单词 | aquifer |
释义 | aquifer [英 [??kw?f?(r)] 美 [??kw?f?, ?ɑkw?-] ] aquifer的意思、解释 复数形式:aquifers; aquifer 基本解释 aquifer的翻译 名词地下蓄水层,砂石含水层 aquifer在线翻译 aquifer 网络解释 1. 含水层:国际原子能总署还为此定期举办研究论文发表会,讨论范围包括环境中同位素在水文系中的循环、地下水中碳-14定年法的研究、同位素示踪剂在地表水文研究上的应用、沉积物的研究、贮水区下岩层泄漏的研究、含水层(aquifer)特性的研究、地热水 2. 含水土层,蓄水层:apricot 杏 | aquifer 含水土层,蓄水层 | aroma 芳香,香气,香味 aquifer 双语例句 1. 1. This paper discusses the application of horizontal directional drilling technology in shallow least permeable aquifer groundwater extraction. 对导向钻进铺管技术在浅层低渗透性含水层地下水开采中的工艺进行了详细探讨。 2. It is difficult to drill or can not drill if we use routine methods, using through down-hole hammer air drill method not only raise rate of drilling, but also reduce pollution to the aquifer, promoting exploration and development for the deep underground water. 利用贯通式潜孔锤多工艺空气钻进方法不仅能提高钻进速度,而且能减少对含水层的污染,为深层地下水的勘探开发提供了技术支持。 3. Third, the time-drawdown data was analyzed by PA to determine the aquifer storativity and anisotropic transmissivity. 本研究工作,利用MODFLOW来模拟水层抽水泄降的行为,所得的数据,进一步利用PA推求水层具异向性的水文地质参数值。 4. From Apr to Oct the Maximum principal stress in the shaft is relatively concentrated, maintained above -4.0MPa, which is near the bottom aquifer and the interface with the mantlerock and the bedrock. It is above -7.0 MPa from Jun to Aug. 34~10月在底含、风化带与基岩交界面附近井壁中最大主应力相对集中,保持在-4.0MPa以上,其中6~8月更是达到-7.0MPa以上。 5. aquifer什么意思 5. The simulation results indicate that the unconsolidated confined aquifer plays a crucial role in the process of load transfer because of its fluidness and replenishment in time. 通过实验结果的对比分析,得出由于承压水的流动性和补给作用,松散承压含水层对载荷的传递起很大作用。 6. Some main results and innovation points are following:(1) Divided the groundwater flow system of Shihezi city and established the method to analyze the groundwater system characteristic in the arid area.(2) The total recharge of groundwater is 1.6732×10~8m~3/a, the total discharge groundwater is 2.0341×10~8m~3/a, the result of water budget is -0.3609×10~8m~3/a (3) The change processes of groundwater system show hydraulic head decrease, hydraulic head contours deflect, retreat toward to southeast and be form drawdown funnel in intensive exploitable area. The flow direction deflect a small angle and small scope, and hydraulic gradient diminish. The influence degree to groundwater system for exploiting becomes weak gradually from south to north.(4) Because the groundwater overdraft lead to groundwater water level descends continuously, the safety for water supply of city has been affected.(5)To study the distributive rate of cross-border aquifer, the 59.82% of river recharge flows to shihezi region in Manas river West coast.(6) Use of groundwater numerical model Restored groundwater natural state.(7) Put forward a new principle for groundwater exploitation in the study area, which controls exploitation by the certain rate of descent for realizing unified management and separated exploitation. 本文研究的主要成果及创新点有:(1)建立了石河子市地下水流动系统和分析干旱区山前地下水流动系统特征方法;(2)研究区地下水总补给量为1.6732×10~8m~3/a,地下水总排泄量为2.0341×10~8m~3/a,均衡差为-0.3609×10~4m~3/a,为负均衡;(3)地下水流场的演变主要表现为地下水位下降,等水位线向东南偏转、后退和在集中开采区形成降落漏斗,地下水流向发生小角度、小范围偏转,地下水水力梯度变小,人工开采对地下水流场的影响程度由南到北逐渐变弱;(4)由于地下水超采,水位持续下降,已影响城市供水安全;(5)开展了跨边界含水层地下水分水比例定量研究,玛纳斯河河道入渗补给量的59.82%径流到了西岸石河子地区;(6)利用已建立的地下水数值模型反演,重建了地下水自然循环状态;(7)提出了研究区新的地下水开采原则,即以一定的下降速率(不同规划水平年的地下水位)来控制地下水开采量,实行统一管理,分散开采 7. 7. The Ordovician karst water is one of the hazards in the safe mining in North China. Mining above aquifer is one of the effective methods, which is used to exploit the coal seam threatened by water-inrush from floor. 奥陶系岩溶水是我国华北矿区煤矿安全生产的一大隐患,而带压开采是开采受底板突水威胁的煤层的有效方法之一。 8. aquifer是什么意思 8. Confined pore and fissure aquifer in Cretaceous bedrock is one of the main aquifers in Changchun area and the hydrogeological conceptural model can be simplified as anisotropy and heterogeneity. 白垩系基岩孔隙裂隙承压含水层为研究区地下水主要含水层之一,水文地质模型概化为各项异性非均质。 9. aquifer的翻译 9. When water is extracted from such an aquifer, it will take a very long time, measured on a human time scale, to return to the original volume stored; in practice, that water is exhausted once it haeen used. 这种含水层中的地下水一旦被开采,要恢复到其原有的储量,将需要一个非常长的时期,其长度甚至需要以人的寿命为数量级来计量。 10. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain method is used to model the GPR response of the local aquifer under different measurement acquisitions. On the combination of the velocity analysis theory and the Topp formula, the water content is obtained by inverse modeling. 利用FDTD方法模拟分析了局部含水层的探地雷达响应,应用速度分析理论及Topp模型,反演得到了研究区域的含水量结果。 11. aquifer是什么意思 11. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain method was used to model the GPR response of the local aquifer under different measurement acquisitions. On the combination of the velocity analysis theory and the Topp formula, the water content were obtained by inverse modeling. 利用FDTD方法模拟分析了不同测量方式下,局部含水层的探地雷达响应,借助速度分析理论及Topp公式,反演得到了研究区域的含水量。 12. Recognition of aquifer with both unite pump experiment data and long-time observation hole data in numerical model parametric recognition process gets a good effect. 在数值模型参数的识别过程中采用了联合抽水试验资料和长观孔资料对含水层参数进行识别,得到了较好的效果。 13. aquifer 13. First, it was proved that the aquifer in investigation area is composed of multiple layer soil with different permeability and there are uneven impervious layer under the aquifer through surveying of 19 geologic wells. Second. 首先,通过区域内的19口地质调查井,确认了含水层由透水性不同的多层土质构成,含水层以下的不透水层总体上从海岸开始呈逐渐隆起的山丘状。 14. It is proved that the Bottom Aquifer was composed of diluvial alluvial deposition and beds bearing gravel were mainly formed by rapid mud rock flow in fault basin... 各矿区的底含皆形成于气候干暖的新第三纪中新世,是一套在中、新生代断陷盆地内的山前洪积扇上由快速水流形成的洪积-冲积物,含砾石地层多为泥石流沉积物 15. Based on the geological and mining conditions and occurrence characteristics of loose aquifer of Xinglongzhuang Colliery, water bursting cause of 4303 full-mechanized caving mining face under loose aquifer was analyzed, the prevention measures of the 3rd aquifer and reasonable dimension of coal pillar for sand proof were discussed in this paper. 通过对梅河四井溃泥工作面覆岩破坏特征和顶板岩层状态的探测分析,结合离散元数值模拟手段,模拟了不同状态顶板条件下水平分层综放开采的顶底板位移场和破坏场,探索了溃泥、溃砂发生的成因和机理,丰富了水体下采煤的理论和技术体系。 16. aquifer 16. But it is running out of water, with farmers driving wells deeper and deeper into the underlying aquifer. 但该农夫们的取水井越来越深,该区域的地下水资源正在枯竭。 17. According to the Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Analysis about Second Bottom of Yangtze River in Wuhan Region and Soft Soil Region in Shanghai. The third leaky viscoelastic flow model is proposed, which considers the threedimensional deformation of the viscoelastic compaction of the soil skeleton of aquifer due to pumping and does the coupled influence of Soil-water. Furthermore, the analytical and numerical Solutions of the model is shown and an object-oriented program is designed. Practical projects appear to prove the validity and the calculating example of applicability of the viscoelastic model proposed in this dissertation. 本文基于对武汉长江一级阶地,上海软土地区的水文地质与工程地质条件的分析,引入了反映这些地区地下水渗流特性的考虑土骨架三维抽水压密变形及土水耦合作用特征的粘弹性第三类越流渗流模型;给出了该模型的解析解,数值解,并编制了相应的面向对象的数值分析程序,并结合工程实例对模型进行了验证;证实了模型的正确性与适用性。 18. D seismic and logging data of the first mining area in the Xinyi coal mine are dealt with impedance inversion to predict aquosity and watertightness of the top Ordovician limestone and the possible water-rich areas in the aquifer are determined by the impedance values. 本文根据新驿煤矿首采区的三维地震和测井资料,利用波阻抗反演技术预测该区奥陶系灰岩顶部的含隔水性,并依据波阻抗值的大小圈定含水层中的可能富水区。 19. aquifer在线翻译 19. By stripe mining experiment of upper coal seam under thick Changxing karst aquifer in Yunzhuang Mine and Shangzhuang No 3 Mine to decrease mining effect of overburden, Fengcheng Mining Bureau has firstly obtained the experience of mining under karst aquifer very near coal seam and stripe mining parameter 通过丰城矿务局云庄矿和尚庄三矿在巨厚长兴灰岩岩溶水体下近距离上煤组的开采试验,在国内率先采用条带开采的方法,以减小覆岩的采动影响,取得了岩溶水体下近距煤层顶水开采的经验和条带开采的有关参 20. The development of underground gas storage of many countries is recommended, the examples of different kinds of gas storage are described, including the kind of depleted reservoir, aquifer reservoir, salt cavern reservoir and so on; the economical effect and adaptability of using inert gas as cushion gas is mentioned; and the advantage. 本文介绍了部分国家的储气库发展状况,并详细描述了不同类型储气库如枯竭油气藏储气库、含水层储气库和盐穴储气库的具体油藏实例,指出了惰性气体用作垫气的经济性和适用条件,讲述了水平井用于地下储气库的优势。 aquifer 词典解释 1. 地下蓄水层;砂石含水层 In geology, an aquifer is an area of rock underneath the surface of the earth which absorbs and holds water. aquifer 单语例句 1. From physical exploration and geological analysis, the depth of the aquifer generated by terrestrial heat is calculated. 2. Town Supervisor Sean Walter says just because a car was submerged does not mean there is going to be leakage into the aquifer. aquiferaquifer 英英释义 aquifer的意思 noun 1. underground bed or layer yielding ground water for wells and springs etc |
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