单词 | haul |
释义 | haul [英 [h?:l] 美 [h?l] ] haul的意思、解释 过去式:hauled; 过去分词:hauled; 现在分词:hauling; haul 基本解释 及物/不及物动词拖,拉 及物动词运送; 传讯 名词拖; 大批赃物; 一网的捕获量; 拖运货物的距离 不及物动词强迫(某人)去某处 haul 相关词组 haul 1. haul off : 退却, 撤退; 2. haul up : 把...拖上来, 把...拉出来责问, (船)迎风行驶; haul 相关例句 及物动词 1. A truck hauled the load away. 一辆卡车将货拉走。 2. He was hauled before the court on a charge of drunken driving. 他被指控酒后开车而被送上法庭受审。 3. He was hauled up before the judge. 他被押到法官面前。 不及物动词 1. After a long drive they finally hauled into town at dusk. 他们经过长途奔驰,终于在黄昏时来到了城里。 名词 1. haul的翻译 1. We brought home a big haul of fish. 我们捕了一大网鱼运回家来。 2. It was a long haul home, carrying all these bags of books up the hill. 背着这几口袋书藉上山回家,真是长途运输。 haul 网络解释 1. 由此吊起(起吊点):由此起吊(此处悬索或挂绳位置):SLING HERE;LIFT HERE;HEAVE HERE | 由此吊起(起吊点):HAUL | 从此提起(起锚位置):HEAVER HERE 2. 搬运:hatchway 屋Ding!口 | haul 搬运 | haul road 运料路 3. 3. 拖拉:harry#掠夺;困扰 | haul#拖;拉 | heave#用力举起 haul 双语例句 1. I am in it for the long haul. 我会长期投入的。 2. I'm here for the long haul. 我要在这呆很长一段时间 3. 3. We're in this for the long haul. 我们会做长时间的努力。 4. I`m in it for the long haul. 在这么长的一段时间里我都活在音乐的世界中。 5. 5. It's going to be a long haul but he can start to focus on that. 这会是一个漫长的过程,但是它可以把全部精力放在这上面 6. haul什么意思 6. So it was a long, long haul. 这是多么长的时间,漫长的过程。 7. They have a long haul in front of them. 摆在他们面前的是漫长而又艰巨的工作。 8. In the field we tested the drag throughout its range by adjusting the clicking drag star. At each setting, the performed as expected? smooth and consistent with no hesitation. Cranked down, the drag can easily haul in big bass or put a dead-stop to big stripers on the run. 在实地测试中,我们有意识的将卸力调整到不同的度数来测试它的整个拉力范围,在每一个区间范围内,卸力表现都非常出乎意料,顺化,流畅,平稳,没有磕绊,深水表现中,其力量可以轻易将大嘴鲈甚至大海鲈拿下。 9. It is easy to serve God for a short time, but what about the long haul 短时间的事奉不难,但长年累月地如此做又如何呢? 10. He haul ed round to my way of thinking. 他转变到与我一样的看法了。 11. Look, what we are doing here is fishingwith a round haul net. 你看我们现在用的这种是围网捕鱼。 12. In summer, hundreds of male walrus haul themselves out onto Round Island, Alaska, to sun themselves. 夏日,数以百计的海象来到阿拉斯加的环岛晒太阳。 13. haul的反义词 13. But with the largest domestic gold haul in the nation`s history, Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt, all that money seems worth it. 错误的做法是,采用以控制价格为目标的行政措施,来解决资产价格下跌和CPI上涨问题。 14. Now, the Wi-Fi technology whose primary standard is the IEEE 802.11b has become the new hotspot of the searching of WLAN. In the heavy traffic area such as air-port、the station、coffee house and so on, Wi-Fi networks has also become the main choice of the short-haul wireless access manner! 目前以802.11b为主体标准的Wi-Fi技术已经成为WLAN的一个新的研究热点,在一些人流量较大的热点区域(如机场、火车站候车厅、咖啡厅、商场休息区等),Wi-Fi网络也已经成为短距离无线接入的主流选择。 15. haul什么意思 15. So if you decide to adopt, make sure you are there for the long haul! 因此,如果你决定要养,请确认你是否有那么长的耐心。 16. Finally, he began to haul his catch in. 最后,他开始拖拽他的猎物。 17. I'll haul the bodies to the pits. The cops won't check the pits. 我会把尸体扔到油坑里警察不会去搜的 18. haul什么意思 18. Company information AMSTED Rail Company, Inc, a member of AMSTED Industries, is a world-class leading supplier/manufacturer of railway system and specialty components servicing in areas: 1complete rail car truck assemblies and end of car, wheel, axle, and bearing, castings such as side frames and bolsters; couplers and connectors, draft sills; center plates, constant contact side bearings, springs; locomotive draft gears; draft gears and cushion units; 2rail track products and services such as rail anchors; captive track fastening systems; Our experience in designing equipment for heavy-haul freight environments is unequaled, and our industry-leading innovations are making is possible for railroads in North America, China, Brazil, Russia, India, and in dozens of other countries, to haul heavier loads over greater distances at faster speeds, with improved safety, reliability and performance. 公司信息美国安捷达铁路集团,隶属安捷达工业公司,是一家世界领先的铁路系统供应和制造商,并在以下部件领域提供专业服务:1)转向架总成及钩缓系统,车轮,车轴,轴承,铸件包括侧架,摇枕,连接器,车钩,牵引梁,心盘,常接触式旁承,弹簧,机车/货车缓冲器及缓冲装置。2)铁路轨道产品及服务,如铁路锚钉及轨道紧固系统。我们在重载货车设备设计上的经验是无可匹敌的。在行业中遥遥领先的技术创新使北美,中国,巴西,俄罗斯,印度及。。他相当一部分国家的铁路在高速运行下增加载重及运行里程成为了可能,不但安全方面得到了进一步的改进,且在可靠性及性能上都得到了强化。 19. That said, government should not be looking for ways to haul the rich down. 那是说,政府不能寻法子把富人拉下马。 20. Also must rely on over the long haul, day and night to beg. 学问也必须靠日积月累,不分昼夜勤求而来的。 haul 词典解释 1. (用力地)拉,拖 If you haul something which is heavy or difficult to move, you move it using a lot of effort. haul的意思 e.g. A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream... 只好用了起重机,才将轿车从河里拖出来。 e.g. He hauled himself to his feet... 他吃力地站了起来。 2. 使出庭受审;使去见掌权者 If someone is hauled before a court or someone in authority, they are made to appear before them because they are accused of having done something wrong. e.g. She was hauled before magistrates for refusing to reveal her age to a policeman... 她因拒绝告诉警察自己的年龄而被地方法院传讯。 e.g. He was hauled before the managing director and fired. 他被叫去见总裁,然后就被解雇了。 3. (警方或海关查获的)一批赃物,一批违禁品 A haul is a quantity of things that are stolen, or a quantity of stolen or illegal goods found by police or customs. e.g. The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing... 本次查获的毒品量表明,海洛因在国际上的交易仍很猖獗。 e.g. Another break-in yielded a £4,000 haul of jewellery. 另一次入室盗窃偷得了价值4,000英镑的首饰。 4. 费时费力的事;耗时累人的行程 If you say that a task or a journey is a long haul, you mean that it takes a long time and a lot of effort. haul的意思 e.g. Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul. 罗马尼亚经济的复兴将是一项长期而艰巨的工作。 haul 单语例句 1. The haul stopped at Beijing Capital International Airport had a reported value of about 1 million yuan. 2. Most catch at least 1 kg of fish daily but can haul in up to 25 kg. 3. Fishermen on frozen Chagan Lake in Jilin province haul in an impressive catch on Thursday at the start of a regional winter festival. 4. Both shows'haul reflect the use of premium seating, in which producers charge higher prices for certain days and certain seats. 5. His five goals are the lowest winning haul since the 1962 World Cup in Chile when six players scored four times. 6. It was Collins'third haul of five wickets or more in 24 Tests and his second against the Tigers. 7. These include ultra clean buses for dense urban areas, maintaining more cost effective diesel models for long haul routes. 8. A thief who stole money from his roommate was arrested after being filmed counting his haul by a hotel camera. 9. If the haul approached 30, many would deem the Olympics a success for the Americans. 10. Distributor Sony said Wednesday matinees for " This Is It " already had surpassed the film's haul from those first evening screenings. haul 英英释义 haul的近义词 noun 1. the act of drawing or hauling something e.g. the haul up the hill went very slowly Synonym: drawhaulage 2. the quantity that was caught e.g. the catch was only 10 fish Synonym: catch haul在线翻译 verb 1. transport in a vehicle e.g. haul stones from the quarry in a truck haul vegetables to the market 2. draw slowly or heavily e.g. haul stones haul nets Synonym: halecartdrag |
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