单词 | bumpy |
释义 | bumpy [英 [?b?mpi] 美 [?b?mpi] ] bumpy的意思、解释 bumpy 基本解释 形容词颠簸的; 崎岖的; 气流不稳的 bumpy 网络解释 1. 顛簸:韩艾飞分析,由於中国已经是全球最大的(Number One)原物料消费国(不是美国了),也是全球原物料需求大幅增加的主要推手. 因此只要需求仍在,供给面又没有太大改变,原物料行情未来就算出现颠簸(bumpy),但矿业股前景依然看好. 2. (崎岖地形纹理):Blob(不规则气泡) | Bumpy(崎岖地形纹理) | Drop(水滴滴落形成的纹理) 3. 颠簸的:bumptious 瞎自夸的 | bumpy 颠簸的 | bumrap 无故批评 4. bumpy在线翻译 4. 冲撞的:bumpy flow 涡流 | bumpy 冲撞的 | buna N 丁腈橡胶 bumpy 双语例句 1. bumpy 1. However, though bumpy, FTTH will have a bright and prosperous future in China market. 但不管怎么样,FTTH在我国的的发展前景是无限光明的,虽然道路是曲折的。 2. My spines are thick and prickly, my leaves are rubbery and tough, and my skin is thick and bumpy. 我的脊骨粗厚多刺,我的叶子像橡胶似的,还是硬的,我的皮肤厚实而凹凸不平。 3. No matter the rain is light or heavy, when I see it, walk in it, I wanna dance in it, just wanned acted crazily like my cousin did in the rain, who is a good father now, working hard in a small city now, with a good family, a good wife and a good daughter. The man who has a steady life direction but may forgot the day that he rode the bike in a bumpy country road insanely. 不管大雨还是小雨,每当我看到它在下,走在雨中,我总会想如我哥一样在雨中那么疯狂,而我哥现在已经是一个好父亲了,在一个小城市里辛勤上班,又一个和睦的家庭,美丽贤惠的妻子,还有一个懂事的女儿,有着稳定的生活、或许已经忘了那个在崎岖乡下道路上疯狂骑着自行车吼着歌的年轻人了。 4. Most come down somewhere in between. No matter how your parents respond, your relationship can be bumpy from time to time. 但不管你父母怎样做,你和父母的关系,可能时时都会遭遇一些不顺。 5. Having good capability of horizontal curve and fixed with driving and walking equipment on the idler frame, this kind conveyor can move like a snake which can be widely applied special conditions, such as salvage in mine accident, bumpy landform ect. 由于其具有良好的水平转弯性能,在托辊架安装驱动装置和行走装置后,该带式输送机可以蛇形前进,使其在矿山抢险、地形复杂等情况下有广泛的应用领域。 6. bumpy 6. Now the session of the NPC is over, yet the road ahead could be rather bumpy. 大会顺利结束了,但是我们面前的路是不平坦的,要保持头脑的冷静,形势稍好,尤需兢慎。居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。 7. bumpy的解释 7. Now the session of the NPC is over, yet the road ahead could be rather bumpy. We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared for the worst. 大会顺利结束了,但是我们面前的道路是不平坦的,要保持头脑的冷静,形势稍好,尤须兢慎。 8. 8. Wildness means bumpy back roads and wood ticks and wood smoke. 荒野意味着升沉不服的路,结绳记事和刀耕火耨。 9. 9. It accords with MIL-T-28800C to formulary temperature, pulse vibrates and carry bumpy index. 它合适MIL-T-28800C划定的温度、脉冲颤抖和运输波动的指标。 10. bumpy什么意思 10. We have entered an area of turbulence. The plane may be very bumpy. 我们已进入紊流区域,飞机可能会颠簸。 11. We have entered an area of turbulence and the plane may be very bumpy. Please fasten your seat belt and don't walk about in the cabin. 我们已经进入乱流区域,飞机可能会颠簸,请您系好安全带,不要在机舱内走动。 12. bumpy是什么意思 12. Didn't she have two bumpy things? 她的脸上不是有两颗凸出物吗? 13. As it turned out, shaky and bumpy rides seemed to be a characteristic of traveling in China. 结果,不稳定和崎岖不平的乘坐好像是一种在中国旅行的特性。 14. There is such a girl Friendship at a very bumpy road. 有这样一个女孩在一个非常崎岖不平的路上友谊。 15. We have flexible materials that are bumpy, and that creates for variations in the label. 我们有灵活的材料,崎岖不平,并造成对不同的标签。 16. Tire pressure that is too high can make your ride very bumpy and out of control, as well. 轮胎气压过高,这是可以让你坐非常颠簸和失去控制,以及。 17. bumpy的意思 17. My wife, brother, my parents and I followed my older brother and his family as they sped away in their car, heading north of Moab up the canyon, and headed off on a bumpy back road to the west. 我的妻子,哥哥,我的父母和我随哥哥和他的家人,因为他们赶到走在他们的汽车,朝北的莫阿布了峡谷,走过了一条不平坦的路回传到西方。 18. Very simple, this illustrates that our country backward than others, worse than others, we look at the past, had just started a country's reform and opening up to the current level of science and technology has lead a large country, our motherland experienced a number of ups and downs, how many difficulties and bumpy however, we still back all of the motherland, the motherland because we firmly believe that - not only technological change destiny, can change the future. 很简单,这说明我们的国家比其他国家落后,不如别人,我们回顾过去,刚刚开始了一个国家的改革开放和当前的科技水平已经导致一个大国,我们的祖国经历了一些的跌宕起伏,有多少困难和坎坷,但我们仍然回到所有的祖国,祖国,因为我们坚信,-不仅是技术变革的命运,可以改变未来。 19. I felt a stir of panic by the time we climbed into the van for the bumpy, sweaty ride back from a ramshackle village where women followed us waving batik shirts and purses. 我们在一个外表很破败的村子呆了一会,到处有妇女挥著蜡染衬衣和钱包跟著我们。当我们离开那里回到车上,准备重新回到颠簸不平、走起来很吃力的山路上时,我忽然感到一丝恐慌。 20. Lively and bumpy had gone 2005, the civilian battalion aviation of our country still did not feel relaxed, a few air flow to had not disappeared, but we expect plane of civilian battalion aerial is in one year new will no longer acuteness jolt. 热闹而颠簸的2005年已经过去,我国的民营航空仍然未感轻松,几大气流还未消失,但我们期待民营航空的飞机在新的一年将不再剧烈颠簸。 bumpy 词典解释 1. (道路)崎岖不平的 A bumpy road or path has a lot of bumps on it. e.g. ...bumpy cobbled streets. 铺了鹅卵石的凹凸不平的街道 2. (旅途)颠簸的 A bumpy journey is uncomfortable and rough, usually because you are travelling over an uneven surface. e.g. ...a hot and bumpy ride across the desert... 一次炎热而又颠簸的沙漠之行 e.g. We had a bumpy flight over the centre of Panama. 我们的飞机摇摇晃晃地飞过巴拿马中部地区。 bumpy 单语例句 1. Meanwhile, the bumpy roads are beginning to take their toll on the camper van. 2. The waters were choppy and the ship was on a bumpy route. 3. With a great deal of input and effort at the planning stage, the bumpy road of many shows finally gets chosen. 4. Market analysts cautioned that a bumpy road lay ahead for CLP in the renewable energy business. 5. It was one hell of a bumpy ride, and back then I did not fully comprehend the word suspension. 6. It was the biggest drop since records began in 1955, and showed the extent to which 2010 will be a bumpy year. 7. Ma's allegation later found support in a pilot's micro blog in which the airman complained about his bumpy experience when landing at the airport. 8. Beginners like me, slid hither and thither over the bumpy terrain. 9. But in the short run, foreign restaurants are in for a bumpy ride. 10. The RMB's path to becoming a truly international currency promises to be a bumpy one. bumpybumpy 英英释义 adj 1. covered with or full of bumps e.g. a bumpy country road 2. causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements e.g. a rough ride Synonym: roughrockyjoltyjoltingjumpy |
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