单词 | anonymous |
释义 | anonymous [英 [??n?n?m?s] 美 [??nɑ:n?m?s] ] anonymous的意思、解释 anonymous 基本解释 形容词匿名的; 无名的; 假名的; 没有特色的 anonymous 相关例句 形容词 1. We received an anonymous letter. 我们收到一封匿名信。 2. An anonymous author wrote this book. 这本书出自无名氏之手。 anonymous 网络解释 1. 匿名的:短期的(ephemeral) 长期的(enduring)匿名的(anonymous) 市场 国家研究惩罚背叛者的实验:我们利用正电子发射成像技术来观察采用真实货币支付的经济实验,以此来检验人们从惩罚背叛规范中获得满足的假说. 2. 2. 无名氏:新浪娱乐讯 北京时间5月6日消息,据国外媒体报道,执导了的导演罗兰-艾默里奇(RolandEmmerich)正从这部灾难史诗片中走出,他的新片(Anonymous)将故事背景设定在了伊丽莎白时代的英国. anonymous 双语例句 1. I prefer you to anonymous, willing to break your wings and take as long as you love me, I would be unable to stand. 我情愿为你隐去姓名,情愿为你折断双翼,只要你拿爱与我回应,我无力抗拒。 2. Your feedback is anonymous and will be taken serious consideration for our future improvement. 您的反馈信息将以匿名的形式,我们会慎重考虑你的建议并争取在将来的活动中为你提供更好的服务和安排。 3. Managers will also be subject to annual anonymous feedback from their staff. 员工每年也将提供反馈,对他们的经理做出评价。 4. Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends. 发送私人,匿名反馈给同事,同学和朋友。 5. In order, to provide anonymous feedback usage statistics i. e. CIN 使用者也应该可以次序不是可得的项目完整的版本在线或为他们的是一项指控。 6. A lot of people are talking about a Facebook app that lets you solicit anonymous feedback from people who know you. 很多人正在谈论一个可以获得匿名好友反馈信息的Facebook应用程序。 7. Our ContactForm consists of three fields: a topic, which is a choice among three options; a message, which is a character field; and a sender, which is an email field and is optional (because even anonymous feedback can be useful). 我们的 ContactForm 包含三个字段:一个topic,它是一个三选一的选择框;一个message,它是一个文本域;还有一个sender,它是一个可选的email域(因为即使是匿名反馈也是有用的)。 8. A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication. 谈谈系统性饲鸭:一些组织和团体,鼓励匿名反馈,由于错误地认为这提供了一个安全的环境,让诚实的沟通。 9. Anonymous depressed before work, after the lectures covered the tired, after work and the hawkers have to bargain stop to the podium, he will lose these mundane world distractions, only the cadence of the time, rack their brains to speak, and only correct answer to intense The argument, in order to liven up the smile that only teachers spoke proudly Department of narcissism, and only when the students heard the emotional secretly applauded. 上班前无名的郁闷,讲课后满身的疲惫,下班后也要和小贩们讨价还价,一站到讲台上,这些凡尘杂念便化为乌有,只有抑扬顿挫的读,挖空心思的讲,只有为了正确答案激烈的争论,为了活跃气氛会心的微笑,只有教师讲到得意处的自我陶醉,只有学生听到动情时的暗自叫好。 10. It IS NOT ANONYMOUS - that's Audi and Volkswagen's jobs. 它不是匿名的-这是奥迪和大众的就业机会。 11. When she died a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books. 在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。 12. More than a month, I often fall into distress among the non-anonymous in order to extricate themselves. 一个多月了,我时常陷入无名的苦恼之中无以自拔。 13. The new scheme can solve the problem: the anonymous communication is not blind to Private Key Generator and the PKG can forge the nodes signature using the pairingbased signature scheme in the anonymous communication. 提出一个应用于自组网匿名通信的基于双线性映射和伪身份的签名方案解决上述问题。 14. The new scheme can solve the problem: the anonymous communication is not blind to Private Key Generator and the PKG can forge the nodes'signature using the pairing-based signature scheme in the anonymous communication. 提出一个应用于自组网匿名通信的基于双线性映射和伪身份的签名方案解决上述问题。 15. With Lazaraillo de Tormes written by an anonymous Spanish novelist in the middle period of 16th century as the beginning, picaresque novel has gone through the evolutionary history of more than 400 years. 其中,以十六世纪中叶西班牙佚名作家的《小癞子》为开端的流浪汉小说,也经历了四百多年的演化史。 16. anonymous 16. It isn't a struggle to get him to brush his teeth anymore because he loves how it tastes, and since it's fluoride free, it's ok for him to swallow it.-- Anonymous on March 11, 2007 以前每次给他刷牙他都非常抵触,自从我给他换了这个牙膏以后,他开始变得喜欢刷牙了,因为这个牙膏的口味他很喜欢哦,而且牙膏里又不含氟,所以他把他当糖果似的吞吃了下去也无妨。 17. I've been using this stuff for over a year now and yes it does improve the look of your skin. Anonymous on July 6 2005 我已经纵了这款产品胜过一年的时间了。 18. Anonymous, on September 30th, 2009 at 12:02 pm Said:Anonymous, on September 30th, 2009 at 12:02 pm Said 矮人都能容许地精术跑来跑去了,虽然是在黑暗的洞穴中 19. The recent taint in the honor of Wikipedia stems from the extreme ease which anonymous declarations can be put into a very visible public record. Wiki上最近发生的事情,其根源就在于极度便利的匿名发布信息能力。 20. I got a free sample of some other lotion the other day, and I threw it out without even trying it. I've found the one!!-- Anonymous on January 27, 2006 那天我收到一些其他品牌的免费试用品,我索性扔了根本就没有试,因为我已经找到属于我的那个!! anonymous 词典解释 1. 匿名的;无名的;不知名的 If you remain anonymous when you do something, you do not let people know that you were the person who did it. e.g. You can remain anonymous if you wish... 你愿意的话可以不透露姓名。 e.g. An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. 一个匿名捐助者施以援手提供了奖金。 anonymity Both mother and daughter, who have requested anonymity, are doing fine. 这对不愿意透露姓名的母女俩目前情况良好。anonymously The latest photographs were sent anonymously to the magazine's Paris headquarters. 最新的照片以匿名方式寄到了该杂志的巴黎总部。 2. 不记名的;不具名的 Something that is anonymous does not reveal who you are. e.g. Of course, that would have to be by anonymous vote. 当然,那必须通过不记名投票的方式。 anonymity He claims many more people would support him in the anonymity of a voting booth. 他声称会有更多的人通过投票站匿名投票的方式来支持他。 3. 无特色的;平淡无奇的 If you describe a place as anonymous, you dislike it because it has no unusual or interesting features and seems unwelcoming. e.g. ...the most anonymous part of north-west Washington... 华盛顿西北部最无特色的地区 e.g. It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa. 呆在家里比呆在单调乏味的度假别墅里要惬意得多。 anonymity ...the anonymity of the rented room. 租住的房间的单调无趣anonymous 单语例句 1. The statement said the only other countries to act against " Anonymous " so far are the United States and Britain. 2. She met the anonymous homeless man by accident when she was touring Mount Qinling in May and was greatly shocked by his condition. 3. " Some people have gone to Karachi and will carry out an attack at the consulate, " the caller was quoted as saying by an anonymous security official. 4. The anonymous caller also claimed the doctor helped the girl sell the baby to another family. 5. Marc LaPorte said an anonymous caller called twice Friday saying a man on the flight had explosives. 6. An anonymous caller to an Athens newspaper warned of the bombings about 10 minutes in advance. 7. And after word spread of her generosity, a $ 500 check came in from an anonymous donor. 8. The letter said many Chinese breweries were using formaldehyde as an additive, and the anonymous inspector wanted the public to know. 9. An anonymous official with the Guangzhou Bureau of Land and Resources said that the compensation money being offered has been very high for villa owners. 10. This strategy is the first comprehensive annual action plan formulated by the government, says an anonymous official at the State Office of Intellectual Property Protection. anonymous 英英释义 adj 1. having no known name or identity or known source e.g. anonymous authors anonymous donors an anonymous gift Synonym: anon. 2. not known or lacking marked individuality e.g. brown anonymous houses anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service |
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