单词 | restrict |
释义 | restrict [英 [r??str?kt] 美 [r??str?kt] ] restrict的意思、解释 过去式:restricted; 过去分词:restricted; 现在分词:restricting; restrict 基本解释 及物动词限制,限定; 约束,束缚 restrict 相关例句 及物动词 1. Membership of the club is restricted to men only. 该俱乐部的成员仅限于男士。 2. Discussion at the meeting is restricted to the agenda. 这次会上的讨论只限于议程上的项目。 3. His activities were restricted by old age. 他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。 restrict 网络解释 1. 限制:18)在Visual FoxPro中进行参照完整性设置时,要想设置成:当更改父表中的主关键字段或 选关键字段时,自动更改所有相关子表记录中的对应值. 应选择: A)限制(Restrict) B)忽略(Ignore) C)级联(Cascade) D)级联(Cascade)或限制(Restrict) 2. 制:2.贫化 (impoverish)环境-如设置宁静角落、整理杂乱教室以减少环境对学生的引诱刺激;3.扩大 (enlarge)环境-如室外教学、实物实地参观,而不局限地点於教室;4.限制(restrict)环境-如学生交 谈音量的规范、指定可以游戏的特定地方、规定使用某些场地设备的时间或条件等等; 3. 3. 制约:然而国家权力的无限膨胀必然会造成其对公民权利的侵害,所以卢梭、洛克和霍布斯在上述理论的基础上进一步提出了要用宪法和法律对国家权力加以理性的构建(organize)和制约(restrict). restrict 双语例句 1. restrict的反义词 1. The legal responsibility system of independent directors, a system to restrict independent directors to be diligent and duteous, has important meanings. 独立董事的法律责任制度作为约束独立董事勤勉尽责的机制是有重要意义的。 2. That makes it all the more ominous that banks are expecting to restrict credit still further. 这使银行未来更加严格的控制信贷。 3. Because of the misunderstanding the nature of administrative permission, the subject of civil right is laid in the subordinate status intentionally or unintentionally, which is worthless to ensure the subject's civil right effectively, and to restrict the expanding power of the administrative subject and the ab... 由于对行政许可性质认识上的偏差,致使权利主体有意无意地在行政许可过程中被置于从属的地位,这对于有效保障主体合法权利的实现,有效制约行政主体的权力任意扩张和权力滥行都是无益的。 4. Science and technology behaves the relation that is geometrical product with other essential factor in productivity system, it is formed in social productivity in, rising to restrict action all-aroundly, hold chief position. 科学技术在生产力系统中与其他要素表现为几何乘积的关系,它在社会生产力构成中,起着全方位的制约作用,占据首要地位。 5. It is important to restrict membership to city residents because only residents pay city taxes and therefore only residents understand how the money could best be used to improve the city. 把成员资格限制在本市居非常重要,因为只有居付城市税因而也只有他们才知道这些钱如何使用才能促进城市发展。 6. To save money, save money, her food and clothing, and even to restrict her long-distance calls to the number of hours and go home, but the share of mind to not miss what is also limited to. 为了省钱存钱,她节衣缩食,甚至限制她打长途电话地时间和回老家次数,但心里地那份记挂是怎样也限制不了地。 7. But high insolubility restrict its application, so we need to carry on chemical milling to it, carry on the structure and decorate or degrade its strand partly. 但是,几丁质不溶于水限制了它的应用,往往需要对它进行一些化学修饰或部分降解以增加其溶解性。 8. However, some problems, such as low electrocatalytic activity of the anodic catalyst restrict its practical use. 然而,阳极催化剂的低催化活性等问题限制了DMFC的实际应用。 9. In this paper, it is found that the weighting function restrict s in essential the direction of local matching path. 通过本文对权函数的分析,发现权函数在本质上约束着局部匹配路径的方向。 10. The decrease of the resources will restrict the development of the pharmacy industry. 资源的减少将严重制约制药产业的发展。 11. The croup slopes away from the spine at an angle, but never so steeply as to restrict the rearward thrust of the hind legs. 臀部的斜面远离脊骨处,呈一定的角度,但是不要感觉看上去的角度很明显,以免影响后腿的后蹬力。 12. Moreover, the government shall modify the regulations which restrict all the people on the road and finally protect our benefits. 此外,政府应针对所有人在道路上行为的条例进行修改,并最终保护我们的利益。 13. The resulting patchwork of laws, people on all s ides of the issue say, complicates a nationwide picture already clouded by scientific and ethnica l questions over whether and how to restrict cloni ng or to ban it altogether. 在克隆问题上各方人士认为,关于是否限制克隆,如何限制克隆或索性禁止克隆的科学及伦理问题,已经使全国性立法变得扑朔迷离。 14. For some genotypes, it may be necessary to restrict feed intake to reduce feet and leg problems associated with females getting too heavy or fat. 对某些品种有必要限制采食量,减少由于母猪超重过肥引起的肢蹄病。 15. And to restrict pearls, jades, tortoise shells and shells to be no longer used as currencies; to stipulate that gold was the money of the higher order for big sum and new bronze coins were the lower order for daily circulation. 圆形方孔的秦半两钱在全国的通行,结束了我国古代货币形状各异、重量悬殊的杂乱状态,是我国古代货币史上由杂乱形状向规范形状的一次重大演变。 16. Restrict a person's freedom of action. 限制某人的行动自由。 17. restrict 17. This is one of the reasons why guidance has been delivered to restrict list sizes to no more than 2, 000 items per container. 这就是在已经发布的指导手册中将每个容器包含的条目数限制在2,000条内的一个原因。 18. Bond indentures contain covenants that restrict the firm activities that increase risk and hence the chance of default on the bonds. 债券契约包含一些条款限制公司可能增加风险的行为,并借此来降低债券无法履付的机率。 19. The stability of the holdout will restrict image business card printing and membership card production quality. 不朱层的稳不退性不兵制约着图像的制卡和会员卡制息质度。 20. At present, we should initiate healthy consumption culture and oppose the extravagant one, encourage active consumption culture and restrict the excessive one, enforce independent consumption culture and weaken the convergence one, advocate balanced consumption culture and avoid the extreme one, intend harmonious consumption culture and boycott the unbalanced one. 当前,应该大力倡导健康消费文化,反对奢靡消费文化;鼓励积极消费文化,限制无度消费文化;加强自主消费文化,弱化趋同消费文化;主张平衡消费文化,避免极端消费文化;坚持和谐消费文化,抵制失衡消费文化。 restrict 词典解释 1. 限制,限定(大小、规模等) If you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it becoming too great. e.g. There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus... 有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。 e.g. The French, I believe, restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of 3 per cent of their market. 我认为,法国将把从日本的最高进口量限制在其市场总量的3%。 restriction Some restriction on funding was necessary. 有必要对资金提供加以限制。 2. 约束,限制(活动或行为) To restrict the movement or actions of someone or something means to prevent them from moving or acting freely. restrict e.g. Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills... 村民们说架篱笆能限制公众进山。 e.g. The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press... 政府囚禁了持不同政见者,禁止出游,并且限制了新闻自由。 restriction ...the justification for this restriction of individual liberty. 为这种限制个人自由的行为作出的辩护 3. 限制,限定(人或其行为) If you restrict someone or their activities to one thing, they can only do, have, or deal with that thing. If you restrict them to one place, they cannot go anywhere else. restrict在线翻译 e.g. He was, however, allowed to stay on at the temple as long as he restricted himself to his studies... 然而,只要他专心学习,他就可以继续留在寺庙里。 e.g. The patient isn't restricted to a meagre diet... 并没有限制这位病人少吃东西。 4. 将…限制在(某地);将…限定为(某群体) If you restrict something to a particular group, only that group can do it or have it. If you restrict something to a particular place, it is allowed only in that place. e.g. The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally... 这家医院可能会限定只有当地居民才能预约。 e.g. Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds. 露营被限制在指定的5个野营地。 restrict 单语例句restrict是什么意思 1. The central government adopted the hukou system in 1951 to restrict and regulate the movement of people by tying everyone to their place of birth. 2. It will also increase subsidies for people to scrap their old cars and will straighten out and cancel regulations that restrict car purchase. 3. Several departments and commissions including the Ministry of Construction and SAFE are contemplating to issue new regulations to restrict foreign capital entering real estate market. 4. Respondents who opposed the plan were dissatisfied with proposals to restrict car use, the number of new cars allowed on the road and a congestion charge. 5. The regulation says universities that churn out graduates having great difficulty in finding jobs have to restrict their admissions. 6. The NDRC has also ordered local governments not to restrict sales of coal outside their province. 7. Cheng told reporters after the meeting that the university respected freedom of expression, and had no intention to restrict students from publishing the sex column. 8. The Chinese government will further restrict exports of highly polluting resource products by adjusting tariffs on aluminum and aluminum products. 9. They also restrict any dividends for junior preferred and common shareholders in the event that the Treasury's dividends aren't paid. 10. But they said the legislation overall could prompt lenders to restrict credit in an already tight market to compensate for the new requirements. restrictrestrict 英英释义 verb 1. make more specific e.g. qualify these remarks Synonym: qualify 2. place limits on (extent or access) e.g. restrict the use of this parking lot limit the time you can spend with your friends Synonym: restraintrammellimitboundconfinethrottle 3. place restrictions on e.g. curtail drinking in school Synonym: curtailcurbcut back 4. place under restrictions limit access to e.g. This substance is controlled |
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