单词 | call up |
释义 | call up [英 [k?:l ?p] 美 [k?l ?p] ] call up的意思、解释 call up 基本解释 给…打电话; 叫醒; 朝上方叫喊; 使回忆起 call up call up 情景对话 Resumes and Interviews-(履历表和面试) A:Hey Ted, I saw this ad in the paper. You should take a look. 嘿,特德,我看到报纸上的这篇广告,你该看一看。 call up的意思 B:What is it? 是什么广告? call up A:It’s for a job. It looks perfect for you. 招聘广告。看上去很适合你。 call up的近义词 B:Let’s see … “Wanted: manager for up-and-coming fimp3. Must have good organizational skills. Experience a plus. Please contact Betty Sue.” Oh, I don’t know … 让我瞧瞧。“招聘:极富发展潜力的公司招聘经理。需良好的组织才能。具有经验。有意者请与贝蒂·苏联系”。哦,我不知道…… call up的反义词 A:Come on, what have you got to lose? 别这样,你又不会损失什么。 call up B:What about my resume? 可是我的履历表呢? A:Here, I’ll help you type one up. 在这儿,我会帮你打印一份的。 call up的反义词 B:Thanks, Mary. You’re a real pal. I’ll call now to set up an interview. 谢谢你,玛丽。你真够朋友。我现在就打电话约定面试。 call up 网络解释 1. 召唤:国家队的操作同俱乐部类似,但是要替换国家队球员需要自己查找,对于一些小国教练是比较麻烦的事(因为大家对那些球员不熟悉),使用球员表右上方的Action菜单可以球员召唤(Call Up)或移出(Remove)国家队(或国家二队,国奥队). 2. call up的意思 2. 想起:让步(to sb)[点拨]答案为B. 他决定减少(cut down)每天抽烟的数量. [解析]答案为D. 本题含义是:这工作不像你想象的那么容易,它需要(call for)时间和耐心. [点拨]这次山村之行使我回想起(call up)我童年的一幕幕. 答案:A 3. call up在线翻译 3. 打电话;召集:call on 访问,拜访;呼吁,号召 | call up 打电话;召集 | cannot help 禁不住,忍不住 4. call up是什么意思 4. 征召(服役),动员:call the roll 点名 | call up 征召(服役),动员 | call...to account 责问,要求...说明理由 call up 双语例句 1. L really think we should call the networks and set up another press conference. 我希望我们通知一下网络然后组织另一场记者招待会 2. You mean to tell me that I cannot pick up this telephone and call my family? 你是说我无法用这台电话打给我家? 3. call up的近义词 3. Best Calc highlightsLarge display with lots of graphic indicatorsPrecedence mode - to reduce entering parenthesis (e. g. 2+2-2=6)Operations and conversions can be performed in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal formCalculate basic arithmetic functionsCalculate the root, square root or cube root of a numberRaise to power functionsLogarithmic and exponent functionsCalculate sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine or arc tangentCalculate in degrees, radians or grads, mil, revDisplays results in normal, scientific, or fix modeMemory operations Call last result functionOperations with big and small numbers are supported (up to ten in 308th power or ten in minus 308th power)and much more to explore! 最佳钙highlightsLarge模式显示indicatorsPrecedence与大量的图形-减少输入括号(如2 +2-2 = 6)业务和十进制的转换,可进行二进制,八进制,和十六进制formCalculate基本算术functionsCalculate根,平方根或多维数据集的numberRaise根电源functionsLogarithmic和指数functionsCalculate正弦,余弦,正切,圆弧正弦,余弦弧或弧tangentCalculate度数,弧度或梯度,密尔,revDisplays结果正常,科学化,或修复modeMemory行动电话与大,小号码的最后结果functionOperations支持(最多10个在零下308电源或功率10 308)以及更多探索! 4. call up 4. When I was making chocolate tea, my younger cousin sister Li gave me a call, when we was calling, suddenly there was a thunder and the fire-flag was happened after the thunder, meet such situation, so I hang up the phone ASAP, one student can't control himself to laugh at me, maybe he was laugh at my funny action, after several seconds, my phone rang again, it was her again, the student told me please answer it in a short time, she told me out work earier for rainny on the phone, just several seconds, I hang up at once. 当我正在制作巧克力奶茶的时候,小表妹丽打来了电话,我们正在通话时,突然的一个响雷和紧接着的闪电让我马上挂掉了电话。有一个同学禁不住笑出了声,也许他是在笑我的滑稽动作吧。 5. With procedures design of the elevator control system can achieve the elevator door's opening and closing control, and the elevater's indication under the call, moving from top to bottom, starting-up, delay closed, Ping layer, opening the door, making signals in the queue, close to the escalator and alarming control under the mode of the elevator's operation mode. 通过对电梯控制系统的程序设计,实现了电梯的开关门控制以及在电梯运行方式下电梯的呼叫显示、上下行、起动、延时关门、平层、停靠开门、信号排队、顺向截梯和报警等控制功能。 6. That morning, I just got up to pick up a phone call from his grandmother. 那天早上,我刚起床就接了一个电话,是奶奶打来的。 7. The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate. 面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。 8. I'll call you up later. 回来,我给你打电话。 9. His daily schedule for more than 4 years come frequently are this: 6oclock get up, is meeting in the dwelling reception patient, 8oclock 30 minute go to the clinic to go to work, afternoon when l 30minute get off work hurry back the apartment, 2 to 6 oclock work, evening 7 oclock make a house call to 12 oclock return to theapartment, before dawn 1 oclock sleeps, 1 day works a l7 hour. 他的作息时间4年多来常常是这样:6时起来,接着在住处接待病人,8时30分前往诊所上班,下午l时30分下班赶回公寓,2点至6点工作,晚上7点出诊至12点钟回到公寓,凌晨1时睡觉,1天工作l7个小时。 10. call up什么意思 10. Call on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast 本站所收集信息资料为网络转载版权属各作者并已著明作者旨在资源共享、交流、学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,本站并不保证所有信息、文本、图形、链接及其它内容的绝对准确性和完整性,故仅供访问者参照使用。 11. call up的解释 11. If you want a fresh start in life so the best wake-up call in the dogs after paying silent wake up the shield of silence SS. 如果要唤醒重新做人那么最好在狗交完沉默,撑盾沉默SS唤醒。 12. And as for you, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a ringing cry or a prayer for them; for I will not hear when they call to Me because of their trouble. 11:14 至於你,不要为这百姓祈祷,不要为他们呼求祷告;因为他们遭难向我呼求的时候,我必不听。 13. It`s akin to Ivory Coast reaching the quarter-finals only for Premiership clubs to call back the likes of Toure, Eboue, Kalou, Drogba and Abdoulaye Meite for, say, FA Cup duties. It makes a mockery of the tournament in the same way a national call up mid-season makes a mockery of a club`s campaign. V 同样类似的还有,本次非洲杯科特迪瓦打1/4决赛的时候,光是英超俱乐部他们就要召回图雷、埃布、卡劳、德罗巴,而身为多哥人的阿德巴约却得继续参加英格兰足总杯的赛事,这对于足总杯来说绝对是个讽刺,而在赛季中期国家队从俱乐部里抢人,也是给俱乐部开了个无情的玩笑。 14. call up 14. Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster. 耶11:14所以你不要为这百姓祈祷、不要为他们呼求祷告。因为他们遭难向我哀求的时候、我必不应允。 15. 15. One will often see 3 or 4 channels up for a single call during a call transfer because of this. 人会经常看到3个或4个通道为一个单一的电话,因为在这个呼叫转移。 16. call up在线翻译 16. The insect eye again call the ant feet, the expressional appearance have a lot of, size not etc., is the jade article that the very small insect is model up beat the hole to set up household, be like the kiln hole of the north of 陜, the door is small inside big, very irregular, (have of inside have the metals particle), the person uses in spite of now what tool, is all to do not to come out of, argue to recognize easiest under the magnifier. 虫眼又叫蚂蚁脚,表现的状态有很多,大小不等,是极微小的虫在成型的玉器上打洞安家,像陜北的窑洞,门小内大,极不规则,,今人不论用什么工具,都是做不出来的,在放大镜下极易辩认。 17. User rockjj proposal can automatically dial-up with a fax machine or a fax to download the software, set up automatic dial-up, Yitiandaowan automatically to call this company, and can only hear each other call-back fax signal. 网友rockjj建议可以装一个能自动拨号的传真机或者下载一个传真软件,设置好自动拨号,一天到晚自动给这家公司打电话,而对方回拨只能听到传真信号。 18. If this doesn't work out, call him. He might hook you up with Paris Hilton. 如果你约会没结果,找他他会帮你搭上社交名媛 19. Actually, if you read his analysis carefully, it is quite proper. He is not the type of person to shock people with vitriol, or taking off his clothes... Kubin's criticisms of the deficiencies of Chinese literature is a good dose of medicine and a wake-up call. 其實,再仔細看看他的分析,覺得又很中肯,完全不是一`罵`驚人,一`脫`驚人,一`博`驚人這種……顧彬的批判對於缺鈣的中國文學無疑是一劑良藥,也是一針清醒劑。 20. Immediate, both husband and wife stand on boat along the upper front of the night sky in a series of call-up a few dozen ring head, only to romp into the cabin of the bedroom, the night did not sleep for joy. 当下,夫妻两人站在船沿上,对着黑夜中的天空连连叩了几十个响头,才欢蹦乱跳地进了船舱的卧室里,一夜高兴得没有睡着。 call up 词典解释 1. (给…)打电话 If you call someone up, you telephone them. e.g. When I'm in Pittsburgh, I call him up... 我每到匹兹堡,都给他打电话。 e.g. He called up the museum... 他给博物馆打了电话。 2. (陆、海、空军)征召…入伍 If someone is called up, they are ordered to join the army, navy, or air force. e.g. Youngsters coming up to university were being called up... 快上大学的青年人受到征召。 e.g. The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。 3. 选中,挑选(…参加运动队) If someone is called up, they are chosen to play in a sports team. e.g. He is likely to be called up for Thursday's match against Italy. 他有可能被选中参加星期四对意大利的比赛。 call up 单语例句 1. Remember that recruitment consultants receive more than 50 resumes every day so always follow up with a phone call after sending out your resume. 2. An official from the Foreign Ministry hung up Xinhua's call after hearing the confirmation question. 3. A man working for a university's press office has hung up on my call, right after I told him I was a reporter. 4. Answering the call from a local radio program, local drivers decided to set up a foundation. 5. He hangs up, promising to discuss it with the boss and call back. 6. She wakes up around noon and finds plenty of missed calls on her cell phone from people she needs to call back. 7. The Wallabies victory was soured though by a shoulder injury sustained by utility back Scott Staniforth and may have to call up a replacement. 8. It's free and you can use the reading rooms and call up any kind of English language book you desire. 9. Curl up on the couch with a good book, or call a friend for a talk. 10. A team used to being ignored suddenly turned up on magazine covers, network TV and President Bush's call list. call up 英英释义 noun 1. an order to report for military duty verb 1. recall knowledge from memory have a recollection e.g. I can't remember saying any such thing I can't think what her last name was can you remember her phone number? Do you remember that he once loved you? call up memories Synonym: rememberretrieverecallcall backrecollectthink 2. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone e.g. I tried to call you all night Take two aspirin and call me in the morning Synonym: calltelephonephonering 3. bring forward for consideration e.g. The case was called up in court Synonym: bring forward 4. call to arms of military personnel Synonym: mobilizemobiliserally |
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