单词 | apparent |
释义 | apparent [英 [??p?r?nt] 美 [??p?r?nt, ??p?r-] ] apparent的意思、解释 apparent 基本解释 形容词易看见的,可看见的; 显然的,明明白白的; 貌似的,表面的; 显见 apparent apparent 相关例句 形容词 1. It was apparent to all of us. 这对我们大家都是显而易见的。 2. His guilt is apparent. 他的罪恶昭彰。 3. The apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife's death. 他生病的表面原因是饮酒过度,但实际原因是丧妻之痛。 4. It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel. 他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。 5. apparent的意思 5. Their apparent grief turned to crazy laughter in a minute. 他们那假意的哀伤很快就变成了一阵阵狂笑。 apparent 网络解释 1. 表面的:巴特勒的论证意思是说,只要我们在真实的(veridical)记忆和表面的(apparent)记忆之间做出区分,便会毫无困难地承认,人们可能会记住他们做了实际上是别人所为的,而并非是他们自己做出的那些事情. 2. 表观:该值等于表观(apparent)吸收率(10.2~14.1%)与体内(胆汁、胰液等)自身排泄率(8.0~10.0%)之和;如果改变食物中锰含量(1.5~100mg/kg),对表观吸收(10μgMn/d)没有显著影响,而真实吸收随食物中锰浓度增加而显著增加. apparent 双语例句 1. This method is convenient, effective relative safe for the treatment of lung cancer hydropericardium and without apparent complications. 此法治疗肺癌合并心包积液方便、有效、相对安全、无严重并发症。 2. 2. However, negating a Key Generator may not be readily apparent. 然而,否定一个主要的发电机可能不会很明显。 3. There were no signs of murder or suicide: apparent1y Bissell, 30, died in his sleep. 没有迹象表明他是被人谋杀或自杀;30岁的比斯尔显然是在睡眠中死去的。 4. 4. For both NAFTA and EU-27, the level of apparent steel use that is expected in 2010 amounts to what was achieved back in 1991, demonstrating the severity of the impact of the crisis on the steel industry. 为北美自由贸易区和欧盟27国,钢材的表观使用量在2010年取得了什么早在1991年,表明了对钢铁行业的危机,造成严重影响的预期水平。 5. apparent在线翻译 5. Despite its apparent simplicity, ten pin bowling is one of the world's largest participation sports. 尽管十瓶保龄球看起来简单,但它却是世界上参与人数最多的运动之一。 6. The etiologic agent may not be apparent on direct smear. 在直接涂片上致病菌可能不明确。 7. Angle of view: Night glasses usually have got a fairly narrow apparent angle of view. 视角:夜用望远镜通常只有相当狭窄的视场。 8. At an apparent magnitude of 6.8 it is just at the limit of naked-eye visibility. 在明显的巨大6.8它是正义的在赤裸眼睛可见性极限。 9. We derive and analyze sensitivity densities for two quantities derived from rotational ground-motion measurements: the rms (root-mean-square) amplitude A of the rotation seismogram and the apparent shear-wave speed, where Av denotes the rms amplitude of the velocity seismogram. 笔者分析了从旋转地震动测量中得到两个参数的灵敏度密度。这两个参数是:旋转地震记录的均方根振幅,视剪切速度,表示速度地震记录的均方根振幅。 10. apparent 10. It is incontestably apparent that she is lying. 很显然她在撒谎。 11. apparent的翻译 11. It is apparent that in all cases Jayson's actions have been motivated by loyalty, kindness and the need to protect the innocent. 显然地,在所有案例中,杰森的行为一直都有动机:忠诚、仁慈、以及保护清白的需要。 12. S0003 FAR EAST ENTERPRISING COLTD HONG KONG BILL OF LOADING Direct or with transshipments SHIPPED on board in apparent good order and condition the goods or packages specified herein and to be discharged at the mentioned port of discharge or as near thereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. 托运人、收货人和本提单的持有人兹明白表示接受并同意本提单和它背面所载的一切印刷、书写或打印的规定、免责事项和条件。 13. Despite German and French opposition to the American led war with Iraq, the meeting took place without apparent discord. 尽管德国和法国反对美国领导的对伊战争,但是这次会议没有出现明显摩擦。 14. 14. Episcleritis may be the initial sign of a systemic disorder, although less then 10% of the patients with episcleritis have an apparent predisposing condition. 上巩膜炎可能是全身性疾病的初症兆,虽然有明显因果关系者约10%,但有一半伴随著全身性疾病。 15. 15. The ADE7758 is suitable to measure active, reactive, and apparent energy in various 3-phase configurations, such as WYE or DELTA services, with both three and four wires. ADE7758 适用于计量各种三相配置条件下的有功,无功和视在电能,如WYE和DELTA系统,包括三线和四线制。 16. The ADE7758ARW is suitable to measure active, reactive, and apparent energy in various 3-phase configurations, such as WYE or DELTA services, with both three and four wires. ADE7758ARW 适用于计量各种三相配置条件下的有功,无功和视在电能,如WYE和DELTA系统,包括三线和四线制。 17. Croxson can even make sense of the record industry's apparent volte-face with the pricing of CDs. 克罗克森甚至可以解释,唱片业对CD定价的态度何以会出现明显转变。 18. apparent 18. The reasons for the apparent volte-face remain mysterious. 这一明显的态度大转变的原因还是个迷。 19. In this reaction, the content of NaFeEDTA in the range of 0.4×10^(-3)~2×10^(-3) mol/L obeys the Lambert-Beer's law. The apparent molar absorptivity of color substance is 515 L/ at 515 nm. 在该显色体系中,NaFeEDTA浓度在(0.4~2)×10^(-3)mo1/L范围内符合朗伯-比尔定律,显色产物在515nm下的表观摩尔吸光系数为0.51×l0^3L/。 20. At Bloomy Controls, we are familiar with this apparent paradox. 在 Bloomy Controls公司,我们对这些表面观点深有体会。 apparent 词典解释 1. 貌似的;表面上的;似乎真实的 An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist, although you cannot be certain that it does exist. apparent的近义词 e.g. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress... 我对我们看似缓慢的进展感到有些沮丧。 e.g. There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war. 这场惨烈的价格战貌似终于结束了。 2. 明显的;显而易见的 If something is apparent to you, it is clear and obvious to you. e.g. It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well... 显然,这些标准在其他地区执行得很好。 e.g. The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film. 在早期影片中已经显露出了明星相。 3. 原因不明;不知何故 If you say that something happens for no apparent reason, you cannot understand why it happens. apparent e.g. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason. 这类人可能会莫名其妙地感到头晕。 apparent 单语例句 1. Nowhere is this more clearly apparent than in the bank's booming savings and loan business. 2. The attention to details is apparent and Shiny has definitely done nothing by halves. 3. When the stockpile drops, apparent consumption is less than the actual amount of consumption. 4. It is apparent that penetration into Central Asia and Caucasia is part of the US global strategy. 5. The full scope of its godlike omnipresence became apparent to me during a recent trip to Yinhu Cave in Beijing's northern suburbs. 6. But when the warlock saw only a light drizzle drip from the cavern's ceiling, he became enraged with the Dragon King's apparent lack of gumption. 7. Ad hoc explanations neatly accommodate apparent contradictions such as the fact that the assailants came from different economic classes. 8. Both camps expressed optimism about the outcome with a certainty that was not apparent in any public opinion polls. 9. There were widespread claims of media bias at the time, often Lindy Chamberlain's apparent lack of emotion during the hearings. 10. After the initial frisson of interest it quickly became apparent that this was a pale imitation - Shenyang without the charisma. apparent 英英释义 adj 1. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment e.g. the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields evident hostility manifest disapproval patent advantages made his meaning plain it is plain that he is no reactionary in plain view Synonym: evidentmanifestpatentplainunmistakable |
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