单词 | forthright |
释义 | forthright [英 [?f?:θra?t] 美 [?f?:rθra?t] ] forthright的意思、解释 复数形式:forthrights; forthright 基本解释 形容词直率的; 直接的 副词直率地; 立刻 名词直路 forthright forthright 相关例句 形容词 1. His forthright behavior offends some people. 他那直率的行为冒犯了某些人。 2. She gave him a forthright answer. 她给了他一个坦率的答复。 副词 1. He sent the arrow forthright toward the target. 他把箭径直射向目标。 2. forthright的意思 2. He told me forthright just why he refused to take my side. 他直率地告诉我他不肯站在我这一边的原因。 forthright 网络解释 1. 直率:梅约医院曾对196个病人进行医师特质的问卷分析,其结果为: 好医师之特质包括自信(confident)、具同情心 (empathetic)、慈悲为怀 (humane)、重视病人 (personal)、直率 (forthright)、尊重病人 (respectful)、细心 (thorough)、亲切 (kind). 2. forthright的解释 2. 直接的:所以字里行间有具体思维和实事求是的理性论述.科学论文的一般要求是文辞的表述要达到六项目标,即清晰的(clear),正确的 (precise),简要的(concise),流利的(fluid),熟知的(familiar)和直接的(forthright)境地[3].前四项容易被了解, 3. 直率的:怯生的retiring | 直率的forthright | 悲观的pessimistic 4. forthright的近义词 4. 马上:forthgoer 先行者 | forthright 马上 | forthwith 立刻 forthright 双语例句 1. By the detail discussion onthe hardware of the smooth path control system of single-chip microcomputer developed and the system software including new type continuous smooth path software, the analyzing of international standard program languageISO andthe attempt to developmental application in the smooth path control systemand experiment have been done, the description of the smooth path of the non-circular curive such as ellipse, hyperbola, parabola and their realignment has been realized by the way directly to input their parameters. The correctnesson the priciple and the method of the continuous smooth path control and the forthright on programing method hayed been proved by the experiment, new way to realize higher accracy continuous smooth path control has been developed. 通过对所研制成功的单片微机平滑轨迹控制系统硬件和包括新型的连续平滑轨迹生成软件在内的系统软件的详细描述,进行了国际通用标准编程语言△ISO标准编码的分析和在平猾轨迹控制系统中扩展应用的尝试和实验,实现了椭圆、抛物线、双曲线等非圆曲线及其组合的直接参数输入的平滑轨迹轮廓描述,并通过实验证明了连续平滑轨迹控制原理及方法的正确性和程序编制的简捷性,为实现高精度连续平滑轨迹控制开辟了一条新的途径。 2. forthright的反义词 2. Be perfectly open in all one's actions; be open and aboveboard; be open and straightforward; frank and forthright 成语磊落:错落分明;引申指人洒脱不拘;直率开朗。指心地光明正大;胸怀坦白。 3. White Mountains and black water of Dragon River made up the free and forthright of the young artist. 从这些作品中我们看到属于年轻人的探求与热情,画家用他敏感而质朴的心灵感受自然,用他执著的画笔,把水彩颜料亮丽和透明的特性发挥的淋漓精致。 4. I am a rat. I am forthright and tenacious. I am ranked the first. 我是老鼠,我很直率,又有毅力,排在第一位! 5. People with autism are among the most forthright, non-judgemental, passionate people you'll ever meet. 有自闭症的人是那些你从未见过的最直率、不会品头论足、热情人们中的一员。 6. Then there`s his honest and forthright views in the media, passionate post-match interviews and superb autobiography which all add to the legend that is Carra. 还有他在接受媒体采访时忠诚而直率的言论,赛后富有激情的采访以及出色的自传体,所有这些加起来为我们呈现了一个红色传奇,那就是卡拉。 7. He serves his superiors bravely, but has a rebellious and forthright streak that is unafraid of confrontation, even against those more powerful. 他勇敢地服务他的优胜者,但有是不害怕的交锋的反叛和直率的条纹,反对那些更加强有力。 8. He grew up with others` help, so he is a forthright and generous person. He also values emotions. Quickly, he was recognized by the managers and workmates in the constructional company. 他吃百家饭长大,为人豪爽大方,珍惜情感,很快就在建筑工地赢得了管理层和工人的认同。 9. forthright 9. Comment: Fresh articles, consists both rationality and sentimentality, simple but interesting and sophisticated, natural, forthright and sincere. 评点:文章风格清新,理性与感性兼备,简隽练达,有自然率真之美。 10. I must be forthright with the next lesson. 我必须坦言我学到的另一堂课。 11. He is a forthright person of the Bouyei nationality. 他是豪爽的仲家人! 12. To the valley a forthright manner, jade bone Loyal. 给沟谷一地豪爽,玉骨忠魂。 13. To face a problem squarely; the responsibility lies squarely with them; spoke forthright and to the point. 直接面对问题;责任直接在于他们;直接说,抓住要点。 14. Designing and founding the thermoacoustic test-bed. The structure and dimension of condenser, heater, ejector, regenerator, sound room, feedback loop, resonance forthright and pulse tube refrigerator are showed detailed. 设计并搭建了热声驱动的脉管制冷系统试验台,对系统中的冷却器、加热器、喷射泵、回热器、声容、反馈回路、谐振直路及脉管制冷机等的结构尺寸做了详细介绍。 15. He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly. 他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。 16. The aggressive Jacobins defeated that constitution and outlawed Condorcet for his forthright advocacy of political moderation. 雄心勃勃的雅各宾派击败宪法和非法的孔,他直率的宣传政治节制。 17. forthright是什么意思 17. Show enthusiasm as forthright石顺housewife, Kim Ha-kyun is as gentle and handsome dome of Zhao, which is affectionate husband and wife, in order to further a lovely baby and the outbreak of a series of funny stories. 卞贞秀饰演热情豪爽的家庭主妇石顺,金河均则饰演温柔帅气的赵勇丘,这对恩爱夫妻,为了再要一个可爱的小宝宝而爆发了一系列的搞笑故事。 18. To be fair we must be honest, forthright and sincere with others. 公平地说,我们必须诚实,坦率和真诚的与别人合作。 19. His forthright behavior shows that he is honest, but he seems rude to some people. 他直率的态度说明他是诚实的,可是对于有些人来说,他是不礼貌的。 20. Much appreciation, happiness and well-being, but there are more forthright in mind. 远远的欣赏,是快乐和幸福的,但多存在于坦荡的心灵中。 forthright 词典解释 1. 直抒己见的;坦率的;坦诚的 If you describe someone as forthright, you admire them because they show clearly and strongly what they think and feel. forthright 单语例句forthright的解释 1. The term indicates true friendship with forthright admonition, and he emphasized dialogue to solve differences according to each nation's principles. 2. He thanked Hong Kong people for giving him forthright advice over the past year, which had helped the government rejuvenate the economy and improve its governance. 3. The mischievous grin which seems a permanent fixture on the face of Emily Meng speaks volumes about her refreshingly forthright attitude to sex. 4. Spectators also get accustomed to your image as a forthright and bold person. 5. He defied the prejudices of the past to tackle the most complicated problems in a forthright manner. 6. Yu was less forthright on the sensitive subject of Taiwan being included in the 2008 Olympic torch relay. 7. His blog mixes an infectious cleverness with increasingly forthright commentary on current events. 8. She is a forthright person, diligent and serving with total commitment and dedication. 9. People seem to become more forthright when they are about to step down from their positions. 10. Analysts welcomed Bernanke's forthright acknowledgment of the dangers faced by the US economy, which some fear may have already slipped into recession. forthright 英英释义 adj 1. characterized by directness in manner or speech without subtlety or evasion e.g. blunt talking and straight shooting a blunt New England farmer I gave them my candid opinion forthright criticism a forthright approach to the problem tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank it is possible to be outspoken without being rude plainspoken and to the point a point-blank accusation Synonym: bluntcandidfrankfree-spokenoutspokenplainspokenpoint-blankstraight-from-the-shoulder adv 1. directly and without evasion not roundabout e.g. to face a problem squarely the responsibility lies squarely with them spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point Synonym: squarelyforthrightly |
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