单词 | bulky |
释义 | bulky [英 [?b?lki] 美 [?b?lki] ] bulky的意思、解释 bulky 基本解释 形容词笨重的; 庞大的; 体积大的 bulky 相关例句 形容词 1. Some aircraft are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicles. 有些飞机设计得能运载体积大的货物或车辆。 2. She dropped the bulky package twice. 她两次将那个笨重的包裹掉落下来。 bulky 网络解释 1. bulky的解释 1. 大的, 容量大的, 体积大的:etching knife 蚀刻刀 | bulky 大的, 容量大的, 体积大的 | train-spotter 搜集铁路机车号码的人 2. bulky 2. 庞大的:bulb 球茎; 电灯泡 | bulky 庞大的 | bungalow 平房 3. 大的:bulkiness 庞大 | bulky 大的 | bull boat 牛皮舟 4. 松厚,庞大:bulking value 松度值,松厚值 | bulky 松厚,庞大 | bull knotter 圆筒除节机 bulky 双语例句 1. bulky的反义词 1. Application of Bulky and Electron-Rich MOP-Type Phosphine Ligands in Palladium-Catalyzed α-Arylation of 1, 3-Dicarbonyl Compounds 篇名 大位阻、富电子MOP型烷基膦配体在钯催化的1,3-二羰基化合物α-芳基化反应中的应用 2. Among four ligands, the supported bulky monodentate phosphoramidite ligand based on TADDOL backbone afforded the chiral product with ee up to 65%; moreover, this ligand could be recycled for 3 times without substantial decrease of the conversion and ee. 其中;; TADDOL-为母环的位阻较大的P-N 配体可达到65%的ee值。而且;这一配体能循环使用三次保此转化率及ee 值不变。 3. She suffered agonies that would fill closely printed volumes, bulky with a thousand pages, in that one horrible night. 她在那可怕的一夜里所忍受的痛苦,会充满排得密密麻麻的卷帙,厚达千页之多。 4. bulky的翻译 4. Our emissions trading concept has become the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, eight of the world's la rgest corporations have joined with Environmental Defense in making commitmen ts to reduce their own emissions of greenhouse gases. We also persuaded McDon ald's to replace bulky foam-plastic hamburger boxes, helped curb antibiotic u se in animals for food production, and helped FedEx develop a delivery truck that is 50% more fuel-efficient. Environmental Defense提出的排污权交易概念成为《京都议定书》的核心思想;世界最大企业中的8个与Environmental D efense合作,自愿削减他们的温室气体排放;Environmental Defense 成功地说服了麦当劳停止使用泡沫塑料汉堡包盒子;减少动物食品中抗生素的使用;以及帮助联邦快递公司引入燃料利用率提高了50%以上的新型递送卡车。 5. bulky是什么意思 5. Control the secrete of oil, refine the oily and unclean skin. Reduce bulky pore. 具有收敛肌肤、抑制油脂分泌之功用,改善油腻不洁肌肤,收检粗大毛孔。 6. The bureau will focus on two categories of products - bulky electrical and electronic equipment, and computer products. 咨询文件建议,集中处理大型电器及电子设备,包括电视机、洗衣机、雪柜及冷气机,以及电脑产品,例如:个人电脑、手提电脑、打印机、扫描器及显示器。 7. bulky 7. But well so i sadly went to find seats nearer to him, then i chose a good seat, only to realise that THE HUGE BULKY ELECTRONIC SCOREBOARD BLOCKED ALMOST HALF MY VISION so i had to duck here and there to look at him.. U KNOW SOMETHING? ! 但是我只好很难过地去寻找一个位子能够近距离地观看他的比赛,我选择了一个比较好的位子,但是我发现那个大大的电子比分显示牌把我一半的视线都挡住了,所以我只好到处换位子来看他的比赛,你知道吗? 8. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals. 作家不需要大批原材料,不需要精密的仪器和其他人力或畜力的帮助。 9. It has a bulky subwoofer and two small speakers, and its sound effects are very good. 它有一个低音炮和两个喇叭,低音炮体积很大,声音也动听。 10. It has to consume an electricity many, bulky, the demand handicraft copy form and defend Qie electricity the function low etc. 它具有耗电多、笨重、需要手工抄表、防窃电性能低等缺点。 11. bulky 11. They buy on the internet. They are D/M's lovers. It is a planned shopping route. Members of this segment are the most likely to trade off convenience to get the best deals on the brands they want. Department anniversaries, category killer's promotions, bulky purchases, trial samples, and e-store special offers are their favorites in life. 他们也会网路购物,是 D/M 热爱者,所有的购物都是计划性的采购行程,这个场市区隔不在乎方不方便,酷爱以最优惠的条件购入商品,百货公司周年庆、品类大促销、大量采购优惠价、试用样品以及网路商城的特卖,全都是生活中的最爱。 12. For these 2 days, I have been wearing the forum, although Forum looks really bulky, actually it is quite comfortable for riding Fixed Gear, this is one thing that I am quite unexpected. 这两天我就一直在穿Forum没想到这双看似笨重的鞋子,在Fixed Gear运动上也能有不错的表现,真的出乎我的意料。 13. Lever-type safety valve mainly rely on the force lever heavy hammer to work, but because of lever-type safety valve is often bulky and limit the scope of choice. 杠杆式安全阀主要依靠杠杆重锤的作用力而工作,但由于杠杆式安全阀体积庞大往往限制了选用范围。 14. The grinding process of starch granularity through the SEM photographs is that: first, there appears fractures on the granularity surface and crack in the granularity interior; with the milling time increasing, the surface fractures flake away and shape innumerable irregular fragment, mingled with bulky starch granularity; finally, plenty of irregular starch granularity become relatively symmetrical. 结果显示,淀粉颗粒的破碎过程为:首先,淀粉颗粒表面出现断层,淀粉颗粒内部出现裂痕;随着时间的增加,淀粉表面的断层剥落形成无数不规则的碎片,其间夹杂着大的微细化淀粉颗粒;最后大小不一的淀粉颗粒逐步变得比较均匀。 15. bulky 15. I and the baby bear towards bulky, baby bear on square saw the pool, dispirited say:'I said we should bring swimsuits... 我和宝贝熊一起走向漾月广场,宝贝熊看见了水池,懊丧的说:'我就说我们应该带来泳衣吧……你不听! 16. This project is the first subproject of the main-project: High-Input-Power-Factor Uninterruptible Power Supply. In the project, we will explore and propose a novel structure of the quasi-on-line uninterruptible power supply system, which is with the features of zero transfer time of on-line UPS's and high efficiency of off-line UPS's, and without the need of a bulky output transformer used in triport UPS. 中文摘要本计画系整合型计画:高功因模组化不断电系统之研制之子计画一,计画中主要研发一种功能介乎於在线式与离线式不断电系统间之兼具前者零转换时间特性、无瞬时停电之虞与后者高效率、无经常消耗能源缺点之新型准在线式不断电系统架构,该系统架构亦具无三埠式不断电系统所须使用之硕重输出变压器之特点。 17. Over the years the company has carried machinery, power, petrochemical, metallurgical, nuclear power and other fields of bulky equipment, safety carrier has a boiler plant in Hangzhou, Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel, Kawasaki, Japan, Shenzhen Nanshan Thermoelectric Company, Shengli Oilfield Chengdao, saddle Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel Company, Guangdong Lingao nuclear power company's large equipment, praised by customers. 多年来公司承运了机械、电力、石化、冶金、核电等领域大件设备,先后安全承运了杭州锅炉厂、上海宝钢、日本川崎公司、深圳南山热电公司、胜利油田埕岛、鞍钢、武钢、广东岭澳核电等公司的大型设备,深受顾客好评。 18. For sustaining the stability of the cervical vertebra, Halo-vest is the main therapy equipment of epistropheus fracture. However, the risks of pin-site infection and the bulky appearance of Halo-vest may lessen patients'comfort and affect their psychological well-being. 第二颈椎骨折之治疗,通常使用颈椎外固定器以维持颈椎稳定性,但颅钉部位之潜在感染风险,其笨重的外观可能影响个案造成舒适情况改变及心理问题。 19. bulky的反义词 19. FileMed EMR system offers simple and efficient patient documentation management, while freeing your practice of bulky paper records. filemed EMR系统提供了简单而有效的病人文件管理,而释放你的做法,笨重的文件记录。 20. Eggshell antiwque: Soft, bulky paper with a slilghtly dull matt surface, like that of an egg shell. 蛋壳仿古纸:软而厚的纸。表面像蛋壳的无光泽和粗糙。 bulky 词典解释 1. 庞大的;笨重的 Something that is bulky is large and heavy. Bulky things are often difficult to move or deal with. e.g. ...bulky items like lawn mowers. 割草机之类的庞大物件 e.g. ...a bulky man with balding hair. 一个秃顶的大块头男人 bulky 单语例句 1. The company later admitted its expansion was too rapid and began to trim the bulky network. 2. Electric vehicles can take strange shapes because they don't have a bulky standard engine and the battery can be placed practically anywhere in the frame. 3. He played with a bothersome, bulky black brace on his sprained right elbow and didn't shoot particularly well. 4. Chen explained that it was easier to transport bulky luggage in a taxi. 5. The innovation allows opening of rear windows and its trunk to provide the hatchback with spacious capacity for loading bulky items. 6. The bulky headphones dangling over her ears are broken, so she has to use her free hand to keep them from falling off. 7. My friend and I could not wait to get onto the snow even without those bulky suits rented from the village. 8. He grimaced when he was on the court and wore a bulky wrap on his lower back when he sat on the bench. 9. It also helps your digestion and serves to combat that " weighed down " feeling you sometimes get after eating bulky food. 10. LED lighting is very different from traditional technologies that use electrical filaments or plasma with bulky glass covers. bulky的翻译bulky 英英释义 adj 1. of large size for its weight |
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