单词 | adequate |
释义 | adequate [英 [??d?kw?t] 美 [??d?kw?t] ] adequate的意思、解释 adequate 基本解释 形容词足够的; 适当的,恰当的; 差强人意的; 胜任的 adequate 同义词 adequate什么意思 形容词plentyenoughsatisfactorysufficientample adequate 反义词 形容词inadequatedeficientinsufficient adequate的解释 adequate 相关例句 形容词 1. The performance was adequate. 表演还算可以。 2. adequate的翻译 2. That hotel is merely adequate. 那家旅馆只能说是差强人意。 3. The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。 4. I hope you will prove adequate to the job. 我希望你能胜任这工作。 5. 5. She proved adequate to the job. 事实证明她能胜任此项工作。 adequate 网络解释 1. adequate 1. 适当的:(b)适当的(Adequate)指为达到良好的公共卫生规范的预期目的所需要满足的要求. (c) 面糊(Batter)是指一种半流体物质,通常包含面粉和其他成份. 要加工的主要成份可在其中浸蘸,或用它涂膜,或直接用它制成焙烤食品. 2. 适当:但是,中国人作为一个整体,缺乏适当(adequate)的经济教育,或者人生教育. 比如说, 很多中国人在到处打听,自己如何进行投资,投资什么会赚钱. 但是,人们往往忽略的是,生活费用也是一种投资,而且对于人生来说,是最重要的投资. adequate 双语例句 1. We reviewed the medical records and radiographs of 187 patients with 213 amputations who had adequate radiographic follow-up. 我们复习回顾了187名接受了充足的反射影像随访的患者的213例截肢案例的临床记录以及影像学资料。 2. adequate的翻译 2. Plain radiographs alone were adequate for 194 (48%) of the 407 patients. 单独应用平片对于其中194(48%)例的诊断已经充足。 3. adequate的近义词 3. We reiewed the medical records and radiographs of 187 patients with 213 amputations who had adequate radiographic follow-up. 我们复习回顾了187名接受了充足的反射影像随访的患者的213例截肢案例的临床记录以及影像学资料。 4. Think, our country should be a good solution to land problems, the need for a strong decision-making body, clear information, adequate funding and operation of high-level institutions. 认为,我国应该是一个很好的解决土地问题,需要强有力的决策机构,明确的信息,充足的资金和运作的高级别机构。 5. The market still lacks adequate infrastructure, such as accredited warehouses and assaying facilities. 市场仍然缺乏诸如合格仓库和质检工具这样的基础设施。 6. SUMMARY: Researchers using Geochelone sulcata hatchlings with controlled humidity settings and controlled dietary protein levels found that providing adequate hydration was much more crucial in preventing pyramiding than reducing dietary protein. 研究人士经过控制苏卡达饲养环境湿度和食物蛋白质摄入发现,足够的水合作用比减少蛋白质摄入更能有效地防止隆背。 7. The surgical complications included one bronchial fistula, who was recovered after adequate drainage. 在这31例再次手术切除病患中,有1例病患第二次手术后一星期因呼吸衰竭死亡。 8. When MMCI is open, the treatment is the same as any severe, open wound; radical debridement, repeated as necessary, which may also require the opening of fasciae and extension of the wound in order to remove all dead tissue and achieve adequate drainage. 当MMCI为开放性时,治疗与其它严重开放性创伤相同;彻底的清创,在需要时重复进行,也有可能需要切开筋膜和延长伤口来清除坏死组织及保持引流通畅。 9. adequate 9. Adequate and sustainable pensions in the light of accelerated demographic ageing. 应对加速人口老化问题的适合且可持续养老金 10. Geotrichum candidum, candida mycoderma and rhizopus were used as seed speices respectively and Daqu distiller's grain s used as main raw materials(addition of adequate auxiliary materials as culture medium) to produce single cell protein by solid fermentation. 以白地霉、假丝酵母和根霉为菌种,以大曲丢糟为主要原料,通过添加适当辅料为培养基,经固态发酵方法生产单细胞蛋白。 11. Geotrichum candidum, candida mycoderma and rhizopus were used as seed speices respectively and Daqu distiller's grains used as main raw materials(addition of adequate auxiliary materials as culture medium) to produce single cell protein by solid fermentation. 以白地霉、假丝酵母和根霉为菌种,以大曲丢糟为主要原料,通过添加适当辅料为培养基,经固态发酵方法生产单细胞蛋白。 12. Geotrichum candidum, candida mycoderma and rhizopus were used as seed speices respectively and Daqu distiller's grains used as main raw materials (addition of adequate auxiliary materials as culture medium) to produce single cell protein by solid fermenta 摘要以白地霉、假丝酵母和根霉为菌种,以大曲丢糟为主要原料,通过添加适当辅料为培养基,经固态发酵方法生产单细胞蛋白。 13. Before that time, the sweeping brush was king, and really, it was probably quite adequate. 在那之前,星罗棋布于景刷,真的,这可能是相当足够。 14. adequate 14. Be sure to take adequate food and water for your ride. 一定要保重你的车足够的食物和水。 15. This means that banks on the one hand, tightening of liquidity, strengthen risk prevention, on the one hand but also to provide adequate funding for real estate. 这意味着,银行一方面,政府当局收紧银根,加强风险防范,一方面也提供充足的资金用于房地产。 16. Because of great needs of developing funds to invest, it is very important to the LREPs that how to finance adequate funds. 大型房地产开发项目需要大量的资金投入,如何筹集足够的开发资金在项目建设方面将会成为最为关键的问题。 17. Such areas should be serviced by suitable air handling systems and there should be adequate environmental monitoring programs. 这些区域应用于合适的空气处理系统,应有充分的环境检测程序。 18. Calmer voices will now urge all sides to restart the six-party process, which has stalled since last autumn because North Korea has failed to commit to adequate verification of the nuclear programmes it has declared. 温和的声音现在已经响起,督促各方重新启动六方会谈进程。去年秋,六方会谈中断,原因是朝鲜拒绝其他国家充分检查其声称的核计划。 19. Calmer voices will now urge all sides to restart the six-partyprocess, which has stalled since last autumn because North Koreahas failed to commit to adequate verification of the nuclearprogrammes it has declared. 温和的声音现在已经响起,督促各方重新启动六方会谈进程。去年秋,六方会谈中断,原因是朝鲜拒绝其他国家充分检查其声称的核计划。 20. There is no official recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D, but an adequate dietary intake per day for most adults is currently considered to be 200 to 400 IU. 有没有官方推荐膳食津贴,维生素d ,但足够的饮食摄取量每天为一般成年人是目前被视为有200至400国际单位。 adequate 词典解释 1. 足够的;合格的;可用的 If something is adequate, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted. adequate的反义词 e.g. One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes... 全世界有1/4的人没有个像样的家。 e.g. The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs... 老一套方法已不足以满足当前的需要。 adequately Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education... 许多学生并未做好接受高等教育的充分准备。 I speak the language adequately. 我这门语言说得不错。adequate 单语例句 1. Therefore, the government should act quickly to ensure an adequate and timely supply of vaccines. 2. Reservoirs should keep adequate storage capacity for flood control according to the requirements of flood control planning. 3. Education experts hoped the government would set aside adequate capital next year to fund the country's compulsory education. 4. He said investors would require high level of risk tolerance and adequate capital to trade in the new instrument. 5. " We have adequate equity capital to get through this crisis, " Brown wrote in a letter to shareholders published last Tuesday. 6. Insurance companies should also apply prudent oversight and keep adequate capital reserve to guard against systematic risks. 7. Transportation departments have also been urged to deploy adequate carrying capacity and guarantee smooth delivery of oil products. 8. China owns the world's biggest foreign exchange reserves and is struggling to properly manage this mountain of cash to generate adequate returns. 9. Most Sunni Muslim clerics and politicians have urged their followers to veto the charter, complaining they did not have adequate representation in drafting it. 10. " We will have adequate numbers " to oust the government, Anwar said. adequate 英英释义 adequate是什么意思 adj 1. having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task e.g. she had adequate training her training was adequate she was adequate to the job he was equal to the task Synonym: equal 2. about average acceptable e.g. more than adequate as a secretary Synonym: passablefair to middlingtolerable 3. sufficient for the purpose e.g. an adequate income the food was adequate a decent wage enough food food enough Synonym: decentenough |
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