单词 | angular |
释义 | angular [英 [???gj?l?(r)] 美 [???ɡj?l?] ] angular的意思、解释 angular 基本解释 angular的翻译 形容词有角的; 用角测量的,用弧度测量的; 生硬的,笨拙的; (人)瘦削的 angular什么意思 angular 相关例句 形容词 1. He walked with angular strides. 他迈着僵硬的步伐行进。 angular 网络解释 1. 1. 角度的:有两类畸变不可忽视:直线性的(rectilinear)和角度的(angular). 除宫内(Miyauchi)外,所有望远镜图片都来自Fan Tao的影集,版权亦归Fan Tao所有. 这种镜子以及Delactis (8X40)是公众可以买到的最早期的广角望远镜. 类似的目镜设计延用了多年, 2. 2. 角度:7)角度(angular) 通过角度约束,可使一个零件上的面与另一个零件上的面,或者使一个零件上的直线与另一个零件上的面,也可以使使一个零件上的直线与另一个零件上的直线之间指定角度. 3. 3. 角的:angular vertex 角的顶点 | angular 角的 | angularity correction 角度校正 4. angular 4. 有角的:ancillary 补助的,副的 | angular 有角的 | annealing 退火 angular 双语例句 1. The result show that the important factors what influenced the cross section of radiative recombination of single-electron systems are principal quantum number n, angular quantum number l, atomic core, Z and so on. 利用细致平衡原理,通过光电离对单电子体系的辐射复合截面进行了研究,对计算结果的分析说明影响单电子体系辐射复合截面的因素主要有主量子数n、角量子数l、原子实以及离子的核电荷数Z等。 2. In this paper employing periodic function of complex function, a power function and a logarithmic function were constructed to obtain Principle Quantum Number, Angular Quantum Number, Magnetic Quantum Number, Spin Quantum Number and the relations between them. 利用复变函数中周期函数结构,构造了一个幂函数和一个对数函数。给出了电子的主量子数、角量子数、磁量子数和自旋量子数,以及它们之间的关系。 3. angular的反义词 3. Also can lead, happen from the equation spin of electron quantum number should be 1/2 automatically, and electron spin magnetic square and spin angular momentum bright Germany g of proportion factor track angular momentum bright 2 times of factor, g of Germany, at the situation. 从这个方程还可自动导出电子的自旋量子数应为1/2,以及电子自旋磁矩与自旋角动量之比的朗德g因子为轨道角动量情形时朗德g因子的2倍。 4. angular 4. With the precondition of not importing magnetic charge, we gave rules of magnetic flux quantization, and the relations between magnetic flux quantization, Principle Quantum Number, Angular Quantum Number, Magnetic Quantum Number and Spin Quantum Number were built. 在不引入磁荷的前提下,给出了磁通量子化规则,建立了磁通量子化与主量子数、角量子数、磁量子数和自旋量子数的联系。 5. angular的反义词 5. Wafangdian HuaTian Metallurgy Heavy Manufacturing Company Limited mainly products 7 types of general rolling bearing which classified as single row. double –row, four –row taper and cylindrical roller bearing, angular contact ball bearing, thrust taper, cylindrical roller bearing, spherical roller and deep groove roller bearing and all kinds of knuckle bearing, sliding bearing, rotation structure bearing, combination bearing, ect. 瓦房店华天冶金重型轴承制造有限公司主要生产九大类型不同精度等级的各种轴承。其中包括单列、双列、四列圆柱、圆锥滚子轴承;单、双列角接触球轴承;推力圆柱、圆锥滚子、调心滚子和深沟球轴承及各类关节轴承,滑动轴承,回转支撑轴承,组合轴承等。 6. angular 6. Thus, angular displacement of this solid shaft tilted the spider to give appropriate cyclic pitch control. 因此,本实心轴角位移倾斜蜘蛛给予适当的循环音高控制。 7. angular的解释 7. Extraneous driver is key part to keep high accuracy of the angular measuring system. Open loop digital exciting magnet driver is studied in this thesis. The way to keep the double phase driver amplitude stability and phase stability is proposed. 激磁电源是保证角位置测量系统高精度的关键,本文对开环数字式激磁电源进行了详细的理论分析和设计,对如何保证两相电源的幅值稳定性和相位稳定性提出了解决问题的途径。 8. 8. The algorithm for transmutation allows all foreign energy flow that is angular or box shaped and not round in nature to be transmuted into a new magnetism that is spherical. 超越的算式让所有外来的多角或方盒形状的和本质上不是圆形的能量流程被超越进入新的球形磁学。 9. Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained. 角度谱就是利用快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一空间点求出快慢横波的相似系数或快慢横波的振幅比值随着时间和角度的变化而形成的谱值图,拾取其极大值就得到该空间点某一时间的角度值;在研究中发现分离不同偏振方向的快慢横波应该采用不同的旋转公式,推导出了利用顺时针旋转和逆时针旋转分离快慢横波的八个公式,并给出了能量分配准则和相位一致性准则两个判别准则,在实际计算中利用这两个判别准则能唯一地确定分离快慢横波的旋转公式;根据快慢横波的相似性原理,在某一给定点和给定时窗内最大相似系数对应的延迟时间就是快慢横波的延迟时间,随着空间点的移动和时窗的滑动就可以得到快慢横波延迟时间的剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间与慢横波传播时间的比值定义为裂缝密度,并求出了裂缝密度剖面图;快慢横波延迟时间纵向上的变化值的大小反映了纵向上裂隙层对快慢横波影响的大小,定义为各向异性系数,并求出了各向异性系数的剖面图。 10. The effect of input angular velocity, angular acceleration and driving speed to Coriolis effects was analyzed by ANSYS software. 利用ANSYS软件仿真分析了输入角速度、角加速度及驱动速度对哥氏效应的影响。 11. angular什么意思 11. A TeO_2 acousto-optic tunable filterwith large angular apert- ure is described. 本文描述了用 TeO_2 晶体制作的大角孔径声光可调滤光器。 12. angular 12. Calculate method of angular resolving power of image fiber bundles in telescopic sight. 传像束光纤在望远瞄准镜中角分辨率的计算方法。 13. By introducing the rotating angular rate from the body frame to the navigation frame instead of the pose matrix, the rotating axis could be pointed to the entire three dimensional spaces in the navigation frame. The rule of SINS error states had been gained for the body frame rotating arbitrary orientation. 通过引入弹体坐标系与导航坐标系之间的旋转角速率代替姿态矩阵,使导航坐标系中的转动坐标轴可以指向三维空间的任意方位,得到了弹体绕任意轴旋转两位置对准时系统状态变量误差的变化规律。 14. Being free from drift and intensive error, the digital opticfiber sensors of linear type and angular type can be chosen according to the request of detection. 当测量要求采取不受漂移和强度误差影响的数字形式时,采用线性或角度数字编码器。 15. According to the condition as mentioned above, a typical linear roll motion equation was set up, and the expressions of natural angular frequency and nondimension damping decay modulus of amphibious combat weapon were given. 两栖作战武器受到波浪的扰动发生横摇运动时在惯性项、阻尼项、恢复项力矩的作用下与波浪扰动力矩达到平衡,据此建立了两栖作战武器线性横摇动力学方程,进而给出了两栖作战武器横摇运动固有角频率、无因次阻尼衰减系数的表达式等。 16. angular 16. At present the processing of 6000-6012, 6200-6210, 6300-6308, 16000-16012, 61803-61809, 6903-6910, R8-R18, W6201-W6208, 63002-63009, 62200-62208, 62301-62308, UC6202-6208, and other products and other non-standard products; 2, a separate double row angular contact (open, ZZ, 2RS) bearings. 5002-5008, 5200-5208, 5301-5307, 3201-3208, 3301-3308, 4202-4208, 7202 B-7210B, 3805, 633873, 309796, 38 BW-19, 6559469, 38 BG05S6DST2, 35BG05S10DST2, 40BGS11DS, 5005NSL, such as clutch and Wheel bearings and RV series, and the ball joint campaign. 目前加工范围6000—6012、6200—6210、6300—6308、16000—16012、61803—61809、6903—6910、R8—R18、W6201—W6208、63002—63009、62200—62208、62301—62308、UC6202-6208等产品以及其他非标产品;2、单列双列角接触(开式、ZZ、2RS)轴承。5002—5008、5200—5208、5301—5307、3201—3208、3301—3308、4202—4208、7202B—7210B、3805、633873、309796、38BW-19、6559469、38BG05S6DST2、35BG05S10DST2、40BGS11DS、5005NSL等离合器和轮毂轴承以及RV系列和关节球系列。 17. Just as linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so the angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity. 这句话的意思是:正如线性动量是质量和速度的乘积一样,一个物体的角动量定义为惯性矩和它的角速度的乘积。 18. This paper directly uses Doodson numbers to express argument, and then uses the arguments to the harmonic analysis method. It sets up a method for the harmonic analysis of tides based on Doodson numbers, and then applies the method into practical situation. It has proved the feasibility of express arguments by angular 本文直接用杜德森数表示天文相角,并用它直接进行调和分析,建立了基于杜德森数的调和分析方法,并用这种方法进行了实际的调和分析,并证明了通过角速度表示天文相角的可行性。 19. Third, original arguments of tide constituents are expressed by Doodson numbers, for simplification of calculation, the present method uses angular rate to express arguments, omitting the second order term and the third order term. This maybe introduces error. 第三、原始的天文相角是通过杜德森数表示的,而为了简化计算,现有的调和分析方法是通过角速度来表示天文相角的,省略了时间的二次项和三次项,这必然会引起误差。 20. 20. If a body is in the absence of any external torque, the angular momentum of the body is a constant. This is known as law of conservation of angular momentum. 如果物体所受的合外力矩等于零,或者不受外力矩的作用,物体的角动量保持不变,这个结论叫做角动量守恒定律。 angular 词典解释 1. 尖的;有尖角的 Angular things have shapes that seem to contain a lot of straight lines and sharp points. e.g. He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones. 他的脸棱角分明,颧骨突出。 angularity ...the angularity of her face. 她瘦削的脸庞angular 单语例句 1. The cheekbones are made to look more angular, so the face becomes more slender. 2. A trip to the restroom requires crossing an angular arched bridge that spans a serene stream brimming with swimming coy. 3. The angular logo of the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China has become familiar as any Western corporate logo in Central Asia's larger cities. 4. Victoria Beckham's last angular bob was nicknamed the'pob', and was copied by thousands of fans in Britain. angular 英英释义 angular adj 1. having angles or an angular shape Synonym: angulate 2. measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle e.g. angular momentum |
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