单词 | appearance |
释义 | appearance [英 [??p??r?ns] 美 [??p?r?ns] ] appearance的意思、解释 复数形式:appearances; appearance 基本解释 appearance的意思 名词外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象 appearance 相关词组 appearance是什么意思 1. at first appearance : 初看起来; 2. in appearance : 在外表上; appearance 相关例句 名词 1. appearance的翻译 1. He had an unhealthy appearance. 看起来他身体不太好。 2. His sudden appearance surprised her. 他的突然到来使她很惊讶。 3. appearance的近义词 3. She's made a number of television appearances. 她已在电视上好几次亮相。 4. The appearance of the old house completely changed. 那所旧房子的外观全变了。 5. Don't judge by appearances. 不能以貌取人。 appearance 网络解释 1. 外貌:请描述你的家人(父母或兄弟姐妹)的外貌(appearance)和个性(personality),要求尽量使用课文中学过的词汇(至少60个词) 2. 外表:2000年对皮尔和吉尔而言,真可谓是多姿多釆的一年,他们参与博洛尼亚(Bologna)举行的展览中获得推崇与致敬. 他们在阿维农(Avignon)举行的大型展览,展出的装置艺术作品. appearance 双语例句 1. 1. What you have to think of is the potential of the person, not his appearance. 你必须考虑的是一个人的潜能,而不是外表。 2. In the wartime, it is affected by the war appearance, communication appearance, communication technique. 在战时,受战争形态、传播形态、传播技术以及双方的立场等多种因素的影响,政府与传媒关系呈现出分离聚合、错综复杂的状态。 3. 3. A number of options control which fields appear on these lists and the appearance of extra features like date drill-downs, search fields, and filter interfaces. 在这些列表里的栏目有不少选项控制,这些显示出一些额外的特性,比如下拉式日期选择控制,搜索栏,过滤界面。 4. appearance的近义词 4. A type of ink products, mixing produce grey CMY value is constant, that is, a certain proportion of the ink of gray balance is constant values, so we measured the ink gray balance, you can according to that balance to correction image so business card printing and membership card crafted image in adjusted accurately reproduce color appearance of remedying the shortcomings of this kind of ink. 差某一栽类型的油不朱产物,混分爆发灰色的CMY值为变数,即某栽油不朱的灰不均比例值是恒定的,这样我们测得了这栽油不朱的灰不均后,不离可以根据这栽不均来订正图像,使给制卡和会员卡制作的图像在订正后不妨不确边现颜色边观,从而填充这栽油不朱的弊端。 5. Hair loss in men or women can contribute to the appearance of looking older than chronologic age. 脱发的男性或女性可以有助于寻找外观年代以上年龄。 6. The Fano factor curves of re-ordered guassian time series and original auditory time series have a similar appearance. 结果,排序后的正态分布数据在Fano因子曲线变化上表现出与听神经放电序列一样的趋势,而这种变化趋势在对跟随排序后的正态分布数据进行随机重排后又消失。 7. Smoke in someone else's fraudulent use of counterfeit impersonator adventure rain hat cap appearance seemingly TDC TDC Trade and Trade Promotion of Trade and Industry Mao Gongnong hastily... 冒领冒名冒牌冒险冒烟冒用冒雨帽帽子貌貌似贸贸促会贸发贸发局贸工部贸工农贸然。。。 8. A new drink with pleasant appearance and orangeade, smell and taste developed by extracting Lelltinus Edodes. 以香菇为主要原料,利用浸提法提取汁液,并添加适量橙汁研制色香味俱佳的复合饮料。 9. Building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in appearance. 在香港和台湾建筑商都发现我们的设备易于安装且有迷人的外观。 10. appearance的翻译 10. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun. 金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳。 11. Even though you ignored your appearance when you struggle for life, well, you know you are a 在奋斗的同时,或许看似穷酸,但我知道我是一个公主! 12. The shape and decoration of the lacquer ware carried on as the Three Kingdoms period, nongovernmental production developed greatly, the color painting of the lacquer ware was improved and increased abundant, the appearance more lay emphasis to appreciate beauty the result, and have this at that time period special ages characteristic. 东晋南朝漆器的形制、装饰手法大致沿袭三国时的作风,蜀郡仍在制作精美的漆工艺品,民间的漆器生产更自由,并有发展与创新,如绿沉漆的出现,夹纻工艺被用于佛教造像,彩绘漆器的绘画题材日益丰富,画面更侧重审美效果,具有这一时期独特的时代特征。 13. The major cities the size of foreign domestic crude copies, seems to be another round of the colonial settlements and the building of the tide and the other is the appearance of luxury as a symbol. 各大城市规模巨大的国外住宅粗劣的复制品,似乎是又一轮的租界与殖民建设浪潮;二是把奢华作为美观的标志。 14. But in both plays of Sophocles, the gods do not put in an appearance. 但在索弗克里斯的两出戏剧中,神并未现身。 15. There is way too much attention focused on our appearance and an arbitrary number on the scale. 我们把太多注意力放在我们的外表和很大程度的攀比上。 16. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day. 真实的爱情只是人们最朴素的容颜,仿佛一张不修饰的面孔、无论清晨和黄昏,都是一双纯净的眼睛、一张温存的嘴巴,一只可以呼吸的鼻子,这个永恒的摸样和你朝夕相拥,不会有瞬间的惊诧,也没有剧烈的颠荡,生活就这样温存的过了一天又一天。 17. B Normal appearance in an isolated lung preparation (arrows, pointing to small bronchus). d 这是位10岁低丙种球蛋白血症及淋巴样间质性肺炎患儿的高分辨CT片。 18. appearance 18. Wearing resistance of the coatings were tested on abrasion tester and the wear appearance of the coatings was investigated. 在磨损试验机上对材料的耐磨性进行了测试,并对试样的磨损形貌进行了分析。 19. It was a brilliant fuchsia type color, but faded easily so our idea of the color mauve is not what the appearance of the original color was. 这是一个辉煌的紫红色型色,但容易褪色,这样我们的想法,淡紫色的颜色是不是出现了原来的颜色。 20. appearance在线翻译 20. In many methods for repair of defects of alae nasi, this method is simple, the appearance of alae nasi is good after operation and there is no new scar on face. 在诸多鼻翼缺损修复方法中,该方法简便易行、术后鼻翼外形好,面部显著部位不增加新的瘢痕,有独到优越性。 appearance 词典解释 1. 出席;参加;露面 When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it. e.g. It was the president's second public appearance to date... 这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。 e.g. Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton, scoring 37 times. 基冈为南安普敦队踢了两个赛季,共上场68次,进球37个。 2. 外貌;外表;外观 Someone's or something's appearance is the way that they look. e.g. She used to be so fussy about her appearance... 她过去非常在意自己的容貌。 e.g. He had the appearance of a college student... 他的模样就像个大学生。 3. (尤指出乎意料的)到来,出现 The appearance of someone or something in a place is their arrival there, especially when it is unexpected. e.g. The sudden appearance of a few bags of rice could start a riot. 突然出现几袋大米可能会引起骚乱。 e.g. ...last Christmas, when there'd been the welcome appearance of Cousin Fred. 去年圣诞,堂兄弗雷德的现身受到热烈欢迎。 4. 出现;开始使用;问世 The appearance of something new is its coming into existence or use. e.g. Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity... 显花植物开始出现了,但仍然很少。 e.g. Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city. 该市出现几起霍乱病例之后,人们对霍乱爆发的恐惧越来越强烈。 5. 样子;表现 If something has the appearance of a quality, it seems to have that quality. appearance的翻译 e.g. We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness... 我们尽力对两个孩子的需要都予以满足,而不显得有所偏向或袒护。 e.g. The US president risked giving the appearance that the US was taking sides. 美国总统冒险作出美国正在摆明立场的姿态。 6. 从外表看来;显然 If something is true to all appearances ,from all appearances, or by all appearances, it seems from what you observe or know about it that it is true. e.g. He was a small and to all appearances an unassuming man. 他个子小,看上去不事张扬。 7. 装样子;撑场面;打肿脸充胖子 If you keep up appearances, you try to behave and dress in a way that people expect of you, even if you can no longer afford it. e.g. His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。 8. 露一下面;到场稍作停留 If you put in an appearance at an event, you go to it for a short time although you may not really want to, but do not stay. e.g. You must put in an appearance, at least, or she'll think you're avoiding her. 至少,你必须露一下面,否则她会认为你在躲避她。 appearance 单语例句 1. Nonetheless, the joint appearance by Obama and Coakley is in many ways marriage of a necessity. 2. Whether an appearance before the Security Council by Ahmadinejad would affect the contents or vote on a new UN resolution remains to be seen. 3. He believed their unusual appearance and their age marked the beginning of the Cambrian, and made them the oldest animal forms yet seen. 4. The Cambrian Explosion - the apparently abrupt appearance of complex animals in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period troubled Charles Darwin. 5. The presidential hopeful made a cameo appearance at the beginning of the show, with Tina Fey reprising her memorable impersonation of Palin. 6. Tom Cruise has signed up to make a cameo appearance in the upcoming Star Trek film as a favour to his friend JJ Abrams. 7. He made a cameo appearance in the war epic Mulan in 2009 and Beginning of the Great Revival in 2011. 8. Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show. 9. It would be a long way to travel for a cameo appearance, he said. 10. That means Obama has to cancel his planned appearance in campaign events in key swing state Ohio on Wednesday. appearanceappearance 英英释义 noun 1. the act of appearing in public view e.g. the rookie made a brief appearance in the first period it was Bernhardt's last appearance in America 2. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression e.g. they try to keep up appearances that ceremony is just for show Synonym: show 3. formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action Synonym: appearingcoming into court 4. outward or visible aspect of a person or thing Synonym: visual aspect 5. a mental representation e.g. I tried to describe his appearance to the police 6. the event of coming into sight |
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