信号处理,缓存于数据采集卡并通过数字存储示波方式实时查看,或者选择硬盘存储方式进行数据的大容量存储。 14. 14. Based on the requirements to the performances of the analog servo power amplifier, resonant transformation network is used to produce high-frequency sine wave to supply silicon-controlled rectifier. 基于对模拟伺服功率放大器性能指标的要求,我们采用谐振变换电路与可控硅整流电路相结合的方法来构造伺服电源。 15. GBs Analog Design Envrionment which provides a complete platform from circuit schematic capture, physical layout, netlist generation and RC parameters passing. 该模拟设计环境提供了从电路示意图捕获、物理布局、网表生成和RC参数传递等功能的完整平台。 16. analog的解释 16. According to the analysis, a boundary mode PFC IC which is used for the application of output power 80 W and voltage 400 V is designed by TSMC 0.35 μm process. The implementations of the error amplifier, analog multiplier, comparator, RS flip-flop and the gate driver are utilized Hspice to verify the design that the power factor exceeds 97% and total harmonic distortion is lower than 10%. 根据分析整理,利用TSMC 0.35 μm制程设计一个应用於输出功率80 W、输出400 V的边界模式PFC控制IC,以功率因数超过97%且总谐波失真低於10%为一设计的依据,实现其误差放大器、乘法器、比较器、RS正反器以及闸极驱动缓冲电路,并使用Hspice模拟验证设计。 17. This design is 8051 microcontroller system as the core, with the platinum resistance temperature sensor on the hydro-generator group bearing temperature, generator stator windings and core temperature, the temperature of the main transformer, such as real-time multi-point temperature data logging, Real-time temperature of the collection, are analog signals, the ADC will convert them to digital signals, and which to remove the signal interference, entered into in the SCM process, the result will not only locally, but also SCM serial port through the use of RS-485 communication protocol and the data collected will be sent to Master control machine, further filing, processing. 本设计是以8051单片机系统为核心,用铂电阻使温度传感器对水轮发电机组的轴承温度、发电机定子绕组和铁心的温度、主变压器的温度等多点温度进行实时巡检,对温度进行实时采集,得到模拟信号,经过模数转换器将其转换为数字信号,并且要将其中的干扰信号去除,输入到单片机中进行处理,其结果不仅能在本地显示,而且可以利用单片机串行口通过RS-485总线及通信协议将采集的数据传送到主控机,进行进一步存档,处理。 18. The software and hardware realizing scheme of high performance, AC servo system based on the digital-analog mixed type of 16 bits high performance, single piece micro computer 80C196 is presented in this paper It expounds the theory and method of system design for industrial applications, and it also gives out the situation of system industrial applications Based on the analysis of the influential characteristics of servo system the method of improving the system precision, estimative model of loading torque and instantaneous velocity, compensative predictive control under low speed motion are dicussed in this paper. 论述了面向工业对象的系统设计原理与方法。并给出了本文系统工业应用的情况。在分析影响交流伺服系统性能的基础上,提出了改善系统精度的方法,给出了负载力矩和瞬时转速的估计模型,研究了低速运行时的补偿预测控制,提高了伺服系统低速稳定运行的范围。 19. It is a combination of digital circuit and analog circuit composed of integral circuit and separate components. 它采用数字电路与模拟电路相结合,集成电路与分立元件相结合的方法。 20. 20. Analog to Digital Converter is the interface of analog and digital circuit; it`s an necessary part in the portable system. 模数转换器是模拟电路和数字电路的接口,是手持终端中不可缺少的组成部分。 analog 单语例句analog在线翻译 1. It's advisable that you use HDMI over analog because HDMI is a digital interface, and therefore provides the best quality. 2. True, " digital immigrants " are more likely to cling to older analog technologies. 3. Noting only five calls concerned the reception quality of conventional analog TV, he said the DTT transmission should not affect reception of analog services. 4. It issued a circular in January requiring all 49 trial cities to begin the shift from analog TV to digital TV before June 30. 5. The official predicted that most regions in China would complete the transition from analog TV broadcasting to digital TV broadcasting by 2008. 6. Xu Feng did not stop using his first phone until December 2001 when China Mobile closed the analog network and replaced it with GSM network. 7. And then there is the shift in wireless and analog IP from niche plays to essential building blocks. 8. Terrestrial digital television is designed to replace the existing analog system through which the majority of viewers in China watch the TV networks. 9. Terrestrial digital television is designed to replace the existing analog system through which the majority of viewers in China watch television. 10. The centre is providing both analog and digital signals for film of the conference to be transferred to Africa. analog 英英释义 noun 1. something having the property of being analogous to something else Synonym: analogueparallel analog什么意思 adj 1. of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input e.g. analogue device linear amplifier Synonym: analoguelinear |
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