单词 | gully |
释义 | gully [英 ['ɡ?l?] 美 [?ɡ?li] ] gully的意思、解释 过去式:gullied; 过去分词:gullied; 现在分词:gullying; 复数形式:gullies; gully 基本解释 名词冲沟,溪谷; [建]集水沟,雨水口,檐槽 及物动词在…上开沟 不及物动词形成冲沟,形成沟渠 gully 相关例句 及物动词 1. The spring rain gullied the mountain hills. 春雨在山坡上冲出了水沟。 名词 1. gully的意思 1. He took off his shoes and waded across the shallow gully. 他脱下鞋子涉过了浅水沟。 2. A few days afterwards a heavy wagon passed through the gully. 几天后一辆大篷车经过了这个小峡谷。 gully 网络解释 1. 冲沟:河道里一年绝大部分时间都是无水的,也可以把它看成冲沟(gully)或干涸河(wash,arroyo、coulee或wadi). 甚至即使在有水时,也是往下越流越少,河床里堆积了很多泥沙. 因为这种河流从暴发洪水到完全干涸各种情况都有,所以流量变化特别大. 2. 宽沟壑:Gripped 害怕得撒不开手了. | Gully 宽沟壑. | Gumbie 无经验或新的攀登者. 3. gully 3. 陡峭的岩沟:冰瀑区 Ice fall | 陡峭的岩沟 Gully | 明裂缝 Crevasse gully 双语例句 1. Downstream to Lin vast, Cheonggye eddy whirl, its winding streets of the main gully. 下游以林海苍茫、清溪潆洄、曲径通幽的沟壑为主。 2. The characteristic of gully is the main landform characteristic of loess plateau. 沟壑特征是黄土高原地貌的主要特征。 3. By taking the loess hill and gully region as an example, a process model of soil erosion in small watershed based on CA is constructed. 以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区小流域为例,构建了基于元胞自动机的小流域侵蚀产沙过程模型。 4. 4. A qualitative analysis of the effects of spatial resolutions on the uncertainty of the derived slope in loess hill and gully area information is conducted with the quantitative mathematical formula established. 定性地分析了在黄土丘陵沟壑区DEM空间分辨率对所提取的坡度信息的不确定性影响,并建立了定量的计算公式。 5. This paper systematically summarized and analyzed general development characteristics of soil profile CaCO3 in Loess hill gully area including source, content, forming-condition, distribution and illuviation- depth of CaCO3, which will have the most important significance for the further studies on global soil and climate change. Soil CaCO3 eluviation-illuviation is a relatively complicate process, soil CO2 is one of the important effect factors, which influences soil CaCO3 through controlling soil pH value and CaCO3 solution capability. 碳酸钙在土壤剖面中淀积的深度和类型是黄土高原土壤发育的重要标志,钙积层是黄土高原土壤发育环境的历史信息库,同时土壤碳酸钙作为土壤无机碳库重要组成,它通过溶蚀后再结晶与大气CO_2之间进行物质交流来影响全球气候变化。 6. One day I put to work to find the true meaning of the acts of life into the network to a text about growing up that amount of pain and glory of the gully to see that those who jump the花花草草hi joy joy to weave the web of the The joy of sorrow悲欢离合, cool to see them in the stir that blurred flashing stage lights and enjoy singing. 有一天我放下以劳动寻找生命真谛的行为而走进网络以文字诉说成长历程的伤痛与那额上沟壑的辉煌,看,那些欢乐喜跃的花花草草如痴如醉地在网上编织着各种悲欢离合的喜乐忧伤,潇洒地看着他们在搅动舞台上那迷离闪烁的灯光而尽情歌唱,。 7. To this day Mast Gully Creek and Mast Gully Road still remain. 为了这一天肥大沟溪和肥大沟路仍然存在。 8. gully在线翻译 8. The whole coal mining areabelongs to moderate wind erosion and intense water erosion region. The spatialdistribution of erosion intensity is related to surface materials. In the area ofwater erosion, the area of light erosion and slight erosion accounts for 44.72%, intensive erosion and extreme erosion for 48.47%, which shows that distributionof water erosion has polarization in the region. Soil erosion research of typicalwatershed has shown that present erosion sediment type is gully erosion whosesediment takes up 70% of the total. Ratio of yield sediment amount from winderosion, water erosion and gravitational erosion is 4:2:4.The main roles of watererosion are gully erosion and transporting erosive materials that come from winderosion and gravitational erosion, which is an important feature of wind erosionand water erosion interaction zone. 全矿区属于中度风蚀、强度水蚀区域,其空间分布及面积比例与地面物质组成有关,水蚀强度空间分布具有`两极`特点,即轻度以下面积和强度以上面积较大,分别占44.72%和48.47%空间分布,典型小流域土壤侵蚀研究表明,现代侵蚀产沙70%来自沟谷;风蚀、水蚀、重力侵蚀产沙量比值为4:2:4;水蚀主要表现在对风蚀、重力侵蚀物质的输送和沟蚀,这是风蚀水蚀交错带水蚀的重要特征。 9. gully的解释 9. Overcoming a strong repugnance, I tore open his shirt at the neck, and there, sure enough, hanging to a bit of tarry string, which I cut with his own gully, we found the key. 我强忍着厌恶扯开了他颈部的衬衫,那里果真挂着一条油腻腻的小绳,我用他的招刀切断了它,我们找到了钥匙。 10. In three kinds of microhabitats, stone gully is advantageous to soil animal survival. 三种小生境中,石沟生境比较有利于土壤动物生存。 11. Based on the gully measurements of both No.2 and No.8 watersheds investigated in spring 2004, the results indicate that the total volume was 1640 m3/km2 and 1897 m3/km2 respectively, channel density 2769 m/km2 and 1350 m/km2 respectively. And the part from ephemeral gully was 199 m3/km2 and 118 m3/km2 respectively for eosion volume; 930 m/km2 and 562 m/km2 respectively for channel density. 2004年流域沟蚀调查表明:2、8号小流域侵蚀沟的侵蚀总量分别为1640m3/km2和1897 m3/km2,沟壑密度分别为2769 m/km2和1350 m/km2;就浅沟侵蚀也即其侵蚀模数分别为199 m3/(km2.a)和118 m3/(km2.a),浅沟沟壑密度分别为930 m/km2和562 m/km2。 12. Beijing Jade Peak, south of Penglai sambong and out every gully, steep and beautiful, verdant Jiao Chui, Chi Mei touching. 玉京峰南面,蓬莱三峰隔壑而列,陡峭秀丽,葱茏娇翠,奇美动人。 13. 13. In order to find sediment deposition of warping dam in single event rainfall, sediment deposition under erosive rainfalls was studied with Hualiang warping dam at the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau as example by using BP network of three layers. 为了探求淤地坝在次降雨情况下的泥沙淤积量,以黄土高原丘陵区花梁坝实测数据为例,引用3层前馈型BP网络建模方法,对侵蚀性降雨条件下淤地坝泥沙淤积量进行了研究。 14. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the water conservation staffs of Lanzhou City work hard to carry out water conservation improvement groundwork for farmland. They have finished building some big or middle major projects, such as the diversion work of Datong river, the power engineering of Yuzhong Country, the power engineering of Gaolan Country, the power engineering of big sand gully, and other 2, 115 water conservation facilities. Fixed asset s up to 500, 000, 000 RMB Yuan. 建国以来,兰州市各级党政组织带领全市人民和水利战线的广大职工,发扬自力更生,苦抓实干,顽强拼搏,艰苦创业的精神,坚持不懈地开展农田水利基本建设,建成了引大入秦、榆中三电、皋兰西电、大砂沟等一批大中型骨干工程和其它各种类型的水利设施 2155处,形成了 5亿元的水利固定资产,每年为农业灌溉、部分城乡工业生产和人民生活供水 7.3亿立方米,使有效灌溉面积由 1949年的 22.43万亩发展到 122.58万亩,保灌面积由 18.27万亩发展到 102.44万亩。 15. Calligonum Baode oil-producing areas along the Yellow River mainly concentrated in the hilly and gully area of. 保德油枣产区主要集中在沿黄河一带的丘陵沟壑之中。 16. The second day, we visited the QingShan Gully, it is one of the world's six un-polluted natural sites that named by UNESCO, There was called the place that the fairy lived, We visited some scenic spot, such as QingShan Lake, Painter's village, the Thousand-Year`s Pine, the Qingshan Waterfall, the Fairy Maiden Pond, etc. 第二天,我们游览青山沟,它是联合国教科文组织命名的世界上的六个无污染的自然景观之一,青山沟人称仙人居住的地方。我们游览了许多优美的景点,象青山湖,画家村,千年松神,青山瀑布,仙人潭,等等。第三天,我们游览了抗美援朝纪念馆和鸭绿江。 17. Nevertheless, many visitors chose this route, and a combination of public demand and a desire from some of the landowners for improved access to and from their properties—especially from the Mügge family—led to pressure to build a road through the gully. 虽然如此,很多游客还是选择了这条路。于是公众的需求和一些土地所有者—尤其是玛吉家(Mügge family)的改善在他们领土上的往返通道的愿望造成了修建一条穿过瀑布谷公路的压力。 18. Feminine and therefore fear of frost days in the forehead knife gully gully gully now, even if it is no longer roots are always showing a touch of charm that more long-lasting cotton sun. 因而女人味不惧岁月的霜刀在额头上刻下沟沟壑壑,哪怕是红颜不再,都自始至终流露出那种淡淡的韵味,更加淳绵恒久。 19. gully的反义词 19. Surface and gully erosion are rarely happened in forest land, therefore there is no doubt that forest can prevent erosion to a point. 由於覆盖良好的林地内非点源冲蚀甚少发生,且根系所及范围内的崩塌亦较相同深度范围之裸露地为少,故森林在防止地表冲蚀与浅层崩塌具有显著之功效。 20. The average length of the emphemeral gully in Hejiagou basin is 56.5 m, the average spacing 10.8 m and the average gradient 30.9°, of which of the gradiant the emphemeral gully is between 30°-36°, accounting for 53.3% of the total. 研究区浅沟平均长度为56.5 m,平均沟间距为10.8 m,平均浅沟坡度为30.9°,其中坡度为30°~36°的浅沟占总数的53.3%,其分布临界关系式为 S =0.74 A -0.16(其中 S 为浅沟坡度,A 为上坡汇流面积),可以此预测研究流域的浅沟侵蚀分布。 gully 词典解释 1. 隘谷;溪谷;冲沟 A gully is a long narrow valley with steep sides. e.g. The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully. 在陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了3名登山者的遗体。 gully 单语例句gully什么意思 1. In the Mosuo language of Naxi nationality, " Lu " means " a gully " and " Gu " means " inside ". 2. A gully in the south of the campus has been filled to build a playground with a basketball court and two table tennis tables. 3. All 309 passengers and crew survived after the Airbus burst into flames when it overshot the runway and crashed into a gully. 4. Witnesses said the plane may have been hit by lightning as it came into land and crashed into a gully. 5. Here there are beautiful peaks and cliffs and a thick forest facing the gully. 6. These two words mean " a lake in a gully " when put together. 7. Close to the gully where Cui grazes his cattle is a small patch of land already so barren that it cannot be farmed anymore. gullygully 英英释义 noun 1. deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour) |
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