单词 | hardly |
释义 | hardly [英 [?hɑ:dli] 美 [?hɑ:rdli] ] hardly的意思、解释 hardly 基本解释 hardly的近义词 副词几乎不; 简直不; 刚刚; 严厉地,粗鲁地 hardly hardly 相关词组 1. hardly any : 几乎没有; hardly的意思 hardly 相关例句 副词 1. I can hardly ask him directly for more money. 我绝不能直接向他多要钱。 2. My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand. 我的腿虚弱得简直无法站立。 3. My legs were so weak I could hardly stand. 我的腿软得简直不能站立。 4. He had hardly arrived when it began to snow. 他一到,天就下起雪来了。 5. This is hardly the time to discuss such matters. 在现在讨论这事根本不合适。 hardly 网络解释 1. hardly 1. 几乎没有:3.成千上万的房屋被龙卷风(tornado)摧毁. 4.人们用化学物质来保护庄稼(crops)免受昆虫的伤害,但事实上,化学物质毁坏了土地(the earth). 6.那个化学老师现在只能靠唱歌来谋生,因为他的房子被烧毁了,而他几乎没有(hardly)钱. 2. 很难:从下文他卖西红柿可知,经理是说他很难(hardly)得到这份工作. 6. A. 与下句中sells构成对比:他从超市买了(buy)一箱西红柿. 7. C. 在那天结束时,他已经拥有了100美元,由此判断:当天他从超市中反复(Repeating)批发了好几次西红柿去卖. 3. hardly在线翻译 3. 几乎不:hard 努力地;使劲;猛烈地 硬的;困难的;艰难的 | hardly 几乎不 | hardship 困难 4. hardly 4. 几乎不;几乎没有:skateboard.踩滑板;参加滑板运动v | hardly.几乎不;几乎没有adv | ever.曾;曾经adv hardly 双语例句 1. hardly 1. With increase of Cu2+ concentration, the coleoptile elongation is hardly hibited first, then significantly reduced. 本实验利用它来快速测定重金属铜离子的毒害作用取得了很好的效果。 2. hardly是什么意思 2. Given that a parsec is a unit of measurement and not of time, it hardly seemed like a speed record. 考虑到秒差距是个距离单位而不是时间单位,索罗说的可不像是一个速度纪录。 3. Because the three polar bodies are seldom found in the same focal plane, a recording showing all three polar bodies at the same time is hardly possible. 三个极体因为不在同一个焦平面,所以几乎不可能有能够同时显示所有三个极体的记录。(一位通过雅思的朋友帮译 4. hardly在线翻译 4. It is reason that more Ca~(2+) can destroy the balance of electrostatic and hydration shell in the milk system hardly. Homogenization is key to the pinenut milk process attributed to emulsifies enhanced the particles interaction and stability. 它使稳定剂和松仁乳的分散相充分混合,相互作用,降低了颗拉的直径,稳定剂在颗粒表面形成稳定的保护膜和水化层阻止了分散相的聚合。 5. In case that she makes a mistake, the dragon sword will drop into the bottom of the crack and can hardly be obtained again. 豆豆在神魔交战造成的剧烈震荡中,搜寻著每一个角落和裂缝,终於,在一个颇深的裂缝中,她看到了架在石角上的神龙剑,她本来想用软刚丝把它卷上来,可正好有一些突起的岩石挡在了那石角上方,使软刚丝的使用变的困难,一旦失手,神龙剑便会掉进裂隙底部,再难取得,豆豆想了片刻,决定把软刚丝一端绑在一块大石上,另一端缠在身上,亲自攀下去拿 6. 6. I could hardly tell I'd arrived at one of the most important shrines in Christianity. 我几乎察觉不到自己已抵达基督教最重要的一座圣殿。 7. Meanwhile, as a footnote, though it is hardly just that, one of the UK's most dynamic banks, Northern Rock, imploded, generating the first British bank run for over a century and forcing the government, in effect to guarantee the liabilities – yes, I do, alas, mean the entire liabilities – of the British banking system. 同时,作为一个脚注,英国最具活力的银行之一北岩银行破产,引发了英国银行100多年来的首次挤兑行为,并实际上迫使英国政府为英国银行业体系的负债——唉,是的,我的意思确实是全部负债——提供担保。 8. In the west, the people cultured by Christian civilization, their funeral ceremony is solemn and heavenly. The scene that family members wail beside coffin can hardly be found. 我们注意到,在西方基督教文明薰陶下的人,他们在丧礼上的表现往往是庄严而肃穆的,你不常会看见丧家扶棺痛哭失声的场面。 9. 9. He asked, hardly able to control the quivering of his lower jaw. 库图佐夫还站在原来的地方,他取出一条手帕,没有回答。 10. You can hardly fail to appreciate how much nearer all of it is taking you to us and our way of life. 你将会惊喜的发现你是多么的接近我们的生活。 11. 11. A fool is hardly discerned when silent; his picture is best taken when he is speaking. 一个愚笨的人静默不语时谁也看不出来;只要他一开口说话那就表露无遗。 12. 12. When theresin concentration exceed 10%, three types of recovery swelling experiment indicate that thetransverse compressive deformation was almost 100% fixed. The X-ray and FTIR spectra ofcompressive wood treated by PF show that the width of crystalline region and crystallinitywas hardly changed comparing with untreated wood; Esterified carbonyl degree at 1736cm-1and the end carbon degree of semicellulose at 897cm-1 increased. 当树脂浓度超过10%时,三种循环膨胀实验证明,木材横纹压缩变形几乎100%被固定。X-射线衍射谱图和FTIR光谱表明,PF预聚物处理后的压密材同素材相比,结晶区的宽度和结晶度几乎没发生改变;1736cm-1处酯化羰基峰强度增加,897cm-1处半纤维素异头碳(C1)峰强度增加。 13. For a child who didn`t know anything about human affairs and lived in an environment where right and wrong didn`t exist, one could hardly expect her to become a saint. 一个人事不知的孩童,在一个已经没有是非的环境中,难道还期望她成为圣女? 14. hardly在线翻译 14. Having only several Yuan, he felt ashammed for the amount is hardly presentable. 兜里只有几元钱了,他觉得太寒伧,拿不出手。 15. 15. Pour literary works can hardly find their places in today`s market, which is a sad thing for the society. 纯文学作品很难在今天的市场上有地位,这人社会的一种悲哀。 16. It seems to be a great piece of software but hardly anyone seems to use it. 这似乎是一个伟大的软件,但似乎很少有人使用它。 17. Po turns to pick up the Dragon sword while Doug springs at him and tries to risk her life to hold him. Nevertheless, Po highly jumps up and actually over Doug`s head to stab Xue swiftly. Xue, who is injured, is hardly able to dodge this one. Just when she is about to be pierced through, a man throws himself on her to block this fatal attack for her! 童博转身捡起地上的神龙剑,豆豆向他扑去,想舍身抓住他,但童博突然向上一跃,竟是越过了豆豆头顶,一剑如风般刺向天雪,受了伤的天雪难以闪避,眼看要被洞穿,一个人影扑上来帮她档下了这要命的一剑! 18. And we hardly use chemicals and pesticide. 本球场建造之初,即非常重视环保理念,保留了原地貌及植栽,并注重环境的改善,增加花、草、树木及水塘,并使鸟兽大量移入,且几乎不用农药及除虫剂。 19. 19. A. J. Tonybee of Britain pointed out that there were still wars and corruption all over the world after the western culture played the leading role for the past four to five hundred years, and hardly could an outlook be envisaged yet. 英国的汤恩比曾说西方文化已主导世界四至五百年,仍是烽烟四起,人欲横流,看不出人类未来的前景。 20. Hardly had I left before the trouble started. 我刚一离开麻烦就开始了。 hardly 词典解释 1. (用于修正作出的陈述,表示不大可能)几乎不,几乎没有 You use hardly to modify a statement when you want to emphasize that it is only a small amount or detail which makes it true, and that therefore it is best to consider the opposite statement as being true. e.g. I hardly know you... 我不太认识你。 e.g. Nick, on the sofa, hardly slept... 尼克在沙发上几乎没睡。 2. 几乎不;几乎没有 You use hardly in expressions such as hardly ever ,hardly any, and hardly anyone to mean almost never, almost none, or almost no-one. e.g. We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish... 我们每晚吃炸薯条,但几乎从不吃鱼。 e.g. Most of the others were so young they had hardly any experience... 其他人大多都很年轻,几乎没什么经验。 3. (用在否定句中构成双重否定,用于强调某事属实或经常发生)几乎不 You use hardly before a negative statement in order to emphasize that something is usually true or usually happens. e.g. Hardly a day goes by without a visit from someone. 几乎每天都有人来。 4. (用于can之后,表示强调)很难 When you say you can hardly do something, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult for you to do it. hardly什么意思 e.g. I can hardly believe it's been over eight years since you used to go camping at Cedar Creek... 我几乎无法相信现在距离你过去常常去松溪露营的日子已经有8年多了。 e.g. My garden was covered with so many butterflies that I could hardly see the flowers. 我的花园里飞舞着很多蝴蝶,我几乎看不见花了。 5. (表示两件事情紧接着发生)刚刚,才 If you say hardly had one thing happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. e.g. He had hardly collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open... 他刚收起桌上的文件,门就猛地开了。 e.g. Hardly had he returned to London when an anonymous well-wisher called to say he was about to be raided by Customs & Excise. 他刚回到伦敦,就有一个不愿透露姓名的好心人打来电话说,他即将面临海关的突击检查。 6. (表示希望听者或读者赞同自己)并不,丝毫不 You use hardly to mean 'not' when you want to suggest that you are expecting your listener or reader to agree with your comment. e.g. We have not seen the letter, so we can hardly comment on it... 我们还没有看到这封信,所以无从发表意见。 e.g. It's hardly surprising his ideas didn't catch on... 他的想法没有被广泛接受,这并不足为奇。 7. (尤用于对不赞同的说法表示惊奇或不满)不可能,不会吧 You use 'hardly' to mean 'no', especially when you want to express surprise or annoyance at a statement that you disagree with. hardly的反义词 e.g. 'They all thought you were marvellous!' —'Well, hardly.'... “他们都认为你很棒!”“哦,不可能吧!” e.g. 'We could almost have seen it,' — 'Hardly, darling — in the dark and from a distance of a good hundred feet?' “我们几乎都看到它了。”“不会吧,亲爱的——天那么黑,离得又至少有100英尺呢!” hardly 单语例句 1. Of course, books by economics professors about the Great Depression hardly a summer holiday make. 2. There is hardly any record of recalls by VW in past decades and this time is no different. 3. Deducting time for the cable car ride up and down, hardly half an hour remained for walking along the Wall itself. 4. The current investment model with State capital as almost the only financing source can hardly meet the fund requirements. 5. Capital gains can hardly be taxed under the prevalent tax collection regime. 6. One can hardly miss this intimacy as a very private and carefree Monroe meets the eye. 7. Bai looked so formidable that Coba Carrion hardly knew what to say, even though he had practiced it many times. 8. He is hardly the only tech industry insider cashing in to minimize his financial risk in case the value of private companies starts heading down. 9. She has hardly been to a hospital in her entire life, except for cataract surgery. 10. She runs a small business, but the income can hardly cover the cost of the rescue center. hardly |
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