单词 | forefathers |
释义 | forefathers [英 ['f?:] 美 ['f?:] ] forefathers的意思、解释 forefathers 基本解释 祖先;祖宗( forefather的名词复数 ); forefathers 网络解释 1. 祖先/先人:forefather /祖先/祖宗/清教徒美国登陆纪念日/祖/ | forefathers /祖先/先人/ | forefeel /预感/ 2. forefathers的反义词 2. 先人:foredune 水边低沙丘 | forefathers 先人 | forefendforfend 防避 3. 3. 祖先、祖宗、前辈:conserve保护 | forefathers祖先、祖宗、前辈 | delicate易碎的 forefathers 双语例句 1. 1. He believes that the writing objective is to express the ideas clearly and a good writing is to suitable words. The plain, natural, mild and smooth literary style presents different characteristics compared with the forefathers, such as style, intention, artistic conception, framework, layout, language, etc. This style mainly contains the following four parts. The first one is intention, artistic conception which is novel, profound and subtle. The second is selecting and pruning materials reasonably, typically and lively. The third is structure, free and mild layout. The fourth is natural and plain language. 文理自然,姿态横生的风格是指其创作兼擅众体,纵横博辩,平易自然如行云流水,气势磅礴如山崩海哮,随物赋形而姿态横生,从而使其散文在体裁、立意、意境、结构、布局、语言等方面形成了与前代人迥异的特点;这种风格主要体现在四个层面上:一是立意、境界新颖深刻、高远幽邃,二是取材、剪裁合情合理、典型生动,三是结构、布局随意驱遣、姿态横生,四是语言平易自然、圆畅流美。 2. Both the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken the covenant I made with their forefathers. 以色列家和犹大家背了我与他们列祖所立的约。 3. 3. It is the great occasion when we may return to the fine simplicity of our forefathers. 这是伟大的时刻,我们可能回到我们祖先的罚款简单。 4. forefathers 4. If you said what you do can't reflect dishonour on your family and forefathers, chinapigs dig their forefathers'graves and sell the bones. 如果你说不要给先人丢脸,支那猪挖了祖墓然后卖祖宗的骨头。 5. forefathers的反义词 5. And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetichistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor Nature retain in their souls far more of the Pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date. 这种半不自觉的吟唱圣诗,也许就是在一神教背景中的一种拜物狂吟;那些把户外大自然的形体和力量作为主要伙伴的女子们,她们在心灵中保有的多半是她们遥远祖先的异教幻想,而很少是后世教给她们的那种系统化了的宗教。 6. But, during the period of emperor Jiaqing's reign, the hunting at Mulan Weichang was held only eleven times, which fell far short of his forefathers. 但到了嘉庆朝,木兰秋狝只举行了十一次,与祖辈相差甚远,最后竟停止举行,反映了大清王朝的衰落已不可扭转。 7. One of his forefathers emigrated to Australia. 他的一位祖先移居澳洲。 8. forefathers的意思 8. 10 They have returned to the sins of their forefathers, who refused to listen to my words. 11:10 他们转去效法他们的先祖、不肯听我的话、犯罪作孽。 9. Land to the tiller, Home Ownership, which is a better ideal of our forefathers, and fought for the generations to come. 耕者有其田,居者有其屋,这是一个更美好的理想,我们的祖先,和战斗的后代。 10. And forthwith their shrill little voices uprose on the air, singing one of the old-time carols that their forefathers composed in fields that were fallow and held by frost, or when snow-bound in chimney corners, and handed down to be sung in the miry street to lamp-lit windows at Yule-time. 跟着尖细的小嗓就一齐唱了起来,唱的是一首古老的圣诞歌。这首歌,是他们的祖辈们在冰霜覆盖的休耕地里,或者在大雪封门的炉边创作的,一代又一代传了下来。每逢圣诞节,田鼠们就站在泥泞的街道上,对着灯光明亮的窗子,唱这些圣诗。 11. But like their forefathers in Palestine, many apostatized and ceased to worship the true God. 但像他们的祖先在巴勒斯坦,许多apostatized并停止崇拜的真神。 12. For thousands of years, our forefathers exhausted their life time in this great and deep caves, the knowledge and wisdom with brush condensate cast in each side of the wall, hoping that knowledge and wisdom to be immortalized. 千百年来,我们的先辈耗尽自己一生的时光在这巨大而又幽深的洞穴里,把知识和智慧用画笔凝铸在每一面墙上,希望这些知识和智慧得到永生。 13. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered Because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for 我们的先祖凭信念和无畏克服了重重危难,跟他们相比,我们值得额手称庆的地方太多了。 14. Shen-kan is full of cultivating vestiges of forefathers. From the viewpoint of history, its development is a struggle history of Han nationality in Taiwan. 深坑是一个充满前人移垦生活的痕迹,从历史的角度而言,深坑的发展史也是一页汉人来台的奋斗史。 15. For me, it is the home of my forefathers, China. 对我来说,那是一场回归根源的旅程。 16. forefathers是什么意思 16. It`s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even to? 然而,即使在今天的许多情况下,这话也是正确的。 17. forefathers的翻译 17. This is not a foreign land, this is the Land of our Forefathers. 这是我们祖先的土地。 18. forefathers的意思 18. You want to know where you came from, who your parents, who your forefathers were. 你想知道你来自哪里,谁你的父母,谁是你的祖先。 19. 19. It`s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even to day. 然而,即使在今天的许多情况下,这话也是正确的。 20. This is not well, said the Forefathers to each other. 这不是很好,说祖先给对方。 forefathers 单语例句forefathers什么意思 1. Around 7 percent of Malaysia's 26 million people are ethnic Indians, whose forefathers were brought to the Southeast Asian country as labourers by British colonial rulers. 2. " The beautiful island is our common home, " they said after touring the land where their forefathers once toiled. 3. Reviewing what our forefathers suffered in times such as the famine of 1942 will remind us to be grateful to life. 4. But despite the relative prosperity of their new life, many of the displaced cannot forget their place of birth and that of their forefathers. 5. The country has become so materialistic that it has eroded the good morals and values inculcated in us by our forefathers. 6. Shangqiu is the hometown of Confucius'forefathers, Zhuang Zhou and Hua Mulan. 7. The buns are also used for ancestor worship, when the forefathers are remembered during the Spring Festival. 8. People living there are particularly proud of their forefathers and native place. 9. On the one hand, they are proud of their forefathers'workmanship. 10. Some said that I don't have the reserve and reticence of my forefathers. |
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