单词 | affectation |
释义 | affectation [英 [??fek?te??n] 美 [??f?k?te??n] ] affectation的意思、解释 复数形式:affectations; affectation 基本解释 名词装模作样; 假装; 矫情; 装模作样的言行 affectation affectation 相关例句 名词 1. He made an affectation of indifference. 他装出无动于衷的样子。 2. The affectations in the way she speaks annoyed me. 她说话时装腔作势的样子惹我恼火。 affectation 网络解释 1. affectation什么意思 1. 做作、虚假:fect-做 | 1) affectation做作、虚假 | 2) affection爱 2. affectation是什么意思 2. 假装:affect 影响;感动;假装;倾向于 | affectation 假装 | affected area 受影响区 3. 假装,虚饰行为:affect 影响,感动,假装 | affectation 假装,虚饰行为 | affection 爱,情感 affectation 双语例句 1. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it. 我从来没有听说过有多少好事是由那些佯装增进公共利益而干预贸易的人所达成的。 2. affectation的意思 2. The man is not hunble, but he puts on an affectation of huminity 这个人并不谦逊,但他装出一副很谦卑的样子。 3. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of a scholar. 读书费时过多易惰,文采澡饰太盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学究故态。 4. affectation 4. I hope you will behave without affectation at the wedding. 我希望你在婚礼上做到得体有礼。 5. affectation 5. Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood. 谈吐应让人愉悦而不下流,富于机智而不做作,充斥自由而不猥亵,体现智慧而不自夸,溢满新奇而不虚伪。 6. affectation的解释 6. From Sextus, a benevolent disposition, and the example of a family governed in a fatherly manner, and the idea of living conformably to nature; and gravity without affectation, and to look carefully after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those who associated with him: and he had the faculty both of discovering and ordering, in an intelligent and methodical way, the principles necessary for life; and he never showed anger or any other passion, but was entirely free from passion, and also most affectionate; and he could expressed much knowledge without ostentation. 从塞克斯都,我看到了一种仁爱的气质,一个以慈爱方式管理家庭的榜样和合乎自然地生活的观念,看到了毫无矫饰的庄严,位朋友谋利的细心,对无知者和那些不假思索发表意见的人的容忍:他有一种能使自己和所有人欣然相处的能力,以致和他交往的愉快胜过任何奉承,同时,他又受到那些与其交往者的高度尊敬。他具有一种以明智和系统的方式发现和整理必要的生活原则的能力,他从不表现任何愤怒或别的激情,完全避免了激情而同时又温柔宽厚,他能够表示嘉许而毫不啰嗦,拥有渊博知识而毫不矜夸。 7. affectation的反义词 7. Such persons began immediately to affect the Stoic precepts of life according to nature —— an affectation all the more grateful, and, I may add, all the more noble, from its contrast with the unbounded profligacy which was being diffused through the imperial city by the pillage of the world and by the example of its most luxurious races. 他们于是立即开始爱好斯多葛派关于按照自然而生活的训戒。当时由于对世界的掠夺,由于各地最奢侈民族的榜样,罗马城中充满了荡佚荒淫,这种爱好,相比之下,益加可喜,我并且要说,益加可以尊贵。 8. His use of big words is just an affectation. 他用些大词只不过是在矫揉做作罢了。 9. 9. His faded, light hair was tinged with grey; he had a pinched hook nose; watery blue eyes, and an irresolute-looking mouth; he wore his shabby dress with an affectation of foppish gentility; an eye-glass dangled over his closely buttoned-up waistcoat, and he carried a cane in his ungloved hand. 他枯槁、稀少的头发变成灰白色了;他生着狭长的钩鼻,水汪汪的蓝眼睛,优柔寡断的嘴巴;他穿着破破烂烂的衣服,可还是透出花花公子装腔作势的神气;眼镜摇摇晃晃地挂在密密地扣紧的背心上,不戴手套的手里拿着一根手杖。 10. Even if there is to do out of affectation. 即使有,也是矫揉造作做出来的。 11. But all of these things should be observed without affectation. 但所有这些事情都应当毫不矫揉造作地去做。 12. affectation的近义词 12. To be honest, you are the most affectation i have ever seen. 说实话,你是我见过的最做作的人! 13. To tell you the truth, you`re the most affectation of man that i`ve met. 说实话,你是我见过的最做作的人! 14. 14. I do not think this is her affectation, because I have the same sensitivity. 我并不认为这是她做作,因为我也同样敏感。 15. To tell you the truth, you are the most affectation people I ever seen. 说实话,你是我见过的最做作的人! 16. To tell the truth, you are the most affectation one i have ever seen 说实话,你是我见过的最做作的人! 17. affectation的意思 17. Too affectation, natural beauty. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 18. You must keep up dignity of character, without the least pride of birth or rank; You must be gay within all the bounds of decency and respect; and grave without the affectation of wisdom, which does not become the age of twenty. 你必须保持高贵尊严,而又绝无出身优越的虚骄之气,你必须在体面和可敬人士的圈子内显得高高兴兴,又不要故作聪明,多愁善感,二十岁的年轻人不是这个样子。 19. Many people mistake a familiar for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write at random. 很多人错误地认为平易就是粗劣,觉得不加修饰的写法就是涂鸦。 20. 20. Beings, like things, are naturally prostrate and only manage to seem happy by a superhuman effort, which has a great deal of affectation in it, but this is more in line with the involution of things. 试想一下,谁是快乐地活者?万物皆有朽灭,唯有超凡之力,方得眼见之幸福,这幸福之中多有刻意,但为万物衰退之途径。 affectation 词典解释 1. 做作;装腔作势 If you say that someone's attitude or behaviour is an affectation, you disapprove of the fact that it is not genuine or natural, but is intended to impress other people. e.g. I wore sunglasses all the time and people thought it was an affectation... 我成天戴着墨镜,大家都觉得我在装酷。 e.g. Lawson writes so well: in plain English, without fuss or affectation. 劳森写得很好:英文通俗易懂,朴实无华又不矫揉造作。 affectation 英英释义 noun 1. a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display Synonym: mannerismposeaffectedness |
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