单词 | anguish |
释义 | anguish [英 [???gw??] 美 [???ɡw??] ] anguish的意思、解释 过去式:anguished; 过去分词:anguished; 现在分词:anguishing; anguish 基本解释 名词痛苦; 苦恼; 伤心; 令人心酸 及物动词使极度痛苦; 使苦恼; 悲痛万分 不及物动词苦恼; 感到极度的痛苦 anguish 相关例句 及物动词 1. The loss of her husband anguished her deeply. 她丈夫的死亡使她悲痛万分。 2. anguish的反义词 2. The loss of her son anguished her deeply. 失去了儿子使她深深陷于痛苦之中。 不及物动词 1. Her heart anguished within her. 她的心中非常痛苦。 2. Her heart anguished within her when she learned that her husband had fallen in battle. 得知丈夫阵亡的消息,她内心万分痛苦。 名词 1. The quarrel caused her great anguish. 争吵给她造成了极大的痛苦。 anguish 网络解释 1. 痛苦:一再填充才相关(affiliate),向下五度才偏离(deviate),一再离开得减轻(alleviate)重画只能放弃(relinquish),完成才会征服(vanquish),生气才会痛苦(anguish),懒鬼才会衰弱(languish)表达清楚有艺术(articulate), 2. 苦闷:anguiped 有蛇状足的 | anguish 苦闷 | anguished 痛苦的 3. anguish的翻译 3. 苦恼:angstrom 埃 | anguish 苦恼 | angular curve 角曲线 4. 痛苦;烦闷:angry 愤怒的 | anguish 痛苦;烦闷 | animal 动物 anguish 双语例句 1. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. 这些激情犹如狂风一般,令我东飘西荡,使我逆流而上,让我坠入痛苦的深渊,把我推向绝望的边缘。 2. In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. 在他的极度痛苦中,他的报话机响了。 3. From find the job to arrive now 2 months, have really a lot of a lot of anguish say not to come out, but also have a bit gratified, nevertheless I know this is temporary, the road of my network, how should search............. 从找到工作到现在2个月了,真是有许多许多的痛苦说不出来,但是也有一点欣慰,不过我知道这是暂时的,我的网络之路,该如何找寻。。。。。。。。。。。。。 4. In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his 在他的极度痛苦中,他的步话机响了。 5. In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. 我在急难中求告耶和华,他就应允我,把我安置在宽阔之地。 6. Who might come by-and-by to feel the same, or even a worse anguish, and to shed, perhaps, yet bitterer tears. 他慢慢地也会感到同样的痛苦,或者甚至感到更厉害的痛苦,也会掉眼泪,也许是更辛酸的眼泪。 7. anguish的近义词 7. A moment of carelessness or anger can cause years of anguish and regret. 为一时的疏忽与愤怒所付出的代价是经以数年的痛苦悔恨。 8. A moment of care-lessness or anger can cause years of anguish and regret. 为一时的疏忽和愤怒所付出的代价是经以数年的痛苦悔恨。 9. This word looks quite fetching and thoughtful today, a series of sudden incident let carry Cheng to be immersed in the crisis, also let carry Cheng to must face an enterprise to grow with development need in the process the cross of classics and anguish. 这番话今天看来颇引人深思,一系列突发事件让携程陷入危机,也让携程不得不面对企业成长与发展过程中必经的磨难与痛楚。 10. anguish的反义词 10. When intelligence re -awakened and beheld that action of the brute, Jean Valjean re coiled with anguish and utte re d a cry of terror 等到心智清醒以后,看见了那种兽类的行为,冉阿让才感到痛心,向后退却,并且惊骇到大叫起来。 11. In anguish, Luke Skywalker mistakenly believed Lumiya was in fact the killer, and slew her in turn, an act of vengeance that toed the precipice towards to the dark side. 悲痛欲绝的卢克·天行者误认为卢米娅是真正的凶手,而把她消灭。复仇之举把他推向黑暗面的边缘。 12. anguish的反义词 12. The only truth that continued to give mr. dimmesdale a real existence on this earth, was the anguish in his inmost soul, and the undissembled expression of it in his aspect. 继续赋予丁梅斯代尔先生在地球上一种真实存在感的唯一事实,就是他灵魂最深处的痛苦,以及由此在他外貌上造成的毫不掩饰的表情。 13. 13. And he called out, `Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Laz`arus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. 可怜我吧!请打发拉匝禄用他的指头尖,蘸点水来凉润我的舌头,因为我在这火焰中极其惨苦。 14. The pain and anguish tempt one to surrender and give in. 这些极端的痛苦和折磨不停地引诱人屈服。 15. Think swoons and sun-kissed skin, ripe flesh, ecstasy and anguish, and you're halfway to catching the drift of the novel. 只要想象一下,狂欢和晒黑的皮肤、成熟的肉体、狂喜和苦恼,你已经部分地掌握了小说的主旨了,但也仅仅是一部分而已。 16. Let no man seek [770] Henceforth to be foretold what shall befall Him or his Childern, evil he may be sure, Which neither his foreknowing can prevent, And hee the future evil shall no less In apprehension then in substance feel [775] Grievous to bear: but that care now is past, Man is not whom to warne: those few escapt Famin and anguish will at last consume Wandring that watrie Desert: I had hope When violence was ceas't, and Warr on Earth, [780] All would have then gon well, peace would have crownd With length of happy dayes the race of man; But I was farr deceav'd; for now I see Peace to corrupt no less then Warr to waste. 但愿今后谁也不再预知他自己或子孙将发生的事,发生的,确是灾祸,那是不能预防的,而且他对未来的灾祸所感到的痛苦,和实际感觉到的祸患一样难以承当。忧患终于过去了,警戒对于人,是没有用的。少数逃脱了饥饿和哀恸的人,仍以徘徊于水漫的旷野告终。我曾希望在地上暴行停止,战争绝迹时,万物俱兴,由于和平使人类获得持续的幸福日子。可是我大错特错,因为我看见和平所腐蚀的,多于战争所毁坏的。 17. Her fingers bled with anguish and the blood turned to drool. 奇怪的是钟声竞会这样响,更怪的是钟破裂了,于是这个女人转向黑夜。 18. 18. One, suck phlegmy the preparation before works 1 should make sure negative pressure attracts plant above all each conduit joins correct, close together, unobstructed, assure significant negative pressure, general adult 10.64~15.96Kpa, the baby should be controlled in 7.98~10.64Kpa. 2 preparation rinse the asepsis physiological saline that smokes phlegmy pipe 2 bottles, 1 bottle wash pump technically with Yu Chong the suction inside tracheal spile is phlegmy canal, additional 1 bottle rinse those who had sucked mouth, nasal cavity technically to smoke phlegmy pipe. 3 equipment are very different the asepsis of model sucks phlegmy canal and asepsis glove. 4 because suck phlegmy itself, be a kind of stimulation to the patient, sober patient is not willing to suck normally phlegmy, and the family member of insensible patient also thinks to suck phlegmy special anguish. 一、吸痰前的预备工作1首先要保证负压吸引装置各管道连接正确、紧密、通畅,保证有效的负压,一般成人10.64~15.96Kpa,婴儿应控制在7.98~10.64Kpa.2预备2瓶冲洗吸痰管的无菌生理盐水,1瓶专门用于冲洗抽吸气管插管内的吸痰管,另1瓶专门冲洗吸过口、鼻腔的吸痰管。3备好不同型号的无菌吸痰管及无菌手套。4由于吸痰本身对病人是一种刺激,清醒的病人通常不愿意吸痰,而昏迷病人的家属也认为吸痰非凡痛苦。 19. The traditional opinion believes that the claim for mental reparation for mental anguish should not be included in a suit for breaking a contract. 法律法规不完善使旅游者的权益保护已成为一个亟待解决的问题,尤 20. Chen Chen was an orthodox Confucian with rich national moral; his Chuan hou Shuihu revealed the anguish of the nation. 陈忱作为富有民族气节的正统儒者,其《水浒后传》表露出借题发泄的亡国隐痛,从维护传统文化和日常生存的角度写残余英雄海外立国,虚构出一个清明稳定、传承中原文明的世外桃源。 anguish 词典解释 1. (精神上的)悲痛;(身体上的)剧痛 Anguish is great mental suffering or physical pain. anguish e.g. A cry of anguish burst from her lips... 她突然痛苦地大叫了一声。 e.g. Mark looked at him in anguish. 马克痛苦地看着他。 anguish 单语例句anguish的反义词 1. In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. 2. After years of anguish, the boy with " big feet " finally has a glimmer of hope of wearing shoes. 3. I can still remember the angst and anguish in her words when I caught up with her four years ago. 4. " This is a moment of great anguish, " Duarte said. 5. The market's reaction was notable because it was investors'anguish over a likely recession that had them selling just days ago. 6. The company also paid compensation to Liang of 600 yuan for fees incurred when making the complaint and 1 yuan for mental anguish. 7. Where the mind and heart push the body past physical limitations, mental anguish and societal barriers to compete on the world stage. 8. The victim said Cheng had remained in the room while the assaults took place but had responded with indifference to her friend's anguish. 9. An elderly woman who was very beautiful and rich in her youth suffered loneliness and anguish over her faded appearance. 10. Imposters who take advantage of our sympathy and desire to lend a hand to our compatriots in anguish deserve nothing but hatred. anguish 英英释义 anguish noun 1. extreme mental distress Synonym: tormenttorture 2. extreme distress of body or mind verb 1. cause emotional anguish or make miserable e.g. It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school Synonym: painhurt 2. suffer great pains or distress |
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