单词 | forlorn |
释义 | forlorn [英 [f??l?:n] 美 [f?r?l?:rn] ] forlorn的意思、解释 forlorn 基本解释 形容词渺茫的; 绝望的,孤立无助的; 凄凉的,荒凉的; 被弃置的 forlorn的解释 forlorn 相关例句 形容词 1. She had a forlorn look on her face. 她脸上有一种孤独的神情。 2. This is a grimy, forlorn industrial town. 这是一个骯脏而又荒凉的工业小镇。 forlorn 网络解释 1. 孤独的:forlorn hope 敢死队 | forlorn 孤独的 | form a habit of 养成......的习惯 2. 2. 绝望的:fork 叉 | forlorn 绝望的 | form 形状;表格 3. 被遗弃的:放弃的,孤独的,被抛弃的 forsaken | 被遗弃的 forlorn | 本性,天生来 by nature 4. 被遗弃的;孤独的,凄凉的,荒凉的:downcast垂头丧气的,萎靡不振的 | forlorn[]被遗弃的;孤独的,凄凉的,荒凉的 | gloomy阴郁的;忧郁的 forlorn 双语例句 1. He thought of the wretched creature lying forlorn and friendless in the cabin below. 他想到了孤独地、没有亲友在旁地躺在下面船舱里的薄命人。 2. There let me live forlorn. 就在那让我荒凉的苟活悔懊。 3. 13Forlorn most of his life, Coleridge was acutely aware of the 14bliss of human connection. 大半生的孤凄让柯勒律治深刻意识到人际相处沟通的可贵。 4. Unfortunately, that looks like a forlorn hope. 不幸的是,这看起来希望甚微。 5. It seemed a forlorn hope that we would find a taxi. 看来我们找到出租车的希望非常渺茫。 6. It was a forlorn hope but I was flushed with optimism. 尽管这个希望很渺茫,但心中还是充满期待。 7. My mission was a forlorn hope. 我任务是一个很渺茫希望。 8. Thus we may have a forlorn hope of making a bridge between them in the next two or three weeks. 由此可见近两、三周内在他们之间进行沟通的希望渺茫。 9. Privately, both of us nursed a forlorn hope. 我们俩都抱着一线渺茫的希望。 10. Well! It is a forlorn hope at the best, and not much the forlorner for being delayed till dark. 行了!原本不过是个渺茫的希望,拖到天黑也未见得会更渺茫。 11. I must now bring my forlorn hope into action, in order to carry my point! 我现在必须实现我的一线希望,不达目的誓不休了! 12. 12. Forlorn! The very word is like a bell 啊,失掉了!这句话好比一声钟 13. Forlorn! the very word is like a bell 呵,失掉了!这句话好比一声钟 14. Bring beauty and order into my forlorn life, woman, as you brought them into my house when you lived. 女人啊,把美与秩序带入我这凄凉的生活中吧,就像你活着的时候把它们带进我的房中一样。 15. forlorn的近义词 15. Deliver me from the sword, my forlorn life from the teeth of the dog. 求你由刀剑下抢救我的灵魂,由恶犬的爪牙拯救我的生命 16. XLVIII Bring beauty and order into my forlorn life, woman, as you brought them into my house when you lived. 女人啊,把美和秩序带进我这悲惨的生活中来吧,犹如你活着的时候把它们带进了我的家里。 17. MIA SAMONTE is getting tired of her forlorn life. MIA SAMONTE厌倦了她凄凉的生活。 18. forlorn在线翻译 18. The grand and rigorous North environment, that kind of forlorn life – there are several miles between farms – compels them only to be localized in their own little worlds. 那雄伟而严峻的北方自然环境,那种与世隔绝的孤独生活——农场之间相隔几英里之遥——迫使他们只能局限于自己的小天地里。 19. Me! a poor, helpless, forlorn widow, unfit for anything, my spirits quite broke down, what could I do with a girl at her time of life, a girl of fifteen! 我!一个孤苦伶仃的穷寡妇,什么事情都干不了,万念俱灰,叫我对这样年龄的一个姑娘,一个十五岁的姑娘怎么办呢 20. A FORLORN shop facing a dusty car park in one of the poorest parts of Phoenix, Arizona, is an inauspicious place to start a closely watched experiment in global retailing. 在亚利桑那州凤凰城最穷的一个地方,有一个尘土遍地的停车场,对面就是一个孤零零的商店。在这样一个全球零售业密切关注的国家把店开到这里肯定不是上上选。 forlorn 词典解释 1. 孤苦伶仃的;愁苦的 If someone is forlorn, they feel alone and unhappy. e.g. One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on the pavement... 一名年轻的女示威者独自一人坐在人行路上。 e.g. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes. 26 分钟之后他一瘸一拐地走出来,显得孤单凄凉。 forlornly A Dutch newspaper photographed the president waiting forlornly in the rain. 一份荷兰报纸拍到了总统形单影只地在雨中等待的照片。 2. 无人居住的;荒凉的;废弃的 If a place is forlorn, it is deserted and not cared for, or has little in it. e.g. They headed inland on a forlorn road that was rutted and pocked... 他们沿着一条坑坑洼洼布满车辙印的荒凉小路向内地进发。 e.g. The once glorious palaces stood empty and forlorn. 昔日金碧辉煌的宫殿显得空寂而又荒凉。 forlornly It is stranded somewhat forlornly in the middle of the plain. 它有些孤零零地立在平原中央。 3. (希望、尝试等)没有成功机会的,无谓的 A forlorn hope or attempt is one that you think has no chance of success. e.g. Peasants have left the land in the forlorn hope of finding a better life in cities. 农民离开土地,希望能在城市找到更好的生活,却不知道这根本难以实现。 e.g. ...a forlorn effort to keep from losing my mind. 试图不让自己丧失理智的无谓努力 forlornly His father forlornly hoped someone might have seen them. 他的父亲徒然地希望有人可能看见他们。forlorn 单语例句 1. At least the zoo cats at Badaling aren't completely emasculated like their forlorn counterparts in either Sydney or Los Angeles. 2. Camille Fletcher sat forlorn, not really caring when it would be her turn. 3. Located on the otherwise largely forlorn east shore of Houhai, the venue is among the classiest in Beijing. 4. Two people shared one umbrella in the forlorn hope of avoiding the unstoppable rain. 5. High in the stands, a forlorn banner suggested what might have been. 6. A wag of the tale and a forlorn blink of dewy puppy eyes has seen American pet lovers snap up the mutts from Beijing. 7. He said he has always longed to be a farmer, but that's a forlorn hope in the middle of the city. forlorn 英英释义 adj 1. marked by or showing hopelessness e.g. the last forlorn attempt a forlorn cause |
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