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单词 anesthesia
    anesthesia [英 [??n?s?θi:zi?] 美 [??n?s?θi??] ]
    anesthesia 基本解释
    名词麻醉; 感觉缺失,麻木
    anesthesia 网络解释
    1. 麻醉:这种使用是不够严谨的,麻醉(anesthesia)一词是1846年Holmes提出的,它的本意是使无知觉. 在医学中,麻醉的具体含义包括了镇痛、遗忘和意识丧失,就是指在麻醉药的影响下失去知觉,痛觉的暂时性消失是其主要目的. 所以,
    2. 感觉缺失:感觉阈值的升高,表现为对外界刺激的反应性降低,严重时达到感觉缺失(anesthesia)的程度. 此症状和体征更多见于神经系统疾病. 精神科常出现感觉减退的情况有抑郁状态、木僵状态、催眠状态等. 感觉缺失最常见于转换型障碍,
    3. anesthesia
    3. 麻醉(法),感觉缺失:aneroid sphygmomanometer 无水银血压计 | anesthesia 麻醉(法),感觉缺失 | anesthesia apparatus 麻醉机
    4. 麻醉学:Sociology 社会学 | Anesthesia 麻醉学 | Biochemistry 生物化学
    anesthesia 双语例句
    1. anesthesia
    1. We decided to perform the surgery, I used Ketamine and Diazepam as an induction, Atropine sulfates as a pre-medication, Isoflurane as an inhalation medication, and perform high flow inhalation anesthesia.
    第三天该猫的状况渐渐稳定下来,无内出血和头部外伤之疑,我们采用 Ketamine 和 Diazepam 做麻醉引导,用 Atropine 做麻醉前给药,使用 Isoflurane 采用高流量氧气做气体麻醉。
    2. anesthesia是什么意思
    2. Objective Observe the various withdrawal responses of rocuronium after the induction of general anesthesia in children and in adult.
    3. METHODS: Forty-five ASAⅠ-Ⅱ patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomly divided into three groups: In group P anesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol given by TCI; In group L1 and group L2 anesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol and lidocaine infusion, loading dose of 1 and 2 mg/kg, respectively, then adding 1 and 2 mg·kg-1·h-1 for maintenance inspect.
    4. Target blood drug concentration of group B was set as 0.5μg/ml, patients ingroup C was given loading dose by intravenous infusion in the range of 0.5 or1.0mg/kg (Anesthesia not regain consciousness without the patients agitation dose of0.5mg/kg, Other patients a dose of 10mg/kg.).The induction time of both groups was1 minute. Ramsay Scale was recorded every 1 hour.
    B组起始目标血药浓度0.5μg/ml,C组首先静脉推注负荷剂量0.5或1.0mg/kg(全麻未醒无躁动者用0.5 mg/kg,余用1.0mg/kg),诱导时间均为1分钟,两组均每小时进行Ramsay评分,B组以0.5~2.0μg/ml为目标血药浓度维持目标镇静深度(Ramsay镇静评分2~5分);C组以0.5~2mg/kg/h的输注速度维持同样的目标镇静深度。
    5. anesthesia是什么意思
    5. PS surgery may be comparable with surgery under general anesthesia in some special cases.
    6. Objective To investigate under local anesthesia ureteral lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones of acute obstructive renal failure effectiveness and safety.
    目的 探讨局麻下输尿管弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻并发急性梗阻性肾功能衰竭的有效性及安全性。方法急诊局麻下应用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗
    7. Objective To investigate under local anesthesia ureteral lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones of acute obstructive renal failure effectiveness and safety. Methods Application the local anesthesia emergency pneumatic ureteroscopic lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary stone obstructive renal failure in 12 cases.
    目的 探讨局麻下输尿管弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻并发急性梗阻性肾功能衰竭的有效性及安全性方法急诊局麻下应用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻性肾功能衰竭12例。
    8. anesthesia的解释
    8. Local anesthesia is administered best in two stages at the tip of the foreign body. First, deep local anesthesia is administered with sonographic guidance in the pathway of forceps dissection and foreign body removal.
    9. of oral local anesthesia injected into the pin-point application of lidocaine gel injection can reduce the sting when the needle, the elderly contribute to the elimination of narcotic injection for fear generated to prevent the treatment of elevated blood pressure, is an economic practical, simple and convenient method of oral local anesthesia.
    10. FXI deficiency is not an absolute contraindicationto neuraxial anesthesia, provided appropriate hematology consultationhas been obtained, and factor replacement is provided as guidedby clinical and laboratory hemostatic evaluation.
    只要进行了合适的血液科会诊,在临床和实验室止血评估的指导下进行因子替代治疗,FXI 缺乏并不是椎管内麻醉的绝对禁忌证。
    11. For these four patients, the most possible cause of vertical strabismus was extraocular muscle injury during retrobulbar anesthesia.
    12. There was no complication in T group after operation. Conclusion The technique of TCI of propofol combined with epidural block for thymusectomy in myasthenia gravis is safe balanced anesthesia as it provides optimal operating conditions and resulted in fewer perioperative complications.
    13. Adult male 129/SvEv micewere exposed to either isoflurane 1 or 1.5 minimum alveolarconcentration both in 40% O2 in air or to 40% O2 in airalone for a period of 80 min, and hippocampal 5-HTlevels were measured by microdialysis coupled with high performanceliquid chromatography. Within 20–40 min of administration, both doses of isoflurane similarly produced a significant decreasein hippocampal 5-HT to 41.5%± 11.0% and 36.4%±13.9% of the baseline level in the isoflurane 1 MAC and 1.5MAC groups, respectively. Furthermore, when additional dialysateswere obtained on termination of anesthesia in the isoflurane1.5 MAC group, the decrease in extracellular 5-HT levels persistedfor several hours. To determine if isoflurane-induced changesin extracellular 5-HT involve the serotonin transporter, similar microdialysis studies were performed in C57BL/6 wild-type and homozygous SERT knockoutmice exposed to either 1 MAC isoflurane in 40% O2 in air orto 40% O2 in air alone for a period of 80 min. Isoflurane produceda significant decrease in hippocampal 5-HT in SERT +/+ and SERT–/–, and this decrease was larger in SERT –/–compared with SERT +/+: to 22.4%± 8.5% versus 50.2%± 17.4% of the baseline 5-HT level, respectively.
    海马5-羟色胺水平采用微量渗析和高效液相色谱检测。20-40min 后,1MAC 和1.5MAC 的异氟醚均显著降低海马5-羟色胺水平(分别为基础水平的41.5%+11.0%和36.4%+13.9%),且在1.5MAC 组,微量渗析发现麻醉结束后几小时仍有5-羟色胺的降低,为了明确异氟醚降低5-羟色胺是否由5-羟色胺转移子所致,C57BL/6 野生型小鼠和纯合型 SERT 基因敲除小鼠 SERT的小鼠在吸入40%O2和1 MAC 异氟醚或仅吸入40%O2,微量渗析发现异氟醚在 SERT和 SERT的小鼠中均有5-羟色胺的降低,SERT降低更明显(22.4%+8.5%V.S.50.2%+17.4%)。
    14. Meth-ods 257cases(282eyes)of congenital dacryocystitis were treated with flushing-probing-flushing by inserting homemade flushing lacrimal probe in-to lacrimales under topical anesthesia and followed up for6months.
    15. 87 And 8.±.09 in surface anesthesia of urethra samping group.
    16. anesthesia
    16. The mouth opener is designed to spiral, it moves in a spiral to avoid injuring patient's teeth and the oral soft tissue, when patient's jaw locked closed at stake or before anesthesia resuscitation.
    17. After anesthesia was induced, external jugular vein of rats was exposed, and an approximately 0.6 cm incision was made to create hemorrhage. The bleeding areas were blotted by antiseptic gauze. After removing the gauze, the bleeding surfaces were immediately treated with RT-Q aerosol in the RT-Q group, excipient aerosol in the excipient group, 0.15 mL SUNCON medical adhesive in the SUNCON group, or no agent in non-treatment group, respectively. Then, injury surfaces were covered by gauze. In the non-treatment group, bleeding was left to naturally stop.
    动物麻醉后于分离的一侧颈外静脉剪一约0.6 cm切口使其出血,并立即以消毒纱布擦拭创面,纱布移开瞬间迅速喷RT-Q气雾剂1次,或附加剂气雾剂1次,或α-氰基丙烯酸酯医用胶0.15 mL,而后覆上纱布,阴性对照组则擦拭创面后直接覆上纱布让其自然止血,记录止血时间,计算出血量(止血后纱布重量-使用前重量)。
    18. The scope of obstetric anesthesia includes anesthesia for cesarean section, including post operative pain conrol0, the anesthetic management of high risk pregnancy and painless labor during natural spontaneous delivery.
    19. We investigated whetherpatients could appreciate nonpainful TES at the same time asthey were undergoing painless cesarean delivery surgery. Weapplied a nonpainful TES (10 mA, 50 Hz, 1-s duration) to theskin, at 5 different dermatomal levels, in 20 women undergoingelective cesarean delivery during spinal anesthesia.
    作者研究剖腹产手术病人是否能耐受无痛性 TES 。20名妇女在腰麻下行选择性剖腹产,应用无痛性 TES (10mA ,50Hz ,持续1s )对五个不同区域的皮肤进行刺激。
    20. Of course, after not playing but also sewing anesthesia needle so that it is another kind of pain …..
    anesthesia 词典解释
    1. -> see anaesthesia
    anesthesia 单语例句
    1. He developed the use of anesthesia, and furthered the limited Chinese knowledge of anatomy.
    2. In anesthesia, propofol is known as something of a wonder drug.
    3. Only his unfortunate death because of the dangerous medical treatment - daily surgical anesthesia - raised her curiosity about the " king of pop ".
    4. She said she gave birth normally to four other children and doesn't understand why doctors gave her general anesthesia this time.
    5. If anesthesia was the sole cause of Arafat's coma, it is likely he will recover once the anesthetic wears off.
    6. In her childhood, a dentist once pulled a dangling tooth out of her mouth without anesthesia.
    7. Singleton said the drug does not alter the effect of the anesthesia, but it does alter some of the side effects of opiates.
    8. Jackson was given anesthesia for numerous medical procedures over the years and had a long history of prescription drug use.
    9. The surgery has small risks, including those of general anesthesia and possible hearing loss from damage to the eardrum.
    10. Doctors declared the operation a success yesterday and said it was the first time " acupuncture anesthesia " had been used for such a procedure.
    anesthesia 英英释义
    1. loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
    Synonym: anaesthesia




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