单词 | appendix |
释义 | appendix [英 [??pend?ks] 美 [??p?nd?ks] ] appendix的意思、解释 复数形式:appendixes; appendix 基本解释 名词附录; 阑尾; 附加物 appendix是什么意思 appendix 相关例句 名词 1. appendix的翻译 1. Appendixes to a book are worth consulting. 书的附录值得查阅。 2. He had his appendix removed last month because of appendicitis. 上个月他因患阑尾炎而切除了阑尾。 appendix 网络解释 1. appendix的翻译 1. 附件:第十讲:附件(appendix) 附录同样是商业计划书的一个重要部分. 为了使正文言简意赅,许多不能在正文过多叙述的内容可以放在附录部分. 特别是一些表格、个人简历、市场调查结果、相关的辅助证明材料等,都应该放在附录部分. 一般附录包括: 1. 2. 阑尾:(2)阑尾(appendix) 阑尾附于盲肠后下端,形如蚯蚓,阑尾的位置极不一定. (3)结肠(colon) 结肠 分为升结肠、横结肠、降结肠和乙状结肠四段. 横结肠和乙状结肠有系膜结构,活动性很大. 升结肠及降结肠属于间位脏器,位置相对固定. 3. appendix的意思 3. 盲肠:□盲肠(Appendix)最明显的特征是有大量的淋巴小结,它们会在此互相融合并伸入黏膜下层. 营养免疫学基础理论预防胜於治疗 appendix 双语例句 1. Xxv. 29二十五.30, the appendix of the exilic editor, is based on Jer. 30 ,附录的放逐编辑器,是基於哲。 2. The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, main body and appendix. 辽西走廊是相对完整的单元,是沈阳经济区和京津经济区的辐射地带,也是环渤海经济圈的组成部分,发展条件较好,发展潜力巨大。 3. The Sub-Contractor undertake to provide a Performance Guarantee to be submitted to the Contractor upon signing of this Sub-Contract in the amount stated in the Appendix in order to secure proper performance of the Sub-Contract Works. 如本合同要求,分包商在签定分包合同时应向承包商提供一份履约保函,金额详见附件,以保证分包工作的正确实施。 4. Article 9 If the application is approved, MOFTEC will issue a standard and uniformly numbered Proposal for Technology Export License, which is attached here as Appendix II. 第九条 出口申请获得批准后,由外经贸部颁发统一印制和编号的《中华人民共和国技术出口许可意向书》(以下简称《技术出口许可意向书》,见附表二)。 5. Article 13 MOFTEC shall, upon reviewing the authenticity of the contract, decides to grant or not grant the Technology Export License within fifteen working days after receiving the documents listed in Article 12 above. If deciding to grant the License, MOFTEC shall issue a standard and uniformly numbered Technology Export License, which is attached here as Appendix III. 第十三条外经贸部对技术出口合同的真实性进行审查,并自收到本办法第十二条规定的文件之日起 15个工作日内,对技术出口做出是否许可的决定,对许可出口的技术颁发由外经贸部统一印制和编号的《中华人民共和国技术出口许可证》(以下简称《技术出口许可证》,见附表三)。 6. Emissions testing was conducted using the Dynamometer Driving Schedule for Heavy Duty Vehicles (40CFR Part 86, Appendix 1, Cycle D). 排放测试进行使用测功机驾驶编排的重型车辆( 40CFR第86 ,附录1,周期d )项。 7. Secondly, in this paper, in order to carry out a fair assessment of the reinforcement design on spherical shell with transnormal nozzle, a comparison of reinforcement method was done between JB4732-1995 Steel Pressure Vessels桪esign by Analysis appendix A4 and HG20582-1998 Specification for Stress Calculation of Steel Chemical Vessels. 其次,为了对球壳超标开孔接管结构的补强设计方法作出比较公正的评价,本文对我国JB4732-1995《钢制压力容器——分析设计标准》附录A4中根据塑性极限分析的完全解得到的超标开孔补强设计方法和HG20582-1998《钢制化工容器强度计算规定》中的压力面积法进行了计算比较。 8. When you bought a expansive product, the appendix with it is important. 当你买了贵重的物品,里面带有的附录是很重要的。 9. The Client hereby acknowledged that the sample set out in Appendix 1 is for reference only. 本协议附录一载有该委任通知书的式样,客户可参考该式样拟备委任通知书。 10. The sample of the notice of appointment was set out in Appendix 1 to this Agreement. The Client can preparehis own notice of appointment by reference to the sample. 本协议附录一载有该委任通知书的式样,客户可参考该式样拟备委任通知书。 11. appendix的意思 11. This dissertation is composed of two parts which are divided into eight chapters, with preface at the beginning and appendix at the end. 本文前置引论,尾置结语,末附附录,内容上分为上编和下编共八章。 12. In the appendix, this article will also give some essential material, for reference. 在附录中,本文还将给出一些必要的资料,供参考之用。 13. Since the lesion presented above is localized both intra- and extralaryngeal, herniates through the thyrohyoid membrane into the submandibular space, is fluid-filled and communicates with the laryngeal ventricle, the cyst is most likely a mixed laryngocele. Differential diagnosis consists of ventricular appendix, thyroglossal duct cyst, submucosal cyst, abscess or pyolaryngocele. 如果一个病变表现为局限性的喉内或喉外病变,通过甲状舌骨膜疝入到下颌下间隙,其内充满了液体,通过喉室相交通,最有可能的就是混合性喉气囊肿,鉴别诊断包括ventricular appendix,甲状舌管囊肿、粘膜下囊肿、脓肿或感染性喉气囊肿 14. What precautions should be taken for the limit test for arsenic(Appendix VIII J, method 1)? 古蔡氏试砷法中所加各试剂的作用与操作注意点是什么? 15. The specific content and procedure of auditing accounts are detailed in Appendix 4 to the Contract. 具体的查帐内容和程序详见本合同附件四。 16. appendix在线翻译 16. Partitioning and booting characteristics of several operating systems are discussed more fully in Appendix C: Additional considerations. partitioning孕穗特性几个操作系统有更充分的讨论,在附录C:附加的考虑。 17. Because the design of system comes down to some international norms, relevant content is introduced in appendix. 由于涉及到相关方面的国际标准,在附录中介绍了这方面的相关内容。 18. appendix 18. At the end are given, by way of appendix, historical data lii. 在去年底,给出的方式,附录,历史数据 19. Please note, for insertion in the appendix, that the annual renewal date is. 请注意,附件中所填的内容:每年的续保日期为[填入日期]。 20. QThen they cut me open and tookout the appendix and stitched rne up a-gain. 然后他们把我的腹部切开,取出阑尾,又缝合上了。 appendix 词典解释In British English, the plural form appendices /?'pend?si?z/ is usually used for meaning 2. 英国英语中,义项2的复数形式通常为appendices /?'pend?si?z/。 1. 阑尾;盲肠 Your appendix is a small closed tube inside your body which is attached to your digestive system. e.g. ...a burst appendix. 阑尾穿孔 2. (书末的)附录 An appendix to a book is extra information that is placed after the end of the main text. appendix 单语例句 1. Added in an appendix to the report are paragraphs stating that Gimhae airport's automatic altitude warning system might have been contributing factors. 2. For anyone wanting a complete picture of the current Chinese legal system, the appendix may prove to be even more useful. 3. The appendix's job is to reboot the digestive system in that case. 4. He said the appendix may be another case of an overly hygienic society triggering an overreaction by the body's immune system. 5. An appendix detailed changes to the published regulations, with a return to the 2009 rules in several areas. 6. " Some clinics cannot even conduct a surgery as simple as removing an appendix, " he said. 7. The first time that the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary included English words was in 1996, when 39 were listed in an appendix. 8. The Mean Girls star had her appendix removed on Thursday and was photographed leaving a Los Angeles hospital on Friday morning. 9. The above materials should be written in Chinese or English, or have an appendix translated in Chinese or English. 10. English words were first included in the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary in 1996 when 39 were listed as an appendix. appendix 英英释义 noun 1. a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch Synonym: vermiform appendixvermiform processcecal appendage 2. supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book |
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