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单词 canard
    canard [英 [k??nɑ:d] 美 [k??nɑ:rd] ]
    canard 基本解释
    canard 网络解释
    1. 鸭翼:它舍弃了俄罗斯拿手的鸭翼 (Canard)和SU-47采用的前掠翼设计,而改采类似F-22的传统翼面布局,体现其作战理论已经发生了深刻的变革,由以往的注重超机动格斗能力向超视距攻击转变.
    2. 前翼:当时一架法国空军的幻影战斗机在尾随拍摄图-144的前翼(canard)时,飞行员一时大意太过接近正在作机动飞行表演中的图-144,并飞到客机前面而惊吓到客机的机组人员.
    3. 鸭式翼:空气力学的车体亦进行了变更,前方采鸭式翼(Canard)形状的大型保险杆(Bumper Extension)为其特征. 此外,承继上一代的三角形(Delta)交*尾翼,采用可调整角度的铝制尾翼.
    4. canard的反义词
    4. 谣言, 误传:maxicoat (长至脚踝的)特长大衣 | canard 谣言, 误传 | marry out 和本氏族、集团以外的人或宗教信仰不同的人结婚
    canard 双语例句
    1. Lab tests showed that 55% thrust augmentation should be expected; however, differences in the scaled-up system dropped augmentation levels to 19% for the wing and a mere 6% in the canard.
    2. canard的反义词
    2. The results indicate that canards are ineffective as rolling control devices for normal canard missiles, because noticeable reverse rolling moments are induced when the canard have rolling command deflection. With canard of small aspect ratio, small sweep angle and different dimensional postions, the reversed induced rolling moments could be reduced, even the phenomenon of anti-effect has disappeared completely.
    3. Secondly, it further discredits the corporate controlled media, which has only begun to shift from its previous canard that Bilderberg doesn't exist to its latest canard that.
    4. canard
    4. The chef, Nicolas Frion, creates such delights as raviole de langoustine au citron vert (ravioli with crayfish filling and lime sauce), terrine de foie gras de canard, melon soup, and shellfish in Muscat wine. The service is efficient, but incredibly discreet.
    有名厨师Nicolas Frion,精心泡制的柠檬虾仁饺子(用小龙虾肉做馅的饺子加酸柠檬调味料),砂煲芦笋浓汤加鹅肝酱,瓜汤,葡萄酒醉海贝,服务周到,无微不至。
    5. canard
    5. Tail-first aeroplane; canard
    6. Somewhat like a canard-winged airplane with large knobs on the end of the wings, which are
    7. It was investigated to effect on unsteady vortex flow fields about a double-delta-wing by an oscillating canard on a canard configurated airplane model.
    8. canard什么意思
    8. Also studied is the credibility of Euler flow calculations for a currently interested combat aircraft research model that are fitted with a forward swept wing and a conventional aft swept canard.
    9. Experimental results showed that canards were ineffective as roll control devices for canard-controlled missiles with fixed tail, because noticeable reverse roll moments were induced when the canard have roll command deflection. Yet if the tail spins freely, the reverse induced roll moments could be much reduced, allowing the canard to execute the roll control.
    10. In Chapter 2, via generalize Rulkov`s neural model, we analyse different dynamical behavior of the generalized Rulkov`s model when the model`s parameter is different, and we found there is a Canard in the model by numerical method.
    11. The conventional tail must be at a negative angle of attack, and the Canard tail at a positive angle.
    12. Simulation Analysis of Canard Effect on Angle of Attack in Single Channel
    13. Today I had one of my favorite meals that I order when I am here, confit de canard.
    今天我来到这里,就享用了一份自己点的我最青睐的美餐之一:confit de canard 。
    14. canard是什么意思
    14. When the aircraft pitches up, instead of forcing the tail down decreasing overall lift, the canard lifts the nose, increasing the overall lift.
    15. Having analyzed the experimental results, the authors propose the proper arrangements of the geometry of wing and canard and their relative position The double forward-swept wing configuration is also discussed.
    16. canard
    16. The wing vortex breakdown on canard on configuration was delayed relative to that on canard off configuration, but the canard vortex broke down very early.
    17. We remove these rear controls and install them as canard controls.
    18. The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.
    19. A Drag Reduction Design Method of Canard Configuration Supersonic Airplane
    20. canard
    20. This canard was started by William Herndon.
    canard 词典解释
    1. (旨在诋毁他人的)不实的报道
    A canard is an idea or a piece of information that is false, especially one that is spread deliberately in order to harm someone or their work.
    e.g. The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.
    canard 单语例句canard
    1. " These announcements should sweep away the canard that China is not willing to reduce emissions, " Dudek said.
    2. The Congress leaders spread canard against us and never honored us in this alliance.
     canard 英英释义
    1. a deliberately misleading fabrication




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