单词 | apparently |
释义 | apparently [英 [??p?r?ntli] 美 [??p?r?ntl?] ] apparently的意思、解释 apparently 基本解释 apparently的反义词 副词似乎; 据说,看来; 实际上 apparently 相关例句 副词 1. Apparently she did not succeed. 看样子她没有成功。 2. Apparently, you have done a lot of work. 很明显你们已经做了很多工作。 3. apparently的反义词 3. He was apparently much surprised at the news. 他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。 apparently 网络解释 1. 显然:约翰不顾能力倾向测试 (aptitude test) 的结果,还是决定由会计专业转到心理学专业他宁愿继续做售货员,显然(apparently)是因为他喜欢过稳定的而不是充满起伏的生活. 2. apparently的解释 2. 似乎:在一个操作系统内部,内核[kernel]是最核心的部件. 像Linux那样的操作系统使用的内核,从表面上看(seemingly),允许用户并发(simultaneously)访问 计算机. 多个用户似乎(apparently)可以并行(concurrently)执行多个程序. 3. 显然地:aperitif noun 开胃酒 | apparently 显然地 | behaviour noun 行为,举止 4. 明显地,表面上地:apparatus 装置,设备 | apparently 明显地,表面上地 | applaud vi.鼓掌欢迎,欢呼 apparently 双语例句 1. apparently 1. The small amount of argon loss that has apparently taken place in these meteorites is remarkable. 明显发生在陨石上这微小的一部分氩气的损失是很有意义的。 2. No. Apparently little Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown-up salmon en croute. 不,很明显地小茉莉吉柏特正开心地吃她的大号鲑鱼开胃菜 3. Apparently littIe Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown - up salmon en croute. 听着,我没有。。。 4. apparently什么意思 4. The apparently sectarian attack targeted Shi'ite pilgrims on one of the more sacred days of the year, as hundreds of thousands marched on foot to Karbala, in Iraq's Shi'ite heartland. 该教派袭击的目标显然是对今年的更神圣的一天,什叶派朝圣者数十万,徒步行进到卡尔巴拉,伊拉克什叶派的中心地带。 5. apparently的解释 5. The longitudinal growth of bones is apparently controlled by modifying the numbers of growth plate chondrocytes in the proliferative zone, their rate of proliferation, the amount of chondrocytic hypertrophy and the controlled synthesis and degradation of matrix throughout the growth plate. 骨的纵向生长明显通过调整生长面增殖区软骨细胞数目,生长率,软骨细胞肥大的数量和受控的生长面基质的合成和降解来控制。 6. Therefore, the evolvement of civil services examination in Republic of China apparently has the characters of stratification and transmission. 因此,民国文官考试制度在民国政治的演变历程中具有明显的层次性和传承性。 7. apparently 7. Results: 1.That core temperatures of rats increased apparently after LPS injection, and the highest of which reached to 2.5℃above normal indicated that the rat febris model was successfully constructed. 结果:1。LPS 100μg·kg-1 ,ip后,大鼠体温升高,最高超过正常2.5℃,并在LPS作用后0.5h、3h、6h左右各出现一个发热峰,与文献报道一致,说明建模成功。 8. He apparently felt differently, and it was important for his ego that he was self-taught. 显然他不这么认为,而他是自学的这件事对他的自尊来说很重要。 9. You are the girl of my dreams, and apparently i am not the man of yours. 在瑶远的地方,你是那么的遥不可及。。。 10. Argument empty in this situation, but apparently the Windows compiler Apache中主要的环例子是bucket brigade,我们将在3.5.5节介绍,在第8章中详细讨论。 11. apparently的解释 11. Adenhart and two others were killed early yesterday when a suspected drunken driver apparently ran a red light and smashed into their car. 安登哈特。安登哈特和另外两人昨天早些时间被杀害,一名酒醉驾车男子明显闯红灯,撞上他们的小车。 12. Teer; Dave answered both, apparently to everyone's satisfaction. There were no further objections. 戴夫分别做了回答,并且显然让每个人都心悦诚服,再没有人提出异议。 13. 13. Anyone seeking bargains might look among the silver and knick-knacks, where a late Victorian silver double-end scent bottle decorated in the aesthetic style looks good value at around 200 and five art deco brooches of ladies walking dogs, which were apparently given free to Vogue magazine subscribers in around 1930, seem modestly estimated at 350-450 the lot. 巴德利同时也正在计划更多针对女性的综合性拍卖,而同时,其他拍卖行仍偏好于在某一特定的市场领域内进行专业化发展,虽然他们也同样倾向于招揽那些更年轻的、具有潮流意识的客户。 14. apparently的翻译 14. There is apparently nothing happened under the sky without directly or indirectly affecting or being affected by the ocean. 多元化方面的人。显然,没有发生过什麼大的天空下不直接或间接影响或受到影响的海洋。 15. It`s apparently that you have S. H. 注意听着! 16. Apparently, we have some issues with authority... 很显然,上面的人跟我们有过节 17. Apparently, he's a bed wetter. 显然,他爱上了打飞机 18. apparently的近义词 18. Apparently, founders of Haedong Kumdo have went to court and they end up telling the truth of actual history of Haedong Kumdo. 显然,海东剑道创始人最後要赴法庭讲出海东剑道的真实历史,下乃事实 19. Wilhelmina: Oh, uh, apparently, we love to do-si-do. 哦,呃,显然,我们爱跳 do-si-do 。 20. Apparently, UFC fighter Randy Couture will appear in the motion picture. 显然,ufc战斗机兰迪女装将出现在中影。 apparently 词典解释 1. 据说;未必真实地 You use apparently to indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain that it is true. e.g. Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business... 据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。 e.g. Oil prices fell this week to their lowest level in fourteen months, apparently because of over-production. 据说因为产量过剩,这个星期石油价格跌至14个月以来的最低点。 2. 好像;似乎;看来 You use apparently to refer to something that seems to be true, although you are not sure whether it is or not. e.g. The recent deterioration has been caused by an apparently endless recession... 看似永无止境的经济衰退导致了最近的恶化。 e.g. Rudolph said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words. 鲁道夫没再说话。看来他是个寡言少语的人。 apparently 单语例句 1. The apparently smooth incorporation of IBM's PC operation into Lenovo may have been helped by the way the deal was structured. 2. A section of electricity cable has been removed from the paddock at Newbury racecourse where two horses died on Saturday after apparently being electrocuted. 3. Paraguayan referee Carlos Torres apparently gave the kick for pushing and Robinho calmly scored with a low shot amid Chilean protests. 4. The Cambrian Explosion - the apparently abrupt appearance of complex animals in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period troubled Charles Darwin. 5. The alleged cannibalism apparently is linked to magical beliefs that eating body parts conveys special powers. 6. Darwin was working as a prison officer when he disappeared in March 2002, his wife saying he apparently took his canoe into the North Sea. 7. Christina Aguilera was apparently involved in a car accident on Tuesday evening. 8. Apparently they put his body in the car and spent his $ 400 at a strip club. 9. The latest statistics on economic activity in July apparently defy previous concerns that deflation may soon return. 10. The innocent victims of this carnage are the price Americans will continue to apparently willing to pay for this right. |
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