单词 | buxom |
释义 | buxom [英 [?b?ks?m] 美 [?b?ks?m] ] buxom的意思、解释 buxom 基本解释 buxom的意思 形容词(妇女)丰满红润的,高大而漂亮的 buxom 网络解释 1. 丰满的:chubby 圆圆胖胖的,丰满的 | buxom 丰满的 | tubby 矮胖的 2. 丰满的(用于形容胸部丰满的女人):chubby 圆圆胖胖的,丰满的 | buxom 丰满的(用于形容胸部丰满的女人) | starve 挨饿 3. 体态丰满的:phantom 鬼怪,幽灵,幻象 | buxom 体态丰满的 | lukewarm 微温的,不热心的 4. 丰满红润,高大漂亮(褒义):14 chubby : 胖乎乎(褒义) | 15 buxom : 丰满红润,高大漂亮(褒义) | 16 well-built : 体型健美 buxom 双语例句 1. They were a pretty, buxom quartette, so crammed into the carriage that their hoops and flounces overlapped and their parasols nudged and bumped together above their wide leghorn sun hats, crowned with roses and dangling with black velvet chin ribbons. 她们是一支健美而活泼的四人小分队,挤在马车里衣裙压着衣裙,阳伞遮着阳伞,连宽边早帽上簪着的红玫瑰和系在下巴颏底下的天鹅绒带子也都在互相碰撞着,纠缠里。 2. buxom在线翻译 2. Indeed the buxom[8] blonde, who sniffled disingenuously during the hearings, has hardly been a sympathetic figure. com 在听证会上拿腔作势、哭哭啼啼的丰乳肥臀的金发女人,绝不是省油的灯。 3. 8Indeed the buxom blonde, who sniffled disingenuously during the hearings, has hardly been a sympathetic figure. 事实上,这个在听证会上拿腔作势,哭哭啼啼的丰乳肥臀的金发女人,绝不是省油的灯。 4. He sprang to his feet, and pushed the woman, a buxom person of about thirty, from him 他一下子蹦了起来,把那个三十来岁的胖女人推到一边。 5. He ordered a beer from the buxom, vacant-stared server, trying not to look obviously out of place. 他点了来自健美者的啤酒,空的-注视伺服器,尝试不要明显地外看地方。 6. She is a buxom blonde. 她是一个胸部丰满的金发女郎。 7. The lady on the right is a little more buxom. 右边的那位女士长得略微丰满标致一些。 8. buxom在线翻译 8. The buxom older sister comes clean on a lot of things in the interview and of course she talks boobs and men. 该buxom姐姐来清洁,对很多事情在采访中和,当然她会谈boobs官兵。 9. 9. A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent. 一个体态丰满的寡妇要么结婚,死亡或者紧闭在修道院 4。 10. 10. The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent. 按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予以埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。 11. Miss Sophy was a fresh, good -humoured, buxom girl of twenty 莎菲亚小姐年方二十岁,是一个鲜妍、和善、活泼的姑娘。 12. Miss Sophy was a fresh, good-humoured, buxom girl of twenty. 莎菲亚小姐年方二十岁,是一个鲜妍、和善、活泼的姑娘。 13. The good-looking buxom woman, betwixt forty and fifty, was now a fat, red-faced, old dam of seventy, or thereabouts. 她原是个好看的丰满的妇女,四十来岁;现在却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。 14. Melissa was a tall, buxom blonde. 梅利莎是个丰满的高个子金发美女。 15. buxom在线翻译 15. He fell in love with a buxom hairdresser. 他爱上了一位健美丰满的美容师。 16. Jane is a buxom blond. 简是一个性感的金发女郎。 17. 17. He still pictured her as buxom, high-clored, lively and a little blowsy. 他心中仍旧认为她身材丰满、面色红润、生气勃勃、还有点邋遢。 18. Indeed the buxom blonde, who sniffled disingenuously during the hearings, has hardly been a sympathetic figure. 事实上,这位体态丰满的金发美女在听证会上虚情假意的抽泣很难博取人们的同情。 19. buxom的解释 19. The chief operator, a buxom lady of forty or so with a heavy Southern accent, brightened when Pug mentioned Lacouture. 总接线员是个四十岁左右,南方口音很重的长得丰满的女人。帕格提到拉古秋时,她神情就活泼起来了。 20. Her journal recalls a 22-year-old man in a comfy T-shirt depicting buxom women, marked by the smells of running sweat, Brut spray deodorant, smoking, eating raisins, sleeping, breathing. 她的日志中写道,当时这位22岁的年轻人穿着一件舒适的T恤,就像个体态丰满的妇女,身上散发出汗液、Brut牌除臭喷雾、抽烟、吃葡萄干、睡觉、呼吸的味道。 buxom 词典解释 1. (女子)丰满漂亮的 If you describe a woman as buxom, you mean that she looks healthy and attractive and has a rounded body and big breasts. buxom e.g. Melissa was a tall, buxom blonde. 梅利莎是个丰满的高个子金发美女。 buxom 单语例句 1. So what was it about the buxom blonde Texan that Hefner found so alluring? 2. Gone are the days when Swedes were linked only to buxom blond beauties and chunky meatballs. 3. But her burial did not put an end to the controversy and legal battles that had marked much of her buxom blonde model's life. buxom什么意思 |
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