单词 | anecdote |
释义 | anecdote [英 [??n?kd??t] 美 [??n?kdo?t] ] anecdote的意思、解释 复数形式:anecdotes; anecdote 基本解释 名词趣闻,轶事; [复数]秘史 anecdote 相关例句 名词 1. She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients. 她告诉我有关这家医院及病人的趣闻轶事。 anecdote 网络解释 1. 逸事:英语词典之父约翰逊博士早在1773年编的英语世界第一本字典第四版中就收录了逸事(anecdote)这个词,还说它来自法语,指传记中的事件,或者私人生活中的简短片断. anecdote 双语例句 1. That`s a revealing anecdote of the anti-democratic sophistication of the vanguard of global capital, but it`s a long way from torture chambers and electric volts. 这的确是一个寓意深长的故事,凸显全球资本集团的先锋们有多么老到高超的反民主的手段。 2. It is all right to tell a joke or an anecdote if it is in good taste and will not embarrass the speaker. 只要不出格而且不使发言人感到难堪,开个玩笑或者讲个趣闻都不要紧。 3. Why? Because capital times is outstanding this is fancy 2 words, the anecdote that very much information is very absorbing Beijing is anecdotical. 因为京华时报就突出了这新奇二字,很多的消息都是很吸引人的北京的奇闻轶事。 4. 4. It'd just be another saucy anecdote.. 这只不过是个黄色的小插曲 5. Bookend close: Refer to your beginning theme or anecdote to have it come full circle. 照本宣书的结尾:把前面说到的主题或是小故事在做一遍重复,来个大回笼。 6. He had begun an anecdote, and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a 他已经在谈一桩奇闻,在他那宽阔的脸上,他的小嘴巴扭得象一条小毛虫。 7. anecdote的近义词 7. He had begun an anecdote, and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a caterpillar. 他已经在谈一桩奇闻,在他那宽阔的脸上,他的小嘴巴扭得象一条小毛虫。 8. Today's anecdote about Yogi Chen's fearlessness brought back memory of another one from Juan Bulnes. 今天有关陈上师无畏的轶闻令百肋也回想起另一事件,所以我和大家分享。 9. They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laughed at 她们描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来也是有声有色。 10. Yet as a writer, you have to add something more than the anecdote - a deeper truth. 然而身为一名作家,你必须在轶闻之外添加一些更深层次的真相。 11. The snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. 这类轶闻中的疑难处当然在于人们无法区别因与果。 12. It was a conversation pleasantly coloured with wit and anecdote. 这是一次充满妙语和轶闻的愉快交谈。 13. Long form is a lot like the short news pieces, in that you still have to find anecdote. 长格式的报道和短新闻片段十分类似,因为你依然必须要寻找轶闻故事。 14. anecdote的反义词 14. And so before long I began to introduce the key-slot anecdote into my discussions with Chinese educators. 因此,不久我就在与中国教育工作者讨论时谈起了钥匙槽口一事。 15. Perhaps this anecdote will inspire you to serve Sauternes with everything. 也许这个故事将给你一些灵感:你可以把Sauternes作为任何食物的佐餐酒。 16. It can be used as a pause or a colon: very handy for spinning out a mere anecdote into a playlet that`s full of parody and speculation. 这个词可以作为停顿或冒号:将一件小事渲染成充斥着滑稽仿照和测度的短剧时,这个词用起来很方便。 17. What is better than May in Hangzhou, shaking hands with old friends who are suddenly twice as old, getting lost on a campus that was once so familiar, searching in the most remote corner of one`s memory for an anecdote that seems somehow funnier than it was in actuality, and the sweet, sweet feeling of revenge upon seeing or hearing of a few A-students who are lower on the social or economic totem pole than you are? 从杭州赶来的玛丽,在昔日熟悉的校园里寻找她记忆深处的故事的发生地,它们经过时间的积淀,在脑海里显得似乎比以前更加生动有趣,然而她却在曾经熟悉的校园里迷路了,紧握着老朋友的手,突然间发现他们都已经饱经时间的历练。听说起那时的好学生,有几个现在混得还没有自己好,心中突然涌出对生活的满足与甜蜜的骄傲。 18. anecdote在线翻译 18. It is a small anecdote, but it shows that insinuation, plus internet gossip and talk radio slurs, can take hold in a country often surprisingly uninformed about those who would run it. 这只是一个小小的传闻,但它表明,在一个对其未来领导人情况不了解程度往往令人惊讶的国家,含沙射影、互联网流言和电台脱口秀节目上的诋毁,是可以发挥影响的。 19. Allow me to recall an anecdote about Muhammad Ali that goes back to the time when he was still a young boxer competing under the name Cassius Clay. 回想起拳王阿里的一段往事。当年他还是个年轻的拳击运动员,名叫卡西尔斯。 20. 20. This is a more significant anecdote than any tale of flying spittle. 这则佚事比任何唾沫飞溅的传言都更有意义。 anecdote 词典解释 1. 轶事;趣闻 An anecdote is a short, amusing account of something that has happened. e.g. Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother... 皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻。 e.g. He has a talent for recollection and anecdote. 他在记忆力和讲述趣闻轶事方面颇具天赋。 2. (无根据的)传闻 Anecdotes are individual accounts of something that are not reliable evidence. e.g. The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore. 狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。 anecdote 单语例句anecdote的近义词 1. This was more than an amusing anecdote, for it reflected the prevalent social attitude at that time towards homosexuality. 2. Lo offers an anecdote, showing the closeness of the horror princesses. 3. Experts with those groups and congressional committees familiar with intelligence programs say errors should be extremely rare because one vivid anecdote can do significant damage. 4. The science is simple and the book is perhaps too full of anecdote and personality, but it is animated by an appealing sense of wonder. 5. New York Times reporter James Risen uses the anecdote to illustrate how the CIA ignored information that Iraq no longer had weapons of mass destruction. 6. Bush said Tuesday that his upcoming book begins with an anecdote about his wife convincing him to give up drinking. 7. This is more like a pie than a bread, and an interesting anecdote is often told about its origins. 8. I've told at least eight people the same tedious anecdote in the past four weeks. 9. But while Shen's story is captivating, it did not really develop into anything more than a diverting anecdote. 10. Cynics say it is based solely on anecdote or guesswork and lacks plausibility. anecdote 英英释义 noun 1. short account of an incident (especially a biographical one) |
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