单词 | for certain |
释义 | for certain [英 [f?: ?s?:tn] 美 [f?r ?s?tn] ] for certain的意思、解释 for certain 基本解释 无疑地, 确定地 for certain 相关例句 ph. 1. I don't know for certain. 我无法肯定。 for certain 网络解释 1. 肯定地;确凿地:for all that 尽管,虽然 | for certain 肯定地;确凿地 | for ever 永远 2. 确切地:for a song--非常便宜地 | for certain--确切地 | for company--陪着 3. 肯定地:for better or worse 不论好坏 | for certain 肯定地 | for company 陪着 4. 肯定地,确定地:for an instant 片刻,一瞬间 | for certain肯定地,确定地 | for good永久地,一劳永逸地 for certain 双语例句 1. In a certain range, the grain protein content was enhanced with the increase of planting density for both cultivars. 在一定范围内,两品种籽粒蛋白质含量随种植密度的增加而增加;表明氮代谢酶活性的提高在一定程度上有利于蛋白质含量的积累。 2. for certain在线翻译 2. For your venture to be a legal business entity, you need to work on certain formalities. 你是一个合法经营的实体企业,你就需要工作一定的手续。 3. Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home. 越过酒店的饭桌他会丢给我某个眼色,接着我就会结账、回家。 4. for certain的近义词 4. If the resident representative office of a foreign enterprise takes one of the following actions, the city`s competent department for foreign economy and trade shall impose disciplinary warning, instruct it to correct in a certain time; where it refuse to correct, the city`s competent department for foreign economy and trade shall revoke the approval, and the city`s administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license 第二十七条外国企业常驻代表机构有下列行为之一的,由市外经贸主管部门予以警告、责令限期改正;拒不改正的,由市外经贸主管部门撤销批准,市工商局吊销登记证 5. Today there are many researching results for certain systems descriped by certain mathematical model. 对于由确定性数学模型描述的确定性系统,至今为止已取得许多研究成果。 6. For sure/certain certainly, definitel y 肯定地。有把握地说弄清,669。 7. Be sure of (=have no doubt; certain)确信的 668. for sure/certain certainly, definitel y 肯定地。有把握地说共 21 页考研英语阅读理解必备短语 669。 8. The artificial imitates the process of the enzyme is to regards certain organism numerator as the live center of its enzyme to imitate to suffer, the modifier produces the live catalyst group regiment with the tiny environment in special space, and we study its host and guest for identifying matching with function, further quested a process for biological phenomenon. 人工模拟酶的过程是将其酶的活性中心以一定的有机分子为模拟受体,修饰产生活性催化基团和特有的空间微环境,并研究其主客体间的识别配合作用,进一步探索生命现象的过程。 9. for certain在线翻译 9. When working with Time Management, it is therefore essential that you maintain certain master data infotypes for your employees. 当你在做时间管理时,因此实质上你要维护正确的主数据信息类型。 10. for certain 10. In this method, Field vector are first sampled on the certain plane, and then the existed scattering modal voltages are obtain by means of orthogonal expanding integration. Those scattering modal voltages are used as sources to calculate the boundary condition at the porter plane of the waveguide, thus the finite element method time domain can carry out for every time iterative step. 依据取样平面上获得的散射模电压幅度,应用有限差分方法计算出接头端面处的边界条件来实现时域有限元法的迭代计算,由于本文采用无结构网格来模拟计算模型,使得本文的混合时域有限元方法可以用来计算复杂的波导接头问题。 11. To determine the reason of impact breakage of new developed plastic packing box for certain cannonball in drop test, this article derives the actual stress formulas in the position of impact breakage. 为确定新研制的某炮弹塑料包装筒在跌落试验中,产生冲击破坏的原因,通过理论计算和试验研究。 12. Mr Ibbs I would seem sometimes to catch gazing at me with a certain light in his eye-as if, I thought, he was seeing me suddenly for the piece of poke I was, and wondering how I had come to stay so long, and who he could pass me on to. 有时我能感到易先生在盯着我,眼里闪着某种光芒-就好像,我觉得他似乎觉得我是意见货品,并且奇怪我为什么能够呆这么久,或者他该把我卖给谁。 13. 13. You're certain to get more kisses for that! 你一定会获得更多的亲吻这一! 14. Are equally worthwhile in the sense that there can be no commensurable, rational criteria to discriminate among them, I also advance some positive arguments to the effect that certain universal justification may be found for a type of liberalism mainly based on negative freedom. 我也将提出一些积极的论点,大意是能够为主要奠基于消极自由上的一种自由主义找到一种普遍的正当性。 15. for certain什么意思 15. Recent studies suggest that macrolides may have beneficial effects for patients at risk for certain infections. 最近的研究表明,大环内酯类抗生素对有某些感染风险的患者可能具有有益作用。 16. for certain的解释 16. When you keep up an Internet cafe, or simply want your users to get access that is limited in time, a perfect way is to issue a time locking code that is valid for a certain period and will automatically log off user and close all his or her programs. 当你保持了一个网吧,或者乾脆希望您的用户获取,就是在有限的时间内,是一个完美的方法是问题的时间锁定代码的有效期为一定期限内,并会自动注销用户,并关闭所有他或她的节目。 17. No matter what the reason, one thing is for certain. 無論什麼原因,有一件是肯定的。 18. 18. This method has a certain use for reference in researches. 这一思路在实际研究中有一定的借鉴意义。 19. In this article we have examined the law of motion of a charged particle when it is put into a constant magnetic field and a vibration electric field, and a gravity field at a uniform speed along arbitrary orientation, we also calculate some particle`s motion states in some certain circumstances via the discussion aiming for the Larmor frequency a and the vibration frequency w from general to concrete. 本文研究了入射速度为任意方向的情况下,带电粒子在相互正交的恒定磁场和振荡电场中并考虑重力情况下的运动规律,并且针对拉莫频率和振荡频率展开1系列的讨论,从1般到具体,求得某些特殊情况下粒子的运动状态。 20. for certain是什么意思 20. Despite all your efforts, nothing will ever be all too certain excpet for myself. 尽管所作的一切努力,没有什么会永远都过于某些excpet为自己。 for certain 单语例句 1. By the time she was 15, she was certain she wanted to write for a living. 2. Mao says customers can call ahead and request for certain types of molds to see which fits best into their romantic concepts. 3. But actually they are compulsory - in a certain sense - for no parent can afford to keep away their kids from them. 4. Delisting procedures allow stock exchanges to suspend and cancel share trades for companies that have been in the red for a certain period of time. 5. Yet the capital injection should follow certain standards, rather than just acting as compensation for those posting losses. 6. Lu said the EU will grant airlines a certain quota for free carbon emissions based on the records of their flights to and from Europe. 7. The system compels polluters to buy permits for each ton of carbon dioxide they emit above a certain cap. 8. For a mobile carrier or its regulator to ban certain rights of speech, shouldn't they at least first specify what is forbidden to text? 9. Acute competition for students exists among schools as those whose enrolments fail to meet a certain required level would be shut down. 10. China Top Brand Strategy Promotion Committee has said all firms applying for the quality mark must reach certain environmental criteria. for certain 英英释义 adv 1. definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely') e.g. the results are surely encouraging she certainly is a hard worker it's going to be a good day for sure they are coming, for certain they thought he had been killed sure enough he'll win sure as shooting they sure smell good sure he'll come Synonym: surelycertainlysurefor suresure enoughsure as shooting |
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